Mummies - "tar life": make your body perfect

Mummies - natural blend of organic and inorganic highly water-soluble substances that accumulate in crevices, cavities, recesses in the form of films, dark brown resinous mass with a mixture of sand, gravel.
Mummies - "Mining Resin", produced in the mountain caves of Central Asia. Mummies - natural blend of organic and inorganic highly water-soluble substances that accumulate in crevices, cavities, recesses in the form of films, dark brown resinous mass with a mixture of sand, gravel. This is not a natural resin, and is formed from excrements bats vespertilionid family, which by reaction with rocks began to solidify. Scientists argue that the mummy rejuvenates the body.
Types of mummies are different in composition: a solid or waxy black formed during the decomposition of the corpses mummification or animals. Lichen is a product of plant life, mainly lichens. Juniper mummy - brown mass with the smell of resin. Mineral mummy formed high in the mountains with the help of microorganisms. Enough popular Altai mummy, which improves cell regeneration, boosts the immune system. To stop the bleeding is very effective and useful the following recipe: take equally mummy, printed clay Armenian clay, alum, Gauls, dragon blood - all this darkham and camphor - Two Hubby and musk - Danakil, the entire composition is diluted in a ukiyo myrtle wine drink at a time.
In clinical studies confirmed the healing properties of the mummy, which positively influence the functioning of the liver, the processes of formation of blood cells. It is believed that the therapeutic effect of the treatment is determined mumie auxin inhibitors, chlorophyll, as well as proteins, steroids and fatty acids in combination with other substances, organic and mineral. Impressive is the ability to inhibit mutagenic processes in the body. When bleeding nose buried stirring Mummy with camphor. Who stutters, it is possible to spread the language of a mummy, which is infused with honey. It is also an indispensable savior when there is cramping.
It is because of the role biostimumulyatora that restores the body after illness, particularly following myocardial infarction, anemia. Many women after pregnancy found on your skin feels unpleasant stretch marks cream with a mummy can once and for all they get rid of this shortcoming. Also mummy can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Preparation of the cream: 100 grams of baby cream, add 5 grams of the mummy, which before was diluted in a teaspoon of warm water. All stir until the consistency of sour cream, is now applied to clean skin every time you shower.
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Do not interfere with the children to be happy.