Cleanses the bowel: a way to number 1 for those who want to keep the youth!

We move a little, intestinal motility is deteriorating, and toxins accumulate in the body. The first step to weight loss and health improvement - a bowel cleansing.
Together with food in our body fall pollutants preservatives, flavor enhancers, colorants. We move a little, intestinal motility is deteriorating, and toxins accumulate in the body. The first step to weight loss and health improvement - a bowel cleansing.
Cleaning the bowel castor oil
You will need
castor oil
lemon or orange juice
Thanks to the rich composition, castor oil has a cleansing effect and stimulates lipid metabolism, help get rid of toxins. Notice that you need to castor oil for internal use! Before you start using this method, better consult your doctor. Any treatment requires an intelligent approach.
Per kilogram of your weight, you have to take 1 g of castor oil. Juice will need 2 times more than castor oil (ratio 1: 2).
Mix juice with oil and drink. The drink can be a snack favorite fruit. Eating and drinking after the procedure is not recommended.
If this method does not suit you, you can try to take 1/2 tablespoons oil on an empty stomach one hour before breakfast during the week.
Castor oil - a natural product that is safe. However, after the first successful result of losing weight would be desirable to increase the dose, which can not be done! Cleaning the bowel using castor oil - one of the ways that has helped many to improve health and lose weight.
But remember that every body is different, so you should find a method that is right for you. The main thing - without harm to health.
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