Wisdom and humor from the Internet.

One elderly couple who have lived together 60 years, asked:
- How did you manage to stay together for so long?
- You know, we were born and grew up in a time when mending broken things instead of throwing.
Men like good and decent girl, but went crazy with the capricious and unbearable COMPLEX women.
Life must be lived with the person with whom you feel happy, and not with those with whom circumstances forced ...
Where there is love, there is no doubt,
There's no hard feelings and regrets,
There's no longing and no sadness,
Change happily escaped,
There is only light and delight,
Hope, faith, inspiration,
There is joy, sincerity, forgiveness
And every moment of ecstasy.
To me? Lose weight? What do you mean? In me is 50 kg, while the rest of charm and charisma. And I'm 18 years old, and the rest EXPERIENCE.
Daughter - a compliment to the woman of God, then it is worthy of repetition.
If you live, that bright.
If you feel the sincerity.
If you look, the beloved eyes.
If you leave something beautiful.
If you cry, only happiness.
If hope is only on myself.

Men, lovely man!
Often think of us.
Flowers without giving reasons
And do not hesitate gentle phrases.
More common in the threshold,
Cover with a candlelight dinner.
It's actually a little bit,
The secret of happiness in the little things.
The biggest obstacle - fear of,
The biggest mistake - lose heart,
The most dangerous man - LIAR,
The worst drawback - a bad mood,
The most insidious feeling - HATE,
The most beautiful gift - a simple,
The best defense - SMILE,
The most powerful force - FAITH.
Everything that happens in our lives, all the better.
Sometimes it seems: a dead end, did not happen, did not happen, did not come true. It turns out, not a dead end, and a sharp turn, not the end of life, but the beginning of a new one. And the most serious frustration have become a new happy meetings.
Life is unpredictable thing.
It is love, sadness, separation.
We often laugh and cry,
We do not know what will achieve,
Who will live, who to love.
Guessing is not necessary to live.
When a man has a rival, as if a woman increases the price for it. (Tracy Chevalier. Girl with a Pearl Earring)
No one is obliged to anything not tied, or who do not like, and therefore is free.
On a compliment, "You look good, tsvetёsh" she always answers, "Well watered».
The genius of this woman is that whatever dirt it did not water - it will still smell the roses.
Women's beauty should be such that it was for what to be, what to cuddle and not lean on the bone and be killed.
I'm learning to endure, learning to lose,
And in any worldly frost
I study with a smile repeat:
Break Through! Sometimes worse.
What am I? Yes, different ...
When the love - lovely.
Kohl do not like - gloomy,
For highly intelligent - I'm a fool.
And with the kind of good I am.
For furious - I just cobra.
For the righteous - sinful.
For bad luck - success.
For nice - beautiful.
And for nerds - happy.

Loving a woman should be with the mind, but want to be sure crazy.
SOLAR make people smile, even when the soul - heavy rains.
Only where love and cherish women, the focus is always burning, not smoldering.
I'm not the kind of girl who will say: "Next to me, everything will be fine!" I'm the one that says: "It will be different, and I'll be there!»
The ideal woman - it's pretty woman's life. Quite a beautiful woman character, alluring smile, gentle eyes, velvety voice and beauty - over the edge and infinite love to the man next to whom she became a great ...
The best lessons we receive when we make mistakes, mistakes of the past - the wisdom of the future.
The woman, like the ocean. And only depends on men, it will be quiet or the Arctic.
I say thank heavens
For the fact that I breathe, and following dreams,
For this world in which I live,
For those people, whom I love.
No matter how much you know ... a week ... a month ... a year or a lifetime ... But if you miss a person, so he was able to touch your heart, then he became your native.
The beauty of a woman depends on a man nearby. Woman blooms only if feel loved, important and unique.
Cold women does not happen, there is no sense to melt.
Elegant woman - this is not the ratio of weight to height, is the ratio of intelligence, taste and confidence
By gently touching her soul,
Read it like a book again and again.
To love any woman is not difficult,
It is more difficult to maintain her love.
The secret of happiness is not to have something that you love. The secret of happiness is to love what you have, and those who are near.
The smaller surrounding know about your personal life, the more successful it is formed
Who am I that changed the face?
Raba? Enchantress? Queen?
Fate? Award il mistake?
Marine goldfish?
Or thunder in broad daylight.
Hundred of thousands of people, and I am alone.
Female happiness a simple, simple.
It is not a utopia, it is the earth:
Peace and love, motherhood, wealth.
And there is no here, believe me, riddles.
Let men be not offended:
We are fine - it does not take away.
Blind are those who do not see.
Stupid, who do not want to notice.
And no matter the age or appearance,
Hair color - all this nonsense.
It is not measured by the growth of tenderness,
And not in centimeters kindness.
A woman is a woman: the body complex, mechanism is not controlled, the actions are not predictable ...
I am a woman! I peculiar whims.
I appreciate the attention. I like surprises.
I do not need the moon. I do not need and stars.
I would be happy, and a bouquet of roses.
I'll be happy on the gentle, warm words.
As the air woman needs love.

Do not keep a man from whom you cry.
There is a man with whom you will feel like a princess, and not the patient's psychiatric ward.
Ladies, do not grow thin ... you need ... It would be better to be a golden age crumpets than dried marmoset ... / F. Ranevskaya /
Emotions usually after some time passes. But what they did - remains. /AT. Schwebel /
For me there is no such thing "dropped", there is such as "underestimated" ... and underestimated - because no brains and imagination ... And what for me a man - a cripple !?
Conceited people are deaf to anything but praise. © Antoine de Saint Exupery's "The Little Prince»
In the life of every woman sooner or later comes happiness ... very easy to recognize it: it has the most delicious cheeks, the gentle smile, and the most sincere eyes.
For some reason it is believed that the first man gets the woman in all its purity and integrity. - Is not it so? - Of course, no. The first man gets all the girlish nonsense: hubris ignorance, teen centers, foolish hope, casual debauchery derived from the ignorance of his own soul and body. In general, all of these chips and debris. But later, with the experience of a woman is truly pure, chaste, faithful, seamless and heady as wine. And happy man, his drinking.
I do not have time to hate those who hate me, because I'm too busy loving people who love me ...
- Honey, I made a lot of mistakes, but love teaches us to forgive!
- Good-bye!
Nothing from anyone not wait.
I always feel happy.
You know why?
Because I have nothing from no one waiting.
Expectations always hurt ...
Life is short ... so love life ...
Be happy ...
And smile ...
Before we talk, listen ...
Before you write, think ...
Before you spend money, make ...
Before praying, goodbye ...
Before hurt, feel ...
Before hate, love ...
Before dying, live!
/ Shakespeare /

"Before we go in search of people and things that will confirm your true value, look inside - if there is not yet unpacked suitcases?»
Happiness - is when relatives and people close to you is very healthy! Other repair, emissions, buy, forget.
"SAVE YOUR CHILDREN'S TEARS, that they might shed them on your grave" /PIFAGOR-drevnegrech.myslitel/
Do not say that I am bad. Find better than I ... and leave me alone
The only way to live well - just go there where bad.
Love - is when someone wants to get you out of bed, And into his life.

The sin of gluttony indulge when there are other sins.
His wife, I do not swear.
Her I never give up.
With me it became bad.
And I take it good.
/ Oleg Grigoryev /
Talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. We know how to survive, but do not know how to live. Adding a year to human life, but do not add life to years.
Great art - live together, love each other dearly. This should start with the parents. Each house is similar to their creators. The refined nature does and refined house, rude people, and the house will make the rough.
The closer a person fend for themselves, the more difficult it then let go.
Wrong - each. Admits mistakes - wise. He asks for forgiveness - strong. Recovers relationships - loving !!!
- I've heard so much slander in your address, I have no doubt that you - a wonderful person! (Oscar Wilde)
Everything will be fine if the man and the woman relates a real sense, this is when "On you made friends wedge white light" when no one else is needed, whether it is at least three times more skilful in love, beautiful, richer, etc. © Natalia Isayeva

Everyone appearing in our life - a teacher! Someone teaches us to be stronger, someone - wiser, someone learns to forgive someone - to be happy and enjoy every day. Someone we do not teach - we just break, but on this we gain experience. Appreciate each person, even if it appeared for a moment. After all, if it came, then it is not without reason!
From envy people age ...
From resentment sick ...
Anger tupeyut ...
A love younger ...
Love and be loved!
Good salary - this is when it's time to get the next one, and you have not spent the previous ...
If you are not around when a woman is bad, do not come when she is well.
Who wants to keep, one loses. Who is ready with a smile to let go, to try to keep. EM. Remarque, "Borrowed Life»
"The Holy Science - hear each other ...»

How often in life when you make mistakes, we lose those whom cherish;
Alien trying to please, sometimes running from front;
We lift up those who have no standing and most loyal devotees;
Who loves us, we offend and apologize themselves forward.
I know what pain is.
It eats you up inside.
You can not weep her.
You can not out-drink it.
Can not it sleep.
You have a hard staying ...
However, I do know,
pain that leads me to adulthood.

Who said that time heals - he knew great sorrow ... I do not heal the wounds of the heart, just get used to pain ...
The worst pain a person can cause the only one who gave him the greatest happiness.
Never forgives a betrayal, because the one who betrayed you, be sure to repeat it for the encore.
Do not look for the best look for her only because the best is not always be yours, but his - always better.
Happiness is when you find someone who was looking for you.
Be the one that you are not surprised by the money, which will not care how many roses you gave, that will not tell your friends, the color of your Porsche, and the fact that you were there when she was needed.
Do not make promises rashly. Do not get angry when he was drunk. Do not make plans excitedly. Yukio Mishima. "Hagakure Nyumon».
Tips hardly ever draw us closer to the people. Eight or nine of our ten tips make people blush, embarrassed, and harbor a grudge.
Each comes happiness. And not necessarily in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday. Not necessarily in February and in July. Not necessarily in good weather. But always, suddenly ...

Men unsophisticated web browsers, when he realizes that he needs you, you'll be another grandmother grandchildren.
His destiny, we often encounter on the road, who are trying to escape from it.
Shout - hear anyone whisper - hear the closest, and only loves to hear what you are silent.
The coolest day - it tomorrow. Tomorrow we will all enjoy a workout, we start to learn, work hard, quit drinking and smoking, begin to read any book, stop to eat after six in the evening ... But they do not wake up, constantly TODAY!
The biggest obstacle - fear.
The biggest mistake - lose heart.
The most dangerous man - a liar.
The most insidious feeling - jealousy.
The most beautiful act - just.
The best protection - Smile.
The most powerful force - Faith.
Keep positive thoughts because your thoughts become your words.
Keep positive words because your words become your behavior.
Keep a positive behavior, because your behavior becomes your habit.
Keep the positive habits, because your habits become your values.
Keep positive values, because your values become your destiny. © Mahatma Gandhi
It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. © Chinese proverb
Silly woman tries to remake man, wise and loving complements it!
It happens! Forest and Helen were born on the same day, we have been married for 75 years and died with a difference of one day at the age of 94 years. & quot; She did not want to see him dead, and he did not want to live without her & quot;

Just as a child can be bald, toothless and still beautiful !!!
The human body can withstand only up to 45 del (Edintsy measuring pain). During childbirth a woman feels pain up to 57 del. This is similar to the twenty bone fractures received simultaneously. Appreciate those who gave you life, and a child ...
One kid hugging his mother said:
- Mom, from you smells so good!
On a question:
- With what?
He replied:
- MOMMY !!!
The midwife makes young husband triplets - like? - Hravyatsya! - Pick up all the will? - Yeah, I'll be! - Well, then - hold these, and I bear the rest!
Mom, while the grandmother grandmother was in the tummy? -Yes! - And my grandmother you? - Yes! - And you've got me? - Yes! - No, well, we actually nesting dolls! )
Get up at 7 am on rabotu- torment, pain and tears ...
Get up at 4 am to travel abroad on holiday - Yes, no question.
I ask, I pray to the Lord ... I gifts, honors not necessary. Just let them live, I love ... and always will be there with me ...
Never throw that is in YOU BELIEVE
Do not complain about life - someone dreaming of a life as you live.
- Brother, the world is 1000000 girls, but why she is one?
- Yes, because she is one, and all the rest 000000
No one is your friend, who is at the table with you eating and drinking, and who in any misfortune will come to the rescue. Who will give the firm a hand, get rid of anxiety. Even species not filed that he helped you ...
People gradually become close ... Aliens - instantly.