Siberian fir oil: treats insomnia, returns tone, harmony and peace
Most of my life, my grandfather lived in Siberia and, to the envy of countrymen, was always famous for good health and youthful appearance. Grandfather died, and the secret of his great health is passed on in our family from generation to generation. Pills aside! The most valuable extract of Siberian fir is a sure way to fight many diseases.
"Site" gladly shares the secret of excellent health of Siberian centenarians. Read more about the usefulness of fir oil and how to use it correctly to always be cheerful, energetic and healthy. And at the end of the article a small bonus – a recipe for grandmother ointment It's based on fir oil.
Fir oil from time immemorial fir-oil It was famous for its healing properties, and nowadays the value of a fragrant product from young shoots of fir is no less great. Oil is widely used both folk and official medicine: its antimicrobial, anti-neuralgic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, choleretic and restorative properties for weight in gold!
Fir oil for health and beauty
Useful. fir-oil This amazing biologically active extract is able to give health and beauty without requiring much effort and expense. And if you mix a valuable oil with several equally valuable ingredients, you can get a real elixir from a hundred diseases.
"Site" shares a unique recipe for grandmother's ointment for vertebral hernias and joint pain! All you need to do is prepare a penny mixture and forget about the unpleasant symptoms in the blink of an eye.
The ingredients
Preparation and application
Affordable, inexpensive and such a useful oil of fir tree should be in every first aid kit! Pleasant aroma and priceless composition make it a truly healing product, given by nature itself.
Do you have a vial of fir essential oil in your arsenal? Be sure to tell us in the comments what unusual and useful ways of using fir oil are known to you, and do not forget to share the article with friends.

"Site" gladly shares the secret of excellent health of Siberian centenarians. Read more about the usefulness of fir oil and how to use it correctly to always be cheerful, energetic and healthy. And at the end of the article a small bonus – a recipe for grandmother ointment It's based on fir oil.
Fir oil from time immemorial fir-oil It was famous for its healing properties, and nowadays the value of a fragrant product from young shoots of fir is no less great. Oil is widely used both folk and official medicine: its antimicrobial, anti-neuralgic, antirheumatic, antiseptic, choleretic and restorative properties for weight in gold!
Fir oil for health and beauty
- Substance exchange
Essential oil of Siberian fir is an excellent stimulant of metabolism. Coniferous oil has diuretic properties, perfectly removes excess moisture, positively affects the health of the kidneys, helping them to remove toxins. Fir oil is recommended for poisoning of various etiologies, because it helps the body quickly remove toxic substances and avoid unpleasant consequences of their harmful effects. A few drops of oil during inhalation, taking a bath or going to the sauna will help to conduct a light detox and cleanse yourself of toxins.
DepositPhotos - Stress.
The sweet coniferous aroma of fir oil perfectly fights fatigue, relieves emotional tension and improves mood. Having a favorable stimulating effect on the central nervous system, fir oil relieves chronic stress, perfectly copes with neuroses, treats insomnia, restores harmony and peace. Add 2-3 drops of oil to the aroma lamp or 15-20 drops of oil to the bath - and relaxation is guaranteed!
DepositPhotos - Pain
The rich composition of fir oil makes it an excellent analgesic. Inhaling fir fumes helps relieve pain from arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. Fir oil is a universal anti-inflammatory agent, because it quickly eliminates redness, swelling and pain.
DepositPhotos - Infections
Fir oil is an effective preventive and therapeutic agent for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs, with SARS, influenza, bronchial asthma and pneumonia. The oil has a calming and expectorant effect, relieves irritation and eliminates inflammation. Healing oil is rich in provitamins and phytoncides, therefore it is excellent for the general strengthening of the body and increasing its defenses. Essential oil of fir has proven itself in the fight against urinary tract infections: during the complex treatment of cystitis or prostatitis, take warm baths, adding 10-15 drops of healing oil to the water.
DepositPhotos - Injuries
Due to its disinfectant, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, fir essential oil is widely used for the treatment of bruises and other mechanical injuries, the oil contributes to the rapid healing of wounds and cuts, and also cleans the areas of the skin affected by the infection. In addition, fir oil effectively fights fungal infections of the legs, in this case it is better to use in the form of applications, lotions or baths.
DepositPhotos - Eye health
Cataracts and a number of other degenerative diseases of the organs of vision are associated with the presence of free radicals in the body. Fir oil is an effective antioxidant that helps neutralize these very radicals and cope with the ophthalmological problem much faster and more efficiently.
DepositPhotos - Skin care
Fir oil is ideal for the treatment of abscesses, boils, acne. Essential oil of fir perfectly copes with swelling, effectively fights wrinkles, flabbiness, has a pronounced lifting effect, noticeably rejuvenating withering skin. For cosmetic purposes, we recommend using 2-3 drops of oil to massage the affected area. By the way, fir oil is an effective assistant for excessive sweating, and also perfectly copes with dermatosis of the feet.
Useful. fir-oil This amazing biologically active extract is able to give health and beauty without requiring much effort and expense. And if you mix a valuable oil with several equally valuable ingredients, you can get a real elixir from a hundred diseases.
"Site" shares a unique recipe for grandmother's ointment for vertebral hernias and joint pain! All you need to do is prepare a penny mixture and forget about the unpleasant symptoms in the blink of an eye.
The ingredients
- 5 mumie tablets
- 1 tbsp fir oil
- 3 tbsp honey
- water
Preparation and application
- Dilute 5 mummy tablets with 5 drops of water. Stir your toothpick carefully. If the mummy is thick enough, add a few more drops of liquid, but do not overdo it.
- Diluted mummy mixed with fir oil and honey, put in a jar and cover with a sealed lid.
- Done! Keep the ointment in a cool place, and if necessary, apply a thin layer on the skin, slightly rubbing.

Affordable, inexpensive and such a useful oil of fir tree should be in every first aid kit! Pleasant aroma and priceless composition make it a truly healing product, given by nature itself.
Do you have a vial of fir essential oil in your arsenal? Be sure to tell us in the comments what unusual and useful ways of using fir oil are known to you, and do not forget to share the article with friends.
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