New predictions of Blessed Mother Matrona and how to ask her for help
She is considered one of the most accurate soothsayers, and many believe that God speaks to us through her lips. Perhaps that is why Matrona is so disliked by various esotericists and sorcerers who draw their strength from dark sources. But let's not talk about spiritual contracts. prayer - that's the subject of this article.
Do you believe in predictions? There were many, many people prophesied. We are not always able to understand the meaning, often they are in tongues. And only then, when everything happened, we understand – that’s what I meant! Editorial "Site" I already wrote about the healer Matrona of Moscow, we will give a link to this material below. In the meantime, what awaits us in 2021.
Perhaps there is no point in repeating what is already known. The blind dove, dreamed of the mother of a blind girl, became that prophetic dream that did not allow parents to abandon the strange child. Although Matrona did not have the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of an ordinary person, God gave her the gift of another, spiritual vision.
At the age of seven, she began to lift people to their feet. Those who believe in her and her divine purpose. It was she who predicted the crisis of the church, the destruction of temples and persecution. I knew there was going to be a revolution in the country. She has strange words about the year two thousand nineteenth and two thousand twenty-first.
“Everyone on the ground will lie down. At the end of the day, all will fall to the earth, and at the dawn they will rise and the world will be different.” Some people still wonder what this prediction means. Some believe that we mean geopolitics and a kind of decline of the Western world. Others believe that it was a coronavirus, the first news of which came just at the end of 2019.
Now online publications report that the collapse of Matron Moscow is still scheduled for 2021. This is the year of greatest concern. The end of the world, we hope, will not have to wait, but the pandemic will continue to rage. We can also face serious political turmoil. The saint attributed this to the fact that human values have changed.
People are more jealous and hate each other. The Internet has opened borders for everyone, and anyone can now tell the truth. The thirst for power and wealth is what drives people. And of course, in these change-time We've completely forgotten about God. Maybe this is the reason for most of the disasters that have faced advanced humanity?
Recall that Blessed Matrona is one of the strongest Orthodox saints, she is offered prayers for help in monetary affairs, and for the preservation of the family, and for health. This prayer is more relevant than ever. And in the rest, we will begin to hope that the gloomy predictions will not come true.
Prayer to the Blessed Matrona
O Blessed Mother Matrono, hear and receive us now, sinners, who pray to you, who have learned in all your life to accept and listen to all those who suffer and grieve, with faith and hope for your intercession and the help of those who come to you, giving quick help and miraculous healing to all. Do not let your mercy be poor even now for us, unworthy, restless in this world, and nowhere find comfort and compassion in the sorrows of the soul and help in the sicknesses of the body.
Heal our sickness, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who is passionately fighting, help us to convey our everyday Cross, bear all the hardships of life and not lose in it the image of God, the Orthodox faith until the end of our days to preserve, hope and hope in God strong and unhypocritical love for our neighbors.
Help us, after departing from this life, reach the kingdom of heaven with all who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the Trinity of the glorified, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.
Be sure to follow the link to learn more about the life of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, her predictions that have already come true, learn other prayers that are offered to this Orthodox saint. Write in the comments what you think about the coming year and whether we are really waiting for an even more difficult time.
Prayer to the Blessed Matrona It will give confidence in the future, but always remember that there is a lot in our head, in our heart. As we do, so will our day. Who knows, maybe this will help to postpone the end of the world, which so insistently talk about? Thank you for staying with us!

Do you believe in predictions? There were many, many people prophesied. We are not always able to understand the meaning, often they are in tongues. And only then, when everything happened, we understand – that’s what I meant! Editorial "Site" I already wrote about the healer Matrona of Moscow, we will give a link to this material below. In the meantime, what awaits us in 2021.
Perhaps there is no point in repeating what is already known. The blind dove, dreamed of the mother of a blind girl, became that prophetic dream that did not allow parents to abandon the strange child. Although Matrona did not have the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of an ordinary person, God gave her the gift of another, spiritual vision.
At the age of seven, she began to lift people to their feet. Those who believe in her and her divine purpose. It was she who predicted the crisis of the church, the destruction of temples and persecution. I knew there was going to be a revolution in the country. She has strange words about the year two thousand nineteenth and two thousand twenty-first.

“Everyone on the ground will lie down. At the end of the day, all will fall to the earth, and at the dawn they will rise and the world will be different.” Some people still wonder what this prediction means. Some believe that we mean geopolitics and a kind of decline of the Western world. Others believe that it was a coronavirus, the first news of which came just at the end of 2019.
Now online publications report that the collapse of Matron Moscow is still scheduled for 2021. This is the year of greatest concern. The end of the world, we hope, will not have to wait, but the pandemic will continue to rage. We can also face serious political turmoil. The saint attributed this to the fact that human values have changed.

People are more jealous and hate each other. The Internet has opened borders for everyone, and anyone can now tell the truth. The thirst for power and wealth is what drives people. And of course, in these change-time We've completely forgotten about God. Maybe this is the reason for most of the disasters that have faced advanced humanity?
Recall that Blessed Matrona is one of the strongest Orthodox saints, she is offered prayers for help in monetary affairs, and for the preservation of the family, and for health. This prayer is more relevant than ever. And in the rest, we will begin to hope that the gloomy predictions will not come true.
Prayer to the Blessed Matrona

O Blessed Mother Matrono, hear and receive us now, sinners, who pray to you, who have learned in all your life to accept and listen to all those who suffer and grieve, with faith and hope for your intercession and the help of those who come to you, giving quick help and miraculous healing to all. Do not let your mercy be poor even now for us, unworthy, restless in this world, and nowhere find comfort and compassion in the sorrows of the soul and help in the sicknesses of the body.
Heal our sickness, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who is passionately fighting, help us to convey our everyday Cross, bear all the hardships of life and not lose in it the image of God, the Orthodox faith until the end of our days to preserve, hope and hope in God strong and unhypocritical love for our neighbors.
Help us, after departing from this life, reach the kingdom of heaven with all who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the Trinity of the glorified, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen.

Be sure to follow the link to learn more about the life of the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, her predictions that have already come true, learn other prayers that are offered to this Orthodox saint. Write in the comments what you think about the coming year and whether we are really waiting for an even more difficult time.
Prayer to the Blessed Matrona It will give confidence in the future, but always remember that there is a lot in our head, in our heart. As we do, so will our day. Who knows, maybe this will help to postpone the end of the world, which so insistently talk about? Thank you for staying with us!
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