Why the hospital needs the icon of the Mother of God “Tenderance”
My friend Lyudmila has worked as a nurse in the intensive care unit for many years. And last night, Lyuda and I met for coffee, had been going for a long time. I look, and she's holding an icon. This is the “Tendering” of the Mother of God, this image is in almost every room on the windowsill. And this one I bought home! said Lyuda, and then told me a story that caused me to want to put this icon in the house.
Today's edition. "Site" tell whom healerIcon of the Mother of God “Speech”. The story of a rare image and prayer!
Icon "Tendering" Icon "Tendering" has a long and beautiful history. In church descriptions, this icon is mentioned as a cell icon of Seraphim of Sarov, which he himself called “All Joy”. Before this Ikna, even during the life of the saint, many diseases were healed.
Those who pray in this way are healed to this day.
However, the most interesting thing is that not so long ago, a miracle happened, and the image of this icon faded. Back in 1994, a woman from the Bryansk region (Natalia Murashkina) was going to buy the image of the Most Holy Mother of God “Tenderance”. The one before whom Saint Seraphim of Sarov loved to pray.
Once on one store counter Natalia caught a large wall rolling calendar for the past year, where this icon was present. The woman cut out the image and hung it on the wall. Praying, she turned to the Most Holy Virgin every day, looking at this image. This lasted for about 5 years, until the houses of the Orthodox parishioner began to happen. miracle.
One day in 1999, on a weekday, when Natalia Nikolaevna stayed at home due to illness, she suddenly felt a wonderful smell. The floral smell came from the same reproduction from the calendar that hung on her wall. That same evening, Natalia and her husband decided to frame the image. And when they came down from the wall, they were surprised. Mother of God It came from the other side as well.
The next day, the couple read before the image of the Most Pure Akathist to the Most Holy Mother of God. And the icon stopped! Since then and to this day, its flow continues almost all year round, not counting Lent.
Who is the helper of all who ask? It heals diseases. But it helps women especially. This image is often addressed by the parents of girls so that the chaste and pure Mother of God helps the little ones grow up happy, blameless and pious. Also, the tender Virgin Mary is considered the patroness of pregnant women - she is prayed for conception, a safe course of pregnancy, quick and painless childbirth.
Many women, whom official medicine recognized as infertile, were able to enjoy the happiness of motherhood after worshiping the shrine.
It is believed that the prayer of this icon purifies from pride, laziness, vanity and greed. It is only necessary to utter the simple words: “I am humbled, with good heart and soul, and I, petrified, am pleased to send down the tenderness of heart and soul.”
Here are the prayers that worth saying before this icon.
The first prayer is “O Most Holy Lady, Virgin of God!” Receive our unworthy prayers, save us from the slanders of evil men and from the vain death, give us a place first and joy in sorrow.
And deliver us, O Lady Lady Mother of God, from all evil, and grant us, your sinful servants, the right hand at the second coming of Your Son, Christ our God, and our heirs to be like the kingdom of heaven and eternal life with all saints forever and ever. Amen.
Receive, All-Powerful, All-Pure Lord, Lady of the God-parent, these honorable gifts, to You one applied, from us, unworthy of Your servants: from all generations chosen, from all creatures of heaven and earth, the highest appearing, for the sake of You, the Lord of Powers is with us, and by You the Son of God known, and worthy of His holy Body and His Most Pure Blood; the same blessed is God, who is of all generosity, and honorable with the Lord of Light.
And now, all-holy Mother of God, do not stop praying for us, unworthy of Your servants, to get rid of all advice of evil and all circumstances, and to be preserved unto us unharmed from every poisonous admonition of the diabolical; but even to the end, by Your uncondemned prayers, keep us, for by Your intercession and help we are saved, glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for all in the Trinity, and now we send to God, and all in the One and all ages. Amin.
I also propose to learn the history of the miraculous Akhtyr Icon of the Mother of God. Believers say that it cures all diseases and eradicates poverty. Prayer at the icon helps many people!
Learning more about the icon The "feeling" of the Mother of God I was feeling warm. I also decided to buy this icon for my sister, who is now 3 months pregnant.
The words of these prayers can be said without the icon. The most important thing is that the words are sincere and from the heart.
Today's edition. "Site" tell whom healerIcon of the Mother of God “Speech”. The story of a rare image and prayer!

Icon "Tendering" Icon "Tendering" has a long and beautiful history. In church descriptions, this icon is mentioned as a cell icon of Seraphim of Sarov, which he himself called “All Joy”. Before this Ikna, even during the life of the saint, many diseases were healed.
Those who pray in this way are healed to this day.
However, the most interesting thing is that not so long ago, a miracle happened, and the image of this icon faded. Back in 1994, a woman from the Bryansk region (Natalia Murashkina) was going to buy the image of the Most Holy Mother of God “Tenderance”. The one before whom Saint Seraphim of Sarov loved to pray.

Once on one store counter Natalia caught a large wall rolling calendar for the past year, where this icon was present. The woman cut out the image and hung it on the wall. Praying, she turned to the Most Holy Virgin every day, looking at this image. This lasted for about 5 years, until the houses of the Orthodox parishioner began to happen. miracle.
One day in 1999, on a weekday, when Natalia Nikolaevna stayed at home due to illness, she suddenly felt a wonderful smell. The floral smell came from the same reproduction from the calendar that hung on her wall. That same evening, Natalia and her husband decided to frame the image. And when they came down from the wall, they were surprised. Mother of God It came from the other side as well.

The next day, the couple read before the image of the Most Pure Akathist to the Most Holy Mother of God. And the icon stopped! Since then and to this day, its flow continues almost all year round, not counting Lent.
Who is the helper of all who ask? It heals diseases. But it helps women especially. This image is often addressed by the parents of girls so that the chaste and pure Mother of God helps the little ones grow up happy, blameless and pious. Also, the tender Virgin Mary is considered the patroness of pregnant women - she is prayed for conception, a safe course of pregnancy, quick and painless childbirth.

Many women, whom official medicine recognized as infertile, were able to enjoy the happiness of motherhood after worshiping the shrine.
It is believed that the prayer of this icon purifies from pride, laziness, vanity and greed. It is only necessary to utter the simple words: “I am humbled, with good heart and soul, and I, petrified, am pleased to send down the tenderness of heart and soul.”

Here are the prayers that worth saying before this icon.
The first prayer is “O Most Holy Lady, Virgin of God!” Receive our unworthy prayers, save us from the slanders of evil men and from the vain death, give us a place first and joy in sorrow.
And deliver us, O Lady Lady Mother of God, from all evil, and grant us, your sinful servants, the right hand at the second coming of Your Son, Christ our God, and our heirs to be like the kingdom of heaven and eternal life with all saints forever and ever. Amen.

Receive, All-Powerful, All-Pure Lord, Lady of the God-parent, these honorable gifts, to You one applied, from us, unworthy of Your servants: from all generations chosen, from all creatures of heaven and earth, the highest appearing, for the sake of You, the Lord of Powers is with us, and by You the Son of God known, and worthy of His holy Body and His Most Pure Blood; the same blessed is God, who is of all generosity, and honorable with the Lord of Light.
And now, all-holy Mother of God, do not stop praying for us, unworthy of Your servants, to get rid of all advice of evil and all circumstances, and to be preserved unto us unharmed from every poisonous admonition of the diabolical; but even to the end, by Your uncondemned prayers, keep us, for by Your intercession and help we are saved, glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for all in the Trinity, and now we send to God, and all in the One and all ages. Amin.

I also propose to learn the history of the miraculous Akhtyr Icon of the Mother of God. Believers say that it cures all diseases and eradicates poverty. Prayer at the icon helps many people!
Learning more about the icon The "feeling" of the Mother of God I was feeling warm. I also decided to buy this icon for my sister, who is now 3 months pregnant.
The words of these prayers can be said without the icon. The most important thing is that the words are sincere and from the heart.
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