2 the role of husband, which makes the wife happy
"She was screaming "I never want to see you. I hate you," and then bolted out of the room and briskly walked to the bathroom. He sat in silence. Soon, he heard sobs and wailing which came from the bathroom. She cried."
Hi friends.
Today I write for men. More specifically for the husbands. I'm sure each of you faced with similar quarrels in the family, in large or smaller scale. I was a bad husband. And to be honest, I'm not.
Heart I have to share two main roles of the husband. To keep the family happy. Or rather the wife was happy.
Says one of my good friend "Happywife — happylife" (a happy wife is a happy life, in English read in rhyme).
If you have Bible in your phone or on hand — good. Let me remind you that in this blog I am sharing the same words that cheered me up. And based on the truth of God's Word.
Thus,2 the main role of the husband in the family.
My husband has 2 roles that are very clearly spelled out in the Word of God.
The first is to be accountable to the Chapter.
The second is to be the image and slavom of God.
And now more.
The first role is to be the head.
The head is honorable and responsible. This is when you can make decisions, and they should be followed. It's when you're tired, and help you to bounce back.
But everything here is very thin.
It all depends on the quality of performance of duties. If it is good, honorable. If it's bad, then it is shameful.
Then there is the complex responsibilities:
In the end, he came back, the money is not earned, but earned the craving for alcohol. In this family two girls. Now they are girls.
The eldest is studying in one of the largest cities of Ukraine. In the same city and he lives, father. Younger mother living in my town, which is small. The father is not shown at home or with the eldest daughter was not seen. Finance it also hardly helps. And when you give some money is a pittance, which he then proudly says.
Technically he is the head. But he no longer performs his duties.
Such situations lead to divorce. By the way, the family broke up.
And here arises a natural question. How to be a good head?
God's word gives a simple answer. You need to be accountable to the Chapter. Accountable to God, not their own lusts and ideas.
1 Cor 11:3 "the head of every man Christ, the head of the wife, the husband, and the head of Christ is God."
Our main problem is we have forgotten that family is not two persons. Family is two people and God.
For 70 years the total eradication of the faith in the Soviet Union — in the minds of men are full of vacuum. And about God, the Creator Who made us, the people, many do not even think. But all the principles of the Universe laid down by God. To build a strong family it is impossible.
Here in the book of Ecclesiastes says about this
ECC 4:12 a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
That is, the family is not two, but three.
I read somewhere that the ropes never consist of two strands. Only three. Because three threads of the force of friction against each other above, and even if it breaks, the other two would hold.
When I realized this, I even in his Notepad, drew a similar structure.
That is, the answer to how to be a good husband — you just need to learn to be accountable to Christ. In every situation, to act according to the Holy Spirit as well.
For me the most difficult thing was not to rely on other people. That someone will come and help you. For me to be accountable is to hope and rely on God. Not to trust in man. Do not rely on the opinion of the person. But only in the mind of God.
There is consolation for those who understand that it's hard. Or you hope only for themselves. Or used to depend on others. So that's a consolation. God is faithful. He nourishes and cherishes the Church. (Eph 5:29). He always does that. You on the one hand learn from Him it. And on the other It also provides you, and nourishes, and warms even when you have no strength. He always cares and provides for you.
So don't be afraid that something will not work.
The second role is the image and glory of God.
1 Cor 11:7 "the husband ... is the image and glory of God"
What is the image and glory? This mapping of the image of God and the glory of God. That is, man is like God and on him will rest the glory of God.
Let's see who you look like today men. Because it is a simple principle. To whom we obey, before whom we bow to the one we like.
For example, my friend one time his life is completely shaved his head and left only a long beard. Now we have:
Boris Grebenshikov
Only it's not his photo. This is you know who. If you do not know – Boris Grebenshchikov.
But the point of this post in the other. My friend — a man who listened to a lot of music BG (Boris Grebenshikov). He worshiped this way. Sooner or later, but it turned into this image. Even externally.
Another example.
Yulian Semyonov. Writer. All his life he admired the life and work of Nobel prize winner, Ernest Hemingway. Again, even externally, Julian was like his idol. But his life was very eventful and very similar to the adventurous life of an American writer. He had been in the forest with the hunters of tigers, and polar stations, and in the construction of the railway, and at the autopsy the diamond pipe, was constantly in the middle of the most important events — in Afghanistan, francoist Spain, Chile, Cuba, Paraguay, hunting down hiding from the retribution of the Nazis and the leaders of the Sicilian mafia, participating in combat operations of the Vietnamese and Laotian partisans.
A husband who wants to become an image of God, should with all my heart... No, the word I don't like. It is not appropriate here.
Husband, who is the image and glory of God, he is God. He really knows the Word of God. And he lives to God, understand the eternal principles and comes by the Word of God.
There is one more strong point from God's Word on this subject:
2 Cor 3:16 "the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory"
We are transformed only in the one to whom many look. Or look. If it is the Lord — then we are transformed into His image. But looking at evil, or simply a proud man, how can we be transformed into a kind and loving husband?
These two roles complement each other. And if these two roles you perform well...
Then you will see how your wife will bloom. Because the Word of God says: "the Wife is the image and glory of man." Wife reflects you. But about it in following posts.
A word of encouragement this week.
Husband is the image and glory of God. If you understand that you behaved badly, if your family is suffering from you. You need to change the image of the one you look up to. And hope for someone.
Let this be the Lord. He's already done that. And on the cross said "it is Finished". His perfect work is complete. You just need to learn to rely on Him, look to Him, to rest in His grace and live under the protection of the Almighty. It's real. It's really cool.
Do your role. And God is going to fulfill Its role and will never give you to shake. And your family will be strong.published
Author: Vladimir Bagnenko
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: obodrenie.info/for-men/dvie-roli-muzha
Hi friends.
Today I write for men. More specifically for the husbands. I'm sure each of you faced with similar quarrels in the family, in large or smaller scale. I was a bad husband. And to be honest, I'm not.
Heart I have to share two main roles of the husband. To keep the family happy. Or rather the wife was happy.
Says one of my good friend "Happywife — happylife" (a happy wife is a happy life, in English read in rhyme).
If you have Bible in your phone or on hand — good. Let me remind you that in this blog I am sharing the same words that cheered me up. And based on the truth of God's Word.
Thus,2 the main role of the husband in the family.
My husband has 2 roles that are very clearly spelled out in the Word of God.
The first is to be accountable to the Chapter.
The second is to be the image and slavom of God.
And now more.
The first role is to be the head.
The head is honorable and responsible. This is when you can make decisions, and they should be followed. It's when you're tired, and help you to bounce back.
But everything here is very thin.
It all depends on the quality of performance of duties. If it is good, honorable. If it's bad, then it is shameful.
Then there is the complex responsibilities:
- Good money and good family to provide for.
- To inspire and to be a priest in the house when everyone else is losing faith.
- Make sometimes unpopular decisions, and take responsibility for them.
In the end, he came back, the money is not earned, but earned the craving for alcohol. In this family two girls. Now they are girls.
The eldest is studying in one of the largest cities of Ukraine. In the same city and he lives, father. Younger mother living in my town, which is small. The father is not shown at home or with the eldest daughter was not seen. Finance it also hardly helps. And when you give some money is a pittance, which he then proudly says.
Technically he is the head. But he no longer performs his duties.
Such situations lead to divorce. By the way, the family broke up.
And here arises a natural question. How to be a good head?
God's word gives a simple answer. You need to be accountable to the Chapter. Accountable to God, not their own lusts and ideas.
1 Cor 11:3 "the head of every man Christ, the head of the wife, the husband, and the head of Christ is God."
Our main problem is we have forgotten that family is not two persons. Family is two people and God.
For 70 years the total eradication of the faith in the Soviet Union — in the minds of men are full of vacuum. And about God, the Creator Who made us, the people, many do not even think. But all the principles of the Universe laid down by God. To build a strong family it is impossible.
Here in the book of Ecclesiastes says about this

ECC 4:12 a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
That is, the family is not two, but three.
I read somewhere that the ropes never consist of two strands. Only three. Because three threads of the force of friction against each other above, and even if it breaks, the other two would hold.
When I realized this, I even in his Notepad, drew a similar structure.
That is, the answer to how to be a good husband — you just need to learn to be accountable to Christ. In every situation, to act according to the Holy Spirit as well.
For me the most difficult thing was not to rely on other people. That someone will come and help you. For me to be accountable is to hope and rely on God. Not to trust in man. Do not rely on the opinion of the person. But only in the mind of God.
There is consolation for those who understand that it's hard. Or you hope only for themselves. Or used to depend on others. So that's a consolation. God is faithful. He nourishes and cherishes the Church. (Eph 5:29). He always does that. You on the one hand learn from Him it. And on the other It also provides you, and nourishes, and warms even when you have no strength. He always cares and provides for you.
So don't be afraid that something will not work.
The second role is the image and glory of God.
1 Cor 11:7 "the husband ... is the image and glory of God"
What is the image and glory? This mapping of the image of God and the glory of God. That is, man is like God and on him will rest the glory of God.
Let's see who you look like today men. Because it is a simple principle. To whom we obey, before whom we bow to the one we like.
For example, my friend one time his life is completely shaved his head and left only a long beard. Now we have:

Boris Grebenshikov
Only it's not his photo. This is you know who. If you do not know – Boris Grebenshchikov.
But the point of this post in the other. My friend — a man who listened to a lot of music BG (Boris Grebenshikov). He worshiped this way. Sooner or later, but it turned into this image. Even externally.
Another example.
Yulian Semyonov. Writer. All his life he admired the life and work of Nobel prize winner, Ernest Hemingway. Again, even externally, Julian was like his idol. But his life was very eventful and very similar to the adventurous life of an American writer. He had been in the forest with the hunters of tigers, and polar stations, and in the construction of the railway, and at the autopsy the diamond pipe, was constantly in the middle of the most important events — in Afghanistan, francoist Spain, Chile, Cuba, Paraguay, hunting down hiding from the retribution of the Nazis and the leaders of the Sicilian mafia, participating in combat operations of the Vietnamese and Laotian partisans.
A husband who wants to become an image of God, should with all my heart... No, the word I don't like. It is not appropriate here.
Husband, who is the image and glory of God, he is God. He really knows the Word of God. And he lives to God, understand the eternal principles and comes by the Word of God.
There is one more strong point from God's Word on this subject:
2 Cor 3:16 "the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory"
We are transformed only in the one to whom many look. Or look. If it is the Lord — then we are transformed into His image. But looking at evil, or simply a proud man, how can we be transformed into a kind and loving husband?
These two roles complement each other. And if these two roles you perform well...
Then you will see how your wife will bloom. Because the Word of God says: "the Wife is the image and glory of man." Wife reflects you. But about it in following posts.
A word of encouragement this week.
Husband is the image and glory of God. If you understand that you behaved badly, if your family is suffering from you. You need to change the image of the one you look up to. And hope for someone.
Let this be the Lord. He's already done that. And on the cross said "it is Finished". His perfect work is complete. You just need to learn to rely on Him, look to Him, to rest in His grace and live under the protection of the Almighty. It's real. It's really cool.
Do your role. And God is going to fulfill Its role and will never give you to shake. And your family will be strong.published
Author: Vladimir Bagnenko
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: obodrenie.info/for-men/dvie-roli-muzha