Candy from dried fruits for health promotion

Dried fruits are of particular value due to their naturalness. In them you will not find emulsifiers, colorants, preservatives and other such chemicals. Despite the fact that dried in the drying process lost some useful properties, they remain still a decent supply of vitamins. A modern drying processes allow to preserve vitamins in larger volume.
Another charm of dried fruit - it is a pleasant, sweet taste. They are sweet but harmless. So why not replace the usual baby candy candy candy of dried fruits? Especially since they are prepared quite simply.
Ingredients for candy:
Ingredients can change or add any other dried fruit.
The following products take in equal amounts:
Dried apricots
All the ingredients in a meat grinder twist + squeeze them in lemon juice + add honey. The main thing to make sure weight does not become too liquid.
From the resulting mass Kata balls, sausages, mushrooms ... useful candy
To give the appearance of these delicious sweets Dried fruit can be dipped in carob, walnut crumbs, flax seeds or coconut.
These candies are a great tool vitamin. They will help to strengthen the child's immune system.