Diet in three.
Nutrition plans, which are based on the principle of separate use of products, are far from uncommon. One of the most popular options is a diet of rice, chicken, apples. It is designed for 9 days and carries a significant excess weight.
Dietary recommendations
This diet is divided into 3 stages, each of which is dedicated to a strictly defined product. For 9 days, the technique presented in the article carries 4-7 kg of excess weight. During the diet, it is recommended to abandon active sports training - only sparing loads are permissible.
Dietary intake
Stage 1
For 3 days, eat rice porridge. The daily rate is 1 tbsp. dry cereals. In the evening, pour rice with cold water, and in the morning - drain the liquid, pour boiling water with boiling water (2 tables) and cook until ready (this will take about a quarter of an hour). Remember that porridge cannot be salted (you will have to do without oil). The whole portion should be divided into 5 equal portions and eaten throughout the day. You can supplement the diet with water (2.5 liters) and honey (no more than 3 tsp). Drink liquid in small portions, literally a few sips, but as often as possible. As for porridge, its last portion should be eaten before 20.00.
Stage 2
At this stage comes the turn of protein food - 3 days you will eat only chicken in boiled form. The daily rate of meat is 1.2 kg. Cook the chicken without salt, remove the skin, separate the meat from the bones, divide into 5 portions, mixing white and dark (meat of breast and legs has different fat content). Before each meal, drink 1 table of water, distribute the rest of the liquid for the whole day (daily water rate - 2.5 liters). A surge of energy will provide honey (3 tsp).
Step 3
Now comes the turn of apples - it is better to take varieties with green peel. The daily rate of fruit is 1 kg. As in the past stages, the diet on rice, chicken and apples provides a plentiful drinking regime (2.5 liters of fluid should be distributed throughout the day). If you feel severe weakness, you can include 3 tsp of honey in the diet.
The Secret to Diet Effectiveness
This diet is based on the principles of alternation of carbohydrates and proteins. At the first stage, rice is used - this cereal cleanses the body of excess moisture and toxins. Then comes the turn of protein food. A protein-rich diet prevents the destruction of muscle tissue and causes the body to burn fat. The third stage consolidates the result - apples have a low calorie content, fiber cleanses the intestines, and organic acids "boost" metabolism. Honey during the diet is not necessary to eat - if you do not feel a pronounced loss of strength and are not engaged in mental work, then you can do without "fast" carbohydrate feeding.
This method of losing weight is contraindicated in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver. It is not necessary to resort to it in case of heavy physical work. Before the diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Diet rice, chicken, apples helps to lose weight and cleanse the body. Judging by the reviews, monotonous nutrition is quickly boring - it is very difficult not to break down. Some people who lose weight exclude one of the stages, which reduces the duration of the diet to 6 days.
Source: updiet.info/
Dietary recommendations
This diet is divided into 3 stages, each of which is dedicated to a strictly defined product. For 9 days, the technique presented in the article carries 4-7 kg of excess weight. During the diet, it is recommended to abandon active sports training - only sparing loads are permissible.
Dietary intake
Stage 1
For 3 days, eat rice porridge. The daily rate is 1 tbsp. dry cereals. In the evening, pour rice with cold water, and in the morning - drain the liquid, pour boiling water with boiling water (2 tables) and cook until ready (this will take about a quarter of an hour). Remember that porridge cannot be salted (you will have to do without oil). The whole portion should be divided into 5 equal portions and eaten throughout the day. You can supplement the diet with water (2.5 liters) and honey (no more than 3 tsp). Drink liquid in small portions, literally a few sips, but as often as possible. As for porridge, its last portion should be eaten before 20.00.
Stage 2
At this stage comes the turn of protein food - 3 days you will eat only chicken in boiled form. The daily rate of meat is 1.2 kg. Cook the chicken without salt, remove the skin, separate the meat from the bones, divide into 5 portions, mixing white and dark (meat of breast and legs has different fat content). Before each meal, drink 1 table of water, distribute the rest of the liquid for the whole day (daily water rate - 2.5 liters). A surge of energy will provide honey (3 tsp).
Step 3
Now comes the turn of apples - it is better to take varieties with green peel. The daily rate of fruit is 1 kg. As in the past stages, the diet on rice, chicken and apples provides a plentiful drinking regime (2.5 liters of fluid should be distributed throughout the day). If you feel severe weakness, you can include 3 tsp of honey in the diet.
The Secret to Diet Effectiveness
This diet is based on the principles of alternation of carbohydrates and proteins. At the first stage, rice is used - this cereal cleanses the body of excess moisture and toxins. Then comes the turn of protein food. A protein-rich diet prevents the destruction of muscle tissue and causes the body to burn fat. The third stage consolidates the result - apples have a low calorie content, fiber cleanses the intestines, and organic acids "boost" metabolism. Honey during the diet is not necessary to eat - if you do not feel a pronounced loss of strength and are not engaged in mental work, then you can do without "fast" carbohydrate feeding.
This method of losing weight is contraindicated in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver. It is not necessary to resort to it in case of heavy physical work. Before the diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Diet rice, chicken, apples helps to lose weight and cleanse the body. Judging by the reviews, monotonous nutrition is quickly boring - it is very difficult not to break down. Some people who lose weight exclude one of the stages, which reduces the duration of the diet to 6 days.
Source: updiet.info/