A sparing English diet does not spare only extra pounds. It is difficult for the first two days, and then like oil.
English diet for 21 days It is quite popular due to its effectiveness - it allows you to reduce weight by 10-18 kg. And the diet is easily tolerated and does not require special material costs.
The essence of the English diet is the alternation of protein and vegetable days. This is a more gentle option for the body than a mono diet, in which it is necessary to use monotonous products.
The English diet is one of the most reliable, as it lasts 21 days, and this time is enough for the body to calmly adjust and adapt to a new level of calorie intake.
Contrary to the popular principle of “give dinner to the enemy”, most of the calories are concentrated in dinners, and breakfast, on the contrary, is as light as possible. If you like to eat at night, this diet is for you. Just keep in mind that dinner should take place no later than 19 hours.
Flexible diet It is suitable for those who do not like rigid frameworks, and those who are easier to follow a pre-created plan. Due to stress and lack of salt, you should not make the English diet your constant eating style. Repeat the diet can not earlier than in a year.
The menu of the English diet for 21 days It is necessary to adhere to the following rules:
The English diet offers three menu options. Dairy days are the first 2 days, then 2 meat and 2 fruit and vegetable, and the final day is again milky.
The undoubted advantage of the English diet is its effectiveness, which is evidenced by the reviews of those who have lost weight. The English diet, unlike many mono-diets, does not cause the so-called psychological hunger, since its menu is quite diverse.
Editorial Board
Like all diets with limited nutrition, English does not give the body a full set of necessary vitamins and minerals, so it is usually accompanied by a multivitamin complex. In order to keep weight after the end of the diet, switch to normal nutrition smoothly with a gradual increase in the calorie content of the daily diet. It is also recommended to eat 200 g of cottage cheese daily within 10 days after the diet.

The essence of the English diet is the alternation of protein and vegetable days. This is a more gentle option for the body than a mono diet, in which it is necessary to use monotonous products.
The English diet is one of the most reliable, as it lasts 21 days, and this time is enough for the body to calmly adjust and adapt to a new level of calorie intake.

Contrary to the popular principle of “give dinner to the enemy”, most of the calories are concentrated in dinners, and breakfast, on the contrary, is as light as possible. If you like to eat at night, this diet is for you. Just keep in mind that dinner should take place no later than 19 hours.

Flexible diet It is suitable for those who do not like rigid frameworks, and those who are easier to follow a pre-created plan. Due to stress and lack of salt, you should not make the English diet your constant eating style. Repeat the diet can not earlier than in a year.
The menu of the English diet for 21 days It is necessary to adhere to the following rules:
- Prohibited bakery products, sweets, sugar, alcoholic beverages, salt, fried and smoked.
- Allowed any vegetables except potatoes, any fruit except bananas, grapes and figs, any greens, oatmeal, buckwheat and rice porridge on water without sugar, salt and oil.
- Every day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid.
- The last meal should be no later than 19:00.
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner should try to spend at the same time every day of the diet.
The English diet offers three menu options. Dairy days are the first 2 days, then 2 meat and 2 fruit and vegetable, and the final day is again milky.
- Milky days
Breakfast is a glass of milk and a slice of black bread.
Lunch is a glass of milk.
Afternoon - a glass of milk and a slice of black bread.
Dinner is a glass of milk.
Before bed, a glass of tomato juice.
DepositPhotos - Meat days
Breakfast - a cup of black coffee or one glass of milk, a slice of black bread with butter, 1 teaspoon of honey is allowed.
Lunch - a cup of meat broth, boiled meat (100 grams of beef or turkey), lettuce leaf or 2 tablespoons of canned peas.
Afternoon is a glass of tea or milk.
Dinner - two boiled eggs and 50 grams of cheese, you can drink a glass of kefir and eat a slice of black bread.
DepositPhotos - Vegetable days
Breakfast - apples or oranges (2 pcs) or 1 grapefruit.
Lunch is a cup of vegetable soup made of asparagus, broccoli and cauliflower, a slice of black bread, vegetable salad or pepper stuffed with vegetables, or stewed vegetables (200 grams).
Afternoon - fruits (except those excluded from the menu), a glass of kefir.
Dinner - a salad of beets and carrots (150 grams), seasoned with lemon juice and butter, with a piece of black bread, a glass of tea with a spoonful of honey.
The undoubted advantage of the English diet is its effectiveness, which is evidenced by the reviews of those who have lost weight. The English diet, unlike many mono-diets, does not cause the so-called psychological hunger, since its menu is quite diverse.
Editorial Board
Like all diets with limited nutrition, English does not give the body a full set of necessary vitamins and minerals, so it is usually accompanied by a multivitamin complex. In order to keep weight after the end of the diet, switch to normal nutrition smoothly with a gradual increase in the calorie content of the daily diet. It is also recommended to eat 200 g of cottage cheese daily within 10 days after the diet.
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