How to Get Your Body in Shape for Summer

After a cold and protracted winter, spring is finally approaching - a time of change, a surge of vitality and beauty. Nature is changing and we want to change with it. Only extra pounds stored in winter are prevented. They seem not so much, but they do not allow you to feel the former ease. So it's time to get rid of them.

There are different ways and we want to share ours. Editorial "Site" will tell you balanced dietIt will help you to lose weight without much effort.

How to lose weight by summer Who did not dream of losing weight by summer? Everyone wanted to lose a few pounds to look amazing in a swimsuit. If this year you have such an idea, pay attention to the spring diet. This is not just a diet, it is a balanced diet that will help to lose extra pounds and cope with spring malaise.

This is not a diet that promises instant results and quick weight loss. It is designed for at least three months. The weight will go away gradually. The result is visible, and there is no stress for the body. The diet largely consists of vegetables and fruits, which help fill the lack of vitamins after winter.

From the diet is to exclude white bread, pastries, confectionery, sugar. Also under the ban are sweet high-calorie fruits: bananas, cherries, grapes. The basis of the diet is a large amount of fruits, vegetables and greens. In order not to feel hungry, you need to do at least five meals a day. Do not forget to drink enough water.

Spring diet allows you to get a long-term result, because the body during this time perfectly gets used to doing without high-calorie and sweet food, cleansed of toxins. Let us examine the basic rules of the spring diet.

Basic rules
  1. Fresh vegetables and fruits at least five servings a day. It is better to choose vegetables that do not need to be cooked. The favorites are fresh vegetables or steamed.
  2. Add sour milk products to the diet: cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt. It is best to choose foods with low fat content and without sweeteners.

  3. Do not give up meat, but it is better to choose low-fat: veal or poultry. Also, do not forget about fish and seafood. You can eat any fish, even fatty ones, it is still very useful. Refuse only canned oil.
  4. Sometimes you can eat porridge, do not completely exclude them. You can also eat a few pieces of black or whole grain bread.

That is, the main idea is to add more fiber and vitamins from vegetables to the diet, leave a sufficient amount of protein food and minimize the use of carbohydrates, and eliminate fast carbohydrates completely. The formula isn't new, but it's working. Also, do not forget about water, enough of it helps to remove toxins from the body. Coffee and tea are not prohibited.


Approximate ration Breakfast150 grams of cottage cheese/porridge or a pair of eggs, 2-3 crackers or toast, a spoonful of honey, tea or coffee without sugar.

Second breakfast: 1-2 fruits and a salad of green vegetables: cabbage, cucumbers and so on.

Lunch: low-fat vegetable soup / borscht / beet, boiled beef or chicken fillet, fresh vegetables.

Afternoon: toast or cracker, vegetable salad with a spoonful of vegetable oil, 150 grams of cottage cheese or fish.

Dinner.: 1-2 fruits, yogurt.

This is just a sample set for one day. You can change foods and even calorie intakes depending on your habits. Except that cereals and other carbohydrates should not be left for the evening. Avoid monotony, it is the main enemy of weight loss. The set of allowed products is quite extensive, so do not limit yourself to the same food every day.

As you can see, the diet is not too harsh, it is not so difficult to observe it. But after three months of such a diet, you will certainly lose weight by summer or any other time. You just need a little perseverance and a desire to lose weight!

The diet also does not hurt to add physical exercise. To do this, we suggest you take advantage of an amazing weight loss program that will help you transform in 12 weeks.

To improve the result, you can use detox drinks. Recently we told you how to make a drink for weight loss with lemon. The extra effect won't hurt.

And we also shared a great exercise for burning fat and losing weight quickly. You'll need it!

How do you lose weight by summer? Share your secrets and experiences in the comments.


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