New breath test detects lung cancer in early stages
The who notes that cancer spread at epidemic proportions. And the sooner a person learns his diagnosis, the higher the chances are for recovery. Therefore, rapid tests that can identify cancer at early stages, are a current topic of research for specialists in different countries. About creating one of these tests, said a team of scientists from Israel and the United States.
The joint work of an international team of experts was a success. Scientists have created a device with a high degree of accuracy to determine whether a person has lung cancer or not, in the earliest stages of the disease.
Diagnosis and will not take much time and will not cause the man any discomfort. In order to "pass tests", simply exhale into a tube. Special tester not only indicates the presence of cancer, but also to determine the stage of progression.
Despite all the developments in this area, people do not fully understand the mechanism of occurrence of cancer. There are General recommendations, following which can to some extent protect themselves. For example, to say goodbye to Smoking and alcohol, exercise, buy only quality items for home.wikimart.ru/textile/linen/ health-and products.
However, despite all preventive measures, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination for early detection of hidden diseases. The new device is able to significantly simplify this process.
Tester has already been successfully tested on a group of volunteers composed of 358 people. He was able to determine the presence of lung cancer in 4 of 5 cases. Scientists note that now under development is a portable variant of the device that can be connected to computer via USB port anywhere in the world. This will allow you to run diagnostics in remote areas and regions where there is no strong medical centers with the necessary survey equipment.
The principle of operation of the tester is that it can detect cancer cells by smell. NIR Peled, one of the authors of the study, explains that the cells of malignant tumours have such a unique smell that it allows not only to catch it and, thereby, to detect the presence of the disease.
A kind of "signature", which has different subtypes and degrees of severity of the disease, gives the opportunity to easily "read" these data. The larger and older the tumor, the sharper the tester to read her "signature".
For example, the device can distinguish lung cancer from COPD. This is because cancer cells are able to produce special compounds that when injected into the bloodstream to cause specific changes in the chemical composition of the blood that affects the breathing of the patient. And the tumor for lung cancer produces a special volatile substances that can evaporate easily. These volatile compounds and picks up a new tester.
Source: zeleneet.com

The joint work of an international team of experts was a success. Scientists have created a device with a high degree of accuracy to determine whether a person has lung cancer or not, in the earliest stages of the disease.
Diagnosis and will not take much time and will not cause the man any discomfort. In order to "pass tests", simply exhale into a tube. Special tester not only indicates the presence of cancer, but also to determine the stage of progression.
Despite all the developments in this area, people do not fully understand the mechanism of occurrence of cancer. There are General recommendations, following which can to some extent protect themselves. For example, to say goodbye to Smoking and alcohol, exercise, buy only quality items for home.wikimart.ru/textile/linen/ health-and products.
However, despite all preventive measures, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination for early detection of hidden diseases. The new device is able to significantly simplify this process.
Tester has already been successfully tested on a group of volunteers composed of 358 people. He was able to determine the presence of lung cancer in 4 of 5 cases. Scientists note that now under development is a portable variant of the device that can be connected to computer via USB port anywhere in the world. This will allow you to run diagnostics in remote areas and regions where there is no strong medical centers with the necessary survey equipment.
The principle of operation of the tester is that it can detect cancer cells by smell. NIR Peled, one of the authors of the study, explains that the cells of malignant tumours have such a unique smell that it allows not only to catch it and, thereby, to detect the presence of the disease.
A kind of "signature", which has different subtypes and degrees of severity of the disease, gives the opportunity to easily "read" these data. The larger and older the tumor, the sharper the tester to read her "signature".
For example, the device can distinguish lung cancer from COPD. This is because cancer cells are able to produce special compounds that when injected into the bloodstream to cause specific changes in the chemical composition of the blood that affects the breathing of the patient. And the tumor for lung cancer produces a special volatile substances that can evaporate easily. These volatile compounds and picks up a new tester.
Source: zeleneet.com