Signs of male menopause
We are used to seeing our men strong and confident. Very rarely do they complain to us about health problems and certainly will not tell us if something is bothering them, especially when it comes to male power. And we used to think that menopause is only about women. But that's not exactly true.
Today's edition. "Site" It will tell you what male menopause is, how to recognize it and what to do about it.
No matter how men resist, but the concept of “male menopause” exists, its medical name is andropause. It usually manifests itself in old age and over time simply merges with the signs of old age, so 80% of men never complain of the manifestation of its symptoms. But in recent years, the symptoms began to appear in quite young men. What is it?
Andropause is a consequence of a gradual decline testosterone levels in men. After the age of 30, testosterone levels in men fall by 1% each year. But this is ideal when a man leads a healthy lifestyle. All bad habits only accelerate this process, so andropause comes sooner.
DepositPhotos Low testosterone It has very unpleasant consequences. For example, “hot flashes”, accompanied by a feeling of heat, attacks of tachycardia, dizziness, aching chest pain, irritability, nervousness, depression, memory impairment. The person becomes very sensitive, receptive and anxious, there are often outbursts of anger and then bouts of apathy.
In addition, what is most unpleasant, it entails a decrease in libido and other disorders in this area. Erection problems cause even more discomfort, which only aggravates the situation. This moral discomfort can develop into a disease with severe psychoneurotic consequences.
According to a 2007 study at the San Diego School of Medicine, men with low testosterone live shorter lives. And this is quite understandable, given the set of excess weight, impaired sexual function, as well as the appearance of cardiovascular diseases and the early development of diabetes.
If you feel such symptoms, it is time to go to the doctor, he will prescribe a course of treatment. Remember, self-medication in this case is impossible! You can not treat it yourself, but you can prevent it until the symptoms make themselves felt, quite capable. Let's figure out what to do for this.
Often in men, due to problems with testosterone levels, another unpleasant sore occurs - adenoma. You can not deal with this without the help of a doctor, so do not forget to visit the hospital and take tests, this is a must! Methods of treatment can be different, for example, healer Alexander Drozennikov offers his own special way to deal with this ailment.
In this video you will learn more about him.
Another important factor that affects the decrease in testosterone levels is stress. To prevent harmful effects on the body, you need to learn to get rid of it. Recently we talked about an exercise that helps to get rid of stress and strengthen the nervous system.
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Today's edition. "Site" It will tell you what male menopause is, how to recognize it and what to do about it.
No matter how men resist, but the concept of “male menopause” exists, its medical name is andropause. It usually manifests itself in old age and over time simply merges with the signs of old age, so 80% of men never complain of the manifestation of its symptoms. But in recent years, the symptoms began to appear in quite young men. What is it?
Andropause is a consequence of a gradual decline testosterone levels in men. After the age of 30, testosterone levels in men fall by 1% each year. But this is ideal when a man leads a healthy lifestyle. All bad habits only accelerate this process, so andropause comes sooner.

DepositPhotos Low testosterone It has very unpleasant consequences. For example, “hot flashes”, accompanied by a feeling of heat, attacks of tachycardia, dizziness, aching chest pain, irritability, nervousness, depression, memory impairment. The person becomes very sensitive, receptive and anxious, there are often outbursts of anger and then bouts of apathy.
In addition, what is most unpleasant, it entails a decrease in libido and other disorders in this area. Erection problems cause even more discomfort, which only aggravates the situation. This moral discomfort can develop into a disease with severe psychoneurotic consequences.

According to a 2007 study at the San Diego School of Medicine, men with low testosterone live shorter lives. And this is quite understandable, given the set of excess weight, impaired sexual function, as well as the appearance of cardiovascular diseases and the early development of diabetes.
If you feel such symptoms, it is time to go to the doctor, he will prescribe a course of treatment. Remember, self-medication in this case is impossible! You can not treat it yourself, but you can prevent it until the symptoms make themselves felt, quite capable. Let's figure out what to do for this.
- Physical exercise
Yes, it’s quite a banal advice, but it really works. Physical activity is the key to our health and longevity. Men need to do strength exercises, because they increase the level of testosterone. This is better than cardio and running, because they have the opposite effect. So add at least a morning exercise and start pushing up.
DepositPhotos - Nutrition
To maintain health for many years, you need to make a full diet. It is important to reduce fat intake, and also choose the right sources of carbohydrates. The fact is that carbohydrates are needed for maximum testosterone production. It is important that these are carbohydrates that are slowly metabolized: fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.
DepositPhotos - Son
Our body needs healthy sleep, including in order to maintain testosterone production at a sufficient level. Observe a healthy sleep regimen, try not to exhaust the body, because lack of sleep is a huge stress.
DepositPhotos - Vitamins
Do not forget about vitamins and minerals, without which our body cannot function. Of course, it is best to go to the doctor, donate blood for analysis and determine what vitamins are missing. Men with low testosterone levels are advised to take vitamin D and zinc.
Often in men, due to problems with testosterone levels, another unpleasant sore occurs - adenoma. You can not deal with this without the help of a doctor, so do not forget to visit the hospital and take tests, this is a must! Methods of treatment can be different, for example, healer Alexander Drozennikov offers his own special way to deal with this ailment.
In this video you will learn more about him.
Another important factor that affects the decrease in testosterone levels is stress. To prevent harmful effects on the body, you need to learn to get rid of it. Recently we talked about an exercise that helps to get rid of stress and strengthen the nervous system.
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