How to prepare patties with egg filling

If to speak primitively, then Zraz are ordinary cutlets with a filling inside, but if you include fantasy, then the everyday dish in an instant becomes a fantastic treat with a surprise inside - an intricate cutlet with rich and nutritious internal contents.

The appetizing words of "Ptefanki" Always in the first place: whether it is a modest dinner or a festive feast - all eyes are focused only on them!


First-class recipe for meat zraze from "Site" It will appeal to housewives who love bright, tasty and aesthetic culinary experiments. The filling is very different, but we offer almost a classic recipe for patties with egg-onion filling. They fly in a second!

Egg patties Ingredients
  • 1kg ground meat
  • 6 eggs
  • 100g loaf
  • 150g onion
  • 200 ml of milk
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • vegetable-oil

  1. Boil 4 hard-boiled eggs, clean the shell and cut in cubes. Onions finely cut, roast in vegetable oil until golden and mix with eggs. Sprinkle the stuffing to taste.

  2. Soak it in the milk, squeeze it a little and mix it with the mince.

  3. To keep the shape during baking, except soaked in milk loaf, add 2 raw eggs to the mince. Set the mince to taste, season with your favorite spices and mix your hands into a homogeneous mass.

  4. Take a little mince, make a round flatbread, put 1 tbsp. l. egg-onion mixture in the center. Carefully wrap the filling in the mince, roll a smooth cutlet and lay it on a bowl or in a form with a seam down. Do the same with the rest of the mince. Distribute the meat blisters in shape, lubricate with a small amount of vegetable oil and send to the oven heated to 200 ° C for 40-45 minutes.

  5. Serve juicy cutlets, decorating with greens, as an independent dish or in the company of a side dish. Bon appetit!


Cutlets with an egg inside, or Zraz, can be roasted in a pan with vegetable oil until the ruddy crust. But agree that cooked in the oven dish is much more useful than fried, besides it will perfectly diversify the diet menu. We warn you right away: cook. mincemeat Once, and you will have to cook them constantly, because the home will require supplements!

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