What herbs to drink with menopause and tides
Climax is a real test for the fair sex. Together with the number in the passport and external changes in the life of a woman brazenly burst hot flashes, headaches, irritability, loss of strength, extra centimeters and all-all unpleasant symptoms that accompany the period of menopause. But there's no reason to panic! Phytotherapists are sure that some medicinal herbs help to tolerate the menopause more easily.
"Site" will tell you how to replace pharmacy medicines for a woman who is experiencing a difficult life period - menopause. What healing? herbs Are they indispensable during menopause?
Antiseptic, diuretic, expectorant and astringent properties made clover a favorite herb of herbalists. Red clover is able to alleviate the symptoms of menopause in women - phytoestrogens are found in its composition, similar in action to female sex hormones.
Regular use of clover decoction during menopause helps normalize mood and sleep, reduce dry skin and mucous membranes, restore sexual function, improve hair and nails, and improve the general condition of a woman by reducing the intensity of hot flashes.
In the period of menopause, one of its unpleasant symptoms is increased sweating and the so-called hot flashes - suddenly arising heat waves, usually affecting the head, chest and neck. Sage helps to alleviate the ill-fated symptoms of menopause, and some women with its help can forget about hot flashes for a long time.
For the preparation of therapeutic tea from sage bays 3 tsp. dry grass 250 ml of boiling water, boil on a slow heat for 5 minutes and take 2 tsp. strong decoction before bedtime.
Oregon is a real salvation for women during menopause. Perennial plant with such a pleasant aroma contains a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the female body. The decoction of this herb reduces heat at hot flashes, relieves neuroses, normalizes sleep and restores the affected nervous system.
To make a healing infusion from the motherboard is quite easy: 2 tbsp. l. crushed dry grass throw in a thermos of 1 liter, pour boiling water and leave alone for 30 minutes. The infusion can be taken separately or added to tea, and before use be sure to strain through gauze. A third of a glass before meals - goodbye, tides!
The root of the red brush is a unique herb! It helps to strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems, normalize metabolism and even contributes to the rejuvenation of the female body.
Regular use of decoctions and red brush tinctures helps a woman experiencing menopause, it is easier to cope with its symptoms: mood improves, depression and apathy disappear, headache and dizziness cease to suffer, normal metabolism is restored, the frequency of hot flashes and their intensity decreases noticeably.
Take a red brush in the form of decoctions or tinctures. Mix 50 g of grass with 500 ml of vodka, insist in a dark place for 21 days. Take 30 drops three times a day, previously mixing the tincture with 50 ml of water. An excellent effect has the use of a red brush along with white lapchatka: 1 month take a lapchatka, the next - a tincture of a red brush.
Let’s start with the fact that the freezer is a rather dangerous herb and you need to take it strictly according to the instructions, not a gram more! Frost has a positive effect on the health of the joints, affects the nervous system, and thanks to effective diuretic and laxative effects, the herb is widely used for cleaning the intestines, getting rid of toxins and toxins, as well as for weight loss.
And although herbal therapists rarely recommend a freezer for menopause, women taking the herb notice a significant effect. Menopausal women who drank frostbite to normalize digestion noted a complete absence of hot flashes during herbal medicine.
Effective herbs for insomnia and depression
Menopause herbs harvest
Even if you do not know what it is to sweat at night to the state of a wet nightgown, and depression and weight gain have bypassed you, we recommend not to neglect the gifts of nature and drink such healthy herbs instead of traditional tea to maintain women's health, beauty and youth.
Do not forget to share this useful information with friends, you need to do yourself at 30, 40, and 50! By the way, herbalists recommend to prepare for a difficult period in advance and start taking herbs A few years before the expected onset of menopause.

"Site" will tell you how to replace pharmacy medicines for a woman who is experiencing a difficult life period - menopause. What healing? herbs Are they indispensable during menopause?
Antiseptic, diuretic, expectorant and astringent properties made clover a favorite herb of herbalists. Red clover is able to alleviate the symptoms of menopause in women - phytoestrogens are found in its composition, similar in action to female sex hormones.
Regular use of clover decoction during menopause helps normalize mood and sleep, reduce dry skin and mucous membranes, restore sexual function, improve hair and nails, and improve the general condition of a woman by reducing the intensity of hot flashes.

In the period of menopause, one of its unpleasant symptoms is increased sweating and the so-called hot flashes - suddenly arising heat waves, usually affecting the head, chest and neck. Sage helps to alleviate the ill-fated symptoms of menopause, and some women with its help can forget about hot flashes for a long time.
For the preparation of therapeutic tea from sage bays 3 tsp. dry grass 250 ml of boiling water, boil on a slow heat for 5 minutes and take 2 tsp. strong decoction before bedtime.
Oregon is a real salvation for women during menopause. Perennial plant with such a pleasant aroma contains a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the female body. The decoction of this herb reduces heat at hot flashes, relieves neuroses, normalizes sleep and restores the affected nervous system.
To make a healing infusion from the motherboard is quite easy: 2 tbsp. l. crushed dry grass throw in a thermos of 1 liter, pour boiling water and leave alone for 30 minutes. The infusion can be taken separately or added to tea, and before use be sure to strain through gauze. A third of a glass before meals - goodbye, tides!

The root of the red brush is a unique herb! It helps to strengthen the immune and cardiovascular systems, normalize metabolism and even contributes to the rejuvenation of the female body.
Regular use of decoctions and red brush tinctures helps a woman experiencing menopause, it is easier to cope with its symptoms: mood improves, depression and apathy disappear, headache and dizziness cease to suffer, normal metabolism is restored, the frequency of hot flashes and their intensity decreases noticeably.
Take a red brush in the form of decoctions or tinctures. Mix 50 g of grass with 500 ml of vodka, insist in a dark place for 21 days. Take 30 drops three times a day, previously mixing the tincture with 50 ml of water. An excellent effect has the use of a red brush along with white lapchatka: 1 month take a lapchatka, the next - a tincture of a red brush.

Let’s start with the fact that the freezer is a rather dangerous herb and you need to take it strictly according to the instructions, not a gram more! Frost has a positive effect on the health of the joints, affects the nervous system, and thanks to effective diuretic and laxative effects, the herb is widely used for cleaning the intestines, getting rid of toxins and toxins, as well as for weight loss.
And although herbal therapists rarely recommend a freezer for menopause, women taking the herb notice a significant effect. Menopausal women who drank frostbite to normalize digestion noted a complete absence of hot flashes during herbal medicine.

Effective herbs for insomnia and depression
- Valerian
Valerian is recommended to be taken to relieve sleep problems caused by anxiety and stress. Especially strongly valerian shows its healing properties in combination with hops. - Shepherd
Effective sedative herb can be safely taken 4 times a day in the form of infusion. Soothing! - St. John's wort
St. John's wort effectively fights mild depression in women who suffer from menopause. - rodiola
Golden root helps with stress, relieves fatigue, helps improve memory and concentration, which is important during menopause. - Millennium-leaf
It is noteworthy that yarrow helps to cope not only with depression, bad mood and hot flashes. This herb has restorative, antibacterial, hemostatic properties and is able to effectively lower blood pressure.

Menopause herbs harvest
- Collection No. 1
Take 4 tbsp. l. of motherwort grass, the same amount of hawk, 3 tbsp. l. of cornflower, 5 tbsp. l. of blackberries leaves, 2 tbsp. l. of hawthorn flowers and mix together. If necessary, brew 1 tsp. mixture in a glass of boiling water and drink as tea. - Collection No. 2
As a healing tea with menopause, you can brew a mixture of an equal amount of cuff, St. John's wort, melissa and hop cones. - Collection No. 3
If you mix nettle, knotweed and rosehip fruits (1 tsp), brew and drink in the morning, the drink will have a rejuvenating effect, lift your mood and improve overall health. - Collection No. 4
In equal parts, mix dry mint, wormwood, dill seeds and lime color. 2 tbsp mixture pour a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain the broth, add boiled water to make a full glass. Take in the morning and evening half a glass for 3 months. After a month break, the course of phytotherapy can be repeated.

Even if you do not know what it is to sweat at night to the state of a wet nightgown, and depression and weight gain have bypassed you, we recommend not to neglect the gifts of nature and drink such healthy herbs instead of traditional tea to maintain women's health, beauty and youth.
Do not forget to share this useful information with friends, you need to do yourself at 30, 40, and 50! By the way, herbalists recommend to prepare for a difficult period in advance and start taking herbs A few years before the expected onset of menopause.