Purification of lymph and blood with the help of Glauber's salt and juice
Eighty nine million two hundred twenty eight thousand two hundred seventy nine
The effect of Glauber's salt
For a thorough cleansing of lymph and blood, in the morning on an empty stomach drink a glass of solution; one tablespoon of Glauber's salt (sodium sulphate), stir in a Cup of warm or cold water. However, we do not pursue the goal of purgation, and trying to remove your body of accumulated toxins and waste.
The action of this solution on the toxic lymph, and the above waste that is similar to the action of a magnet on nails or metal shavings. After collecting them, so we release the body from different stuff, by repeated purgation.
Eighty four million one hundred forty four thousand eight hundred seventy nine
The scheme of purification of lymph and blood juice
The number of output sewage sometimes up to three or four or more liters, it can lead to dehydration. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to fill the liquid by drinking 2 liters of fresh citrus juice, diluted with two liters of water, so that the liquid is faster absorbed by the body.
This mixture is prepared as follows: 4 large fruit grapefruit 6 medium or from the fruit squeeze the juice, and done and of three lemons of medium size add more orange juice in the same amount, so that the whole volume was two liters. Then add two liters of water. The prepared mixture starts to drink 30 minutes after ingestion of a solution of Glauber's salt, then continue to drink every 20-30 minutes until then, until all 4 liters not over.
This whole day should not be anything there, but if the evening hunger becomes unbearable, you can eat some oranges, grapefruit or fruit, or celery juice. Before bed two litres of warm acidified water to make the enema as a acid to use the juice of one or two lemons. This procedure we remove from the folds of the colon and small intestine, possible scum accumulated there.
The result of purification of lymph and blood
Like cleansing the lymph it is necessary to conduct three consecutive days. In the end, the organism will be about 12 liters of toxic lymph and replaced with the same amount of alkalizing liquid. On the fourth and the next days it is necessary to take vegetable juices and eat raw vegetables and fruits. In the case of the appearance of weakness during the detox or after, do not worry too much as a result you will gain a fit and health.
This method of cleansing the blood and lymph is strictly contraindicated in patients calculous cholecystitis, in case the inflammatory process in the gall bladder combined with the formation of gall stones. Even calculous cholecystitis is called cholelithiasis, but it however may not be accompanied by inflammatory process.
Source: /users/1077
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