Effective recipes to cleanse the lymph
Within 2 — 3 days to make a mitigation of the body. It will move the toxins, a part of them will oxidize. In the next three days is itself a purifying procedure of colloidal solutions of the body. In these three days, you must call the strong relief (diarrhea).
In this case, the walls of the gastrointestinal tract are the filter through which the release. Toxins, toxins are retained in the cavity of the bowel by osmosis, back not absorbed and excreted in the usual way — in the form of liquid stool (diarrhea).
Loss of fluid can lead to dehydration. To avoid this, it is necessary to compensate for the loss.
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This is usually done with fresh citrus juices, dilute photievoy water; three or four or more litres of liquid effluent per day from the body, replenished in the same amount of drinking water mixed with citrus juices.
After cleaning carried out (that is, after three days of purification) I should eat well-boiled rice with butter to secure the digestive tract.
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The following is a detailed description of the cleaning of colloidal fluids in one day.
This action activates the "exchange area" of the alimentary canal for the discharge of substances from the body. Outwardly it is expressed in powerful and often relief — diarrhea, due to what is thrown to 3 4 or more liters of fluid from the body.
In order to compensate released from the body fluid, need to start drinking a mixture of citrus juice and procianoy water. For better absorption of a mixture of water and juice by the body it should be before drinking to pass through magnitotron. This positively affects the quality of purification, adding the charge of the body and all its structures (micelles, etc.)
The mixture of citrus juice and procianoy water is prepared as follows:
1. Pre-prepared mixture of citrus juice and procianoy water start drinking after 30 min. after the adoption of a solution of Glauber's salt and continue to drink a glass every 20 — 30 minutes until, until you drink all 4л.
Due to the fact that the total procedure time of purification of the colloidal fluids of the body will take 7 to 10 hours, it is best to start it at 5 and 7 o'clock in the morning.
2. Throughout the day you should not eat anything. For those individuals who can not tolerate hunger, in the evening you can eat some oranges, grapefruit or fruit, or drink Apple juice.
3. Before bedtime is recommended to do a cleansing enema with 2l of lukewarm water add juice of one or two lemons. The purpose of this enema is to remove from the colon remnants of the toxins.
The next day everything repeats:
Described cleaning of the colloidal fluids of the body are recommended three days in a row. But once again: all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. One person will be enough for two days, another four, and the third any, it will not be able to carry out.
In the evening of the third day or on the morning of the fourth, to consolidate the digestion, we should eat a well-boiled rice with a small amount of butter. Following the meal consists of your usual products.
The result of a three-day purification is to remove from the body some amount of contaminated colloid fluids (tissue, blood, lymph and partly intracellular) and replacing them with the same amount of alkalizing the internal environment; removal of pathological information, which prevents the flow of normal life processes.
After about 3 to 4 weeks repeat this cleansing, and you change some amount of colloidal fluids and remove pathological information.
In General, these two cycles of purification can be likened to the purifying effect of prolonged fasting.
Due to the fact that the described cleaning is the purifying effects of the crisis, it requires for its implementation a lot of vital forces of the person. On it don't worry if you're feeling faint is a normal phenomenon. After you recover quickly and feel much better than before. But in any case proceed on the basis of your health. If cleaning is given very hard, then stop for 1 — 2 days.
Contraindications. Due to the fact that this Shoe makes greater demands on the entire body, weak people can not stand, and other serious complications. So discover the contraindications and limitations of this procedure.
Persons with the expressed individual Constitution of "Gall". They have, as a rule, there is excess acid in the gastric juice (often suffer from chronic hyperacidity gastritis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer). They can do a cleansing to try with carrot juice (2l fresh carrot juice on 2l photievoy the water, the rest is all the same).
In the period of exacerbation of any disease, when there is high fever, severe headache, weakness, nausea, stomach upset etc., purification of conduct is not necessary. It's a double load on the body.
Of cleansing it is better to refuse, if you have withdrawn from the peace of mind of any stress (annoyed, worried, scared, etc.).
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For purification of lymph, you can use the method of Dr. Walker
The first way
Day 1st: morning enema; follow the energy diet. The day to eat grated lemon zest a good steaming (the juice does not heat) in a mixture of fruit sugar or honey.
Day 2nd: the same thing, but 2 lemons.
Day 3rd: 3 lemons, 4th day — 4 lemons, 5th day — 5 lemons, etc. up to 15 mil a day. Then, in reverse order, that is, every day of 1 lemon less. Over the last month to dissolve all the deposits, toxins, clears the lymph, the blood is saturated with vitamins.
The second way
Squeeze the juice (individually), then mix it all together.
Keep in the fridge or freezer.
The mixture of the drink 50 ml, diluting it to 50 ml of warm water on an empty stomach. Drink 10 days, then 5 days break; after the break, to drink again 10 days with a 5 day break until the end.
Repeat 2 times a year (fall and spring). Store in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a tight sealing lid.
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It involves drinking freshly made juice of carrot or Apple mixed with beet (4: 1) at 150 — 200 ml before eating with the simultaneous use of alcohol tincture of herbs celandine according to the following scheme:
The dose is adjusted to 15 drops at a time, and then gradually reduce to 1 drop.
To prepare the tincture celandine crushed and squeeze the juice, strain it through 2-3 layers of gauze and 450 ml of juice add 70 ml of rubbing alcohol. Keep in the cold.
Apart from cleansing the lymph, this treatment has a beneficial effect on hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, low back pain.
Cleansing of the LYMPH – several recipes
Unique recipe cleanse and heal the entire lymphatic system — cancer nodes, mononucleosis, Hodgkin's disease, just when the tendency (or heredity) to such diseases:
Very fragrant, delicious drink.
Drinking rates for 12 days: 12 days drinking — 10 resting, etc.
• Cider vinegar drink 1 — 2 tsp in a glass of warm water with honey 2 — 3 cups a day. Well drop this "tea" once a day 1 drop of the pharmaceutical preparation "Lugol" (without the glycerin).
• Infusion of horseradish garden on water 1:1. Drink 1 tsp 3 times a day before meals for 10 days. To do well with this infusion compresses on enlarged lymph nodes.
• Drink infusion of oregano 50 — 100 g 3 times a day before meals. 21 days to drink 7 to 10 days — break, etc. 1 tablespoon of herbs pour 200 ml boiling water, to insist night in a thermos.
• Good to do a bath of leaves of a walnut, horse chestnut (leaves), leaves or oak bark.Usually 1 kg leaves is boiled for 45 minutes and the broth was poured into a bath with water temperature 37 — 38 °C, to sit 10 — 15 minutes.
• Plenty to eat salads from sea Kale. Or take 1/2 teaspoon powder with a glass of water, 1 — 2 times a day.
• Vinca minor. Most effective in acute leukemias, Hodgkin's disease, sexual weakness, horionkartsinoma, lymphocytic leukemia. 1 tsp. dry leaves pour 200 ml boiling water, to insist in a thermos night. Drink 1 tbsp 3 times a day before meals.
Tincture: 50 g of grass with flowers pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 10 days in the dark. Drink 5 — 7 drops morning and evening before meals with water. In severe cases, the dose is gradually adjusted to 100 drops daily by adding 5 drops.published
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //zdravpunkt.com.ua/index.php/%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B8/2012-07-13-14-01-01.html
In this case, the walls of the gastrointestinal tract are the filter through which the release. Toxins, toxins are retained in the cavity of the bowel by osmosis, back not absorbed and excreted in the usual way — in the form of liquid stool (diarrhea).
Loss of fluid can lead to dehydration. To avoid this, it is necessary to compensate for the loss.
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This is usually done with fresh citrus juices, dilute photievoy water; three or four or more litres of liquid effluent per day from the body, replenished in the same amount of drinking water mixed with citrus juices.
After cleaning carried out (that is, after three days of purification) I should eat well-boiled rice with butter to secure the digestive tract.
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The following is a detailed description of the cleaning of colloidal fluids in one day.
- Fasting morning drink a glass of solution (1 tablespoon of Glauber's salt per Cup of water) warm or cold.
This action activates the "exchange area" of the alimentary canal for the discharge of substances from the body. Outwardly it is expressed in powerful and often relief — diarrhea, due to what is thrown to 3 4 or more liters of fluid from the body.
In order to compensate released from the body fluid, need to start drinking a mixture of citrus juice and procianoy water. For better absorption of a mixture of water and juice by the body it should be before drinking to pass through magnitotron. This positively affects the quality of purification, adding the charge of the body and all its structures (micelles, etc.)
The mixture of citrus juice and procianoy water is prepared as follows:
- To the juice of four large or six medium-size fruit grapefruit, two large or three medium size lemons added to orange juice in such quantity that the total volume was 2 L.
- Then to this mixture add the juice of 2 l photievoy the water. (Here are the average amount of fluid for a 70 — to 80-pound person. In that same proportion it can be made larger or smaller. It all depends on the mass of the human body.)
1. Pre-prepared mixture of citrus juice and procianoy water start drinking after 30 min. after the adoption of a solution of Glauber's salt and continue to drink a glass every 20 — 30 minutes until, until you drink all 4л.
Due to the fact that the total procedure time of purification of the colloidal fluids of the body will take 7 to 10 hours, it is best to start it at 5 and 7 o'clock in the morning.
2. Throughout the day you should not eat anything. For those individuals who can not tolerate hunger, in the evening you can eat some oranges, grapefruit or fruit, or drink Apple juice.
3. Before bedtime is recommended to do a cleansing enema with 2l of lukewarm water add juice of one or two lemons. The purpose of this enema is to remove from the colon remnants of the toxins.
The next day everything repeats:
- taken a laxative, is called diarrhea;
- during the day drink a mixture of citrus juice and procianoy water — 4L;
- bedtime enema.
Described cleaning of the colloidal fluids of the body are recommended three days in a row. But once again: all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. One person will be enough for two days, another four, and the third any, it will not be able to carry out.
In the evening of the third day or on the morning of the fourth, to consolidate the digestion, we should eat a well-boiled rice with a small amount of butter. Following the meal consists of your usual products.
The result of a three-day purification is to remove from the body some amount of contaminated colloid fluids (tissue, blood, lymph and partly intracellular) and replacing them with the same amount of alkalizing the internal environment; removal of pathological information, which prevents the flow of normal life processes.
After about 3 to 4 weeks repeat this cleansing, and you change some amount of colloidal fluids and remove pathological information.
In General, these two cycles of purification can be likened to the purifying effect of prolonged fasting.
Due to the fact that the described cleaning is the purifying effects of the crisis, it requires for its implementation a lot of vital forces of the person. On it don't worry if you're feeling faint is a normal phenomenon. After you recover quickly and feel much better than before. But in any case proceed on the basis of your health. If cleaning is given very hard, then stop for 1 — 2 days.
Contraindications. Due to the fact that this Shoe makes greater demands on the entire body, weak people can not stand, and other serious complications. So discover the contraindications and limitations of this procedure.
Persons with the expressed individual Constitution of "Gall". They have, as a rule, there is excess acid in the gastric juice (often suffer from chronic hyperacidity gastritis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer). They can do a cleansing to try with carrot juice (2l fresh carrot juice on 2l photievoy the water, the rest is all the same).
- Diabetes mellitus, especially insulin dependent.
- Cholecystitis.
- Diseases of the kidneys and bladder.
- Prostate adenoma.
- Heart failure, hypertension II and III degree.
- Ulcerative colitis, any cancer in the digestive system, a stronger form of dysbiosis, extensive hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, and women — prolapse of the vagina.
- Pregnancy (cleaning causes a miscarriage), breast-feeding, your period (and the week before and after).
In the period of exacerbation of any disease, when there is high fever, severe headache, weakness, nausea, stomach upset etc., purification of conduct is not necessary. It's a double load on the body.
Of cleansing it is better to refuse, if you have withdrawn from the peace of mind of any stress (annoyed, worried, scared, etc.).
Forty four million one hundred fifty six thousand three hundred thirty three
For purification of lymph, you can use the method of Dr. Walker
The first way
Day 1st: morning enema; follow the energy diet. The day to eat grated lemon zest a good steaming (the juice does not heat) in a mixture of fruit sugar or honey.
Day 2nd: the same thing, but 2 lemons.
Day 3rd: 3 lemons, 4th day — 4 lemons, 5th day — 5 lemons, etc. up to 15 mil a day. Then, in reverse order, that is, every day of 1 lemon less. Over the last month to dissolve all the deposits, toxins, clears the lymph, the blood is saturated with vitamins.
The second way
- 2 kg of lemons (with skin but without bones);
- 2 kg of red beet (Burgundy) you want to cook in the first place and put a tightly closed dish, in the fridge for 3 — 4 hours;
- 2 kg of carrots;
- 2 kg pomegranate (juice);
- honey (do not heat);
- 2 kg of cranberries.
Squeeze the juice (individually), then mix it all together.
Keep in the fridge or freezer.
The mixture of the drink 50 ml, diluting it to 50 ml of warm water on an empty stomach. Drink 10 days, then 5 days break; after the break, to drink again 10 days with a 5 day break until the end.
Repeat 2 times a year (fall and spring). Store in the refrigerator in a glass jar with a tight sealing lid.
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It involves drinking freshly made juice of carrot or Apple mixed with beet (4: 1) at 150 — 200 ml before eating with the simultaneous use of alcohol tincture of herbs celandine according to the following scheme:
- before Breakfast — 1 drop,
- before lunch — 2 drops,
- before dinner — 3 drops.
The dose is adjusted to 15 drops at a time, and then gradually reduce to 1 drop.
To prepare the tincture celandine crushed and squeeze the juice, strain it through 2-3 layers of gauze and 450 ml of juice add 70 ml of rubbing alcohol. Keep in the cold.
Apart from cleansing the lymph, this treatment has a beneficial effect on hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, psoriasis, hemorrhoids, low back pain.
Cleansing of the LYMPH – several recipes
Unique recipe cleanse and heal the entire lymphatic system — cancer nodes, mononucleosis, Hodgkin's disease, just when the tendency (or heredity) to such diseases:
- 1 kg of branches of fir (grind into powder) and 0.5 kg of roots (fall and spring) wild raspberries (also powder) mix.
- Then place in layers in a glass dish with honey. 1.5 kg of the mixture need 0.5 kg of honey and 200 ml of boiled water.
- Insist day, then simmer in a water bath for 8 hours, to insist 2 days.
- The juice is drained.
Very fragrant, delicious drink.
- children under 14 years — 1 tsp 5 times a day;
- adults — 1 tbsp 5 times a day before meals.
Drinking rates for 12 days: 12 days drinking — 10 resting, etc.
• Cider vinegar drink 1 — 2 tsp in a glass of warm water with honey 2 — 3 cups a day. Well drop this "tea" once a day 1 drop of the pharmaceutical preparation "Lugol" (without the glycerin).
• Infusion of horseradish garden on water 1:1. Drink 1 tsp 3 times a day before meals for 10 days. To do well with this infusion compresses on enlarged lymph nodes.
• Drink infusion of oregano 50 — 100 g 3 times a day before meals. 21 days to drink 7 to 10 days — break, etc. 1 tablespoon of herbs pour 200 ml boiling water, to insist night in a thermos.
• Good to do a bath of leaves of a walnut, horse chestnut (leaves), leaves or oak bark.Usually 1 kg leaves is boiled for 45 minutes and the broth was poured into a bath with water temperature 37 — 38 °C, to sit 10 — 15 minutes.
• Plenty to eat salads from sea Kale. Or take 1/2 teaspoon powder with a glass of water, 1 — 2 times a day.
• Vinca minor. Most effective in acute leukemias, Hodgkin's disease, sexual weakness, horionkartsinoma, lymphocytic leukemia. 1 tsp. dry leaves pour 200 ml boiling water, to insist in a thermos night. Drink 1 tbsp 3 times a day before meals.
Tincture: 50 g of grass with flowers pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 10 days in the dark. Drink 5 — 7 drops morning and evening before meals with water. In severe cases, the dose is gradually adjusted to 100 drops daily by adding 5 drops.published
The materials are for informational purposes. Remember, self-life-threatening, for advice regarding the use of any medicines and methods of treatment, contact your doctor.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //zdravpunkt.com.ua/index.php/%D0%A1%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C%D0%B8/2012-07-13-14-01-01.html
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