Osteopathy for newborns

Osteopathy can have a lot to do to restore the good health of the baby after birth.
Unfortunately, birth trauma is a much more frequent condition than is commonly believed in modern Pediatrics and neonatology (science babies). Even minor damage at the level of the skull bones or membranes of the brain occurring in the prenatal or birth period, can lead to serious disturbances in the nervous system, the formation of the musculoskeletal system and further psychomotor development of a child. Osteopathy for children is certainly not a panacea, but in many cases over several sessions helps to regulate the baby sleep, to stop vomiting and watery eyes, to eliminate persistent colic, to return the child is good digestion, calmness, steadiness.

A small child can not say "where it hurts", he only expresses his discomfort with crying and screaming. Very often the reasons for these States not in the "nature" of the baby, and dysfunction of the bones of the skull, deterioration of the venous outflow, the distribution of cerebrospinal fluid and other problems that require treatment by an osteopath. Osteopathy for children is in most cases a necessary procedure after any delivery. Unfortunately, the operation "cesarean section" is not only not safe, but on the contrary quite traumatic for a newborn method of birth. Osteopaths know that after the "caesarean section" kids may not occur restoration of mobility of the cervical vertebrae and bones of the skull and pelvis, with long-term fixed head or pelvic predlejanii during the prenatal period.
Hypertonicity of muscles-extensors, later sitting down and formation of skills of walking, flat feet – all of this could have been avoided with timely treatment to the osteopath.
Source: /users/1094