Osteopathy is a great alternative to traditional medicine
- The first is a holistic vision of the human body. Osteopaths do not divide, like the doctors of classical medicine the body a dozen separate, almost non-functional systems. Osteopaths understand that the body is all interconnected
- The osteopath examines the whole person, including his musculoskeletal system, internal organs, nervous system, biochemical, psycho-emotional status and much more.
- The second root cause of the disease. Osteopaths are interested in the treatment of root pathology most relevant to the condition of the body, and not in curing the symptoms.
- Aspect of osteopathic practice is the attention to good innervation and blood supply of tissues and organs. Eating disorders and control function of any system upset, the disease appears.
- Osteopaths virtually no prescribed drugs. Osteopathic treatment is based on the treatment arms. It is not massage, not chiropractic .Osteopathic techniques, a verified soft hand movements with relaxation of spastic muscles and the direction of the bodies of the vertebrae, the bones in a normal physiological position.

- Very great importance is attached to working with the spine and bones. The spine is the seat of the spinal cord and through the spinal cord is the managing innervation to all areas and organs of the body. Returning the vertebrae to their correct position and freedom of movement, it is possible to significantly improve the health of the body.
- Extensive research in the field of anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of osteopathy give reliable information and direction for effective therapeutic manipulation.
- All qualified osteopaths undergo a four year training in European or Us programme with international examinations.
- Influencing important for the body area, carrying out General health and balancing the nervous system, osteopathy is a powerful means of disease prevention.
- The costs of conservative and preventive treatment ten times less the cost of inpatient and surgical treatment, and the efficiency of osteopathic influence – above.
- Soft osteopathic manipulation patient comfort, promote relaxation and a total harmonization.
- After a course of osteopathic treatment, the functional system of the body is capable of much greater resistance to adverse external influences.
- The positive effects of treatment are observed already after the first session of osteopathic correction and fixed for 4-8 sessions, which is much smaller than in other functional therapies (chiropractic, reflexology).
- A large number of osteopathic techniques allows to pick up individual programs for each patient.
- The possibility of dosing, safety and focus of osteopathic impacts allows for the treatment from the first days of a child's life and to a ripe old age.

- The breadth of the spectrum of treatable diseases, which include headache, back pain, radiculitis, protrusion, herniated discs, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, various neuralgia, swellings, arthrosis and arthritis, varicose veins of the lower extremities, cramps in legs, pinched sciatic nerve (sciatica), numbness of fingers of extremities, flat feet, impaired digestive tract, and many others make osteopathy a leader among alternative treatment methods.
Source: /users/1094
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