The best way to preserve youth and beauty

They say that starting at 25 years of age man enters upon the path of aging. This process is associated with a slowdown of the metabolism, hormonal changes, accumulation of the effects of trauma, residual postinfection changes in the organs, the accumulation of stress fixation in the nervous system. A major role in the aging process plays a lack of the appropriate physical activity, chronic overstrain of the nervous system, unbalanced diet. Parasitic infestation, unfavorable environment, with accumulation in the body of excess toxic organic chemicals, radionuclides with long half-life, ions of heavy metals, speeds up the process of aging.
Biochemically aging is seen in the predominance of catabolic processes – fission, over the anabolic, regenerative processes. Cells reproduce more slowly, and therefore slowly updated organ tissue. In the connective tissue surrounding muscles, internal organs, blood vessels, the brain in the form of an interlayer film of the fascia increasing number of rude, ill-tensile form of the protein collagen, fibrin.

As a result, the organs work worse less resistant to infections, changes of routine and food external stress. The ligaments and muscles are poorly elastic, muscles lose elasticity and the ability to adequately strain and relaxes under load. The nervous system responds more slowly to stimuli, less successfully controls the processes of self-healing and the balance of the internal environment of the body.
Special changes were made in the skin and subcutaneous fat. As the aging and deterioration of the normal blood supply and nutrition of the skin – it loses water, becomes less elastic. This leads to sagging or thinning skin. Accumulated spasm of facial muscles causes wrinkles.
The poor performance of the system outflow of fluid – lymphocirculation gives rise to the swelling of tissues of the face, hands, feet. The fall in the elasticity of the veins, spasms and worsening of the bowel leads to impaired venous return from the pelvis and legs and as a consequence growths, hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the lower extremities.Deterioration of the trophic (food), swelling of the subcutaneous layer causes cellulite.

How to deal with this syndrome of aging. Unfortunately, cosmetic procedures, special oils, creams, the application is only a temporary, local improvement, but not a solution. If you take into account that the slowing of metabolism, cell activity, poor nutrition of body tissues, swelling and muscle spasm are the basis of the syndrome of ageing, it becomes clear. for a serious approach to revitalization (the return of vitality, youth) need to work not only with skin but also with the entire body. Aesthetic osteopathy is a powerful means of rejuvenation. Special techniques allow the diagnosis of a trained osteopath to determine exactly what the body needs, what changes in the muscular, skeletal, nervous, vascular system and inner organs most affected body functions.
Using the techniques of stretching chronic spasm of the muscles, relaxation of the capsule tense after infection of organs by adjusting the position of the nerves, reducing the pressure receptacles, the osteopath may well help the body to eliminate the consequences of injuries, infections and stress. The result of working with the nervous, visceral and musculoskeletal systems – elasticity of the ligaments and joints, eliminate headaches and spine problems, the normalization function gastrointestinal tract, improve sleep and increase of the nervous system.
In addition, affecting the lymphatic flow, osteopath accelerates the elimination from the tissues of accumulated decay products, toxins, thus reducing (and often complete disappearance!) swelling, cellulite, restore skin elasticity, reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Special techniques of aesthetic osteopathy help to change the tone of facial muscles that allows you to "sculpted" the face – eliminate wrinkles, puffiness, and other cosmetic changes. Osteopathic techniques work with the muscles of the abdomen, thighs, legs, buttocks allow you to return elasticity to the body, to restore the beautiful contours of the hips, buttocks, adjust waist. Acting comprehensively, osteopathy helps to change the nervous and endocrine regulation of all the vital systems of the body. It nadaguides barrier of aging, improves quality of life and makes it filled with beauty and harmony.
Source: /users/1094
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