"Tbilisi phenomenon": how to felon science
Genetic unique, robbed Shevardnadze and died a small child
Rejuvenate humanity has sought since he realized himself. The end justifies any means, no matter how foolish and even barbaric they are.
For example, to rejuvenate the decrepit King of France, Louis XII, the court sorcerers during the year 215 times gave him a laxative, enema and put 210 47 times produced bloodletting. At the forty-eighth session of bloodletting King died ...
Pope Innocent VIII, to look younger, the last years of his life took a bath ... the blood of infants. They were ruined the lives of thousands of innocent babies, and Daddy went away into another world, and before they reach old age ...
Really effective techniques for rejuvenation of the human body have been invented only in the XX century. Although, according to doctors, use of the term "rejuvenation" is not quite correct. It probably can only go on the extension of the active phase of the life of an individual. In short, in fact substituted for rejuvenation "dopingirovaniem." The most eloquent proof of that are the incidents with the communist leaders.
* * * [Next]
Since 1932 President of the USSR Alexander Bogomolets did the leader of all time, Comrade Stalin an injection of a unique product, manufactured from sheep placenta cells. Stalin under the influence of injection opened a "second wind" - has increased substantially for men feature. He is not satisfied with sexual life with his secret wife Valentina Istomina, served as his summer residence near the maid, and in 1933 got a mistress - Vera Alexandrovna Davydova, soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre, the owner of a unique mezzo-soprano. Davydova, a woman of rare beauty and spectacular appearance, was at that time 27 years old, Joseph Vissarionovich - exactly twice. And nothing - to cope with the two partners, and how!
... The Chinese and Korean doctors have gone through more sophisticated. In order to rejuvenate the body of Mao Zedong and Kim Il Sung and enhance their function male sheep instead they used human placenta. Especially for Asian leaders fertilized virgins 14-15 years, then provoking premature birth. The rest of the technology invented by worshipers repeated completely.
Mao Zedong lived 83 years, Kim Il Sung - 82. Both the leader until his last breath was insatiable in their sexual harassment and could give odds to any thirty years Casanova ...
In March 1998, in one of the nooks and crannies of the old cemetery were buried in Tbilisi unique person - Soso Lomidze, in criminal circles better known as the kingpin nicknamed Old Man. A passer-by looking at the dead man would be incredibly surprised to learn that in the coffin 56-year-old man - the deceased looked pupil kindergarten!
Indeed, exclusivity Lomidze was not so much that in the 15 years he has been recognized as one of the most skilful "Shchipachev" - pickpockets - the Soviet Union, but in the fact that once the surrounding noticed how he suddenly stopped ... old. Time seemed to have flowed for him back.
Metamorphosis started when Soso knocked 25 years. Early graying emerged gradually began to fade, wrinkles are smoothed, the face rounded up and are acquired childish expression, stiff bristles on the cheeks replaced by youthful fluff. Every 5 years Lomidze lost weight and became less growth. It seemed as if nature was trying on adult male child mask. Unexplained changes in appearance - rejuvenation - which could dream of many women, lasted for about 30 years!
However, despite the progressive foreign infantilism, psychology and mental abilities Soso match his actual age: over the years he became more resourceful, enterprising and strong-willed ...
POCKET maker
As soon as our hero was a native of Moscow, it is natural that his more than 40-year criminal career began in the First Throne.
In the early 50-ies in the yards around Tishinsk market could be seen resting after his release once famous pickpocket Vitya Malin, a student of the legendary Vaska Brilliant. Victor gathered around him and the surrounding rebyatnyu free show and explained the different focuses. Sleight of hand - no fraud. Fascinated by the boys, Victor offered them to repeat some of his tricks. And closely monitor how and what do the boys. Was that a Georgian gang of little boy nicknamed "Katso" - small, gambling, black as pitch, and at the same freckled Soso Lomidze. He appeared and desired card and penny disappeared in front of the astonished audience. Victor Malina praised Soso and took with him. With him "Katso" and became "Shchipachev" pickpocket extra class.
Before meeting with raspberries Lomidze somehow underestimated craft pickpockets. It turned out that "Shchipachev" - is not a "gopstopniki" - inflated Umballa that Mother Nature is not more than one Smart allocated and that, by and large, can only vulgar robbery. And start thinking, if not start, after deprive a person of life. The reason is clear: where as just hurt himself into chips to break the door with a gun in the apartment, "where the money is" might is - do not mind ...
Soso Lomidze and his girlfriend Tamara. (Both 36 years old).
An entirely different breed, a leaven of pickpockets. "Shchipachev" in Russia have always been considered the highest caste of the underworld. Artists virtuosos. They even compared themselves with pianists and violinists. Keep the tone, look after themselves. The day is not to "play", say - you only will be visible flaws in the performance of a week - said the professionals, the brothers of the craft, and only a month - can fail and "performance," that is to be grasped by the hand ...
Underworld admired iron self-discipline "Shchipachev." Another would be: do not abuse alcohol, sleeping thoroughly in the morning - charging, in a word, blyudut mode. And it is not so easy when life thieves. Two hours before the release of "work" they do not eat or drink even tea as border guards before going in detail on the protection of the state border. This abuse causes a run at full capacity all the "on-board systems" of the human body: acute sight, hearing, sense of smell. Reaction becomes lightning.
"Shchipachev" compared not only to stand up in the patrol border guards, but also with the stunt. Why on earth, I ask, a stuntman, a dozen perekorezhenny unsuccessfully performed stunts, was aware that every next trick may be the last, still jumping at full speed of the train, from the roof of a ten-home ?! Stuntman usually responds: "This is my way of life can not be without risk. Life without danger and competition with them seems dry and fresh. " The same can be said about themselves and classic pickpocket ...
... One year later, Soso working class. His real first and last name, no one remembered - for all he was only a Katso. Now he instead raspberries, demonstrated yard punks Multi wise lessons of his patron. They're a lot like the famous scene with the dummy, bells and other attributes of Dickens's "Oliver Twist." However, over the Soso would not keep - a palm in his narrow fingers are thin and long. They coached and he always brought to the incredible flexibility. It seemed that each finger is living apart from the others. And before "work" every time alternately poured brush the cold, the hot water ... He, unwittingly, plays a single thesis of extant guidance of Chinese pickpockets, who, before heading to the case, keep your fingers into the cooled tea ...
First conviction
The apotheosis of youth Katso was summer 1957, when Moscow hosted the World Festival of Youth and Students. All suspicious persons on the eve of the festival were subject to expulsion from the 101st kilometer. Soso was left alone. It was then that his talent and flashed diamond facets.
In Moscow there were crowds of "orphan" foreigners. Every evening Katso privolakival home Swiss watches, cameras, trinkets, cigarette. Something gave away something sold cheaply yard pals. Wallets with colorful notes clutching to return from exile to the steep "business".
Once at ENEA Katso had a chance to "cut" sharpened silver fifty dollars back pocket white foreigner. How could he know Soso that the "hick", as his pockets are subject vigilant vigil detectives surveillance 7th KGB ?! The foreigner was no less established a scout, acting under the cover of a trading firm a respected Western European countries, and just received from his agent a dozen zaeksponirovannyh mikrofotoplenok. They were in the wallet, which became a prey and virtuoso Katso ...
No sooner Soso and a dozen steps to measure, moving away from his victim, has been taken under white hands, is seated at the operational "jeep" and delivered to the internal (secret) Lubyanka prison, popularly known as "nutryanka." There also was soon taken and the "victim" to rip his pants ...
* * *
Recruitment of "head" had very serious uncle in uniform of Colonel gebe. His party, he performed in a rapid pace. Not wasting time on Overture, Katso showed photographs that he was captured near his victim, in the usual "Shchipachev" perspective of his rank.
The strict uncle in uniform, said that the absence of a criminal record at Soso - it is not to his credit, but only defect of which is easy to fix. He explained that the Lubyanka - are not charitable institutions, and material about the antics of Soso in the Exhibition of Economic Achievements could be on the table Head of the MUR, if he agrees to help the most humane in the world of the squad, whose fighters are known for the purity of the hands, warm hearts and cool heads ...
Katso realized bargaining is inappropriate - and hastened to assure the Colonel that he is ready to fulfill any of its mandate. Indeed, on the confrontation with the "chode" in prison and on trial Soso, adhering to waste his line of conduct is completely denounced adversary, he testified that it was out of his pocket spy drew materials ...
As a result, a foreigner shlopotal real term, Soso also received a year of probation and was admitted to the secret Order spies counterintelligence, choosing a working alias Novice. However, subsequently, this does not become an agent for the newly indulgence and did not save him from persecution by the Murano and the courts. On the Siberian logging Lomidze spent a total of 13 years ...
CAUTION: looks can be deceiving!
Lomidze first found its mysterious transformation from a boy to a mature man practical, of course criminal, application, when he was 41.
... In 1983, after the suicide of Giorgadze, his widow Manana moved to Tbilisi and settled in a luxurious apartment with an armored door and the iron bars on the windows.
Porfirevich Mikhail Giorgadze, was born in 1912, a Georgian, born in Tbilisi, for 26 years, the permanent secretary of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet. In 1983, at the initiative of the General Secretary of the CPSU Yuri Andropov against Giorgadze was a criminal case on the fact of taking bribes in a large scale for the provision of mandates of the Supreme Council of his countrymen, their appointment to various positions in the State Planning Commission, Foreign Trade and the Council of Ministers of the USSR. During a search at his dacha outside Moscow, turned Giorgadze into a branch of the Pushkin Museum, was discovered more than 20 kilograms of jewelry made of gold and platinum, precious stones weighing over 4,000 carats, about 5 million. Rub., Tens of thousands of US $, DM, British pounds sterling and other foreign currencies.
General Prosecutor's Office investigators are most impressed ... toilets. They were cast in gold of the highest - 999 - sample ...
After searching Giorgadze, without waiting for the verdict of the court, he shot himself and his wife, taking with him hidden in the recesses of jewelry and money that could not find the investigators, fled to Tbilisi.
Lomidze knew elderly Manana never left his house, and in general was a woman incredulous to his house of strangers are not allowed. Moreover, in an apartment inhabited by three dogs, each the size of a calf. However, Soso intrigabelny mind prompted him out. Rather, the entrance to the house of Manana Giorgadze. His thoughts he shared with pals. The idea was accepted with enthusiasm. The thieves knew they risk nothing, because after robbing a woman does not dare go to the police.
By the day of the raid on the house of millionaire exiled Lomidze already I turned 41 years old, but he looked fifteen boys. He put on school uniforms, tied a Pioneer tie. A four-legged to neutralize guards in Tbilisi, Soso sobakopitomnike bought three bitches Shepherd, who began estrus. Aboard!
... After the bell on the door Manana looked through the peephole, she said that it is necessary to "pioneer." Squeaky voice Soso explained that their school is collecting paper for recycling. Door opened. Immediately to the apartment they were launched bitches that, forgetting everything immediately took dogs. But "fish is" do mistress ...
"Expropriate" got rid of the jewels in Moscow "Diamond Exchange" that in Stoleshnikov Lane at the jewelry store "Diamond". Money helped out so much that Soso and his comrades boozed almost a year, having forgotten about the thieves' fishing ...
Lomidze proved smarter accomplices. Unknown to them, part of his share he has spent on the purchase of the house in Odintsovo. Purchase issued to his girlfriend Tamara Badridze Tbilisi. By purchasing a refuge away from Georgia - the same straw, which can be podstelit Falling - Soso decided to change his life and become an anonymous investor. However, his "schipachesky" talent was urgently demanded criminal authorities of Georgia ...
STAR MIG "Shchipachev»
April 9, 1989 Lomidze remembered better than his own birthday. That same day, Eduard Shevardnadze after much wandering around the world in the rank of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR was able to finally visit Tbilisi. One of the points of his program bore the visit to the Palace of Pioneers. By preparing the visit not only the management of the institution, but also criminals Georgia.
At the thieves' meeting crowned the authorities decided to make a gray-haired fox - nicknamed Shevardnadze - public flogging, that he knew who reigns in modern Georgia. No, thieves Council was not planning an attempt on the guest, God forbid! In the Caucasus, publicly humiliated a man worse than a blow with a dagger. At that decided to do: to humiliate! Thieves have prepared Shevardnadze sophisticated campaign of retribution for those "inconveniences" that he created them in 1960-1970's, as first head of the Interior Ministry, and then the first secretary of the Communist Party of the republic ...
During the draw action performer he was elected Soso Lomidze. If successful, it has been promised to the criminal world highest title - "thief in law» ...
There were a lot of flowers, smiles and music. Kids in red ties lined up in two rows along the red carpet leading to the Palace. Soso was the right-flank, and although it was at the time of the 47th year, apparently it was impossible to distinguish from the surrounding youths.
... As soon as Shevardnadze surrounded by a dozen bodyguards gorillopodobnyh stepped onto the red carpet, she rushed to meet him Soso. Tearing voice shouted:
"Mister, Mister Edward, the son of Ambrose, you - our messiah we have been waiting for your events to the people! You - our savior, you're like Moses, have brought us up out of the desert ... Let me kiss your hand! »
On hearing these words, spells, Shevardnadze wiped a tear rolled forward, his hands raised in the run up little boy and kissed three times.
These moments were enough to watch the guest were in the pocket Lomidze. A moment later he disappeared into the crowd of pioneers, and after half an hour from Tbilisi.
Georgian criminals know how severe will the punishment, when the police come bloodhound on the trail villain who dared to daylight hours to remove the once all-powerful ruler of Georgia, therefore please ensure Lomidze escape routes ...
... Shevardnadze had missed missing hours just crossed the threshold of the cabinet director of the Palace of Pioneers. Philip Patek - the most expensive Swiss watches in the world - on a massive gold bracelet decorated with a scattering of diamonds were given gray-haired Fox president of the Union of Industrialists of Germany as an advance for his "zeal" in the withdrawal of the Group of Soviet troops from the GDR.
Two days later, the thieves to make a humiliating public share Shevardnadze, made a tender between the two central Georgian newspaper "Socialist Georgia" and "Georgian truth" - who will pay more, will become an intermediary in the transfer clock master. After an hour in the bidding process were involved editors of national newspapers and one television channel of the Georgian general was turned into a brokerage office where the bet for return chronometer. As a result, the ransom paid Shevardnadze himself.
Rejuvenate humanity has sought since he realized himself. The end justifies any means, no matter how foolish and even barbaric they are.
For example, to rejuvenate the decrepit King of France, Louis XII, the court sorcerers during the year 215 times gave him a laxative, enema and put 210 47 times produced bloodletting. At the forty-eighth session of bloodletting King died ...
Pope Innocent VIII, to look younger, the last years of his life took a bath ... the blood of infants. They were ruined the lives of thousands of innocent babies, and Daddy went away into another world, and before they reach old age ...
Really effective techniques for rejuvenation of the human body have been invented only in the XX century. Although, according to doctors, use of the term "rejuvenation" is not quite correct. It probably can only go on the extension of the active phase of the life of an individual. In short, in fact substituted for rejuvenation "dopingirovaniem." The most eloquent proof of that are the incidents with the communist leaders.
* * * [Next]
Since 1932 President of the USSR Alexander Bogomolets did the leader of all time, Comrade Stalin an injection of a unique product, manufactured from sheep placenta cells. Stalin under the influence of injection opened a "second wind" - has increased substantially for men feature. He is not satisfied with sexual life with his secret wife Valentina Istomina, served as his summer residence near the maid, and in 1933 got a mistress - Vera Alexandrovna Davydova, soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre, the owner of a unique mezzo-soprano. Davydova, a woman of rare beauty and spectacular appearance, was at that time 27 years old, Joseph Vissarionovich - exactly twice. And nothing - to cope with the two partners, and how!
... The Chinese and Korean doctors have gone through more sophisticated. In order to rejuvenate the body of Mao Zedong and Kim Il Sung and enhance their function male sheep instead they used human placenta. Especially for Asian leaders fertilized virgins 14-15 years, then provoking premature birth. The rest of the technology invented by worshipers repeated completely.
Mao Zedong lived 83 years, Kim Il Sung - 82. Both the leader until his last breath was insatiable in their sexual harassment and could give odds to any thirty years Casanova ...
In March 1998, in one of the nooks and crannies of the old cemetery were buried in Tbilisi unique person - Soso Lomidze, in criminal circles better known as the kingpin nicknamed Old Man. A passer-by looking at the dead man would be incredibly surprised to learn that in the coffin 56-year-old man - the deceased looked pupil kindergarten!
Indeed, exclusivity Lomidze was not so much that in the 15 years he has been recognized as one of the most skilful "Shchipachev" - pickpockets - the Soviet Union, but in the fact that once the surrounding noticed how he suddenly stopped ... old. Time seemed to have flowed for him back.
Metamorphosis started when Soso knocked 25 years. Early graying emerged gradually began to fade, wrinkles are smoothed, the face rounded up and are acquired childish expression, stiff bristles on the cheeks replaced by youthful fluff. Every 5 years Lomidze lost weight and became less growth. It seemed as if nature was trying on adult male child mask. Unexplained changes in appearance - rejuvenation - which could dream of many women, lasted for about 30 years!
However, despite the progressive foreign infantilism, psychology and mental abilities Soso match his actual age: over the years he became more resourceful, enterprising and strong-willed ...
POCKET maker
As soon as our hero was a native of Moscow, it is natural that his more than 40-year criminal career began in the First Throne.
In the early 50-ies in the yards around Tishinsk market could be seen resting after his release once famous pickpocket Vitya Malin, a student of the legendary Vaska Brilliant. Victor gathered around him and the surrounding rebyatnyu free show and explained the different focuses. Sleight of hand - no fraud. Fascinated by the boys, Victor offered them to repeat some of his tricks. And closely monitor how and what do the boys. Was that a Georgian gang of little boy nicknamed "Katso" - small, gambling, black as pitch, and at the same freckled Soso Lomidze. He appeared and desired card and penny disappeared in front of the astonished audience. Victor Malina praised Soso and took with him. With him "Katso" and became "Shchipachev" pickpocket extra class.
Before meeting with raspberries Lomidze somehow underestimated craft pickpockets. It turned out that "Shchipachev" - is not a "gopstopniki" - inflated Umballa that Mother Nature is not more than one Smart allocated and that, by and large, can only vulgar robbery. And start thinking, if not start, after deprive a person of life. The reason is clear: where as just hurt himself into chips to break the door with a gun in the apartment, "where the money is" might is - do not mind ...
Soso Lomidze and his girlfriend Tamara. (Both 36 years old).
An entirely different breed, a leaven of pickpockets. "Shchipachev" in Russia have always been considered the highest caste of the underworld. Artists virtuosos. They even compared themselves with pianists and violinists. Keep the tone, look after themselves. The day is not to "play", say - you only will be visible flaws in the performance of a week - said the professionals, the brothers of the craft, and only a month - can fail and "performance," that is to be grasped by the hand ...
Underworld admired iron self-discipline "Shchipachev." Another would be: do not abuse alcohol, sleeping thoroughly in the morning - charging, in a word, blyudut mode. And it is not so easy when life thieves. Two hours before the release of "work" they do not eat or drink even tea as border guards before going in detail on the protection of the state border. This abuse causes a run at full capacity all the "on-board systems" of the human body: acute sight, hearing, sense of smell. Reaction becomes lightning.
"Shchipachev" compared not only to stand up in the patrol border guards, but also with the stunt. Why on earth, I ask, a stuntman, a dozen perekorezhenny unsuccessfully performed stunts, was aware that every next trick may be the last, still jumping at full speed of the train, from the roof of a ten-home ?! Stuntman usually responds: "This is my way of life can not be without risk. Life without danger and competition with them seems dry and fresh. " The same can be said about themselves and classic pickpocket ...
... One year later, Soso working class. His real first and last name, no one remembered - for all he was only a Katso. Now he instead raspberries, demonstrated yard punks Multi wise lessons of his patron. They're a lot like the famous scene with the dummy, bells and other attributes of Dickens's "Oliver Twist." However, over the Soso would not keep - a palm in his narrow fingers are thin and long. They coached and he always brought to the incredible flexibility. It seemed that each finger is living apart from the others. And before "work" every time alternately poured brush the cold, the hot water ... He, unwittingly, plays a single thesis of extant guidance of Chinese pickpockets, who, before heading to the case, keep your fingers into the cooled tea ...
First conviction
The apotheosis of youth Katso was summer 1957, when Moscow hosted the World Festival of Youth and Students. All suspicious persons on the eve of the festival were subject to expulsion from the 101st kilometer. Soso was left alone. It was then that his talent and flashed diamond facets.
In Moscow there were crowds of "orphan" foreigners. Every evening Katso privolakival home Swiss watches, cameras, trinkets, cigarette. Something gave away something sold cheaply yard pals. Wallets with colorful notes clutching to return from exile to the steep "business".
Once at ENEA Katso had a chance to "cut" sharpened silver fifty dollars back pocket white foreigner. How could he know Soso that the "hick", as his pockets are subject vigilant vigil detectives surveillance 7th KGB ?! The foreigner was no less established a scout, acting under the cover of a trading firm a respected Western European countries, and just received from his agent a dozen zaeksponirovannyh mikrofotoplenok. They were in the wallet, which became a prey and virtuoso Katso ...
No sooner Soso and a dozen steps to measure, moving away from his victim, has been taken under white hands, is seated at the operational "jeep" and delivered to the internal (secret) Lubyanka prison, popularly known as "nutryanka." There also was soon taken and the "victim" to rip his pants ...
* * *
Recruitment of "head" had very serious uncle in uniform of Colonel gebe. His party, he performed in a rapid pace. Not wasting time on Overture, Katso showed photographs that he was captured near his victim, in the usual "Shchipachev" perspective of his rank.
The strict uncle in uniform, said that the absence of a criminal record at Soso - it is not to his credit, but only defect of which is easy to fix. He explained that the Lubyanka - are not charitable institutions, and material about the antics of Soso in the Exhibition of Economic Achievements could be on the table Head of the MUR, if he agrees to help the most humane in the world of the squad, whose fighters are known for the purity of the hands, warm hearts and cool heads ...
Katso realized bargaining is inappropriate - and hastened to assure the Colonel that he is ready to fulfill any of its mandate. Indeed, on the confrontation with the "chode" in prison and on trial Soso, adhering to waste his line of conduct is completely denounced adversary, he testified that it was out of his pocket spy drew materials ...
As a result, a foreigner shlopotal real term, Soso also received a year of probation and was admitted to the secret Order spies counterintelligence, choosing a working alias Novice. However, subsequently, this does not become an agent for the newly indulgence and did not save him from persecution by the Murano and the courts. On the Siberian logging Lomidze spent a total of 13 years ...
CAUTION: looks can be deceiving!
Lomidze first found its mysterious transformation from a boy to a mature man practical, of course criminal, application, when he was 41.
... In 1983, after the suicide of Giorgadze, his widow Manana moved to Tbilisi and settled in a luxurious apartment with an armored door and the iron bars on the windows.
Porfirevich Mikhail Giorgadze, was born in 1912, a Georgian, born in Tbilisi, for 26 years, the permanent secretary of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet. In 1983, at the initiative of the General Secretary of the CPSU Yuri Andropov against Giorgadze was a criminal case on the fact of taking bribes in a large scale for the provision of mandates of the Supreme Council of his countrymen, their appointment to various positions in the State Planning Commission, Foreign Trade and the Council of Ministers of the USSR. During a search at his dacha outside Moscow, turned Giorgadze into a branch of the Pushkin Museum, was discovered more than 20 kilograms of jewelry made of gold and platinum, precious stones weighing over 4,000 carats, about 5 million. Rub., Tens of thousands of US $, DM, British pounds sterling and other foreign currencies.
General Prosecutor's Office investigators are most impressed ... toilets. They were cast in gold of the highest - 999 - sample ...
After searching Giorgadze, without waiting for the verdict of the court, he shot himself and his wife, taking with him hidden in the recesses of jewelry and money that could not find the investigators, fled to Tbilisi.
Lomidze knew elderly Manana never left his house, and in general was a woman incredulous to his house of strangers are not allowed. Moreover, in an apartment inhabited by three dogs, each the size of a calf. However, Soso intrigabelny mind prompted him out. Rather, the entrance to the house of Manana Giorgadze. His thoughts he shared with pals. The idea was accepted with enthusiasm. The thieves knew they risk nothing, because after robbing a woman does not dare go to the police.
By the day of the raid on the house of millionaire exiled Lomidze already I turned 41 years old, but he looked fifteen boys. He put on school uniforms, tied a Pioneer tie. A four-legged to neutralize guards in Tbilisi, Soso sobakopitomnike bought three bitches Shepherd, who began estrus. Aboard!
... After the bell on the door Manana looked through the peephole, she said that it is necessary to "pioneer." Squeaky voice Soso explained that their school is collecting paper for recycling. Door opened. Immediately to the apartment they were launched bitches that, forgetting everything immediately took dogs. But "fish is" do mistress ...
"Expropriate" got rid of the jewels in Moscow "Diamond Exchange" that in Stoleshnikov Lane at the jewelry store "Diamond". Money helped out so much that Soso and his comrades boozed almost a year, having forgotten about the thieves' fishing ...
Lomidze proved smarter accomplices. Unknown to them, part of his share he has spent on the purchase of the house in Odintsovo. Purchase issued to his girlfriend Tamara Badridze Tbilisi. By purchasing a refuge away from Georgia - the same straw, which can be podstelit Falling - Soso decided to change his life and become an anonymous investor. However, his "schipachesky" talent was urgently demanded criminal authorities of Georgia ...
STAR MIG "Shchipachev»
April 9, 1989 Lomidze remembered better than his own birthday. That same day, Eduard Shevardnadze after much wandering around the world in the rank of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR was able to finally visit Tbilisi. One of the points of his program bore the visit to the Palace of Pioneers. By preparing the visit not only the management of the institution, but also criminals Georgia.
At the thieves' meeting crowned the authorities decided to make a gray-haired fox - nicknamed Shevardnadze - public flogging, that he knew who reigns in modern Georgia. No, thieves Council was not planning an attempt on the guest, God forbid! In the Caucasus, publicly humiliated a man worse than a blow with a dagger. At that decided to do: to humiliate! Thieves have prepared Shevardnadze sophisticated campaign of retribution for those "inconveniences" that he created them in 1960-1970's, as first head of the Interior Ministry, and then the first secretary of the Communist Party of the republic ...
During the draw action performer he was elected Soso Lomidze. If successful, it has been promised to the criminal world highest title - "thief in law» ...
There were a lot of flowers, smiles and music. Kids in red ties lined up in two rows along the red carpet leading to the Palace. Soso was the right-flank, and although it was at the time of the 47th year, apparently it was impossible to distinguish from the surrounding youths.
... As soon as Shevardnadze surrounded by a dozen bodyguards gorillopodobnyh stepped onto the red carpet, she rushed to meet him Soso. Tearing voice shouted:
"Mister, Mister Edward, the son of Ambrose, you - our messiah we have been waiting for your events to the people! You - our savior, you're like Moses, have brought us up out of the desert ... Let me kiss your hand! »
On hearing these words, spells, Shevardnadze wiped a tear rolled forward, his hands raised in the run up little boy and kissed three times.
These moments were enough to watch the guest were in the pocket Lomidze. A moment later he disappeared into the crowd of pioneers, and after half an hour from Tbilisi.
Georgian criminals know how severe will the punishment, when the police come bloodhound on the trail villain who dared to daylight hours to remove the once all-powerful ruler of Georgia, therefore please ensure Lomidze escape routes ...
... Shevardnadze had missed missing hours just crossed the threshold of the cabinet director of the Palace of Pioneers. Philip Patek - the most expensive Swiss watches in the world - on a massive gold bracelet decorated with a scattering of diamonds were given gray-haired Fox president of the Union of Industrialists of Germany as an advance for his "zeal" in the withdrawal of the Group of Soviet troops from the GDR.
Two days later, the thieves to make a humiliating public share Shevardnadze, made a tender between the two central Georgian newspaper "Socialist Georgia" and "Georgian truth" - who will pay more, will become an intermediary in the transfer clock master. After an hour in the bidding process were involved editors of national newspapers and one television channel of the Georgian general was turned into a brokerage office where the bet for return chronometer. As a result, the ransom paid Shevardnadze himself.