Simple Science - digest experiments # 29
After a long break caused by the release of books we renew release digests with experience. And today offers a view not only those videos that we are shooting, but also those that we have done together with someone ("Science 2.0", "Caramba TV»).
In this issue:
After a long break caused by the release of books we renew release digests with experience. And today offers a view not only those videos that we are shooting, but also those that we have done together with someone ("Science 2.0", "Caramba TV»).
In this issue:
- hydrogen bubbles (channel "Science 2.0»);
- money does not burn (channel "Science 2.0»);
- electrochromic film (channel "Simple Science") ;
- potato gun (channel "Caramba TV»);
- chemistry of red (from the second book, "Simple Science»).
Hydrogen bubbles h4>
The shooting of this video, and all the production made on the channel "Science 2.0" from us only had to do what we usually do - experiments.
Money does not burn h4>
This video is also from the "Science 2.0".
During the filming was done about 30 takes on the order of operators. And in the last video, when the alcohol is gradually evaporated, no longer burn bill in principle. It was necessary to add alcohol, which led to such consequences here :)
But Sberbank received a bill, since it preserved all the numbers.
electrochromic film h4>
An electrochromic film is a two layer film with an inner conductor layer and the liquid crystal substrate. In the off-state crystals are arranged randomly to form an opaque white matte surface, scattering the transmitted light. When voltage is applied instantly stabilize crystals, the film becomes transparent and transmits light.
Specifications of the film: 90-110V power supply, current 0, 1A / m2, power - 7 W / m2, the switching speed - less than 1 sec., Transparency - 7-75%, resource switching more than 100 thousand. Times, operating temperature range -40C to + 75C
Potato Gun (working evolution gun shooting) h4>
Who has already done any gun, shoots potatoes. Even in recent news reports this design featured on the Maidan. But we did not put a gun to make itself for the experience, we did it in order to plot a channel "Caramba TV». Rather, we were invited to participate in the pilot issue of to "Karembeu" and if the venture is something will then continue.
A video I put together a bunch of trial and error, resulting in the construction of this device. I would especially like to boast that we have applied the stun gun in the ignition. This will undoubtedly improve the characteristics of guns and nullified the misfire that arise from using a piezo lighters.
of red chemicals h4>
And this experience of the second book, "Simple Science". Its essence is as follows:
Red cabbage juice contains a special pigment that is sensitive to the acidity of the solution - it changes color from red in an acid solution (vinegar) to blue in alkaline solution (soda). Besides cabbage similar property have many dark-blue berries and vegetables: beets, blackberries, black currants, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, dark grapes. Juice solution in water has a purple color. When mixing vinegar and baking soda solution reaction occurs with release of carbon dioxide bubbles, and the acidity becomes closer to neutral - the solution color becomes closer to violet.
Buy first and second book on our website or buy a application for the iPad. Now we are preparing a third book and in early March will show a few turns from it.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/gtv/blog/214299/
Simple-Science - Simple experiments (Digest # 25)
The first eight videos of our books in the public domain