Simple-Science - Simple experiments (Digest # 25)
In this issue # 25 experiments for children: h4>
In this issue # 25 experiments for children: h4>
- silver egg;
- the simplest gyroscope;
- a needle on the water;
- a needle in a haystack and easy eletkromagnit; < a mixture of cold water and hot;
- the water turns the image.
Note: h5> When conducting experiments adults there is a risk hobbies, and the confluence of the childhood !
Silver egg h4>
The simplest gyroscope h4>
Needle on the water h4>
needle in a haystack and easy eletkromagnit h4>
The mixture of cold water and hot h4>
The water turns the image h4>
Subscribe for new videos, please visit Vkontakte or look at the website & quot; experience for children and adults, children & quot ;.
The idea of the paper edition of the book h5>
is ready to make a modest contribution to the 100R; there are many possibilities, but do not prevent 300r, I think; my answer - 500r; 1000r - that's all I can; I am not an oligarch, so 3000r; Sure - you collect the required amount, but I, unfortunately, can only support you morally; crowdfunding in Russia is not capable of it; No, this idea is not worth it. Only registered users can participate in the survey. Sign , please. Voted 688 people. Abstain 278 people.
And I take this opportunity to proanonsirovat pleasant news for us: we are going to publish an electronic version of the book "fascinating experience for the children." Nesting is already in the middle distance, almost all video captured. But we were asked to publish a printed book, and try to raise funds for its printing platform through kraudfandingovuyu Boomstarter.ru .
We are confused! One business - electronic book that does not require us to cost, but our time is another matter - a paper book with all the ensuing consequences. On the publication of the book in hardcover A4 and replication dvd-drive to the book requires a 380.000r. We want to ask you to evaluate this venture for realism and who are ready to participate in the publication of the book, write about it in the comments or in PM.
In the last post we wrote about the idea of publishing an e-book and published an example of one of the spreads + video. Here they are:
But it seems to me to try this venture a must! Are you ready to participate in the publication of a book?
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/gtv/blog/187300/