Evaluate whether you're smarter than Stalin?
The network has a certain fashion - called Stalin's stupid, narrow-minded man. Usually the arguments are scenes more reminiscent of jokes, for example, in one of the transcripts Stalin asked Air Force Commander - can sit on the back of the plane?
It looks like nonsense.
Of course, in this case, the more likely is any other reason - a typo in the transcript, missed the context, the error transcript, or a combination of these reasons.
And such stories, supposedly, are many - a dozen or more.
But, for those who wish to announce Stalin minded stupid criminals does not help not to mention dozens - and even hundreds of such episodes, as there are alternative evidence of the outstanding minds of Stalin. And most authoritative of them - made by Churchill in his book "The Second World War", first published in the year 1948-1953.
In August 1942 Churchill arrived in Moscow on a visit, to clarify the future plans of the Allies, and in particular, to submit the plan to Stalin "Operation Torch" - a plan the Allied landings in North Africa.
Continued under the cut ...
Here's how Churchill told this story:
"The time has come to resort to" Torch. " I said I wanted to return to the question of a second front in 1942, for which I came. I do not think that France is the only place for such an operation. There are other places, and we and the Americans decided on another plan that allowed the American president to tell me secretly to Stalin. Now I started this ...
Then I explained exactly "Operation Torch". When I finished, Stalin showed keen interest ...
To illustrate his explanation, in the meantime I drew a crocodile and explained to Stalin with this pattern, we are going to attack the soft belly of the crocodile, while we attack his hard face ...
At this point, Stalin, apparently suddenly appreciated the strategic advantages of "Operation Torch» ».
Here I stop quoting and give the opportunity to anyone who is not aware of this history and is of the opinion that Stalin was stupid and narrow-minded person, I do all sorts of silly you loved -provesti experiment. Without resorting to gugleniya and finding what exactly praised Stalin as a strategic advantage - everyone can put yourself in his place and try to do this analysis yourself - assess the strategic advantages of Allied operations in North Africa.
Here is a quality assessment analysis of Stalin made by Churchill:
"This is a remarkable statement made a deep impression on me. It shows that the Russian dictator quickly and completely mastered the problem, which until then was new to him. Very few of the people could be living in a few minutes to understand the considerations on which we fought so hard for a number of months. He appreciated it at lightning speed. »
The most advanced opponents may try to prove that they not only are the same smart, like Stalin, but also smarter than him - if they can supplement the analysis of Stalin. In Hamburg score, so to speak.
And even if they succeed, this is evidence of the mind of Churchill Stalin would be very difficult to cast doubt even hundreds of quotes about the landing of the aircraft on its back, as
-Cherchill - An expert in the strategy and management of the military efforts of the state;
-somnevatsya honesty Churchill's description of this episode there is no reason;
-Cherchill Wrote his memoirs at the height of the Cold War, have extremely negative attitude to Stalin, the more valuable his testimony;
-Stalin Showcased the mind directly during a meeting with Churchill, to anyone without consulting;
-Cherchill Not just doing an outstanding allegation Stalin's mind, and leads, as an expert, evidence of which can easily check anyone - try on and try to do the same analysis as Stalin.
Alas, no amount of jokes about the stupidity of even Stalin did not outweigh this one (and it is, incidentally, not the only) evidence of Churchill's about the mind of Stalin.
So it goes. He does not go out of Stalin's stupid to imagine the near criminal. Oh, Churchill would have told us about it :)
It looks like nonsense.
Of course, in this case, the more likely is any other reason - a typo in the transcript, missed the context, the error transcript, or a combination of these reasons.
And such stories, supposedly, are many - a dozen or more.
But, for those who wish to announce Stalin minded stupid criminals does not help not to mention dozens - and even hundreds of such episodes, as there are alternative evidence of the outstanding minds of Stalin. And most authoritative of them - made by Churchill in his book "The Second World War", first published in the year 1948-1953.
In August 1942 Churchill arrived in Moscow on a visit, to clarify the future plans of the Allies, and in particular, to submit the plan to Stalin "Operation Torch" - a plan the Allied landings in North Africa.
Continued under the cut ...

Here's how Churchill told this story:
"The time has come to resort to" Torch. " I said I wanted to return to the question of a second front in 1942, for which I came. I do not think that France is the only place for such an operation. There are other places, and we and the Americans decided on another plan that allowed the American president to tell me secretly to Stalin. Now I started this ...
Then I explained exactly "Operation Torch". When I finished, Stalin showed keen interest ...
To illustrate his explanation, in the meantime I drew a crocodile and explained to Stalin with this pattern, we are going to attack the soft belly of the crocodile, while we attack his hard face ...
At this point, Stalin, apparently suddenly appreciated the strategic advantages of "Operation Torch» ».
Here I stop quoting and give the opportunity to anyone who is not aware of this history and is of the opinion that Stalin was stupid and narrow-minded person, I do all sorts of silly you loved -provesti experiment. Without resorting to gugleniya and finding what exactly praised Stalin as a strategic advantage - everyone can put yourself in his place and try to do this analysis yourself - assess the strategic advantages of Allied operations in North Africa.
Here is a quality assessment analysis of Stalin made by Churchill:
"This is a remarkable statement made a deep impression on me. It shows that the Russian dictator quickly and completely mastered the problem, which until then was new to him. Very few of the people could be living in a few minutes to understand the considerations on which we fought so hard for a number of months. He appreciated it at lightning speed. »
The most advanced opponents may try to prove that they not only are the same smart, like Stalin, but also smarter than him - if they can supplement the analysis of Stalin. In Hamburg score, so to speak.
And even if they succeed, this is evidence of the mind of Churchill Stalin would be very difficult to cast doubt even hundreds of quotes about the landing of the aircraft on its back, as
-Cherchill - An expert in the strategy and management of the military efforts of the state;
-somnevatsya honesty Churchill's description of this episode there is no reason;
-Cherchill Wrote his memoirs at the height of the Cold War, have extremely negative attitude to Stalin, the more valuable his testimony;
-Stalin Showcased the mind directly during a meeting with Churchill, to anyone without consulting;
-Cherchill Not just doing an outstanding allegation Stalin's mind, and leads, as an expert, evidence of which can easily check anyone - try on and try to do the same analysis as Stalin.
Alas, no amount of jokes about the stupidity of even Stalin did not outweigh this one (and it is, incidentally, not the only) evidence of Churchill's about the mind of Stalin.
So it goes. He does not go out of Stalin's stupid to imagine the near criminal. Oh, Churchill would have told us about it :)