Secrets of Stalin


Born Joseph Stalin - is a controversial point of his biography. The choice comes between two dates: December 21, 1879 and December 18, 1878. On the second date indicates an extract from the register of births Gori Assumption cathedral church, which speaks of the birth parents Vissarion Dzhugashvili Ivanovich and his wife Catherine Bonner (maiden name - Geladze) the son of Joseph.
Stalin replaced the true date of his birth can be explained as pragmatic reasons and esoteric. On the pragmatic side, change the year of birth was associated with the fact that to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the "leader" in 1928 was highly inappropriate: year has been incredibly difficult, and managed to accommodate all of Trotsky's exile to peasant revolts. But the shift birthday anything but esoteric, not to explain. There is a theory that Stalin replaced your birth date affected Gurdjieff, whom Stalin had attended the same seminary. Rectification date allowed Stalin to take and hold power.

Why - Stalin?

More than half a century our country run by people under pseudonyms. We can assume that this is due to the fact that the Soviet leaders came out of underground cells and the royal prison, but if you start to understand, it appears that the reasons for the change of name of each of the revolutionaries were your own. What are the reasons for the change of name was Joseph Dzhugashvili?
Over a lifetime, Stalin had three dozen aliases. At the same time revealing that Stalin did from his name secret. Who now remembers Apfelbaum, Rosenfeld and Wallach (Zinoviev, Kamenev, Litvinov)? But Ulyanov-Lenin and Stalin-Dzhugashvili - at the hearing. Stalin chose the pseudonym quite deliberately. According to William Pokhlebkin who work devoted to this subject "Great alias" when choosing a nickname coincided several factors. Real source when selecting an alias name has become a liberal journalist, initially close to the populists, and then to the SR Eugene Stefanovich Stalin, one of the prominent Russian professional publishers of periodicals in the province and translator into Russian Rustaveli's poem - "The Knight in the Panther's Skin". Stalin was very fond of this poem.

What to read?

Contrary to popular notion, that of the entire revolutionary cohort Stalin was almost the easiest, "from the plow", he was very educated. Do not forget about his studies at the seminary. Stalin could read Plato in the original, and it already says a lot. He had a huge library. Most of his books he was looking, and many have read carefully. Some - read several times. Stalin read the books, as a rule, with a pencil, and often with several colored pencils. Numerous notes, underlining, to make phrases, comments on the sidelines speak eloquently about the fact that Stalin with great attention was reading the literature, and the image of "the guy" for the proletariat was the only way.

Stalin and Matron

There is a tradition that on the eve of the Battle of Moscow in 1941, Joseph Stalin secretly visited the Blessed Matrona. Ostensibly bayou country blessed chapter, and soon the Germans were pushed back from Moscow. It is interesting that this meeting is embodied in several stamps hagiographic icons of St. Matrona.
Stalin and oil
One of the most contentious issues of personality of Stalin and his successful political career - his relationship with the oil magnates and, in particular, with the Rockefellers and Standart oil. The fact that oil companies were among the "customers" of the Russian Revolution today is no longer a mystery, but it is still not clear to Stalin's role in organizing the riots in Baku, when deliberately burned oil rigs Rothschild. Subject relations of Stalin and the Rockefellers - infinite field for conspiracy theories, but what Stalin until a certain time depended on Western money - definitely.
With the submission of official symbols of Stalin's Soviet Union was the five-pointed zvezda.Stalin knew pentagram has a very powerful energy potential and is one of the most powerful symbols. A symbol of the Soviet Union could become a swastika, whose cult was very strong in Russia at the beginning of the XX century. The swastika was depicted in "kerenki" swastika painted on the wall of the Ipatiev House Empress Alexandra Feodorovna before being shot, but almost the sole decision of Trotsky's Bolsheviks decided on a five-pointed star. The history of the XX century more will show that "star" stronger "swastika" ... The stars shone, and over the Kremlin, replacing the two-headed eagles, and the economic activity of the state was determined by five-year plans.
Predicting Stalin
Stalin was well aware of its importance. Once he said: "I know that after my death my grave will cause a lot of garbage, but the wind of history cruelly dispel it!". Beautifully said about Stalin Charles de Gaulle: "Stalin was not left in the past. Stalin dissolved in the future. "