Will 7 Picchu and many letters. On completion proclaim.
Kopipasta ... well, very much like it.
Today, 30 November, we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant and remember how the war forced to build a car factory in 12 months.
In October 41st
- Dad, Dad, you when you come to us with his mother? - Tearful child, wrapped up his nose prickly scarf, thin voice trying to shout a powerful buzz huge crowd.
- Soon, son, soon ... - tired of repeating jaded father, even though he has no idea when he sees a family. The task for ten days to dismantle the equipment "Plant named after Stalin" and put him on a railway platform seems unreal. According to preliminary calculations, need eight thousand freight cars, and in fact even elementary cables and winches are not enough ... But the thought of his father, a simple factory mechanic, suddenly slipping, "What Works, if the family I have, maybe I see the last time ?! The Germans are getting closer to Moscow! ". That's just to say goodbye to his family as a human does not work: the crowd suddenly picks up and carries away instantly slim silhouette of his wife, a son of a crying voice is heard from a distance ... So began the history of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant.
"The trains with evacuees were moving very slowly, letting the military echelons, rushing forward at great speed. In most parts of the railway had only one track, so at some stations the train idle days. Food cooked in common buckets where each dipped a piece of meat. In the unheated carriages was cold, slept without undressing, children were placed in the middle. But many are still sick with bronchitis, pneumonia ... "- remember the beginning of the war evacuees
The decision to save the industry, immediately throw the strategically important enterprises from Moscow to the east of the country, it was made as soon as the front approached the Soviet capital: October 12, 1941 the Luftwaffe bombers carried out a major raid on the "1 st State Automobile Plant named after IV Stalin ", and on October 15 the plant was ordered to begin emergency evacuation vehicle. At 19:00 the main conveyor, where the trucks went ZIS-5, stopped, and started "operation to relocate", which is truly a feat. Just think, for 11 days employees of the plant had to be dismantled and immerse 12,800 pieces of equipment, which required 7708 railway platforms and wagons! Followed by machines and equipment off and people: 6907 factory workers and their families 7259 went to Miass, Troitsk, Shadrinsk and Ulyanovsk.
Equipment "1st State Automobile Plant named after IV Stalin "were evacuated to different cities in the chassis shop - in Ulyanovsk, radiator shop - in Shadrinsk, foundry shop, engines and transmissions - in the Miass and press-forging production was sent to Chelyabinsk. There, in Chelyabinsk, the organization was established "GlavavtoZIS", which led the deployment of car production at new sites
Then-Ulyanovsk was a small district center of the Kuibyshev region, home to 105,000 people. However, the issue of lack of population required for the construction of the future automobile, decided quickly - in the city were evacuated 90,000 residents of Moscow, whom he had with his own hands, in fact, without the use of equipment to unload the trains (in the course were basic tools such as wooden rollers and ropes), and then as soon as possible to build suitable for the production of machines and weapons factory. In the open field! Despite the fact that in the vicinity there was no power, no boiler - to provide electric power construction, has been Imported diesel train. Yes, and installation of equipment, removal from Moscow in a wild rush, let's difficult: here and there arise problems as the evacuation machines literally "root out" with autogenous and scrap.
According to the laws of war
Now, let's digress from the details and just look at the chronology of events. November 30, 1941 (this date is considered the birthday of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant), the company was registered as a "Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant named after IV Stalin ", and the first products - aircraft missiles - the newly formed UlZIS began releasing four months later, in February 1942! In March, 42-th failed to start production tool, but first ZIS-5 trucks made in April. However, not without pads: cars collected, but without engines - in the Miass do not have time to start producing powertrains. In October, when regular supplies of engines managed to establish, and earned the main assembly line, giving out daily for 60 cars. Total - less than 12 months from the start of the evacuation before the start of full production! To distinguish "trёhtonku" war on prewar cars is simple: the truck "from the peace time" catches the eye wings pressed deep drawing, metal paneling and trim cabin. ZIS-5B had a "square", completely wooden, cabin, leather lining, and the L-shaped wings welded simplified form - instead of complicated punching Ulyanovsk had to use the technology as simple as possible, in particular, on the wings forming bending machine
First, the newly formed "UlZIS" produced prewar flatbed trucks ZIS-5 vehicle sets for the assembly which was taken from funky Moscow. But at the end of April 1942, the facility in Ulyanovsk were collected first cars ZIS-5V (the index letter "B" means "war") - a simplified modification "trёhtonki" created engineer IF Hermann. From its "civilian" fellow soldier Zakhar Ivanovich (as respectfully nicknamed truck frontline chauffeurs) differed most simplified design, but the layout and basic technical solutions have remained the same: to move a car powered 6-cylinder 73-horsepower engine of 5, 6 liters, able to consume not only low octane fuel, and kerosene, and the torque transmitted to the rear wheels through a 4-speed gearbox (of course, mechanical).
Interestingly, the ZIS-5 war-time great "lost": pre-war car assembly weighed a few more hundredweight! This effect was achieved by total economy. Instead of a metal plating cabin - nailed wooden boards, instead of plywood and leatherette roof - painted with oil paint tarp ... Of course, the driver's seat of the deficit had to replace steel wire "Seats" simpler plywood and prosteganoy wool. Also, the car lost the front brake and the right headlight and the loading platform and steps become solid wood cabin. As a result, only began to save 214 kilograms of ... But most importantly, such a machine can collect arms elderly, women and children, as other labor then there was - all able-bodied men were sent to the front. Not only to find the "live", but also to see the photographs before the war ZIS is almost impossible! In 1941, when Hitler's armada began its terrible march across the country, the German troops almost immediately destroyed 159,000 vehicles, of which there were many "trёhtonok." And all for the fighting the Soviets lost about 351,800 vehicles of all types ... By comparison, from 1942 to 1944 "UlZIS" managed to collect only ten thousand trucks
Besides ZIS-5, the forces of Ulyanovsk plant managed to collect several hundred trucks "Studer" three-axle all-wheel drive Studebaker US6, which the Americans have supplied the "Board" Lend-Lease. And engineers have moved to Ulyanovsk from Moscow not only to solve production problems, such as the development of foreign assembly technology, but also designed a promising ... cars! And that in time of war, the factory, which has long been written off by steam heated by steam locomotives ... Nails would make of these people! It's a shame that developments Ulyanovsk plant are not useful - they gave in Miass, which in February 1944 was completely transferred production of the ZIS-5. In this automotive history and could end up ...
Fortunately, after the war, idle capacity loaded production "polutorok" truck GAZ-MM (those that initially were a licensed copy of the American "Ford" Model AA sample 1929), which produced until 1950 (according to other sources - to 1956). In October 1954, by the decision of the Ministry of the automotive industry of the USSR in Ulyanovsk "exiled" other gazovskih model - SUV GAZ-69. And until the end of the conveyor of life legendary "goat" formally remained gorkovchaninom: car continued to wear the mark of the developer (in some documents, however, the car was called a UAZ-69), and on the hood always stamped inscription "GAS" ... Here is the "historical line "UAZ models from truck ZIS-5 and Studebaker US6 to the" exiles "and GAZ-MM GAZ-69. If "zisov" has collected a little more than ten thousand cars, unreleased 19 consecutive years, "the sixty-ninth" has sold 597,000 copies! And all for 70-year history of the Ulyanovsk plant produced more than 4, 5 million cars
Interestingly, some historians suggest to note the anniversary of the company brand logos (stylized silhouette of a seagull the letter "Y"), rightly noting that such "birds" first appeared 45 years ago in cars UAZ-452. But we do not accept: the State Committee for discoveries and inventions Ulyanovsk allowed to use the new emblem much earlier, in December 1963
Posted in [mergetime] 1322680609 [/ mergetime]
By the way, simultaneously with the development of "sixty-ninth" Ulyanovsk car plant, finally found the long-awaited independence - the "top" allowed the creation of the department of chief designer, who now had to design the cars under its own brand. The first such development (which, incidentally, had no analogues in the world!) Was a family of vans UAZ-450, wagon-wheel-drive vehicles - and today they are available now. After the "tadpoles" and "loaves" it was the turn of the army UAZ-469, replace the "goat" GAZ-69. And then other times will begin, along with that on the factory assembly line will "Simbir" and "Hunter" with "patriot". However, this is a topic for another story ...
That's all I wanted to say.
Author -Aleksey Kovanov
Taken here
Kopipasta ... well, very much like it.
Today, 30 November, we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant and remember how the war forced to build a car factory in 12 months.
In October 41st
- Dad, Dad, you when you come to us with his mother? - Tearful child, wrapped up his nose prickly scarf, thin voice trying to shout a powerful buzz huge crowd.
- Soon, son, soon ... - tired of repeating jaded father, even though he has no idea when he sees a family. The task for ten days to dismantle the equipment "Plant named after Stalin" and put him on a railway platform seems unreal. According to preliminary calculations, need eight thousand freight cars, and in fact even elementary cables and winches are not enough ... But the thought of his father, a simple factory mechanic, suddenly slipping, "What Works, if the family I have, maybe I see the last time ?! The Germans are getting closer to Moscow! ". That's just to say goodbye to his family as a human does not work: the crowd suddenly picks up and carries away instantly slim silhouette of his wife, a son of a crying voice is heard from a distance ... So began the history of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant.

"The trains with evacuees were moving very slowly, letting the military echelons, rushing forward at great speed. In most parts of the railway had only one track, so at some stations the train idle days. Food cooked in common buckets where each dipped a piece of meat. In the unheated carriages was cold, slept without undressing, children were placed in the middle. But many are still sick with bronchitis, pneumonia ... "- remember the beginning of the war evacuees
The decision to save the industry, immediately throw the strategically important enterprises from Moscow to the east of the country, it was made as soon as the front approached the Soviet capital: October 12, 1941 the Luftwaffe bombers carried out a major raid on the "1 st State Automobile Plant named after IV Stalin ", and on October 15 the plant was ordered to begin emergency evacuation vehicle. At 19:00 the main conveyor, where the trucks went ZIS-5, stopped, and started "operation to relocate", which is truly a feat. Just think, for 11 days employees of the plant had to be dismantled and immerse 12,800 pieces of equipment, which required 7708 railway platforms and wagons! Followed by machines and equipment off and people: 6907 factory workers and their families 7259 went to Miass, Troitsk, Shadrinsk and Ulyanovsk.
Equipment "1st State Automobile Plant named after IV Stalin "were evacuated to different cities in the chassis shop - in Ulyanovsk, radiator shop - in Shadrinsk, foundry shop, engines and transmissions - in the Miass and press-forging production was sent to Chelyabinsk. There, in Chelyabinsk, the organization was established "GlavavtoZIS", which led the deployment of car production at new sites


Then-Ulyanovsk was a small district center of the Kuibyshev region, home to 105,000 people. However, the issue of lack of population required for the construction of the future automobile, decided quickly - in the city were evacuated 90,000 residents of Moscow, whom he had with his own hands, in fact, without the use of equipment to unload the trains (in the course were basic tools such as wooden rollers and ropes), and then as soon as possible to build suitable for the production of machines and weapons factory. In the open field! Despite the fact that in the vicinity there was no power, no boiler - to provide electric power construction, has been Imported diesel train. Yes, and installation of equipment, removal from Moscow in a wild rush, let's difficult: here and there arise problems as the evacuation machines literally "root out" with autogenous and scrap.
According to the laws of war
Now, let's digress from the details and just look at the chronology of events. November 30, 1941 (this date is considered the birthday of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant), the company was registered as a "Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant named after IV Stalin ", and the first products - aircraft missiles - the newly formed UlZIS began releasing four months later, in February 1942! In March, 42-th failed to start production tool, but first ZIS-5 trucks made in April. However, not without pads: cars collected, but without engines - in the Miass do not have time to start producing powertrains. In October, when regular supplies of engines managed to establish, and earned the main assembly line, giving out daily for 60 cars. Total - less than 12 months from the start of the evacuation before the start of full production! To distinguish "trёhtonku" war on prewar cars is simple: the truck "from the peace time" catches the eye wings pressed deep drawing, metal paneling and trim cabin. ZIS-5B had a "square", completely wooden, cabin, leather lining, and the L-shaped wings welded simplified form - instead of complicated punching Ulyanovsk had to use the technology as simple as possible, in particular, on the wings forming bending machine

First, the newly formed "UlZIS" produced prewar flatbed trucks ZIS-5 vehicle sets for the assembly which was taken from funky Moscow. But at the end of April 1942, the facility in Ulyanovsk were collected first cars ZIS-5V (the index letter "B" means "war") - a simplified modification "trёhtonki" created engineer IF Hermann. From its "civilian" fellow soldier Zakhar Ivanovich (as respectfully nicknamed truck frontline chauffeurs) differed most simplified design, but the layout and basic technical solutions have remained the same: to move a car powered 6-cylinder 73-horsepower engine of 5, 6 liters, able to consume not only low octane fuel, and kerosene, and the torque transmitted to the rear wheels through a 4-speed gearbox (of course, mechanical).
Interestingly, the ZIS-5 war-time great "lost": pre-war car assembly weighed a few more hundredweight! This effect was achieved by total economy. Instead of a metal plating cabin - nailed wooden boards, instead of plywood and leatherette roof - painted with oil paint tarp ... Of course, the driver's seat of the deficit had to replace steel wire "Seats" simpler plywood and prosteganoy wool. Also, the car lost the front brake and the right headlight and the loading platform and steps become solid wood cabin. As a result, only began to save 214 kilograms of ... But most importantly, such a machine can collect arms elderly, women and children, as other labor then there was - all able-bodied men were sent to the front. Not only to find the "live", but also to see the photographs before the war ZIS is almost impossible! In 1941, when Hitler's armada began its terrible march across the country, the German troops almost immediately destroyed 159,000 vehicles, of which there were many "trёhtonok." And all for the fighting the Soviets lost about 351,800 vehicles of all types ... By comparison, from 1942 to 1944 "UlZIS" managed to collect only ten thousand trucks

Besides ZIS-5, the forces of Ulyanovsk plant managed to collect several hundred trucks "Studer" three-axle all-wheel drive Studebaker US6, which the Americans have supplied the "Board" Lend-Lease. And engineers have moved to Ulyanovsk from Moscow not only to solve production problems, such as the development of foreign assembly technology, but also designed a promising ... cars! And that in time of war, the factory, which has long been written off by steam heated by steam locomotives ... Nails would make of these people! It's a shame that developments Ulyanovsk plant are not useful - they gave in Miass, which in February 1944 was completely transferred production of the ZIS-5. In this automotive history and could end up ...
Fortunately, after the war, idle capacity loaded production "polutorok" truck GAZ-MM (those that initially were a licensed copy of the American "Ford" Model AA sample 1929), which produced until 1950 (according to other sources - to 1956). In October 1954, by the decision of the Ministry of the automotive industry of the USSR in Ulyanovsk "exiled" other gazovskih model - SUV GAZ-69. And until the end of the conveyor of life legendary "goat" formally remained gorkovchaninom: car continued to wear the mark of the developer (in some documents, however, the car was called a UAZ-69), and on the hood always stamped inscription "GAS" ... Here is the "historical line "UAZ models from truck ZIS-5 and Studebaker US6 to the" exiles "and GAZ-MM GAZ-69. If "zisov" has collected a little more than ten thousand cars, unreleased 19 consecutive years, "the sixty-ninth" has sold 597,000 copies! And all for 70-year history of the Ulyanovsk plant produced more than 4, 5 million cars

Interestingly, some historians suggest to note the anniversary of the company brand logos (stylized silhouette of a seagull the letter "Y"), rightly noting that such "birds" first appeared 45 years ago in cars UAZ-452. But we do not accept: the State Committee for discoveries and inventions Ulyanovsk allowed to use the new emblem much earlier, in December 1963
Posted in [mergetime] 1322680609 [/ mergetime]
By the way, simultaneously with the development of "sixty-ninth" Ulyanovsk car plant, finally found the long-awaited independence - the "top" allowed the creation of the department of chief designer, who now had to design the cars under its own brand. The first such development (which, incidentally, had no analogues in the world!) Was a family of vans UAZ-450, wagon-wheel-drive vehicles - and today they are available now. After the "tadpoles" and "loaves" it was the turn of the army UAZ-469, replace the "goat" GAZ-69. And then other times will begin, along with that on the factory assembly line will "Simbir" and "Hunter" with "patriot". However, this is a topic for another story ...
That's all I wanted to say.
Author -Aleksey Kovanov
Taken here
