Unique SUV with their hands
Ninety eight million six hundred seventy four thousand eight hundred twenty six
24-year-old Artem, Kaucuk, car fix-it, dedicated this project to his grandfather. From the GAZ-69 were taken only bow, and all other parts got a self-made jeep from other vehicles.
The basis was taken the well-preserved frame of the Land Cruiser 60, Artem put it on the back of a minivan Nissan Caravan, to the front of which was welded "muzzle" GAZ-69. In the cabin it was decided to keep the original landing of the Soviet formula of the SUV, where two stationary seats are located folding seats. Driven by this "custom" engine ZMZ-409 from AUZ Hunter and the transmission of the Land Cruiser.
Personal attitude
And unusual to learn about the owner of replicare: 24-year-old Artem, Kichuk, who dedicated this project to his grandfather, and calling it "In memory of grandfather." Now there exists a lot of young people "generation of the 90s" with this attitude to family history? We must say that Tom lives with cars since childhood, largely due to the occupations and Hobbies in a family where everything on wheels and for work and leisure time, including on long journeys. And now in vehicles is not disadvantaged — there is the opportunity to ride on modern. But wanted something unusual, rare, made in its understanding and application in their own hands, though not without help, of course.
The impetus to creativity in this direction and became a grandfather "Jeep", which was a chance to ride, but which has not survived. However, the skills of "dimostrare" was received in 2011 in the preparation before the family UAZ-452: liftable, put Japanese diesel, "Barkovskii" bridges (gear UAZ with extended track), a winch, in General, prepared for serious off-road. It was after him and were inspired by the idea to revive the image of GAZ-69 and the machine itself is like, and something to do like. What should happen and how to realize, was vague, so I just decided to start with the search of any source.
And found. Shabby, a skeleton, rotting in places, no rear axle, with "volgovskoe" engine — status "prototype" is the least conducive to the embodiment of the conceived. Clearly "dead" units did not want to communicate, to bring back the past in their authentic form was extremely difficult, but a sad look of large "eyes" was not released. So I decided to make of it, but only now needed a donor.
Here is the way came across the ad for sale of another rarity — Land Cruiser 60. Even the first generation: two circular headlights and a petrol engine 2F. As shown by familiarity, the years in Russia were not in vain: there were already traces of "import substitution" — the legendary Japanese SUV peacefully stuck parts from GAZ-53, from the Volga, from the River... but overall the chassis is in decent more native condition. Have to take, so the bridges would need. Removed the leaky places of the body, and under it almost in perfect condition frame. In any case, immediately reminded of the UAZ-452, where after the installation of the diesel engine began to burst the "ridge" had to reinforce. Here, nearly 30-year-old "shestidesyatye", metal credible. And why would something change, if there is a ready solution ready chassis?
I tried to put the body 69. Just so long as, in the experiment, it was necessary with something to begin. And then Artyom understood what grandpa's "Jeep", which went to as a child, he has grown considerably: crowded, small low window, roof "on the head", the volume is not enough visibility there. In General, normally do not fit, the space is limited, but the car was needed not only for beauty, but for everyday use, as well as long distance trips. The whole thing suddenly slowed down, suddenly stumped. What to do now?
The further course of events suggested based on the characteristic name — Nissan Caravan that is indifferent and immobile just gathering dust. Bought it as a donor for tuning the UAZ-452, removed the engine and box, and the body remained. Not necessary like, but also throw a pity, perhaps where you still need. And here came in handy. Measured everything in roulette, it is suitable in size, even a powerful spar-type integrated frame very well "lay down" on the frame of LC, it is not necessary to cut off and upset the power structure.
First thought to cut roomy rear part of the "Caravan" and replace it with the stern 69. And then of course it is — why not with the whole front end, windshield, doors? It is only necessary to cut the Central piece with sliding door, because the whole body is conceived not fit. Then to the flat "face" of the van put only the nose portion 69. Even in the nose "Jeep" did not close the wide lubovina "Caravan", but overall looked good — if you gently mend, perhaps it is a harmonious combination of volumes.
Between past and present
So it all began–thundered iron: sawing, joining, fitting the front end of ' 69 both at home got the front axle LC, almost no overhang, and the rear wheel arch of a van sat in the back, providing proportional overhang. In the end, completely saved database LC 60 was designated a brand-new silhouette, with a recognizable face, a classic diagram of the chassis, but different, "minibus" layout in the cabin. In the sense that it was free, more vertical landing, but with the engine placement in front, as befits an SUV.
The front seats remained in place (only other), beneath them, where in the case of "Caravan" was the engine compartment, taking the place of the fuel tank, battery, small lockers. The side members of the body of the "Caravan" bolted to the frame LC, anything extra weld was not necessary, all and so it was doubly hard, thoroughly.
However, under the hood was not what one might expect. This part of the project will certainly cause the most controversial assessments, however, the author proceeded from certain considerations, in his own logical, reasoned. It would seem that the ideologically correct solution came with LC 60. Cast-iron inline-six 2F, with the lower camshaft and carburetor nutrition, 135 forces at 3600 rpm and 210 Nm at 1800 rpm. The beauty, in a word, was still on the great-grandfather of FJ. And yet this mighty gasoline "knight" weren't happy with the heavy, archaic, and your resource is already developed. Since the maximum identity was not in priority tasks as well as extreme trofi-raids were not part of a range of future responsibilities, you still wanted the engine easier, more modern.
Again, asking a diesel, any kind of was in "the vaults" — TD27, together with KP and RK (transfer box), the finished "kit". Actually, he wanted to raise, but doubt took another wing: the stick family units "shestidesyati", and the bridges will need to change the main pair to pick up this diesel, besides the exit of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the other side. It was decided to follow the path of least resistance: the transmission completely leave from LC, and for her to find a new petrol engine (that is, better one unit change than all one).
The search for a possible replacement, and for the price was fine and settings were not easy. Of course, we examined Japanese engines second-hand. And yet the result was something of a "protest" if it around long ago taken place on domestic cars, foreign power plant, happened exactly the opposite. That is, for Japanese chassis, the choice fell on ZMZ-409. He arranged with the technical and "political" — yet the draft would bring more Russian.
And yet this does not mean that the project develops smoothly like clockwork. To convey the "spirit of time" and must be at least a modest modern demands of design, comfort and control, left a good two years of hard work. And not only in the creation of ZMZ-409 with box LC 60 when I had to build the adapter plate, and special order to produce elongated primary shaft of the box. Had still to endure RHD control LC 60 or Nissan Caravan on the left side — the "required" image, the GAZ-69 and their own desires. And when you consider that the steering LC 60 was without the amplifier, and to remain without it for the sake of "spirit of the time" did not want, had a big business.
And this case asked its considerable investments: one only was found from the LHD LC 60 gearbox with power steering in working condition at a cost of 25 000 rubles. A lot of time spent and the mess management. Grip "Azovskoe", but with brakes wise do not have: native Japanese front and rear (disc and drum). The suspension is also unchanged, as the discs. Pursuit of "extreme" was not intended originally, according to conventional classification of the road project has been prepared rather as a "light" expeditionis, so no lift and no rubber "krasovskogo" size. "Thirty-first" Maxxis Mudzilla considered a viable option for traveling on different roads.
Not only "glue" the body of three main parts, but to bring it to the desired state — here's the other problem was with a variety of conditions. The bow of ' 69, though, and went to the frame LC of 60 in its nest, but the dimensions in width do not match. To their delicate wings to cover the track "shestidesyati" had to do "plastic surgery" is to cut the wings along the implant strip width of six inches. "Sideways" so the face went 69 th only benefit with age is a normal phenomenon.
Lost their headlamps, the replacement of LC himself suggested the 60-round "lenses" tochnehonko got into rare metal "frame". But gabaritnye Artem specifically looking for the original in order to preserve the charm of the era. For the full design of the front came to the aid of a modified bumper from UAZ-469, but at the same time had advanced "to cover" his junction of the splash apron so as not overwhelmed headlight in the mud baths. Rear arches: you can leave them the form together with a body of "Caravan" and make some pads. But why, after all, was the original "arc" of the rear wings 69: they are wonderful fit here, transforming the stern under the General retractility.
Retractable air intake for "stove" functionally preserved as an exclusive item, but relatives wipers, of course, is not good. However, the "wipers" and the Caravan did not come, because they are "stranded" from left to right, leaving a large untreated angle for the driver when you transfer the helm to the left side. Tried to adapt something "ours", but to no avail. A way out of this impasse has again prompted Japanese auto industry, but more modern: the Honda Odyssey minivan cleaners "universal", swing type, perfectly clean windshield from edge to edge. The "disassembly" was able to buy this system in the collection and after completions rods and levers is adapted here, with all modes, not just "on" and "off."
Separate song — the front panel. After all the failed experiments to "connect the unconnected" including attempts to "squeeze in" panel from the Istana, it was decided to do the "face" of the interior on their own. Welded frame, sheathed with steel plates, picked up all the right signs: flat panel and round instruments could not be better conveyed "the spirit of the time", even the handle to the passenger set, just like in 69.
Like car rides? As befits him grandly, waddling, lazy reactions to steering wheel, with the need a little to taxi up. But rides confidently: enough power not only for start and acceleration, but maintain a cruising speed of 110 km/h. And traction with these wheels enough in first gear idle crawl without connecting down-range.
On an average road the engine is completely justified, but on the highway it would not hurt fifth gear: fourth at a speed of 90 km/h the motor is loud spinning at 2500 rpm, if you add speed, we would like to switch to. On the bumpy road move empty cars may be not as smooth as the 60-key, but without special shocks and vibrations. And if directly compared with 69 second, his famous "goat" of the disease here and can not speak. Fuel consumption: highway near ten liters in the city to 15 and above.
You can, of course, to get smart about ergonomics, they say, not everything is perfect located for versatility of landing at the wheel lacks adjustment and all that jazz. But why? For myself, Artem drove normally, it is convenient, and the car too, as mentioned, he did not just for fun and as a memory, and to have travelled a lot. Registered as a GAZ-69 with retrofitting active operation began in the summer of 2014, and by November mileage reached almost 4,000 km! About half of it was "break-in" period for the new engine and old units — in spite of their preliminary prevention, needed to replace some seals, crosses, cardan, in General, on trifles.
Now, after the "break", when all defects are eliminated, the ability of all studied SUV, waiting for him and the expedition. In conclusion we can say so: through the private about managed to create what at the time could not the whole plant (remember the attempt of reincarnation of GAZ-69 in the face of conceptual "Battalion commander"), the only one, but running the instance.
Source: ribalych.ru/2014/12/19/unikalnyj-vnedorozhnik-svoimi-rukami/
24-year-old Artem, Kaucuk, car fix-it, dedicated this project to his grandfather. From the GAZ-69 were taken only bow, and all other parts got a self-made jeep from other vehicles.
The basis was taken the well-preserved frame of the Land Cruiser 60, Artem put it on the back of a minivan Nissan Caravan, to the front of which was welded "muzzle" GAZ-69. In the cabin it was decided to keep the original landing of the Soviet formula of the SUV, where two stationary seats are located folding seats. Driven by this "custom" engine ZMZ-409 from AUZ Hunter and the transmission of the Land Cruiser.

Personal attitude
And unusual to learn about the owner of replicare: 24-year-old Artem, Kichuk, who dedicated this project to his grandfather, and calling it "In memory of grandfather." Now there exists a lot of young people "generation of the 90s" with this attitude to family history? We must say that Tom lives with cars since childhood, largely due to the occupations and Hobbies in a family where everything on wheels and for work and leisure time, including on long journeys. And now in vehicles is not disadvantaged — there is the opportunity to ride on modern. But wanted something unusual, rare, made in its understanding and application in their own hands, though not without help, of course.

The impetus to creativity in this direction and became a grandfather "Jeep", which was a chance to ride, but which has not survived. However, the skills of "dimostrare" was received in 2011 in the preparation before the family UAZ-452: liftable, put Japanese diesel, "Barkovskii" bridges (gear UAZ with extended track), a winch, in General, prepared for serious off-road. It was after him and were inspired by the idea to revive the image of GAZ-69 and the machine itself is like, and something to do like. What should happen and how to realize, was vague, so I just decided to start with the search of any source.

And found. Shabby, a skeleton, rotting in places, no rear axle, with "volgovskoe" engine — status "prototype" is the least conducive to the embodiment of the conceived. Clearly "dead" units did not want to communicate, to bring back the past in their authentic form was extremely difficult, but a sad look of large "eyes" was not released. So I decided to make of it, but only now needed a donor.

Here is the way came across the ad for sale of another rarity — Land Cruiser 60. Even the first generation: two circular headlights and a petrol engine 2F. As shown by familiarity, the years in Russia were not in vain: there were already traces of "import substitution" — the legendary Japanese SUV peacefully stuck parts from GAZ-53, from the Volga, from the River... but overall the chassis is in decent more native condition. Have to take, so the bridges would need. Removed the leaky places of the body, and under it almost in perfect condition frame. In any case, immediately reminded of the UAZ-452, where after the installation of the diesel engine began to burst the "ridge" had to reinforce. Here, nearly 30-year-old "shestidesyatye", metal credible. And why would something change, if there is a ready solution ready chassis?

I tried to put the body 69. Just so long as, in the experiment, it was necessary with something to begin. And then Artyom understood what grandpa's "Jeep", which went to as a child, he has grown considerably: crowded, small low window, roof "on the head", the volume is not enough visibility there. In General, normally do not fit, the space is limited, but the car was needed not only for beauty, but for everyday use, as well as long distance trips. The whole thing suddenly slowed down, suddenly stumped. What to do now?
The further course of events suggested based on the characteristic name — Nissan Caravan that is indifferent and immobile just gathering dust. Bought it as a donor for tuning the UAZ-452, removed the engine and box, and the body remained. Not necessary like, but also throw a pity, perhaps where you still need. And here came in handy. Measured everything in roulette, it is suitable in size, even a powerful spar-type integrated frame very well "lay down" on the frame of LC, it is not necessary to cut off and upset the power structure.
First thought to cut roomy rear part of the "Caravan" and replace it with the stern 69. And then of course it is — why not with the whole front end, windshield, doors? It is only necessary to cut the Central piece with sliding door, because the whole body is conceived not fit. Then to the flat "face" of the van put only the nose portion 69. Even in the nose "Jeep" did not close the wide lubovina "Caravan", but overall looked good — if you gently mend, perhaps it is a harmonious combination of volumes.

Between past and present
So it all began–thundered iron: sawing, joining, fitting the front end of ' 69 both at home got the front axle LC, almost no overhang, and the rear wheel arch of a van sat in the back, providing proportional overhang. In the end, completely saved database LC 60 was designated a brand-new silhouette, with a recognizable face, a classic diagram of the chassis, but different, "minibus" layout in the cabin. In the sense that it was free, more vertical landing, but with the engine placement in front, as befits an SUV.

The front seats remained in place (only other), beneath them, where in the case of "Caravan" was the engine compartment, taking the place of the fuel tank, battery, small lockers. The side members of the body of the "Caravan" bolted to the frame LC, anything extra weld was not necessary, all and so it was doubly hard, thoroughly.

However, under the hood was not what one might expect. This part of the project will certainly cause the most controversial assessments, however, the author proceeded from certain considerations, in his own logical, reasoned. It would seem that the ideologically correct solution came with LC 60. Cast-iron inline-six 2F, with the lower camshaft and carburetor nutrition, 135 forces at 3600 rpm and 210 Nm at 1800 rpm. The beauty, in a word, was still on the great-grandfather of FJ. And yet this mighty gasoline "knight" weren't happy with the heavy, archaic, and your resource is already developed. Since the maximum identity was not in priority tasks as well as extreme trofi-raids were not part of a range of future responsibilities, you still wanted the engine easier, more modern.
Again, asking a diesel, any kind of was in "the vaults" — TD27, together with KP and RK (transfer box), the finished "kit". Actually, he wanted to raise, but doubt took another wing: the stick family units "shestidesyati", and the bridges will need to change the main pair to pick up this diesel, besides the exit of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the other side. It was decided to follow the path of least resistance: the transmission completely leave from LC, and for her to find a new petrol engine (that is, better one unit change than all one).
The search for a possible replacement, and for the price was fine and settings were not easy. Of course, we examined Japanese engines second-hand. And yet the result was something of a "protest" if it around long ago taken place on domestic cars, foreign power plant, happened exactly the opposite. That is, for Japanese chassis, the choice fell on ZMZ-409. He arranged with the technical and "political" — yet the draft would bring more Russian.

And yet this does not mean that the project develops smoothly like clockwork. To convey the "spirit of time" and must be at least a modest modern demands of design, comfort and control, left a good two years of hard work. And not only in the creation of ZMZ-409 with box LC 60 when I had to build the adapter plate, and special order to produce elongated primary shaft of the box. Had still to endure RHD control LC 60 or Nissan Caravan on the left side — the "required" image, the GAZ-69 and their own desires. And when you consider that the steering LC 60 was without the amplifier, and to remain without it for the sake of "spirit of the time" did not want, had a big business.

And this case asked its considerable investments: one only was found from the LHD LC 60 gearbox with power steering in working condition at a cost of 25 000 rubles. A lot of time spent and the mess management. Grip "Azovskoe", but with brakes wise do not have: native Japanese front and rear (disc and drum). The suspension is also unchanged, as the discs. Pursuit of "extreme" was not intended originally, according to conventional classification of the road project has been prepared rather as a "light" expeditionis, so no lift and no rubber "krasovskogo" size. "Thirty-first" Maxxis Mudzilla considered a viable option for traveling on different roads.

Not only "glue" the body of three main parts, but to bring it to the desired state — here's the other problem was with a variety of conditions. The bow of ' 69, though, and went to the frame LC of 60 in its nest, but the dimensions in width do not match. To their delicate wings to cover the track "shestidesyati" had to do "plastic surgery" is to cut the wings along the implant strip width of six inches. "Sideways" so the face went 69 th only benefit with age is a normal phenomenon.

Lost their headlamps, the replacement of LC himself suggested the 60-round "lenses" tochnehonko got into rare metal "frame". But gabaritnye Artem specifically looking for the original in order to preserve the charm of the era. For the full design of the front came to the aid of a modified bumper from UAZ-469, but at the same time had advanced "to cover" his junction of the splash apron so as not overwhelmed headlight in the mud baths. Rear arches: you can leave them the form together with a body of "Caravan" and make some pads. But why, after all, was the original "arc" of the rear wings 69: they are wonderful fit here, transforming the stern under the General retractility.

Retractable air intake for "stove" functionally preserved as an exclusive item, but relatives wipers, of course, is not good. However, the "wipers" and the Caravan did not come, because they are "stranded" from left to right, leaving a large untreated angle for the driver when you transfer the helm to the left side. Tried to adapt something "ours", but to no avail. A way out of this impasse has again prompted Japanese auto industry, but more modern: the Honda Odyssey minivan cleaners "universal", swing type, perfectly clean windshield from edge to edge. The "disassembly" was able to buy this system in the collection and after completions rods and levers is adapted here, with all modes, not just "on" and "off."

Separate song — the front panel. After all the failed experiments to "connect the unconnected" including attempts to "squeeze in" panel from the Istana, it was decided to do the "face" of the interior on their own. Welded frame, sheathed with steel plates, picked up all the right signs: flat panel and round instruments could not be better conveyed "the spirit of the time", even the handle to the passenger set, just like in 69.

Like car rides? As befits him grandly, waddling, lazy reactions to steering wheel, with the need a little to taxi up. But rides confidently: enough power not only for start and acceleration, but maintain a cruising speed of 110 km/h. And traction with these wheels enough in first gear idle crawl without connecting down-range.
On an average road the engine is completely justified, but on the highway it would not hurt fifth gear: fourth at a speed of 90 km/h the motor is loud spinning at 2500 rpm, if you add speed, we would like to switch to. On the bumpy road move empty cars may be not as smooth as the 60-key, but without special shocks and vibrations. And if directly compared with 69 second, his famous "goat" of the disease here and can not speak. Fuel consumption: highway near ten liters in the city to 15 and above.

You can, of course, to get smart about ergonomics, they say, not everything is perfect located for versatility of landing at the wheel lacks adjustment and all that jazz. But why? For myself, Artem drove normally, it is convenient, and the car too, as mentioned, he did not just for fun and as a memory, and to have travelled a lot. Registered as a GAZ-69 with retrofitting active operation began in the summer of 2014, and by November mileage reached almost 4,000 km! About half of it was "break-in" period for the new engine and old units — in spite of their preliminary prevention, needed to replace some seals, crosses, cardan, in General, on trifles.

Now, after the "break", when all defects are eliminated, the ability of all studied SUV, waiting for him and the expedition. In conclusion we can say so: through the private about managed to create what at the time could not the whole plant (remember the attempt of reincarnation of GAZ-69 in the face of conceptual "Battalion commander"), the only one, but running the instance.
Source: ribalych.ru/2014/12/19/unikalnyj-vnedorozhnik-svoimi-rukami/