Ferruccio Lamborghini - life under the sign of the bull
Yap-e has been the theme dedicated to cars Lamborghini.
But today is not so much want to talk about cars, how much of his father, the company founder, Ferruccio Lamborghini. At the same time complement the history and development of the brand would not hurt.
April 28 marks 95 years since the birth of Ferruccio Lamborghini, whose name is associated primarily with the sports car brand. However, in the vibrant Italian life - a successful businessman, a charming man and an ardent antagonist Ferrari - it was not only the sports cars.
25 photos + text.
taken from tyrneta
- Signore Ferruccio, you expect a client wants to talk about it with you.
Tall, handsome, with jet-black hair, the Italian took off his glasses and looked at the slight irritation logged assistant.
- Look, I'm really very busy. Tell him that all the information about our tractors he can get in the studio. There will be glad to help.
- But, sir, he is not interested in tractors, he asks about racing cars!
Photo 2. According to eyewitnesses, a cozy Ferruccio just felt short-sleeved shirt. Alas, most of the post he had to put a strict business suit
That's what it turns out, can bring seemingly innocent prank. Young and ambitious industrialist Ferruccio Lamborghini had never dreamed of the glory of the creator of cars. A deep tuning an old Fiat Topolino he engaged solely from a desire to relax. Elongated motor with 500 to 750 cubes, and most importantly, setting a new bronze cylinder head, the so-called Testa d'Oro, Ferruccio said its "charged a mouse" at the start of the legendary race Migle Millia 1948. Judging by the stories of eyewitnesses, otzheg Lamborghini is not a child. His huge two-meter figure looked pretty funny at the wheel of a tiny open Topolino with the starting number 427, but the speed of the machine developed serious. In turns, like a real rider, Ferruccio moved the body weight to the right or to the left, helping the car dived into the bends! This style of Lamborghini's adventurous overcame a two-thirds distance, but to finish and did not get. I lost control in one of the turns, it "fiatik" rammed the wall eatery in the village Fiano. The incident cost the least, and without harm (just had to pay for repairs owner cafeteria), cooled the racing ambitions of Ferruccio. Motorsports, decided practical industrialist, with selfless romantics and bored rich. He did not belong to the same category.
Photo 3. 22-horsepower tractor of the sample in 1951. Empire Lamborghini growing before our eyes
However, only start in Migle Millia has not passed unnoticed. Long Lamborghini had to refuse many amateur racers who asked pokoldovat on engines of their cars. While it had Ferruccio did not have time.
Photo 4. The first 12-cylinder engine, designed by Giotto Bizzarini, now exhibited in the company museum Lamborghini
He was born April 28, 1916 into a poor peasant family in the village Renazzo di Cento, in the province of Ferrara. Growing grapes is not too interested in it, but even ingenuous, primitive equipment, available to the rural commune, caused the most lively interest. Not surprisingly, Ferruccio, spit on agricultural family tradition, he entered the College of Engineering in the vicinity of Bologna, graduated in 1940, just before conscription.
Photo 5. Today, the prototype looks very impressive 350GTV, but in November 1963 the work of Franco Scaglione criticized the nines
Ferruccio not lost with the choice of profession. While his friends were taken yesterday's village in the infantry and the navy, the graduates waiting for the distribution to the air base of the island of Rhodes in the Aegean Sea. So the war for a mechanical engineer, served by aircraft of the Italian Air Force, took place on the resort. In 1946 Lamborghini returned home: unharmed, but the main thing - full of energy and ideas.
Ferruccio quickly realized on what you can earn. Farmers are at all times required an inexpensive and reliable technique - in the half-starved postwar period especially. Lamborghini enthusiastically engaged in the repair of broken and abandoned military vehicles, and soon went even further. From spare parts purchased from stationed in Italy, the US military (6-cylinder engine from the Morris, «dzhiemovskaya" gearbox, the differential of the cargo Ford), Ferruccio collected tractor! The car, which he had done for his father, created a furor among local farmers and soon with a request to "make the same" to the young Samodelkina lined up half of the local commune. To cope with the flow of orders, he had to hire assistants, and in 1949 founded the company Ferruccio Lamborghini Trattici («Tractors Lamborghini»).
Photo 6. The emblem depicting a charging bull appeared at the first prototype Lamborghini 350GTV
Release inexpensive, reliable, and that is very important for patriotic compatriots, Italian tractor became a huge success. By the mid-50's Lamborghini Trattici produced over 1,000 cars a year, and a tireless Ferruccio was looking for new business opportunities. In 1960, he organized a company Lamborghini Bruciatori, releases the heating and air-conditioning. Quality of products that Ferruccio valued above all else, the company has brought well-deserved fame. In 1964 Lamborghini Bruciatori awarded the "Golden Mercury" - the most prestigious industry awards in Italy. But rest on its laurels - it is not for Lamborghini. He was waiting for permission from the Italian government for the development and production of helicopters! Although by the time Ferruccio could well afford not to work at all and the rest of his days to enjoy the way of life of the millionaire.
Photo 7. The body of the first production Lamborghini - Coupe 350GT - now forgotten merit design studio Touring
In his garage were the most expensive and prestigious models of the time: from the Mercedes-Benz SL and Lancia Aurelia to Maserati 3500GT and the Jaguar E-type. This perfectionist by temperament none of the machines it really is good. One was too noisy, and the other is too bumpy, which do not satisfy the dynamics and nearly all the disappointing low quality interior trim ... But most of all Lamborghini had suffered from Ferrari.
Photo 8. Great Miura became a sensation of the Geneva Motor Show 1966
On the one hand, since 1958, the year in his garage has its first "Prancing Stallion" - it was a coupe 250 GTO, - Ferruccio rarely sat behind the wheel of cars of other brands. Thus all his Ferrari suffered from problems with the clutch. Despite frequent visits to Maranello and regular replacement of the clutch problem and could not decide.
Finally Lamborghini patience snapped, and he demanded a meeting with Enzo Ferrari himself. Make it proved extremely difficult - a haughty "Commendatore" repeatedly ignored the request, and then demands an audience. When it finally did pretty enraged Ferruccio reached Enzo conversation they apparently did not work out.
- Your car shit! - I could not resist the brutality Lamborghini.
- What are you, redneck, you know in these sports cars? - Enzo retorted. - To engage better with their tractors!
Ferruccio did not hurt as much as hard to think about. In fact, no one can just create the car of his dreams, then why not do it yourself? Fortunately because of the bureaucratic permission to manufacture helicopters still walked the chain of command.
Photo 9.
For starters Lamborghini ordered to disassemble the engine own Ferrari. When the autopsy revealed that his dear Enzo supercar uses penny components, Ferruccio finally convinced of the correctness of the decision.
Without delay, he hired an engineer Giotto Bizzarini, previously worked for the Alfa Romeo and Ferrari, entrusted to his care to create a new 12-cylinder engine. The engine capacity of 3, 5 l stood on the dynamometer in July 1963 without any problems gave 360 hp It remained to find a suitable frame 12 cylinders. The development of chassis engineering company ordered Neri & Bonacini, and the creation of a body - Alfredo Scaglione of design bureau Carrozerria Sargiotto.
10. Design a photo - not the strength of a four Espada ...
And in November of the same year at the show in Turin debuted a new Lamborghini 350GTV. The powerful 12-cylinder engine caused great interest of the public and the press, but the design was awarded the most pejorative criticism.
Photo 11. ... but spacious and very high quality finished interior for the end of the 60s, he became a real revelation
Cold shower Turin is not dead militant fervor Lamborghini. He instructed the young and talented engineer Gianpaolo Dallara finalize the design of the model and rework the design of Milan ordered the body studio Touring. And in the spring of 1964 at a new plant, rebuilt in the village of Sant'Agata Bolognese - quite far from Maranello - it started production of the first production models of Lamborghini 350GT, with a graceful body and engine for reasons of safety, derated to 280 hp < br />
Picture 12. Ferruccio examines blank future 12-cylinder engine. Photographed in 1966
The very first car, coming out of the gate, were decorated with the image of the emblem of a bull, his head in the deadly attack. Lamborghini himself Taurus zodiac sign, I admired these powerful and fierce anger animals. Not surprisingly, many of the models of the company named after famous fighting bulls and bullfighters.
Picture 13. Sam did not like Lamborghini racing. However, at the turn of the 90 12-cylinder engines italyanckoy firm used several Formula 1 teams. However, victories and even prizes for Lamborghini does not appear. The best result was fourth place Eric Bernard at the German Grand Prix in 1990, speaking at the wheel of Lola LC90 Lamborghini
I must say that because of the new car attachment Ferruccio lost a cool head thrifty businessman. During the construction of the plant in return for guarantees of job creation, he knocked out an interest-free loan from the administration of the local commune. And most importantly, unlike the Ferrari, Lamborghini did not think to get involved in racing. "In this matter, I prefer to be Swiss, that is to remain neutral, - loved to repeat Ferruccio. - Let the race wars are engaged in other, I just want to work. My goal - to create the perfect car Grand Tourismo. Fast, reliable, user-friendly ».
Picture 14. Today, as in 1966, Lamborghini cars are collected manually at the factory in Sant'Agata Bolognese
Picture 15. Despite the fact that Ferruccio still sold 70 tractor business, farm equipment Lamborghini brand still produced. The rights to dispose of big-name brand corporation SAME Deutz-Fahr
Oddly pursuit of the ideal was quite short-lived. Already in 1967, it produced a sensation Espada, to offer customers a full-fledged four-seater cabin with the appearance and habits of the supercar. Many believe that it was the Espada Ferruccio's dream of the perfect GT.
However, reaching a goal, ... Lamborghini suddenly lost all interest for cars. Already in 1967, he rarely appeared in the office, and in 1972, Ferruccio altogether sold 51% stake in the automobile branch of Swiss watchmaking mogul Georges-Henri Rossetti. Perhaps talk of disappointment in the auto business only fiction, and actually Ferruccio like a true businessman, he felt a sharp breath of the fuel crisis, which threatened to big problems manufacturers of luxury sports cars. One way or another, but the ways and Lamborghini Automobili Lamborghini went.
Picture 16.
Ferruccio himself, and soon sold the tractor business, successfully organized a new company to manufacture hydraulic equipment, well, heaters and air conditioners still bring substantial profits. Retired, he became interested in hunting, wine-making and the rest of their days enjoying life in all its manifestations. Ferruccio died on February 20 1993 at the age of 76, leaving behind not only a good memory, but also the two heirs - his son, Antonio and daughter Patricia.
Well, the car company, founded by Italian, live today. Miraculously surviving difficult times and, since 1972, replacing the five owners, Automobili Lamborghini is now nestled under the wing of the German Audi. The new owners jealously cherish sports tradition ferocious bull, so that in the future fans of one of the most famous car brands can look safely.
Picture 17.
Picture 18. The newest flagship Lamborghini - 700-horsepower Aventador, at the request of the founders, at least two generations ahead of competitors' machines technically
7 best cars in the history of Lamborghini.
With the now traditional definition of the best models of this time it happened unforeseen difficulties. Because of its relatively short history, Lamborghini has released less than two dozen series models. Therefore, in this case, the hits were only seven of the best. But each of them can be considered worthy of the worthy.
1. 400GT (1966-1968)
Someone call 400-th a more powerful version of the model 350GT - the first production Lamborghini in history. But, first, the Milanese firm Touring has redesigned 400th, which in resemblance to its predecessor did not have it any common parts. In addition, ZF gearbox replaced own development Lamborghini, and bore up to 4 liters V12 engine gave out 320 hp - 40 "horses" more than 350GT. Before hundreds of "four" accelerates in just 6 seconds 6 - 2, 5 with faster performance comparable to Ferrari 400 Superamerisa. But most importantly, it's a coupe, in strict accordance with the ideas of the Lamborghini was a civilized approach to the cars Grand Tourismo. "Motor 400GT is much quieter than the Ferrari, - surprised the journalists of the American Road & Track. - And in general, the level of sound insulation Lamborghini other manufacturers of sports cars just do not think. " Total less than three years, was released 250 coupe and roadster models 400GT, clearly state the Lamborghini on the map major manufacturer of sports cars.
Picture 19.
2. Miura (1966-1972)
Perhaps the most famous of all Lamborghini and one of the most beautiful cars in the world, Miura was born from a stray ideas of engineers Gianpaolo Dallara, Paolo Stanzani and Bob Wallace, such as at your leisure decided to create a mid-engined supercar. When he saw the first sketches, Ferruccio Lamborghini was very impressed and gave the go-ahead for the development of the car. Even if there is no demand, the Italian decided, attention to brand mid-engined supercar is bound to attract. Miura, named in honor of fighting breeds of bulls, curious and constructive. Surprising and transverse (!) Located in the base 12-cylinder engine and the engine crankcase, differential box and molded in one piece. But the most striking design fantastic young Marcello Gandini, while labor in the studio Nuccio Bertone. The rapid appearance, underlined muscular wheel arches and impressive, rising headlights, fall in love with at first sight. Temperament match the exterior of the machine. The most powerful version of SV c uprated to 385 hp engine, according to factory data, overclocked to 300 km / h. Although none of the independent testers could not repeat this result. It is not surprising, because even at 265 km / h on this car operated lifting force that the front wheels off the ground! Alas, incredibly beautiful Miura was far from ideal aerodynamics. This is because, in the words of caustic British journalist Michael Lawrence, "Lamborghini produced jewelry for men and not serious sports cars».
Picture 20.
3. Espada (1969-1978)
My favorite car of Ferruccio Lamborghini unjustly languishing in the shadow of other fighting bulls. Meanwhile, 4-bedded Espada, which grew out of the concept car Marzal, far ahead of its time. In the 40 years before the Porsche Panamera, this model offers customers the convenience of a full-fledged four, very high quality finished and rich interior (optional can be installed even a TV!), The dynamics of the 325-strong V12 engine and suspension comfort with softer springs and damper settings. Finally, since 1973, by order of Espada equipped with 3-step "krayslerovskim" "automatic» Torqueflite. This 4-seater Lamborghini without problems was putting the speedometer 240 km / h version with the "mechanics" in any case. So not even the most successful work of Marcello Gandini - from some angles the car looks intriguing, with others slightly absurd - not spoiled by mass. For nine years we released the 1217 four-seater coupe - by the standards of supercars of those years a huge success. By the way, Espada - is the sword, which finishes the defeated bull bullfighter.
Picture 21.
4. Countach (1974-1982)
The famous supercar went to a series already after Ferruccio Lamborghini sold the company to new owners. This can be judged by circumstantial evidence.
But today is not so much want to talk about cars, how much of his father, the company founder, Ferruccio Lamborghini. At the same time complement the history and development of the brand would not hurt.
April 28 marks 95 years since the birth of Ferruccio Lamborghini, whose name is associated primarily with the sports car brand. However, in the vibrant Italian life - a successful businessman, a charming man and an ardent antagonist Ferrari - it was not only the sports cars.
25 photos + text.
taken from tyrneta

- Signore Ferruccio, you expect a client wants to talk about it with you.
Tall, handsome, with jet-black hair, the Italian took off his glasses and looked at the slight irritation logged assistant.
- Look, I'm really very busy. Tell him that all the information about our tractors he can get in the studio. There will be glad to help.
- But, sir, he is not interested in tractors, he asks about racing cars!
Photo 2. According to eyewitnesses, a cozy Ferruccio just felt short-sleeved shirt. Alas, most of the post he had to put a strict business suit

That's what it turns out, can bring seemingly innocent prank. Young and ambitious industrialist Ferruccio Lamborghini had never dreamed of the glory of the creator of cars. A deep tuning an old Fiat Topolino he engaged solely from a desire to relax. Elongated motor with 500 to 750 cubes, and most importantly, setting a new bronze cylinder head, the so-called Testa d'Oro, Ferruccio said its "charged a mouse" at the start of the legendary race Migle Millia 1948. Judging by the stories of eyewitnesses, otzheg Lamborghini is not a child. His huge two-meter figure looked pretty funny at the wheel of a tiny open Topolino with the starting number 427, but the speed of the machine developed serious. In turns, like a real rider, Ferruccio moved the body weight to the right or to the left, helping the car dived into the bends! This style of Lamborghini's adventurous overcame a two-thirds distance, but to finish and did not get. I lost control in one of the turns, it "fiatik" rammed the wall eatery in the village Fiano. The incident cost the least, and without harm (just had to pay for repairs owner cafeteria), cooled the racing ambitions of Ferruccio. Motorsports, decided practical industrialist, with selfless romantics and bored rich. He did not belong to the same category.
Photo 3. 22-horsepower tractor of the sample in 1951. Empire Lamborghini growing before our eyes

However, only start in Migle Millia has not passed unnoticed. Long Lamborghini had to refuse many amateur racers who asked pokoldovat on engines of their cars. While it had Ferruccio did not have time.
Photo 4. The first 12-cylinder engine, designed by Giotto Bizzarini, now exhibited in the company museum Lamborghini

He was born April 28, 1916 into a poor peasant family in the village Renazzo di Cento, in the province of Ferrara. Growing grapes is not too interested in it, but even ingenuous, primitive equipment, available to the rural commune, caused the most lively interest. Not surprisingly, Ferruccio, spit on agricultural family tradition, he entered the College of Engineering in the vicinity of Bologna, graduated in 1940, just before conscription.
Photo 5. Today, the prototype looks very impressive 350GTV, but in November 1963 the work of Franco Scaglione criticized the nines

Ferruccio not lost with the choice of profession. While his friends were taken yesterday's village in the infantry and the navy, the graduates waiting for the distribution to the air base of the island of Rhodes in the Aegean Sea. So the war for a mechanical engineer, served by aircraft of the Italian Air Force, took place on the resort. In 1946 Lamborghini returned home: unharmed, but the main thing - full of energy and ideas.
Ferruccio quickly realized on what you can earn. Farmers are at all times required an inexpensive and reliable technique - in the half-starved postwar period especially. Lamborghini enthusiastically engaged in the repair of broken and abandoned military vehicles, and soon went even further. From spare parts purchased from stationed in Italy, the US military (6-cylinder engine from the Morris, «dzhiemovskaya" gearbox, the differential of the cargo Ford), Ferruccio collected tractor! The car, which he had done for his father, created a furor among local farmers and soon with a request to "make the same" to the young Samodelkina lined up half of the local commune. To cope with the flow of orders, he had to hire assistants, and in 1949 founded the company Ferruccio Lamborghini Trattici («Tractors Lamborghini»).
Photo 6. The emblem depicting a charging bull appeared at the first prototype Lamborghini 350GTV

Release inexpensive, reliable, and that is very important for patriotic compatriots, Italian tractor became a huge success. By the mid-50's Lamborghini Trattici produced over 1,000 cars a year, and a tireless Ferruccio was looking for new business opportunities. In 1960, he organized a company Lamborghini Bruciatori, releases the heating and air-conditioning. Quality of products that Ferruccio valued above all else, the company has brought well-deserved fame. In 1964 Lamborghini Bruciatori awarded the "Golden Mercury" - the most prestigious industry awards in Italy. But rest on its laurels - it is not for Lamborghini. He was waiting for permission from the Italian government for the development and production of helicopters! Although by the time Ferruccio could well afford not to work at all and the rest of his days to enjoy the way of life of the millionaire.
Photo 7. The body of the first production Lamborghini - Coupe 350GT - now forgotten merit design studio Touring

In his garage were the most expensive and prestigious models of the time: from the Mercedes-Benz SL and Lancia Aurelia to Maserati 3500GT and the Jaguar E-type. This perfectionist by temperament none of the machines it really is good. One was too noisy, and the other is too bumpy, which do not satisfy the dynamics and nearly all the disappointing low quality interior trim ... But most of all Lamborghini had suffered from Ferrari.
Photo 8. Great Miura became a sensation of the Geneva Motor Show 1966

On the one hand, since 1958, the year in his garage has its first "Prancing Stallion" - it was a coupe 250 GTO, - Ferruccio rarely sat behind the wheel of cars of other brands. Thus all his Ferrari suffered from problems with the clutch. Despite frequent visits to Maranello and regular replacement of the clutch problem and could not decide.
Finally Lamborghini patience snapped, and he demanded a meeting with Enzo Ferrari himself. Make it proved extremely difficult - a haughty "Commendatore" repeatedly ignored the request, and then demands an audience. When it finally did pretty enraged Ferruccio reached Enzo conversation they apparently did not work out.
- Your car shit! - I could not resist the brutality Lamborghini.
- What are you, redneck, you know in these sports cars? - Enzo retorted. - To engage better with their tractors!
Ferruccio did not hurt as much as hard to think about. In fact, no one can just create the car of his dreams, then why not do it yourself? Fortunately because of the bureaucratic permission to manufacture helicopters still walked the chain of command.
Photo 9.

For starters Lamborghini ordered to disassemble the engine own Ferrari. When the autopsy revealed that his dear Enzo supercar uses penny components, Ferruccio finally convinced of the correctness of the decision.
Without delay, he hired an engineer Giotto Bizzarini, previously worked for the Alfa Romeo and Ferrari, entrusted to his care to create a new 12-cylinder engine. The engine capacity of 3, 5 l stood on the dynamometer in July 1963 without any problems gave 360 hp It remained to find a suitable frame 12 cylinders. The development of chassis engineering company ordered Neri & Bonacini, and the creation of a body - Alfredo Scaglione of design bureau Carrozerria Sargiotto.
10. Design a photo - not the strength of a four Espada ...

And in November of the same year at the show in Turin debuted a new Lamborghini 350GTV. The powerful 12-cylinder engine caused great interest of the public and the press, but the design was awarded the most pejorative criticism.
Photo 11. ... but spacious and very high quality finished interior for the end of the 60s, he became a real revelation

Cold shower Turin is not dead militant fervor Lamborghini. He instructed the young and talented engineer Gianpaolo Dallara finalize the design of the model and rework the design of Milan ordered the body studio Touring. And in the spring of 1964 at a new plant, rebuilt in the village of Sant'Agata Bolognese - quite far from Maranello - it started production of the first production models of Lamborghini 350GT, with a graceful body and engine for reasons of safety, derated to 280 hp < br />
Picture 12. Ferruccio examines blank future 12-cylinder engine. Photographed in 1966

The very first car, coming out of the gate, were decorated with the image of the emblem of a bull, his head in the deadly attack. Lamborghini himself Taurus zodiac sign, I admired these powerful and fierce anger animals. Not surprisingly, many of the models of the company named after famous fighting bulls and bullfighters.
Picture 13. Sam did not like Lamborghini racing. However, at the turn of the 90 12-cylinder engines italyanckoy firm used several Formula 1 teams. However, victories and even prizes for Lamborghini does not appear. The best result was fourth place Eric Bernard at the German Grand Prix in 1990, speaking at the wheel of Lola LC90 Lamborghini

I must say that because of the new car attachment Ferruccio lost a cool head thrifty businessman. During the construction of the plant in return for guarantees of job creation, he knocked out an interest-free loan from the administration of the local commune. And most importantly, unlike the Ferrari, Lamborghini did not think to get involved in racing. "In this matter, I prefer to be Swiss, that is to remain neutral, - loved to repeat Ferruccio. - Let the race wars are engaged in other, I just want to work. My goal - to create the perfect car Grand Tourismo. Fast, reliable, user-friendly ».
Picture 14. Today, as in 1966, Lamborghini cars are collected manually at the factory in Sant'Agata Bolognese

Picture 15. Despite the fact that Ferruccio still sold 70 tractor business, farm equipment Lamborghini brand still produced. The rights to dispose of big-name brand corporation SAME Deutz-Fahr

Oddly pursuit of the ideal was quite short-lived. Already in 1967, it produced a sensation Espada, to offer customers a full-fledged four-seater cabin with the appearance and habits of the supercar. Many believe that it was the Espada Ferruccio's dream of the perfect GT.
However, reaching a goal, ... Lamborghini suddenly lost all interest for cars. Already in 1967, he rarely appeared in the office, and in 1972, Ferruccio altogether sold 51% stake in the automobile branch of Swiss watchmaking mogul Georges-Henri Rossetti. Perhaps talk of disappointment in the auto business only fiction, and actually Ferruccio like a true businessman, he felt a sharp breath of the fuel crisis, which threatened to big problems manufacturers of luxury sports cars. One way or another, but the ways and Lamborghini Automobili Lamborghini went.
Picture 16.

Ferruccio himself, and soon sold the tractor business, successfully organized a new company to manufacture hydraulic equipment, well, heaters and air conditioners still bring substantial profits. Retired, he became interested in hunting, wine-making and the rest of their days enjoying life in all its manifestations. Ferruccio died on February 20 1993 at the age of 76, leaving behind not only a good memory, but also the two heirs - his son, Antonio and daughter Patricia.
Well, the car company, founded by Italian, live today. Miraculously surviving difficult times and, since 1972, replacing the five owners, Automobili Lamborghini is now nestled under the wing of the German Audi. The new owners jealously cherish sports tradition ferocious bull, so that in the future fans of one of the most famous car brands can look safely.
Picture 17.

Picture 18. The newest flagship Lamborghini - 700-horsepower Aventador, at the request of the founders, at least two generations ahead of competitors' machines technically

7 best cars in the history of Lamborghini.
With the now traditional definition of the best models of this time it happened unforeseen difficulties. Because of its relatively short history, Lamborghini has released less than two dozen series models. Therefore, in this case, the hits were only seven of the best. But each of them can be considered worthy of the worthy.
1. 400GT (1966-1968)
Someone call 400-th a more powerful version of the model 350GT - the first production Lamborghini in history. But, first, the Milanese firm Touring has redesigned 400th, which in resemblance to its predecessor did not have it any common parts. In addition, ZF gearbox replaced own development Lamborghini, and bore up to 4 liters V12 engine gave out 320 hp - 40 "horses" more than 350GT. Before hundreds of "four" accelerates in just 6 seconds 6 - 2, 5 with faster performance comparable to Ferrari 400 Superamerisa. But most importantly, it's a coupe, in strict accordance with the ideas of the Lamborghini was a civilized approach to the cars Grand Tourismo. "Motor 400GT is much quieter than the Ferrari, - surprised the journalists of the American Road & Track. - And in general, the level of sound insulation Lamborghini other manufacturers of sports cars just do not think. " Total less than three years, was released 250 coupe and roadster models 400GT, clearly state the Lamborghini on the map major manufacturer of sports cars.
Picture 19.

2. Miura (1966-1972)
Perhaps the most famous of all Lamborghini and one of the most beautiful cars in the world, Miura was born from a stray ideas of engineers Gianpaolo Dallara, Paolo Stanzani and Bob Wallace, such as at your leisure decided to create a mid-engined supercar. When he saw the first sketches, Ferruccio Lamborghini was very impressed and gave the go-ahead for the development of the car. Even if there is no demand, the Italian decided, attention to brand mid-engined supercar is bound to attract. Miura, named in honor of fighting breeds of bulls, curious and constructive. Surprising and transverse (!) Located in the base 12-cylinder engine and the engine crankcase, differential box and molded in one piece. But the most striking design fantastic young Marcello Gandini, while labor in the studio Nuccio Bertone. The rapid appearance, underlined muscular wheel arches and impressive, rising headlights, fall in love with at first sight. Temperament match the exterior of the machine. The most powerful version of SV c uprated to 385 hp engine, according to factory data, overclocked to 300 km / h. Although none of the independent testers could not repeat this result. It is not surprising, because even at 265 km / h on this car operated lifting force that the front wheels off the ground! Alas, incredibly beautiful Miura was far from ideal aerodynamics. This is because, in the words of caustic British journalist Michael Lawrence, "Lamborghini produced jewelry for men and not serious sports cars».
Picture 20.

3. Espada (1969-1978)
My favorite car of Ferruccio Lamborghini unjustly languishing in the shadow of other fighting bulls. Meanwhile, 4-bedded Espada, which grew out of the concept car Marzal, far ahead of its time. In the 40 years before the Porsche Panamera, this model offers customers the convenience of a full-fledged four, very high quality finished and rich interior (optional can be installed even a TV!), The dynamics of the 325-strong V12 engine and suspension comfort with softer springs and damper settings. Finally, since 1973, by order of Espada equipped with 3-step "krayslerovskim" "automatic» Torqueflite. This 4-seater Lamborghini without problems was putting the speedometer 240 km / h version with the "mechanics" in any case. So not even the most successful work of Marcello Gandini - from some angles the car looks intriguing, with others slightly absurd - not spoiled by mass. For nine years we released the 1217 four-seater coupe - by the standards of supercars of those years a huge success. By the way, Espada - is the sword, which finishes the defeated bull bullfighter.
Picture 21.

4. Countach (1974-1982)
The famous supercar went to a series already after Ferruccio Lamborghini sold the company to new owners. This can be judged by circumstantial evidence.