Carrot crocodile
This is my first car and indelible impressions at the time of her I hapnul mass. And I decided to share them over time, rather more even for themselves to liven up all somehow in memory.
Will 9 photos and text.
It got to me spontaneously and grandfather, in principle, such machines, in most cases, this Owned by new owners and fall. I then went back in graduate school, and especially dofiga money mnya estessno nebylo so that, although he had received advance the rights and purchase of movable property does not even dreamed of. And suddenly here you are - such unexpected generosity. Well, I immediately began to make plans like that so there'll finish remodel megaprojects to bring the unit in the divine form, hehe, standard naivnyak in general. But my grandfather's, though hint of donation, with the most direct, transfer ahtomobilya Cho somehow not really in a hurry, that's - that it had happened there ... I certainly understand that the promised three-year wait (and who it finally came up with?), but in three months I did not resist and stormed garage which contained this miracle of technology. Last excuse - rusty lock tricky makeshift structure that hell will open (grandfather worked at the metallurgical plant MMK was the rukodelnikom ESO), not prokanaet - my friend and I took a crowbar and grandfather vohapku and by the first, under the watchful eye of the last discovered that banal iron hardware tool can easily claim the title of "The Skeleton Key, and even those that exclusive locks smart-ass."
In the dusty iron doors concealed mechanism carrot color surprised me in the first second for its number signs. By the way, he never ceased to amaze me than not getting further, so much so that life together did not seem dull. Door Lock driver's door rusted very flowery, vsilu which could open it only a knowledgeable person - grandfather showed me a number of times in which parties need podёrgat key in the hole, so he cranked. However, it was possible to get in the car and without a key (this type in case of emergency when the lock jammed at all) - the driver's window easily and effortlessly sinking pressing is resting on his hands and opened the door from the inside. It is so easy that sometimes bumps on the circuit breakdowns antipode power windows, glass and sank itself, that once winter has played tricks on me, but more on that later. However, despite this fatal flaws, I'll tell you that in the car all the time for no operation nirazu not climbed and shit.
Inside the car, in addition to dust, it was still a lot of interesting things - fashion double braid steering wheel (the second, with wonderful yellow reflective strips why it was dressed and got into a fight over podmotannoy blue tape black leather); on the steering column was a cunning device, which at first I took to be a makeshift radar, and which turned out to be an indicator of battery charge; behind the rear passenger seat was concealed double folding acoustic shelves (that's what you want, but certainly not Regiment), who cheerfully rattled on the bumps to the music; instead of radio splashed gently pryamougolnoee hole (tutzhe grandfather promised to give me an old radio that lies at his home and I received, according to various technical reasons, skills can, nesrazu and a month); lay in the glove compartment and faceted glass and razor clockwork "Kharkiv", and under the passenger seat of a five-year glass bottle of soda, "bell" that betrayed his grandfather always ready for adventure. Well, it is quite natural that the power unit in the carrot shell wound up at once - at first I had to go and buy a new battery, and only then womb garage filled wow such a powerful engine sound. He reminded me that the only sound zavedёnnogo tractor old village of his childhood, from this I would wake up in the morning when our neighbor was going into the field. I remember, I was slightly surprised even that he is so fucking loud. Father and his own unit -nozhno drove out of the garage, and then we in turn made a ritual of riding around the perimeter of the garage cooperative. Then carrot crocodile was safely put back into the stall, and all participants of the experiment on rescuing and domestication tin dinosaur razehalis home.
The next stage of development of landmark event happened a week later, when I had to overtake a vehicle from the garage to the house, without hindrance from there to make any further maneuvers to legalize them my possession. The fact that the inspection was overdue, nebylo insurance and, for some reason, it was necessary to replace TCP, something in him there was not written. In general, the inspection at the station told me to replace PTS otherwise pass inspection, but to replace the TCP had to go to inspect the inspectors, and all this is crowned by the insurance of the car, well, where are collected all the documents itself. Ie, I had, in addition to the fact that to get to the house, and then another drive through the city here and there without any documents. Given that I have, and so were full of emotion pants nemogla prospect of adding adrenaline. And his first dose I hapnul when distilled crocodile to the house. A friend suggested a rational decision, he played in the "Watch" and had radio. We agreed that he would go ahead and be my guide by PDRS posts (this is not a typo but a personal opinion). Said - done, we sat down and went. He raced forward in his Nissan and I began gently down the mountain (his grandfather was a garage on a slope), in finding that the machine has its own ideas about where to go and helm otsily seventy percent, which forced me to do, and their Warning Warning without more careful.
Another report in the way that everything is clean and I can safely leave the garage cooperative (before I'm in town one nirazu not go only with an instructor for a year before these momentous events). I got up at the crossroads, standing, not bothering anyone, miss the car and then the main sweeping cops. Well, of course I truhnul little, fucking se, I think purely here for me uzhe tail. Yes there truhnul, perebzdel frankly, but vsёzhtaki wait "window" and went on to fill. There refueled 72m (gas stations hung in line to water is increasingly in the company trucks). Luke was the gas tank behind the rear number plate and closed lock with one trunk, which was also a plus, as while we often at night poured benz. Further way went more or less straight and now could see the house when he heard the howling behind siren Cop. Tvoyuzhezh mother, I think, well, everything ARRIVAL. Overtake on an opposite side and presses prosazhennaya tithe, there gopkompaniya (slavte Well, I think, not the cops), open windows and begin to talk with me for doebatsya and "pachimu I have such numbers." Since then, always carried with him under the seat mount, although it did not come in handy - vosnovnom all the attention poured on the road in an offer to sell rooms, ironic comments ulybaniya friendly, waving upper limbs and other winks. Since we have parted company abruptly stopped steering right at the crossroads, and the rest, got home safely.
Upon arrival, I introduced the machine to his wife, crocodile - a wife, a wife - a crocodile, he wheels and it is possible to move in space. More precisely inside it, which I immediately offered to do. We drove sedately quarterly streets shocked on the bumps, and came home on a city street, I accelerated to speeds much hellish 70 km / h. Who knows he will understand, the speed in the car felt quite different and 70 is quite fast, and 90 have even scared, and 100 in principle, it will never go, unless the hills, although it has in the dashboard speedometer ambitious dividing up 160. Personally I have it all again later clocked up to 90 and it was really scary: the engine roared like a dying mammoth, all around rumbled, rattled, vibrated, the image in the mirror was blurred, subject only to the trajectory of the innertsii and the opportunity to turn to the side lost, as such, - a kind extreme massage chair. My ultimate (and she is cruising) speed throughout the lifetime was 80, it was her little vibration was felt, it did not seem that everything fall apart right now to hell, and to talk with someone just had a loud voice and not yell like poterpevshemu.Tak Now, speeding in the city to the wrong, I will anyhow try nadozh zhezh saw on the sidelines Cop tithe. By clicking on the brakes, barely kept the wheel and almost fall by the wayside: brake, for some reason, only the front wheels and vosnovnom right. The car was on the side of the way, just a blue car, and employees PDRS here and there, I imagined up until I designed all the documents as expected.
We arrived home. His wife asked, what is? Look, with a roof sidenkami, wheels !!! Ride within Direct! Sales pedal twist inappropriately, well, cool zhezh! Well, somehow, huh ?! Wife so thoughtfully looked at me and commercials: daaaaauzh, Daaaaaaaa ... really. Kish, a pancake, Vorobyaninov tozhemne. Long afterwards ESO repeated this "enthusiastic" phrase. That I went through the village on his grandfather's two-man team from 11 years. A city that my grandfather while I ride his maskvicha Choate somehow not really give, I Takshta him ESO sdetstva poklal eyes and my opinion on etomu issue was not really even objectively, but zhenovskoe "Daaaaaaa too ..." In principle, It was the most accurate and unbiased characteristic of this vehicle.
Then I'm also a radio grandfather took, and she even worked. Namutili there she dzhekovy entry for a clever way player. Et straight was a different story, tell us briefly, Malolo, we can be useful to whom poverty. Voschm took an old cassette recorder, dug out recording head, her jack soldered 3, 5. Then disassembled radio, otkovyryat motors, so there are not fonilo nicho excess head and attached to Jack's nose-to-nose to magnitolovoy. It turned out that the head magnetic signals exchanged without an intermediary in the form of magnetic tape. While I was etoy garbage and waited until other will be the time to work together to pump the brakes, we often went out together in the evening with my wife and our personal zarulivaet gazebo on wheels. We sat there, listening to the radio, wondered what is happening. That, they say, and nebylo nicho vpomine, and now here it cho - vehicle. One evening the radio Choate somehow began to work quietly and indistinctly, I tried to spin the starter and we found their gatherings, stupidity, to put UML battery ...
In the morning. I called to the boutiques, service, and so and so Grew, neighing there shalt gryat too, charge. I unscrew it inconvenient to carry, and took both sideways so comfortable, the motorist pancake. Otkudazh was I to know that you can not turn it ?! Acid flowed a little on jeans and a few minutes later at the place fabric crumbled and were pretty straight holes through which all tromvae zaprasto could enjoy my hairy legs. The good people in the store Accum dolili liquid neighing ESO dzhynsome over and gave me a replacement, advising him to be careful. Since I discharged my Accum zero charge it well oooooochen long while I have traveled with a replaceable and all this for free, thanks to them, good people caught. In fairness, I must say that good people get on the road to me more than once, and even among the staff PDRS they are not uncommon (and their difficult in such an amount to driven). For example here: Mom drove to the village and the bag with the documents for the car forgot at home, in office at the entrance to the city stopnuli and documents that dumb jerk to take them even to the time not worked out. Well fellow came into the position, struck my person by phone number, and making sure that I am me and my car, let me go to the world of writing out a symbolic fine in the 100R.
Pumping the brakes, found that the rear brakes are not working by the fact that there are plugs in the hoses, and are they, in turn, by the fact that the left rear cylinder flows, that so quickly and dramatically grandfather decided at the time problemmu leak. On the market for spare parts, re-negotiate contracts, sgovoriliss friend to go to the garage - you need estokada. At the appointed day went, he was with me, and another asked for him there parnyaga oil in dviglo change was needed. Going friendly procession, three fives carrot in front of the navigator, my friend, the second on espere behind. At an entrance to the garage, the last turn onto the road jumps spacy black koshakez friend teasing, shouting - "davie its parasite!". I'm not laughing, we turn to the sidelines, and hairy beast in the meantime decided, apparently, that "nothing I then climb on the rampage in the wrong places, Wait on the sidelines while all will pass," Founded fucking kada be awareness - jumps on back to the sidelines. I have to twist the wheel back on the road, and the fur on the side of the creature decides that it seems there still has nothing to do, and that he who does not risk does not drink pair .. well, or chegoto in this spirit clearly - skipping breaks again to cross the road. There uzhe pretty ohrenevshy these taxiing, I up turning sharply to the curb, and I press on the brakes, each ESO next rzhot, arёt "Davie DAAAVII !!!" prankster fucking and nintendo wool bombers that hour from the middle of the road rushes back to the sidelines, I do not know much and even Chom there he could think of at this beautiful time - Armageddon and obscurantism ... Stoppers front wheels, a mobile unit throws right, after which he continued his serene move forward on the side of the road in a cloud of dust with a jammed front did not reduce speed and blunt bewhiskered black urukalo hidden under the hood, tail waving goodbye. A friend in the fucking, "for what you did so TtN joked maniac ?!", I - the mirrors: in addition to clouds of dust nicho not visible. We come to estokady there and pulled Esper, released the holding belly - "that UTB you're there for the circus staged on the road, Koshak press, there already almost tube formed by stopped to neighed." Yes, that Grew, obehat him parasite, like, not move, uncredited. And do not believe. A lot of it was anything out there, I ask, is left? Yes, says he, all of a dust flew upside down (thanks to high ground clearance), and galloped across the road into the bushes. Defected even so, bigot - not the enemy Real estate Rent our proud koshak. And I did not believe that I am in good faith there dodged and not to deprive the caudate life. Yeah, okay, all zhyvy-healthy, all the rules. Then without incident pulled the handbrake, changed the cylinder more and went home.
Then everything kakoeto time was smooth and without incident, except for the case when I began to feel himself at home and smiling habit of such a carrier: parked near a house close to the fence to leave the rest of the place to put the car a little more, a good soul, well and came to the fence. And so famously more. Well, I got out, looked - front wing a little bit crumpled, Otto is shit! Yes etogo crocodile scars only decorate, spat and poshol home. That this is really a big plus moskidona - it is not a pity and it's a lot of what is on hand, Especially for a beginner. And then - after passing a school of life get bonuses for driving chevo anything slihvoy.
During the operation have been identified and other shortcomings. Fuel gauge design resembled a toilet tank unit and even after replacing persisted show Khuit, therefore, has always been in the trunk of a canister of gasoline, and more than once came in handy. With low beam - almost Nichrome nebylo seen, and with a long - something like - like with horse radish neighbor. Problem decided that that always went far. People do not even protested and never blinked at the meeting - he was such a narrow-minded this beautiful long-range. No light for almost two years my adventures are not burned, and they were still Soviet, dull-yellow, kakihto semdesyatlohmatyh years and with the quality mark. Motor factory is not really very good - had repeatedly depress the accelerator pedal, and then open the hood and the fuel pump gasoline pump manually, one hundred kilometers apart gasoline needed a pound of butter. I decided to find out what is there such a thing and went to the kind and understanding people for diagnostics. There I measured the compression and found that it is normal only in one cylinder in two half from what should
be the last - two-thirds of the norm, but just do - and so you can ride. And since 5000 the overhaul cost that money for me then was frantic, throw them on the mehanizmu nebylo no moral possibilities. From all his plans for the coloring, tinting and rural tuning else then I have refused - blown, and extra money to spend does not like. The task was to prepare the vehicle for winter minimal expenditure:
1) Accum new - was,
2) of the spiked tires winter grandfathers More stocks - was,
3) nezamerzayku - filled,
Will 9 photos and text.

It got to me spontaneously and grandfather, in principle, such machines, in most cases, this Owned by new owners and fall. I then went back in graduate school, and especially dofiga money mnya estessno nebylo so that, although he had received advance the rights and purchase of movable property does not even dreamed of. And suddenly here you are - such unexpected generosity. Well, I immediately began to make plans like that so there'll finish remodel megaprojects to bring the unit in the divine form, hehe, standard naivnyak in general. But my grandfather's, though hint of donation, with the most direct, transfer ahtomobilya Cho somehow not really in a hurry, that's - that it had happened there ... I certainly understand that the promised three-year wait (and who it finally came up with?), but in three months I did not resist and stormed garage which contained this miracle of technology. Last excuse - rusty lock tricky makeshift structure that hell will open (grandfather worked at the metallurgical plant MMK was the rukodelnikom ESO), not prokanaet - my friend and I took a crowbar and grandfather vohapku and by the first, under the watchful eye of the last discovered that banal iron hardware tool can easily claim the title of "The Skeleton Key, and even those that exclusive locks smart-ass."
In the dusty iron doors concealed mechanism carrot color surprised me in the first second for its number signs. By the way, he never ceased to amaze me than not getting further, so much so that life together did not seem dull. Door Lock driver's door rusted very flowery, vsilu which could open it only a knowledgeable person - grandfather showed me a number of times in which parties need podёrgat key in the hole, so he cranked. However, it was possible to get in the car and without a key (this type in case of emergency when the lock jammed at all) - the driver's window easily and effortlessly sinking pressing is resting on his hands and opened the door from the inside. It is so easy that sometimes bumps on the circuit breakdowns antipode power windows, glass and sank itself, that once winter has played tricks on me, but more on that later. However, despite this fatal flaws, I'll tell you that in the car all the time for no operation nirazu not climbed and shit.

Inside the car, in addition to dust, it was still a lot of interesting things - fashion double braid steering wheel (the second, with wonderful yellow reflective strips why it was dressed and got into a fight over podmotannoy blue tape black leather); on the steering column was a cunning device, which at first I took to be a makeshift radar, and which turned out to be an indicator of battery charge; behind the rear passenger seat was concealed double folding acoustic shelves (that's what you want, but certainly not Regiment), who cheerfully rattled on the bumps to the music; instead of radio splashed gently pryamougolnoee hole (tutzhe grandfather promised to give me an old radio that lies at his home and I received, according to various technical reasons, skills can, nesrazu and a month); lay in the glove compartment and faceted glass and razor clockwork "Kharkiv", and under the passenger seat of a five-year glass bottle of soda, "bell" that betrayed his grandfather always ready for adventure. Well, it is quite natural that the power unit in the carrot shell wound up at once - at first I had to go and buy a new battery, and only then womb garage filled wow such a powerful engine sound. He reminded me that the only sound zavedёnnogo tractor old village of his childhood, from this I would wake up in the morning when our neighbor was going into the field. I remember, I was slightly surprised even that he is so fucking loud. Father and his own unit -nozhno drove out of the garage, and then we in turn made a ritual of riding around the perimeter of the garage cooperative. Then carrot crocodile was safely put back into the stall, and all participants of the experiment on rescuing and domestication tin dinosaur razehalis home.

The next stage of development of landmark event happened a week later, when I had to overtake a vehicle from the garage to the house, without hindrance from there to make any further maneuvers to legalize them my possession. The fact that the inspection was overdue, nebylo insurance and, for some reason, it was necessary to replace TCP, something in him there was not written. In general, the inspection at the station told me to replace PTS otherwise pass inspection, but to replace the TCP had to go to inspect the inspectors, and all this is crowned by the insurance of the car, well, where are collected all the documents itself. Ie, I had, in addition to the fact that to get to the house, and then another drive through the city here and there without any documents. Given that I have, and so were full of emotion pants nemogla prospect of adding adrenaline. And his first dose I hapnul when distilled crocodile to the house. A friend suggested a rational decision, he played in the "Watch" and had radio. We agreed that he would go ahead and be my guide by PDRS posts (this is not a typo but a personal opinion). Said - done, we sat down and went. He raced forward in his Nissan and I began gently down the mountain (his grandfather was a garage on a slope), in finding that the machine has its own ideas about where to go and helm otsily seventy percent, which forced me to do, and their Warning Warning without more careful.
Another report in the way that everything is clean and I can safely leave the garage cooperative (before I'm in town one nirazu not go only with an instructor for a year before these momentous events). I got up at the crossroads, standing, not bothering anyone, miss the car and then the main sweeping cops. Well, of course I truhnul little, fucking se, I think purely here for me uzhe tail. Yes there truhnul, perebzdel frankly, but vsёzhtaki wait "window" and went on to fill. There refueled 72m (gas stations hung in line to water is increasingly in the company trucks). Luke was the gas tank behind the rear number plate and closed lock with one trunk, which was also a plus, as while we often at night poured benz. Further way went more or less straight and now could see the house when he heard the howling behind siren Cop. Tvoyuzhezh mother, I think, well, everything ARRIVAL. Overtake on an opposite side and presses prosazhennaya tithe, there gopkompaniya (slavte Well, I think, not the cops), open windows and begin to talk with me for doebatsya and "pachimu I have such numbers." Since then, always carried with him under the seat mount, although it did not come in handy - vosnovnom all the attention poured on the road in an offer to sell rooms, ironic comments ulybaniya friendly, waving upper limbs and other winks. Since we have parted company abruptly stopped steering right at the crossroads, and the rest, got home safely.
Upon arrival, I introduced the machine to his wife, crocodile - a wife, a wife - a crocodile, he wheels and it is possible to move in space. More precisely inside it, which I immediately offered to do. We drove sedately quarterly streets shocked on the bumps, and came home on a city street, I accelerated to speeds much hellish 70 km / h. Who knows he will understand, the speed in the car felt quite different and 70 is quite fast, and 90 have even scared, and 100 in principle, it will never go, unless the hills, although it has in the dashboard speedometer ambitious dividing up 160. Personally I have it all again later clocked up to 90 and it was really scary: the engine roared like a dying mammoth, all around rumbled, rattled, vibrated, the image in the mirror was blurred, subject only to the trajectory of the innertsii and the opportunity to turn to the side lost, as such, - a kind extreme massage chair. My ultimate (and she is cruising) speed throughout the lifetime was 80, it was her little vibration was felt, it did not seem that everything fall apart right now to hell, and to talk with someone just had a loud voice and not yell like poterpevshemu.Tak Now, speeding in the city to the wrong, I will anyhow try nadozh zhezh saw on the sidelines Cop tithe. By clicking on the brakes, barely kept the wheel and almost fall by the wayside: brake, for some reason, only the front wheels and vosnovnom right. The car was on the side of the way, just a blue car, and employees PDRS here and there, I imagined up until I designed all the documents as expected.
We arrived home. His wife asked, what is? Look, with a roof sidenkami, wheels !!! Ride within Direct! Sales pedal twist inappropriately, well, cool zhezh! Well, somehow, huh ?! Wife so thoughtfully looked at me and commercials: daaaaauzh, Daaaaaaaa ... really. Kish, a pancake, Vorobyaninov tozhemne. Long afterwards ESO repeated this "enthusiastic" phrase. That I went through the village on his grandfather's two-man team from 11 years. A city that my grandfather while I ride his maskvicha Choate somehow not really give, I Takshta him ESO sdetstva poklal eyes and my opinion on etomu issue was not really even objectively, but zhenovskoe "Daaaaaaa too ..." In principle, It was the most accurate and unbiased characteristic of this vehicle.
Then I'm also a radio grandfather took, and she even worked. Namutili there she dzhekovy entry for a clever way player. Et straight was a different story, tell us briefly, Malolo, we can be useful to whom poverty. Voschm took an old cassette recorder, dug out recording head, her jack soldered 3, 5. Then disassembled radio, otkovyryat motors, so there are not fonilo nicho excess head and attached to Jack's nose-to-nose to magnitolovoy. It turned out that the head magnetic signals exchanged without an intermediary in the form of magnetic tape. While I was etoy garbage and waited until other will be the time to work together to pump the brakes, we often went out together in the evening with my wife and our personal zarulivaet gazebo on wheels. We sat there, listening to the radio, wondered what is happening. That, they say, and nebylo nicho vpomine, and now here it cho - vehicle. One evening the radio Choate somehow began to work quietly and indistinctly, I tried to spin the starter and we found their gatherings, stupidity, to put UML battery ...
In the morning. I called to the boutiques, service, and so and so Grew, neighing there shalt gryat too, charge. I unscrew it inconvenient to carry, and took both sideways so comfortable, the motorist pancake. Otkudazh was I to know that you can not turn it ?! Acid flowed a little on jeans and a few minutes later at the place fabric crumbled and were pretty straight holes through which all tromvae zaprasto could enjoy my hairy legs. The good people in the store Accum dolili liquid neighing ESO dzhynsome over and gave me a replacement, advising him to be careful. Since I discharged my Accum zero charge it well oooooochen long while I have traveled with a replaceable and all this for free, thanks to them, good people caught. In fairness, I must say that good people get on the road to me more than once, and even among the staff PDRS they are not uncommon (and their difficult in such an amount to driven). For example here: Mom drove to the village and the bag with the documents for the car forgot at home, in office at the entrance to the city stopnuli and documents that dumb jerk to take them even to the time not worked out. Well fellow came into the position, struck my person by phone number, and making sure that I am me and my car, let me go to the world of writing out a symbolic fine in the 100R.
Pumping the brakes, found that the rear brakes are not working by the fact that there are plugs in the hoses, and are they, in turn, by the fact that the left rear cylinder flows, that so quickly and dramatically grandfather decided at the time problemmu leak. On the market for spare parts, re-negotiate contracts, sgovoriliss friend to go to the garage - you need estokada. At the appointed day went, he was with me, and another asked for him there parnyaga oil in dviglo change was needed. Going friendly procession, three fives carrot in front of the navigator, my friend, the second on espere behind. At an entrance to the garage, the last turn onto the road jumps spacy black koshakez friend teasing, shouting - "davie its parasite!". I'm not laughing, we turn to the sidelines, and hairy beast in the meantime decided, apparently, that "nothing I then climb on the rampage in the wrong places, Wait on the sidelines while all will pass," Founded fucking kada be awareness - jumps on back to the sidelines. I have to twist the wheel back on the road, and the fur on the side of the creature decides that it seems there still has nothing to do, and that he who does not risk does not drink pair .. well, or chegoto in this spirit clearly - skipping breaks again to cross the road. There uzhe pretty ohrenevshy these taxiing, I up turning sharply to the curb, and I press on the brakes, each ESO next rzhot, arёt "Davie DAAAVII !!!" prankster fucking and nintendo wool bombers that hour from the middle of the road rushes back to the sidelines, I do not know much and even Chom there he could think of at this beautiful time - Armageddon and obscurantism ... Stoppers front wheels, a mobile unit throws right, after which he continued his serene move forward on the side of the road in a cloud of dust with a jammed front did not reduce speed and blunt bewhiskered black urukalo hidden under the hood, tail waving goodbye. A friend in the fucking, "for what you did so TtN joked maniac ?!", I - the mirrors: in addition to clouds of dust nicho not visible. We come to estokady there and pulled Esper, released the holding belly - "that UTB you're there for the circus staged on the road, Koshak press, there already almost tube formed by stopped to neighed." Yes, that Grew, obehat him parasite, like, not move, uncredited. And do not believe. A lot of it was anything out there, I ask, is left? Yes, says he, all of a dust flew upside down (thanks to high ground clearance), and galloped across the road into the bushes. Defected even so, bigot - not the enemy Real estate Rent our proud koshak. And I did not believe that I am in good faith there dodged and not to deprive the caudate life. Yeah, okay, all zhyvy-healthy, all the rules. Then without incident pulled the handbrake, changed the cylinder more and went home.
Then everything kakoeto time was smooth and without incident, except for the case when I began to feel himself at home and smiling habit of such a carrier: parked near a house close to the fence to leave the rest of the place to put the car a little more, a good soul, well and came to the fence. And so famously more. Well, I got out, looked - front wing a little bit crumpled, Otto is shit! Yes etogo crocodile scars only decorate, spat and poshol home. That this is really a big plus moskidona - it is not a pity and it's a lot of what is on hand, Especially for a beginner. And then - after passing a school of life get bonuses for driving chevo anything slihvoy.
During the operation have been identified and other shortcomings. Fuel gauge design resembled a toilet tank unit and even after replacing persisted show Khuit, therefore, has always been in the trunk of a canister of gasoline, and more than once came in handy. With low beam - almost Nichrome nebylo seen, and with a long - something like - like with horse radish neighbor. Problem decided that that always went far. People do not even protested and never blinked at the meeting - he was such a narrow-minded this beautiful long-range. No light for almost two years my adventures are not burned, and they were still Soviet, dull-yellow, kakihto semdesyatlohmatyh years and with the quality mark. Motor factory is not really very good - had repeatedly depress the accelerator pedal, and then open the hood and the fuel pump gasoline pump manually, one hundred kilometers apart gasoline needed a pound of butter. I decided to find out what is there such a thing and went to the kind and understanding people for diagnostics. There I measured the compression and found that it is normal only in one cylinder in two half from what should
be the last - two-thirds of the norm, but just do - and so you can ride. And since 5000 the overhaul cost that money for me then was frantic, throw them on the mehanizmu nebylo no moral possibilities. From all his plans for the coloring, tinting and rural tuning else then I have refused - blown, and extra money to spend does not like. The task was to prepare the vehicle for winter minimal expenditure:
1) Accum new - was,
2) of the spiked tires winter grandfathers More stocks - was,
3) nezamerzayku - filled,