Ernst Moro: carrot soup, saving the children
142 years ago was born the pediatrician Ernst Moro. Thanks to him, the usual carrot soup saved thousands of lives, it has become possible to diagnose, for example, cerebral palsy, and he discovered bacteria while has not received any significant award, and in our area about him, few have heard.
Scary to think, but just half a century ago, the average human lifespan was less than half now. Of course, this does not mean that our ancestors live to be 35-40 years old and died from old age. A large part of the contribution to this figure on account of infant mortality. The little child was to be born, he had to live to adulthood. One hundred and forty-two years ago a man was born who made this task easier, the pediatrician Ernst Moro.
Today we would call Moro Slovenian medic because he was born 8 Dec 1874 in the capital of modern Slovenia, in Ljubljana. But in those early years it was just one of the cities of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And the city was called differently- Laibach, the capital of the Duchy of Carniola.
However, learned Moro in the real Austria, in Graz. In 1899 he received the degree of doctor of medicine (what in the United States and great Britain is now called the MD letters), 1901-1902 worked with the great Theodore Asherim (the same one that opened the bacterium Esherichia Coli — E. coli) in Munich in 1906, became a specialized pediatrician, and two years later became a Professor at the University of Heidelberg.
It in 1908, he made the most important discoverythat could explain a century later. In those years, many children died from diareI. Moreau has created the easiest recipe, thanks to which the death rate of children fell by half, the usual carrot soup. A pound of carrots turns into a puree, pour a liter of water, seasoned with three grams of salt and uvarivaetsja to a total volume of one liter. All.
Only in 2002 it became clear that formed in this soup of acidic oligosaccharides that enter the solution from the carrot, prevent bacteria attaching to the intestinal mucosa. Another study showed that due to these properties the soup even treats diarrhea caused by bacteria resistant to antibiotics.
In principle, this is already enough to remember Moro and to be thankful.But in his account and the introduction of sterilizing baby bottles, and the discovery that children fed mother's milk, is much more resistant to disease (much later it became clear that "the scientists" to protect the mother's antibodies, in contrast to the "iskusstvennomu").
It Moro invented "Moro's milk" for artificial feeding (cream-flour-oil-sugar). It Moro opened the lactobacillicontained in dairy products and showed them favor. He discovered a reflex, which is present in the child in the first months of life: if you make about the heads of the little sharp sound, it will first spread out his hands, fingers spread, then bring hands together, squeezing them. If no reflex is a sign of damage or oppression to the Central nervous system. It is for the Moro reflex, or rather, lack of it, can be, for example, suspect cerebral palsy.
Cortisol, estrogen, insulin As nutrition to balance the major hormonesIf you are tired, just push down on these 4 points!
Surprisingly, for all its merits Moreau lived a modest life, was awarded (surprisingly, he was not even nominated at the medical Nobel peace prize even once). But he was lucky to survive the Third Reich. He just had to leave in 1936, with professorships in Heidelberg "state of health" (actually, due to the wife, a Jewess), but to 74 years of his life he was engaged in favourite business. Great pediatrician until 1948, he worked as a doctor in private practice, opening a pediatric clinic for Mozartstrasse, 10.
Surprisingly, in the Russian-speaking Internet, there are practically no materials dedicated to this wonderful man. Correct this error.published
Author: Alexey Paevskiy
Source: indicator.ru/article/2016/12/08/istoriya-nauki-morkovnyj-sup-spasayushij-detej/
Scary to think, but just half a century ago, the average human lifespan was less than half now. Of course, this does not mean that our ancestors live to be 35-40 years old and died from old age. A large part of the contribution to this figure on account of infant mortality. The little child was to be born, he had to live to adulthood. One hundred and forty-two years ago a man was born who made this task easier, the pediatrician Ernst Moro.

Today we would call Moro Slovenian medic because he was born 8 Dec 1874 in the capital of modern Slovenia, in Ljubljana. But in those early years it was just one of the cities of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. And the city was called differently- Laibach, the capital of the Duchy of Carniola.
However, learned Moro in the real Austria, in Graz. In 1899 he received the degree of doctor of medicine (what in the United States and great Britain is now called the MD letters), 1901-1902 worked with the great Theodore Asherim (the same one that opened the bacterium Esherichia Coli — E. coli) in Munich in 1906, became a specialized pediatrician, and two years later became a Professor at the University of Heidelberg.
It in 1908, he made the most important discoverythat could explain a century later. In those years, many children died from diareI. Moreau has created the easiest recipe, thanks to which the death rate of children fell by half, the usual carrot soup. A pound of carrots turns into a puree, pour a liter of water, seasoned with three grams of salt and uvarivaetsja to a total volume of one liter. All.
Only in 2002 it became clear that formed in this soup of acidic oligosaccharides that enter the solution from the carrot, prevent bacteria attaching to the intestinal mucosa. Another study showed that due to these properties the soup even treats diarrhea caused by bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

In principle, this is already enough to remember Moro and to be thankful.But in his account and the introduction of sterilizing baby bottles, and the discovery that children fed mother's milk, is much more resistant to disease (much later it became clear that "the scientists" to protect the mother's antibodies, in contrast to the "iskusstvennomu").
It Moro invented "Moro's milk" for artificial feeding (cream-flour-oil-sugar). It Moro opened the lactobacillicontained in dairy products and showed them favor. He discovered a reflex, which is present in the child in the first months of life: if you make about the heads of the little sharp sound, it will first spread out his hands, fingers spread, then bring hands together, squeezing them. If no reflex is a sign of damage or oppression to the Central nervous system. It is for the Moro reflex, or rather, lack of it, can be, for example, suspect cerebral palsy.
Cortisol, estrogen, insulin As nutrition to balance the major hormonesIf you are tired, just push down on these 4 points!
Surprisingly, for all its merits Moreau lived a modest life, was awarded (surprisingly, he was not even nominated at the medical Nobel peace prize even once). But he was lucky to survive the Third Reich. He just had to leave in 1936, with professorships in Heidelberg "state of health" (actually, due to the wife, a Jewess), but to 74 years of his life he was engaged in favourite business. Great pediatrician until 1948, he worked as a doctor in private practice, opening a pediatric clinic for Mozartstrasse, 10.
Surprisingly, in the Russian-speaking Internet, there are practically no materials dedicated to this wonderful man. Correct this error.published
Author: Alexey Paevskiy
Source: indicator.ru/article/2016/12/08/istoriya-nauki-morkovnyj-sup-spasayushij-detej/
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