My child - Indigo - 4
In the living room, where I hastened to his wife-2, it was crowded and smoky. Besides us, Pinocchio and Cheburashka with Tom Thumb sat on the couch prezanyatnaya couple. Tiny little man with a beard and indiscreet size woman with an expression of disgust on his face. Face clearly belonged to a resident of western Europe.
Closing the door, so as not to wake Svetku, I peered at the stranger and choked. It was Carlson. In a purple suit with a spark, cropped, with a beard a la Che Guevara and a cigar, thick Svetkin hand.
- Are you sure you want to tell us more? - Clearly I asked this dude red. He offended Svetku and I had it big and sharp teeth - who is it? - I nodded at the massive Femina - And where have you been?
- Guilty, guilty, guilty, - zaelozil Carlson - but here's what happened ... I'm still a man in full blossom ... And now - he nodded at his companion, - I beg to love and favor, my unforgettable - Carlson paused - Frekken Bock.
Aunt, hearing his name, strengthened nodded. In Russian, it clearly did not understand a belmesa.
- Where did you take it? - Exclaimed the wife-2 - Sveta never disliked her! - And I understand it - absolutely inappropriate climbed Pinocchio - is some Swedish SUV, not a woman.
- I invented it - modestly confessed, "a man in the prime of life" - was, as she asks, and I did. Do you like? - There Carlson, apparently embarrassed, breathed a diamond the size of a pea, decorate his little finger and rubbed it briskly on the jacket. In the top pocket of his jacket Alel tip handkerchief - the color of his tie.
Then I have no idea what a Pandora's box was opened by the propeller with a guy at the end.
- Ehh ... I love Bock, especially when she has such Frekken - again his voice Pinocchio, spreading his hands wide apart. Hamley he is Hamley.
- What do you know, log nosed - offended Carlson - corpulent woman should be - and he also made a gesture of hands, how usually show women with very prominent parts.
- Well, well, - said the wife sarcastically-1 - and where is it now you will live, you are no longer here - in the army logically she said.
- Gov ... simple question - said Carlson - I villa ... - He looked down modestly, - when I invented my girl, so immediately came up with her dowry.
This was quite a clever bastard, would never have thought. This means that not all recycled glucose was his motor, and remained on the head. Ah, maladtsa.
- Duck, I generally only Sveta flew, hi there, say, small presents here ... - he casually pushed her foot in patent-leather shoes impressive bag.
- Oh, dear, dear Karslon - 1-wife and wife-2 to temper justice with mercy at the mention of gifts, but, looking ahead to say that they did not bummer - flyer was attached only to Sveta.
As an exception, I allowed the couple to stay overnight. All night they entertained us chugging a loud whisper and mysterious muffled rattling propeller.
In the morning, get a bag with gifts and taking with the Carlson promise to invite her to visit, Sveta skipped away with his wife, two in school, wife-1 went to work and I went out to spend the newlyweds to a taxi.
Carlson shined with love for the bride, who lumbered with massive Swedish feet, carrying a fat bag. When Mrs. Bock Frekken fastens it at home it seemed to me that flashed inside the tops of high leather boots or visor cap with a high crown, or maybe it was the handle of the whip, but it's possible I just do not get enough sleep.
In parting, in a fit of friendship, Karslon soared to the level of my ear and told me privately that I do not see how it gets Mrs.
- You have no idea - intimately informed me that a gigolo - she cranks my screw counterclockwise ... - and triumphantly looked down at me. Oh, why I do not have a propeller, I would rate ...
When I got out of the elevator on my floor, then heard from my apartment came the rollicking tune played on harmonica. Apprehensively, I opened the door ...
At the table, rather than on the table, sat Cheburashka, and sat back to me one half-naked and green. It was he who played the harmonica.
- Hey ... you're there ... - not very confident I began.
Cheburashka jumped down and trotted toward me. Grasp foot behind my leg, he looked me in the face, and asked in his usual mild manner - You're not angry, but I missed him very ... very ...
Accordion stopped. Newcomer turned around and I realized that my perception of the crocodile Gena on the cartoon is not entirely accurate. In life, it was thin and slouching beast dirty green with elongated jaws forward. Rather, it was like some extinct amphibian in the Paleolithic. In addition, he was hairy.
However hairy crocodile fits perfectly into my home panopticon, so his thick gray growth on his chest and bushy eyebrows, I noted once briefly. Adjusting hat with narrow margins, Gene stood up and sheepishly portrayed diplomatic bow. Harmonica he put on the floor and slid his foot under the table. As it turned out, it was an intelligent and polite, but very narrow-minded crocodile.
- So, here in general, and so, - said thoughtfully amphibian in order to fill the awkward silence - do not play if you "Amur waves»?
- Yes, go ahead - I no longer had the strength to resist reality, opened the refrigerator and took out a new bottle "Smirnoff" - you will be? - I nodded at the green bottle. By the way Gene sip, I realized - will.
Those who noticed that in most of the characters of the story drinkers and drinkers with pleasure, I will explain - there is no single fact invented by me - I only reflects our reality.
When the wife came home with 2 Svetlana, then found her husband drunk in a society unfamiliar crocodile, is not quite adequate and tried to play a waltz "Amur waves". Wave is inconclusive, so the ripple-with, and do not worry. In the middle of the kitchen, stripped himself diapers Cheburashka, performed kan-kan.
Seeing a woman with a child, Gene moved sharply fur accordion and pinched them his hair on his chest.
- Yyy fucking - escaped him.
- Mom, he said a bad word - the voice of the prosecutor noticed Sveta and her eyes and shot - it was a great lover of show to other people's mistakes. But his wife-2 is not like wife-1 - she advised her daughter not to pay attention to what to say first got drunk crocodile.
Sveta climbed on a chair in front of genes.
- Gene, and you were in Africa? - Asked the inquisitive child.
- Duc, eshkin cat, just yesterday there - in the proof of Gene went through key accordion and cracked sang - "I do not need shore tour-e-ee-cki and Africa we do not need" ... Then on the decline of music he so famously swallowed the next stack that I doubted whether he did find Africa on a map. I was absolutely clear - this is our domestic production, the crocodile.
- Gene and his wife do you have? - Svetka questions have always been much wider boundaries of my imagination.
- So there is not - Crocodile mechanically stroked Cheburashka - but that's owning a farm somewhere in the wilderness ... the head of a woman is more terrible ... - dreamily stretched Gene.
- And that terrible? - Surprised wife-2.
- But I'm a crocodile! And we, crocodiles, their tastes and affection. Well, let's terrible for the women - he raised his glass and, without waiting, tipped her inside.
- Oh, look at Cheburashka - suddenly screamed, she asks, pointing somewhere behind the refrigerator.
With our Cheburashka was good. He was miserable little lump, sitting in the corner of the kitchen and vomiting. Despite the purely orange diet, he spewed a whole puddle of something poisonous red. But it's not so bad. The most piquant was the fact that he flew over the ears; Just autumn poplar. Individual hairs, but as whole pieces of wool, floated peacefully beside.
- I'm sorry - mumbled unhappy golouhy Cheburashka - I'm allergic to vodka ...
- Eck, you - sympathetic grunt Gene - not our breed - he explained to us, trying to focus his eyes on the door that opened and showed to us the phenomenon wife-1.
Wife-1 looked around us look. One by one and carefully. Then he looked back at the crocodile. In her eyes, I realized - Godzilla went on the hunt against King Kong.
But Gene was also, as it turned out, did not miss.
Immediately assessed the situation as life-threatening, because in the fight against wife-1 with a crocodile, only a complete asshole could put on the crocodile, he moved his eyebrows and said soft baritone:
- Madam, let me sign you up for one of the most advanced phone service, which model you have?
Wife-1 was so discouraged that silently took tlefon and showed Gene afar.
- Yeah, it is clear - shvelnul again eyebrows Gene - Bring it to his ear now.
Wife-1 appeasably fulfilled and that.
- Voice activation of the word "want" - the voice of the magician Gene announced, and immediately stretched out of the tube is small but vibrant pink tongue and began to lick the inner surface of the ear of his wife-1.
- Oh, how lovely - pricked one - okay, crocodile, you can stay ...
Satisfied she jumped into the room to change clothes.
- Hey, you did not say how to turn it off - I reminded Gene.
- First let kinder - grumbled that.
From the entrance hall bell rang, but relaxing in the pleasant company, I lost all sense of danger. Not suspecting anything, I opened the door ...
- Oh, my grandmother came - Sveta screamed, rushing to the mother-in.
I stood silent. Arms folded. I proudly looked into the eyes of the enemy, as the Aztecs, who had to tear the heart.
- Hello, Antonina B., - I breathed politely aside.
- GOOD Morning, GOOD Morning, dick jowly - clearly stands in the eyes of a woman, but she gave a loud "Hello," upbringing did not allow her to express thought.
I made eye Sveta.
- Grandma, where we costumes sticking with the guys from school ... so you're going through, I'll be back - skzala she asks, and I ran into the bedroom and told his wife, 2: in-law was not privy to preturbatsii with his daughter.
Sveta grandmother dragged to his room to show off karlsonovymi gifts, and I went back into the kitchen. There already shone polished head against Pinocchio.
This frame is not behind the rest - arm in arm with him paced beautiful girl. Apparently Malvina was successfully induced from oblivion.
- Well done, Burik - I praised him - correctly oriented ...
- Yes you look, - boasted Pinocchio (nee Pinocchio) - Well, it plasticine!
- So what? Are you from a tree - do not understand Crocodile Gena - and he - a nod in the direction of the sleeping Cheburashka - from ... and wonder of what made Cheburashka ...
- Yes, where does he - not allowing the conversation to flow into the discussion Cheburashkin threads selfish cried Pinocchio - every day I can sculpt it different! In!
Pinocchio came from behind to his girlfriend and then molded it in a different way. She became less growth, but is much rounder in a certain place.
- Or so - our wooden friend ran to the front of Malvina.
- Yes - crocodile took off his hat and began fanning her, - impressive ... Well, for clay coming our women to asses - but did not have time to drink Gene: a child something fell, he heard laughter, tap, then wailed in-law.
I went to explore.
In the children ... sat on the floor Antonina B. and all eyes stared at the boy Svetkin age, danced in the center of the room. He was fair-haired, green-eyed and somewhat painfully sweet and roads.
- Dad, it's me, Dad - boy screamed and ran to me - yes I, World !!!
- Sveta ?! - I almost sat down next to the mother-in - as it happened?
- Yes, I immediately unpacked cubes that I gave in the morning and built a rainbow of them - the boy pointed to the arch, built in the corner - as you know - who will be held under the rainbow will be the opposite. I went la la la ... - Sveta jumped (or illumination?) On one leg.
- Oh, the priest lights - his voice grandmother - is this already possible?
- And you try - devil pulled my tongue. The old woman got on all fours and grunting, climbed under the arch.
Before me was a cheerful and completely spacey Dzyadok in women's clothing.
- Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah !!! - Zapoloshno Dzyadok wail and burst into the room his wife-1.
- What is it? Who is it? - Does not bode well for the start of the voice wife-1. Sveta kid jumping on the couch.
- I ask that this pervert is doing in my house? - Advancing menacingly wife-1.
Then out dollhouse window, standing on the shelf, looked Tom Thumb. From neighboring same little window looked very pretty girl of the same size. Perhaps he had always dreamed about Thumbelina ... it still had to figure out ...
- Oh ho ho, - an old man sighed a little wretch, - in the house where there is a gentleman and a lady to retire?
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Source: http: //
Closing the door, so as not to wake Svetku, I peered at the stranger and choked. It was Carlson. In a purple suit with a spark, cropped, with a beard a la Che Guevara and a cigar, thick Svetkin hand.
- Are you sure you want to tell us more? - Clearly I asked this dude red. He offended Svetku and I had it big and sharp teeth - who is it? - I nodded at the massive Femina - And where have you been?
- Guilty, guilty, guilty, - zaelozil Carlson - but here's what happened ... I'm still a man in full blossom ... And now - he nodded at his companion, - I beg to love and favor, my unforgettable - Carlson paused - Frekken Bock.
Aunt, hearing his name, strengthened nodded. In Russian, it clearly did not understand a belmesa.
- Where did you take it? - Exclaimed the wife-2 - Sveta never disliked her! - And I understand it - absolutely inappropriate climbed Pinocchio - is some Swedish SUV, not a woman.
- I invented it - modestly confessed, "a man in the prime of life" - was, as she asks, and I did. Do you like? - There Carlson, apparently embarrassed, breathed a diamond the size of a pea, decorate his little finger and rubbed it briskly on the jacket. In the top pocket of his jacket Alel tip handkerchief - the color of his tie.
Then I have no idea what a Pandora's box was opened by the propeller with a guy at the end.
- Ehh ... I love Bock, especially when she has such Frekken - again his voice Pinocchio, spreading his hands wide apart. Hamley he is Hamley.
- What do you know, log nosed - offended Carlson - corpulent woman should be - and he also made a gesture of hands, how usually show women with very prominent parts.
- Well, well, - said the wife sarcastically-1 - and where is it now you will live, you are no longer here - in the army logically she said.
- Gov ... simple question - said Carlson - I villa ... - He looked down modestly, - when I invented my girl, so immediately came up with her dowry.
This was quite a clever bastard, would never have thought. This means that not all recycled glucose was his motor, and remained on the head. Ah, maladtsa.
- Duck, I generally only Sveta flew, hi there, say, small presents here ... - he casually pushed her foot in patent-leather shoes impressive bag.
- Oh, dear, dear Karslon - 1-wife and wife-2 to temper justice with mercy at the mention of gifts, but, looking ahead to say that they did not bummer - flyer was attached only to Sveta.
As an exception, I allowed the couple to stay overnight. All night they entertained us chugging a loud whisper and mysterious muffled rattling propeller.
In the morning, get a bag with gifts and taking with the Carlson promise to invite her to visit, Sveta skipped away with his wife, two in school, wife-1 went to work and I went out to spend the newlyweds to a taxi.
Carlson shined with love for the bride, who lumbered with massive Swedish feet, carrying a fat bag. When Mrs. Bock Frekken fastens it at home it seemed to me that flashed inside the tops of high leather boots or visor cap with a high crown, or maybe it was the handle of the whip, but it's possible I just do not get enough sleep.
In parting, in a fit of friendship, Karslon soared to the level of my ear and told me privately that I do not see how it gets Mrs.
- You have no idea - intimately informed me that a gigolo - she cranks my screw counterclockwise ... - and triumphantly looked down at me. Oh, why I do not have a propeller, I would rate ...
When I got out of the elevator on my floor, then heard from my apartment came the rollicking tune played on harmonica. Apprehensively, I opened the door ...
At the table, rather than on the table, sat Cheburashka, and sat back to me one half-naked and green. It was he who played the harmonica.
- Hey ... you're there ... - not very confident I began.
Cheburashka jumped down and trotted toward me. Grasp foot behind my leg, he looked me in the face, and asked in his usual mild manner - You're not angry, but I missed him very ... very ...
Accordion stopped. Newcomer turned around and I realized that my perception of the crocodile Gena on the cartoon is not entirely accurate. In life, it was thin and slouching beast dirty green with elongated jaws forward. Rather, it was like some extinct amphibian in the Paleolithic. In addition, he was hairy.
However hairy crocodile fits perfectly into my home panopticon, so his thick gray growth on his chest and bushy eyebrows, I noted once briefly. Adjusting hat with narrow margins, Gene stood up and sheepishly portrayed diplomatic bow. Harmonica he put on the floor and slid his foot under the table. As it turned out, it was an intelligent and polite, but very narrow-minded crocodile.
- So, here in general, and so, - said thoughtfully amphibian in order to fill the awkward silence - do not play if you "Amur waves»?
- Yes, go ahead - I no longer had the strength to resist reality, opened the refrigerator and took out a new bottle "Smirnoff" - you will be? - I nodded at the green bottle. By the way Gene sip, I realized - will.
Those who noticed that in most of the characters of the story drinkers and drinkers with pleasure, I will explain - there is no single fact invented by me - I only reflects our reality.
When the wife came home with 2 Svetlana, then found her husband drunk in a society unfamiliar crocodile, is not quite adequate and tried to play a waltz "Amur waves". Wave is inconclusive, so the ripple-with, and do not worry. In the middle of the kitchen, stripped himself diapers Cheburashka, performed kan-kan.
Seeing a woman with a child, Gene moved sharply fur accordion and pinched them his hair on his chest.
- Yyy fucking - escaped him.
- Mom, he said a bad word - the voice of the prosecutor noticed Sveta and her eyes and shot - it was a great lover of show to other people's mistakes. But his wife-2 is not like wife-1 - she advised her daughter not to pay attention to what to say first got drunk crocodile.
Sveta climbed on a chair in front of genes.
- Gene, and you were in Africa? - Asked the inquisitive child.
- Duc, eshkin cat, just yesterday there - in the proof of Gene went through key accordion and cracked sang - "I do not need shore tour-e-ee-cki and Africa we do not need" ... Then on the decline of music he so famously swallowed the next stack that I doubted whether he did find Africa on a map. I was absolutely clear - this is our domestic production, the crocodile.
- Gene and his wife do you have? - Svetka questions have always been much wider boundaries of my imagination.
- So there is not - Crocodile mechanically stroked Cheburashka - but that's owning a farm somewhere in the wilderness ... the head of a woman is more terrible ... - dreamily stretched Gene.
- And that terrible? - Surprised wife-2.
- But I'm a crocodile! And we, crocodiles, their tastes and affection. Well, let's terrible for the women - he raised his glass and, without waiting, tipped her inside.
- Oh, look at Cheburashka - suddenly screamed, she asks, pointing somewhere behind the refrigerator.
With our Cheburashka was good. He was miserable little lump, sitting in the corner of the kitchen and vomiting. Despite the purely orange diet, he spewed a whole puddle of something poisonous red. But it's not so bad. The most piquant was the fact that he flew over the ears; Just autumn poplar. Individual hairs, but as whole pieces of wool, floated peacefully beside.
- I'm sorry - mumbled unhappy golouhy Cheburashka - I'm allergic to vodka ...
- Eck, you - sympathetic grunt Gene - not our breed - he explained to us, trying to focus his eyes on the door that opened and showed to us the phenomenon wife-1.
Wife-1 looked around us look. One by one and carefully. Then he looked back at the crocodile. In her eyes, I realized - Godzilla went on the hunt against King Kong.
But Gene was also, as it turned out, did not miss.
Immediately assessed the situation as life-threatening, because in the fight against wife-1 with a crocodile, only a complete asshole could put on the crocodile, he moved his eyebrows and said soft baritone:
- Madam, let me sign you up for one of the most advanced phone service, which model you have?
Wife-1 was so discouraged that silently took tlefon and showed Gene afar.
- Yeah, it is clear - shvelnul again eyebrows Gene - Bring it to his ear now.
Wife-1 appeasably fulfilled and that.
- Voice activation of the word "want" - the voice of the magician Gene announced, and immediately stretched out of the tube is small but vibrant pink tongue and began to lick the inner surface of the ear of his wife-1.
- Oh, how lovely - pricked one - okay, crocodile, you can stay ...
Satisfied she jumped into the room to change clothes.
- Hey, you did not say how to turn it off - I reminded Gene.
- First let kinder - grumbled that.
From the entrance hall bell rang, but relaxing in the pleasant company, I lost all sense of danger. Not suspecting anything, I opened the door ...
- Oh, my grandmother came - Sveta screamed, rushing to the mother-in.
I stood silent. Arms folded. I proudly looked into the eyes of the enemy, as the Aztecs, who had to tear the heart.
- Hello, Antonina B., - I breathed politely aside.
- GOOD Morning, GOOD Morning, dick jowly - clearly stands in the eyes of a woman, but she gave a loud "Hello," upbringing did not allow her to express thought.
I made eye Sveta.
- Grandma, where we costumes sticking with the guys from school ... so you're going through, I'll be back - skzala she asks, and I ran into the bedroom and told his wife, 2: in-law was not privy to preturbatsii with his daughter.
Sveta grandmother dragged to his room to show off karlsonovymi gifts, and I went back into the kitchen. There already shone polished head against Pinocchio.
This frame is not behind the rest - arm in arm with him paced beautiful girl. Apparently Malvina was successfully induced from oblivion.
- Well done, Burik - I praised him - correctly oriented ...
- Yes you look, - boasted Pinocchio (nee Pinocchio) - Well, it plasticine!
- So what? Are you from a tree - do not understand Crocodile Gena - and he - a nod in the direction of the sleeping Cheburashka - from ... and wonder of what made Cheburashka ...
- Yes, where does he - not allowing the conversation to flow into the discussion Cheburashkin threads selfish cried Pinocchio - every day I can sculpt it different! In!
Pinocchio came from behind to his girlfriend and then molded it in a different way. She became less growth, but is much rounder in a certain place.
- Or so - our wooden friend ran to the front of Malvina.
- Yes - crocodile took off his hat and began fanning her, - impressive ... Well, for clay coming our women to asses - but did not have time to drink Gene: a child something fell, he heard laughter, tap, then wailed in-law.
I went to explore.
In the children ... sat on the floor Antonina B. and all eyes stared at the boy Svetkin age, danced in the center of the room. He was fair-haired, green-eyed and somewhat painfully sweet and roads.
- Dad, it's me, Dad - boy screamed and ran to me - yes I, World !!!
- Sveta ?! - I almost sat down next to the mother-in - as it happened?
- Yes, I immediately unpacked cubes that I gave in the morning and built a rainbow of them - the boy pointed to the arch, built in the corner - as you know - who will be held under the rainbow will be the opposite. I went la la la ... - Sveta jumped (or illumination?) On one leg.
- Oh, the priest lights - his voice grandmother - is this already possible?
- And you try - devil pulled my tongue. The old woman got on all fours and grunting, climbed under the arch.
Before me was a cheerful and completely spacey Dzyadok in women's clothing.
- Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah !!! - Zapoloshno Dzyadok wail and burst into the room his wife-1.
- What is it? Who is it? - Does not bode well for the start of the voice wife-1. Sveta kid jumping on the couch.
- I ask that this pervert is doing in my house? - Advancing menacingly wife-1.
Then out dollhouse window, standing on the shelf, looked Tom Thumb. From neighboring same little window looked very pretty girl of the same size. Perhaps he had always dreamed about Thumbelina ... it still had to figure out ...
- Oh ho ho, - an old man sighed a little wretch, - in the house where there is a gentleman and a lady to retire?
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