Indigo children have excellent DNA from our

One of the most discussed topics in recent time the phenomenon of "Indigo Children". Scientists were able to scientifically prove that 95% of children born nowadays have a DNA different from ours. She changed. Many refer to this fact rather skeptical, some think that these children people of the new generation. Well, some perceive them simply mutants. Let's try to understand what are actually "Indigo Children".
Why "Indigo"?
Why are these children called Indigo? This word was coined by people who study various paranormal phenomena and abilities. At a time when scientists examined the auras of these unusual children become aware that their auras are dark blue color, which is not seldom called Indigo. Still no one able to give a scientific explanation to this phenomenon, but the name is firmly entrenched. It should be noted that to give an explanation and the aura as well, no one.

Ability of Indigo children.
The Indigo children are considered to be very extraordinary people, very different from our conventional ideas about children. From a very early age such children are endowed with a variety of talents, and unexplained phenomena. They are able to talk not only about the fate of the world, but also endowed with strong leadership qualities. This is the reason why it is absolutely impossible to apply the usual patterns of education.
No one can assume what powers vested with the Indigo children. Here are a few examples: at the age of 5 -6 months they are able to attract any toy at a glance. After enough, in exactly the same way sending her back. They are capable of with mind bending aluminium Cutlery. When children start to speak, immediately start to remember all their past lives and share their memories with others. Some Indigo children have the ability to read people's thoughts.
The results of the research.
Studies have shown that the range of electromagnetic waves, which emanate from the bodies of Indigo children, is from 3 222 350 000 to 11 000 Hz. This number is three times the number coming from the body of an ordinary person. Interesting fact: the Indigo children use both hemispheres of the brain into three times more than the average person. These children are prodigies. This feature, of course, affects their activities. It is worth noting that these unique abilities are not in vain. Many Indigo children do not even live to his age. And all because the percentage of suicide 2 to 3 times higher than among ordinary people. More than 90% of Indigo children, commit suicide, even before they reach their tenth birthday.
In addition to strong psychic abilities, Indigo children have perfect immunity. In the early 90-ies of the parents who were HIV-positive, the baby was born, who also had the disease. The presence of the disease doctors confirmed a year after his birth. Now imagine the apparent confusion of the medical staff, when at the age of six years the child's blood showed no traces of HIV. Of course, scientists immediately interested in this phenomenon. The doctors took the cells of the child and placed them in Petri dishes. Surprisingly, after the cells were exposed to different viruses, they this had absolutely no effect.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua