Ultrasound: voluntary paid mutation - payback in 15-20 years
In our country, ultrasound appeared with the destruction of the control of the system of protecting the population from equipment that destroys health, in 1993.
The main achievements of ultrasound: ease of maintenance and commercial profit – broke all the “old regime” barriers to the introduction of this “useful” technique.
The old regime’s “backward” institutions of control scrupulously studied the technique affecting the human body, achieving “long-range” results, that is, future consequences with the body. On average, the duration of such studies stretched from one year (mice) to five years. According to the laws of the USSR, everyone who encountered the use of ultrasound in their work had privileges in salary, etc. (for harmfulness).
But here came the market-commercial times, when doctors began to vying to shout that ultrasound is a harmless thing and is very necessary, especially for the study of pregnancy. That in the USSR there was no science, but so, fool fooled, but in the West – progress.
But the truth has been revealed in the West.
A new scientific study has shown that ultrasound examination performed in pregnant women may interfere with the development of fetal brain cells. The study undermined the brilliant reputation of this survey. Scientists from Yale University have proved that ultrasound waves have a negative effect on the unborn child – namely, on its nerve cells, reports the German newspaper Die Zeit.
The team, led by respected neuroscientist Pasco Rakić, subjected pregnant mice during the last three days of their pregnancy to ultrasound examinations of varying lengths – using a device that is commonly used for ultrasound examination of humans. Then, in the brains of newborn mice, the scientists looked for labeled neurons that normally travel to specific parts of the brain within three days before birth.
In general, the brain of the newborn mice had no visible abnormalities, its size was standard. But in all animals that were ultrasounded for 30 minutes or more before birth, the so-called E16 neurons did not move to the appropriate location in the cerebral cortex after birth. It is as if they were “lost” in the deeper layers of gray matter. The number of "lost" cells grew along with the ultrasound load, some neurons later found even in the lower white matter. These cells also lacked certain chemical characteristics of properly positioned neurons, and such nerve cells can no longer perform the function intended for them by nature.
In fact, there is a complete mutation of cells with DNA deformation.
Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves that, as they pass through a liquid medium, bounce off a dense object, in this case a child. The reflected waves are transformed by the sensor, and the image - the skeleton and internal organs of the child - appear on the monitor screen.
Ultrasound does not require special training for a pregnant woman. Only in the early stages, when amniotic fluid is still scarce, a woman is asked to come for examination with a filled bladder so that the image is sufficiently clear. The woman lies on the couch, exposes her stomach, it is lubricated with a sound guide gel and led on it by the sensor of the device. The whole procedure lasts about ten minutes. At the request of her mother, she can look at the screen, but without an explanation from a good specialist, it is very difficult to understand what is depicted on the screen.
No one talks about the fact that children in the womb react violently to this examination, responding to it with intense movement. This feature is even used by many “smart” as a test during pregnancy, when the mother suddenly fears that her baby does not move for a long time. Ultrasound stimulates the movement of the fetus and causes an acceleration of its heartbeat.
The child feels the negative impact and reacts reflexively to radiation, trying to protect himself. Curiosity is not a good enough reason to expose a child to potential danger for dubious purposes, such as gender recognition.
In the United States, the National Institutes of Health has not approved mandatory ultrasound for all pregnant women.
Garyaev P.P.: A blow to the genotype
Considered harmless ultrasound can damage the genetic apparatus. This conclusion was reached by Moscow researchers under the guidance of senior researcher of the Department of Theoretical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences Peter Petrovich Garyaev.
I must confess, says Garyaev, before we were very afraid that the laws of genetics could be used to harm people. This has been done for a long time by doctors. Without knowing what they are doing, they affect the human genetic apparatus. It is difficult to imagine the long-term consequences of this large-scale human experiment.
The epiphany started quite recently. Candidate of Biological Sciences Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Andrey Alexandrovich Berezin set a goal: to penetrate the Holy of Holies of Living Matter - the wave genome that controls the development of the organism. Nature carefully protects the genome from any intrusions in order to preserve hereditary programs for future generations. But the scientists decided to make their own amendments to them – to enter new information into “DNA texts”.
It is known that DNA molecules isolated from cells emit a variety of signals.
This is a real symphony of life, where there are probably "melodies" of all tissues, organs and systems that can develop at the command of DNA. But scientists can only determine the spectrum of these acoustic oscillations. There are so many of them and they are so weak that only supersensitive equipment can distinguish them.
To distinguish from the chaos individual sounds of life help carriers of light – photons. The helium-neon laser beam is directed at oscillating DNA molecules - reflecting off them, the light is scattered, and its spectrum is recorded by a sensitive device. Such a measuring system is called a photon correlation spectroscopy.
Garyaev and Berezin poured an aqueous solution of DNA molecules into the ditch and treated it with an ultrasound generator. They declined to name the frequencies of the acoustic oscillations, only noticing that some overtones could be heard by the ear as a subtle whistle. But the researchers do not hide the results of the experiment - on the contrary, they consider it their duty to tell as many people about them as possible.
Before exposure to the generator, DNA molecules made sounds in a wide range, from units to hundreds of hertz. And then the molecules "sounded" with a special force at one frequency: 10 hertz. It's been going on for weeks. And the amplitude of the oscillations does not decrease.
Figuratively speaking, in the symphony of life one piercing note began to prevail.
The work of DNA, explains Garyaev, can be compared to a high-speed computer that instantly makes a huge number of decisions. But imagine that a computer was hit with a sledgehammer, and as a result, it gives the same answer to all the questions. Something similar happened in the wave genome when we stunned it with ultrasound. Its wave matrices were so distorted that they sharply increased one frequency.
What the phantom screams
But even more scientists were surprised by another fact: the distortion of the spectrum of acoustic oscillations did not occur immediately. After exposure, they tested how the drug sounds DNA, but found no changes in its melodies. Disappointed by the failure, they poured the old solution, poured a new one and frozen it in the refrigerator. And when the next day they thawed and measured again, they were stunned: the intact DNA preparation behaved as if it had received ultrasound stunning.
- Maybe it's all about freezing? - I ask Peter Petrovich.
- No, says the scientist, we tested the control drugs DNA. When they were thawed, they still made sounds of a wide spectrum.
Finally, the most striking was the following result. Prepared a new DNA preparation in a new ditch, but put it in place of the old. Suddenly, the drug “sounded piercing,” as if it had also been treated with ultrasound.
- What if during the experiments you pointed the fields at the spectrometer, and they began to act on DNA?
- Ultrasound is not directed, as any physicist knows.
After numerous tests, scientists came to a striking conclusion: Ultrasound "offended" DNA molecules, and they "remembered". The molecules experienced a strong shock, after which they recovered for a long time and finally developed a wave phantom of pain and fear, which remained at the site of such a terrible experiment for them. Under the influence of this phantom, other DNA molecules experienced a similar shock and also “screamed with horror.”
Further research showed that during ultrasound irradiation, the double helixes of DNA woven and even ruptured, as happens when these molecules are heated. During such mechanical damage, electromagnetic waves are formed, which create a phantom. It is capable of destroying DNA like high temperature and ultrasound.
Something similar happens when an injured person cuts off an arm or leg, and then for many years it hurts “empty place”. According to Garyaev, the phantom effect sometimes occurs at the site of a cancerous tumor: when it is removed, a wave matrix remains, which then creates a new colony of malignant cells.
Scientists believe that during their experiment in the formation of the phantom involved water, which floated DNA molecules. Under the influence of an ultrasonic generator, groups of several water molecules could form in this solution - they became small generators of acoustic vibrations that continuously voiced and damaged DNA from all sides. As a result, on their broken chains appeared clumps of electromagnetic waves – solitons that could exist independently, fueled by the energy of the environment. The totality of these solitons formed a wave matrix, or phantom.
Scientists even managed to photograph the phantom DNA. A bright ball appeared near the drug, from which branched lines came out. It looks like a tree lit by a flash of lightning. But instead of foliage, it was shrouded in a bright cloud of ultralight microparticles.
The phantom "swimmed" near the DNA drug, and when it was removed, continued to hover over this place. The soaring “tree” against the background of a light cloud, scientists recorded on many photos.
DNA performs funeral march
These experiments show that ultrasound causes not only mechanical but also field distortions of DNA. It means that In the hereditary program may fail: distortion of the field will form damaged tissues - a healthy organism will not develop from them.
- But this is terrible! - I interrupted the scientist. Now all over the world very fashionable ultrasound scanning. The method is considered completely harmless, so it is widely used to diagnose pregnancy and children. “Illuminated” ultrasound pregnant women to find out the sex of the unborn child. Another thing if it is a special medical condition! The frivolity and arrogance of the “kings of nature” are simply amazing.
Many people know that some animals use ultrasound as a weapon: dolphins jam fish, sperm whales – squid and so on.
But the doctors suggested that the patients be exposed to such an effect - and they willingly agreed, even sent their children to an experiment with ultrasound.
- And our research has shown that Ultrasound can be extremely harmful to living systems. What we didn’t do to remove the distorting phantom effect in DNA new, but at the place of voice still appeared anomalous wave structures. This wave matrix persisted and formed new failures in hereditary programs. It is frightening even to think that a similar effect occurs in human cells after ultrasound diagnosis. Ultrasound could have distorted their wave genome.
It turns out, not knowing what they are doing, doctors conduct an experiment on people. And these experiences could have disastrous consequences for future generations. It is possible that ultrasonic equipment is vivisection of “civilized” peoples. They are erasing themselves from the face of the Earth to make room for the “wild” tribes.
In order to destroy sinners, God covers their minds. published
Also interesting: Michelle Auden about the autopsy of the fetal bladder and ultrasound after childbirth
Addressing pregnancy problems without medication
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: 3rm.info/publications/25492-uzi-dobrovolnaya-platnaya-mutaciya-rasplata-cherez-15-20-let.html
The main achievements of ultrasound: ease of maintenance and commercial profit – broke all the “old regime” barriers to the introduction of this “useful” technique.
The old regime’s “backward” institutions of control scrupulously studied the technique affecting the human body, achieving “long-range” results, that is, future consequences with the body. On average, the duration of such studies stretched from one year (mice) to five years. According to the laws of the USSR, everyone who encountered the use of ultrasound in their work had privileges in salary, etc. (for harmfulness).

But here came the market-commercial times, when doctors began to vying to shout that ultrasound is a harmless thing and is very necessary, especially for the study of pregnancy. That in the USSR there was no science, but so, fool fooled, but in the West – progress.
But the truth has been revealed in the West.
A new scientific study has shown that ultrasound examination performed in pregnant women may interfere with the development of fetal brain cells. The study undermined the brilliant reputation of this survey. Scientists from Yale University have proved that ultrasound waves have a negative effect on the unborn child – namely, on its nerve cells, reports the German newspaper Die Zeit.
The team, led by respected neuroscientist Pasco Rakić, subjected pregnant mice during the last three days of their pregnancy to ultrasound examinations of varying lengths – using a device that is commonly used for ultrasound examination of humans. Then, in the brains of newborn mice, the scientists looked for labeled neurons that normally travel to specific parts of the brain within three days before birth.
In general, the brain of the newborn mice had no visible abnormalities, its size was standard. But in all animals that were ultrasounded for 30 minutes or more before birth, the so-called E16 neurons did not move to the appropriate location in the cerebral cortex after birth. It is as if they were “lost” in the deeper layers of gray matter. The number of "lost" cells grew along with the ultrasound load, some neurons later found even in the lower white matter. These cells also lacked certain chemical characteristics of properly positioned neurons, and such nerve cells can no longer perform the function intended for them by nature.
In fact, there is a complete mutation of cells with DNA deformation.
Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves that, as they pass through a liquid medium, bounce off a dense object, in this case a child. The reflected waves are transformed by the sensor, and the image - the skeleton and internal organs of the child - appear on the monitor screen.
Ultrasound does not require special training for a pregnant woman. Only in the early stages, when amniotic fluid is still scarce, a woman is asked to come for examination with a filled bladder so that the image is sufficiently clear. The woman lies on the couch, exposes her stomach, it is lubricated with a sound guide gel and led on it by the sensor of the device. The whole procedure lasts about ten minutes. At the request of her mother, she can look at the screen, but without an explanation from a good specialist, it is very difficult to understand what is depicted on the screen.
No one talks about the fact that children in the womb react violently to this examination, responding to it with intense movement. This feature is even used by many “smart” as a test during pregnancy, when the mother suddenly fears that her baby does not move for a long time. Ultrasound stimulates the movement of the fetus and causes an acceleration of its heartbeat.
The child feels the negative impact and reacts reflexively to radiation, trying to protect himself. Curiosity is not a good enough reason to expose a child to potential danger for dubious purposes, such as gender recognition.
In the United States, the National Institutes of Health has not approved mandatory ultrasound for all pregnant women.
Garyaev P.P.: A blow to the genotype

Considered harmless ultrasound can damage the genetic apparatus. This conclusion was reached by Moscow researchers under the guidance of senior researcher of the Department of Theoretical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences Peter Petrovich Garyaev.
I must confess, says Garyaev, before we were very afraid that the laws of genetics could be used to harm people. This has been done for a long time by doctors. Without knowing what they are doing, they affect the human genetic apparatus. It is difficult to imagine the long-term consequences of this large-scale human experiment.
The epiphany started quite recently. Candidate of Biological Sciences Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Andrey Alexandrovich Berezin set a goal: to penetrate the Holy of Holies of Living Matter - the wave genome that controls the development of the organism. Nature carefully protects the genome from any intrusions in order to preserve hereditary programs for future generations. But the scientists decided to make their own amendments to them – to enter new information into “DNA texts”.
It is known that DNA molecules isolated from cells emit a variety of signals.
This is a real symphony of life, where there are probably "melodies" of all tissues, organs and systems that can develop at the command of DNA. But scientists can only determine the spectrum of these acoustic oscillations. There are so many of them and they are so weak that only supersensitive equipment can distinguish them.
To distinguish from the chaos individual sounds of life help carriers of light – photons. The helium-neon laser beam is directed at oscillating DNA molecules - reflecting off them, the light is scattered, and its spectrum is recorded by a sensitive device. Such a measuring system is called a photon correlation spectroscopy.
Garyaev and Berezin poured an aqueous solution of DNA molecules into the ditch and treated it with an ultrasound generator. They declined to name the frequencies of the acoustic oscillations, only noticing that some overtones could be heard by the ear as a subtle whistle. But the researchers do not hide the results of the experiment - on the contrary, they consider it their duty to tell as many people about them as possible.
Before exposure to the generator, DNA molecules made sounds in a wide range, from units to hundreds of hertz. And then the molecules "sounded" with a special force at one frequency: 10 hertz. It's been going on for weeks. And the amplitude of the oscillations does not decrease.
Figuratively speaking, in the symphony of life one piercing note began to prevail.
The work of DNA, explains Garyaev, can be compared to a high-speed computer that instantly makes a huge number of decisions. But imagine that a computer was hit with a sledgehammer, and as a result, it gives the same answer to all the questions. Something similar happened in the wave genome when we stunned it with ultrasound. Its wave matrices were so distorted that they sharply increased one frequency.
What the phantom screams
But even more scientists were surprised by another fact: the distortion of the spectrum of acoustic oscillations did not occur immediately. After exposure, they tested how the drug sounds DNA, but found no changes in its melodies. Disappointed by the failure, they poured the old solution, poured a new one and frozen it in the refrigerator. And when the next day they thawed and measured again, they were stunned: the intact DNA preparation behaved as if it had received ultrasound stunning.
- Maybe it's all about freezing? - I ask Peter Petrovich.
- No, says the scientist, we tested the control drugs DNA. When they were thawed, they still made sounds of a wide spectrum.
Finally, the most striking was the following result. Prepared a new DNA preparation in a new ditch, but put it in place of the old. Suddenly, the drug “sounded piercing,” as if it had also been treated with ultrasound.
- What if during the experiments you pointed the fields at the spectrometer, and they began to act on DNA?
- Ultrasound is not directed, as any physicist knows.
After numerous tests, scientists came to a striking conclusion: Ultrasound "offended" DNA molecules, and they "remembered". The molecules experienced a strong shock, after which they recovered for a long time and finally developed a wave phantom of pain and fear, which remained at the site of such a terrible experiment for them. Under the influence of this phantom, other DNA molecules experienced a similar shock and also “screamed with horror.”
Further research showed that during ultrasound irradiation, the double helixes of DNA woven and even ruptured, as happens when these molecules are heated. During such mechanical damage, electromagnetic waves are formed, which create a phantom. It is capable of destroying DNA like high temperature and ultrasound.
Something similar happens when an injured person cuts off an arm or leg, and then for many years it hurts “empty place”. According to Garyaev, the phantom effect sometimes occurs at the site of a cancerous tumor: when it is removed, a wave matrix remains, which then creates a new colony of malignant cells.
Scientists believe that during their experiment in the formation of the phantom involved water, which floated DNA molecules. Under the influence of an ultrasonic generator, groups of several water molecules could form in this solution - they became small generators of acoustic vibrations that continuously voiced and damaged DNA from all sides. As a result, on their broken chains appeared clumps of electromagnetic waves – solitons that could exist independently, fueled by the energy of the environment. The totality of these solitons formed a wave matrix, or phantom.
Scientists even managed to photograph the phantom DNA. A bright ball appeared near the drug, from which branched lines came out. It looks like a tree lit by a flash of lightning. But instead of foliage, it was shrouded in a bright cloud of ultralight microparticles.
The phantom "swimmed" near the DNA drug, and when it was removed, continued to hover over this place. The soaring “tree” against the background of a light cloud, scientists recorded on many photos.
DNA performs funeral march
These experiments show that ultrasound causes not only mechanical but also field distortions of DNA. It means that In the hereditary program may fail: distortion of the field will form damaged tissues - a healthy organism will not develop from them.
- But this is terrible! - I interrupted the scientist. Now all over the world very fashionable ultrasound scanning. The method is considered completely harmless, so it is widely used to diagnose pregnancy and children. “Illuminated” ultrasound pregnant women to find out the sex of the unborn child. Another thing if it is a special medical condition! The frivolity and arrogance of the “kings of nature” are simply amazing.
Many people know that some animals use ultrasound as a weapon: dolphins jam fish, sperm whales – squid and so on.
But the doctors suggested that the patients be exposed to such an effect - and they willingly agreed, even sent their children to an experiment with ultrasound.
- And our research has shown that Ultrasound can be extremely harmful to living systems. What we didn’t do to remove the distorting phantom effect in DNA new, but at the place of voice still appeared anomalous wave structures. This wave matrix persisted and formed new failures in hereditary programs. It is frightening even to think that a similar effect occurs in human cells after ultrasound diagnosis. Ultrasound could have distorted their wave genome.
It turns out, not knowing what they are doing, doctors conduct an experiment on people. And these experiences could have disastrous consequences for future generations. It is possible that ultrasonic equipment is vivisection of “civilized” peoples. They are erasing themselves from the face of the Earth to make room for the “wild” tribes.
In order to destroy sinners, God covers their minds. published
Also interesting: Michelle Auden about the autopsy of the fetal bladder and ultrasound after childbirth
Addressing pregnancy problems without medication
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: 3rm.info/publications/25492-uzi-dobrovolnaya-platnaya-mutaciya-rasplata-cherez-15-20-let.html