How consciousness affects DNA
Fifty four million one hundred ninety thousand one hundred thirty three
Some of the findings in genetics suggest that the genetic codes of the body may be not in the DNA molecule. When scientists put DNA in a small quartz container, irradiated with a soft laser, we found that DNA works like a sponge, absorbing the light.
Somehow the DNA molecule has absorbed all the photons of light in this place, and kept them in a spiral. The molecule created a vortex, attracting the light, but in a much smaller scale. It has been proven that by using an unknown process, the DNA molecule pulls the photons from the space. The only existing technology that could hold light in the form of a spiral, discovered by scientists in the DNA molecule, is a fiber optic cable. But even fiber optic cables do not draw light from the surrounding environment.
Usually we are not accustomed to think of light as something that can be stored. Adopted considered that it is distributed in space at high speed. If we could capture it in one place, then one would expect that he will eventually lose its power. For example, in the case of photosynthesis it is believed that the plant can store light is the only way to immediately transform the energy in the green chlorophyll. Now were able to observe that the light can be used as food, which will be stored in the DNA as a reserve.
An interesting effect in these studies was. Scientists removed the DNA molecule in a quartz container, and the place where she once stood, the light continued spiraling twist, although physically the DNA wasn't there.
This unseen power is not needles in the DNA molecule. The only rational scientific explanation – there is an energy field that a single molecule of DNA, like the DNA molecule has energy double. The double has the same shape as the physical molecule, but if you remove the DNA, the double remains there, where before there was a molecule. To continue to do the job – storing visible light – does not even require the DNA molecule. Photons keeps the location field.
The human body trillions of highly specialized and structured DNA molecules. All our body must have energy double. It absolutely fits in with theories and observations of Draco, Gurvich, Barro and Becker about the availability of the information field, dictating our cells what to do. It turns out that the most important work of the DNA molecule is to store the light as in the physical body and its energetic counterpart.
When the experimenters filled the phantom with liquid nitrogen (the effect of a sudden strong cooling), spiral of light disappeared, but returned again in 5-8 minutes. The ambient light is again organized in a unique
the helical pattern of DNA, which remains visible for another 30 days. Information about it is available for 25 years, but almost nobody heard, and the experiments were repeated many times, including R. Pecorai in the United States.
The biochemist Glen rein, a graduate of London University, has researched how the DNA responds to the impact of consciousness. It is known that in the cell before its division (or if it is damaged, that is, dead), of the DNA helix separate. They begin to bond when the cell is working to repair or heal yourself. The scale of the connection or disconnection can be measured by how well it absorbs light with a wavelength of 260 nanometers. In his experiments Rhine was taken alive, DNA from human placenta, put it in the water and kept the mixture in the beaker. Then different people tried to join or to separate DNA with my mind. Control samples to which no one tried to do anything, varied only by 1.1%, and processed by thought -up to 10%. This meant that our thoughts several times reinforce the processes in the human DNA.
Additionally, the people with the most harmonious wave radiation have the strongest ability to change the structure of DNA, and “greatly excited the individual (with a very inharmonious pattern of brain waves) created an abnormal shift in the UV light”, absorbed by DNA. Change has occurred at the wavelength of 310 nanometers (close to the value of the Popp – 380 nanometers), the wavelength that can cause cancer. An angry person is also forced DNA to mate is stronger when connecting. According to Rhine, the change in the light with a wavelength of 310 nanometers could only mean that “there is a change in the physical and chemical structure of one or more bases of the DNA molecule”.
In another case, when the DNA was placed in front of people with a harmonious packages brainwaves, but not tried to alter the DNA in the sample DNA was not observed in either connections or disconnections. All occurred only when people wanted to do it. This allows you to confidently assume that similar effects are produced by the conscious intent of people. Liu Childr could be connected or disconnected DNA in the laboratory, at a distance of 800 m from it. Valery Sadirin 30 minutes could connect DNA labs Reina in California, while at home in Moscow at a distance of thousands of kilometers from the laboratory. Rhine noted that a key quality of energy, able to create harmony in the brain waves and affect DNA, radiation from the heart: “Although the techniques used by different healers are different, they all require that you focus on the heart.”
Practically, it was obtained the microbiological evidence that our thoughts can actually create physical and chemical changes in the structure of the DNA molecule, to connect or disconnect it, as well as the connection between angry thoughts and cancerous tissue growth.
In addition, in a recent study conducted at Chicago medical University found that about a thousand genes change when a simple change of social status. Were able to determine 987 sensitive to the status of the genes. Among them was responsible for the stress associated with the brain, and 112 genes involved in the immune system. Changes at the gene level were so reproducible that after detailed analysis, scientists were able to solve the inverse problem is to predict the social status of individuals by analysis of her blood.published
Source: www.quantumcristal.com/vlijanie-soznania/
Some of the findings in genetics suggest that the genetic codes of the body may be not in the DNA molecule. When scientists put DNA in a small quartz container, irradiated with a soft laser, we found that DNA works like a sponge, absorbing the light.
Somehow the DNA molecule has absorbed all the photons of light in this place, and kept them in a spiral. The molecule created a vortex, attracting the light, but in a much smaller scale. It has been proven that by using an unknown process, the DNA molecule pulls the photons from the space. The only existing technology that could hold light in the form of a spiral, discovered by scientists in the DNA molecule, is a fiber optic cable. But even fiber optic cables do not draw light from the surrounding environment.
Usually we are not accustomed to think of light as something that can be stored. Adopted considered that it is distributed in space at high speed. If we could capture it in one place, then one would expect that he will eventually lose its power. For example, in the case of photosynthesis it is believed that the plant can store light is the only way to immediately transform the energy in the green chlorophyll. Now were able to observe that the light can be used as food, which will be stored in the DNA as a reserve.
An interesting effect in these studies was. Scientists removed the DNA molecule in a quartz container, and the place where she once stood, the light continued spiraling twist, although physically the DNA wasn't there.
This unseen power is not needles in the DNA molecule. The only rational scientific explanation – there is an energy field that a single molecule of DNA, like the DNA molecule has energy double. The double has the same shape as the physical molecule, but if you remove the DNA, the double remains there, where before there was a molecule. To continue to do the job – storing visible light – does not even require the DNA molecule. Photons keeps the location field.
The human body trillions of highly specialized and structured DNA molecules. All our body must have energy double. It absolutely fits in with theories and observations of Draco, Gurvich, Barro and Becker about the availability of the information field, dictating our cells what to do. It turns out that the most important work of the DNA molecule is to store the light as in the physical body and its energetic counterpart.
When the experimenters filled the phantom with liquid nitrogen (the effect of a sudden strong cooling), spiral of light disappeared, but returned again in 5-8 minutes. The ambient light is again organized in a unique
the helical pattern of DNA, which remains visible for another 30 days. Information about it is available for 25 years, but almost nobody heard, and the experiments were repeated many times, including R. Pecorai in the United States.
The biochemist Glen rein, a graduate of London University, has researched how the DNA responds to the impact of consciousness. It is known that in the cell before its division (or if it is damaged, that is, dead), of the DNA helix separate. They begin to bond when the cell is working to repair or heal yourself. The scale of the connection or disconnection can be measured by how well it absorbs light with a wavelength of 260 nanometers. In his experiments Rhine was taken alive, DNA from human placenta, put it in the water and kept the mixture in the beaker. Then different people tried to join or to separate DNA with my mind. Control samples to which no one tried to do anything, varied only by 1.1%, and processed by thought -up to 10%. This meant that our thoughts several times reinforce the processes in the human DNA.
Additionally, the people with the most harmonious wave radiation have the strongest ability to change the structure of DNA, and “greatly excited the individual (with a very inharmonious pattern of brain waves) created an abnormal shift in the UV light”, absorbed by DNA. Change has occurred at the wavelength of 310 nanometers (close to the value of the Popp – 380 nanometers), the wavelength that can cause cancer. An angry person is also forced DNA to mate is stronger when connecting. According to Rhine, the change in the light with a wavelength of 310 nanometers could only mean that “there is a change in the physical and chemical structure of one or more bases of the DNA molecule”.
In another case, when the DNA was placed in front of people with a harmonious packages brainwaves, but not tried to alter the DNA in the sample DNA was not observed in either connections or disconnections. All occurred only when people wanted to do it. This allows you to confidently assume that similar effects are produced by the conscious intent of people. Liu Childr could be connected or disconnected DNA in the laboratory, at a distance of 800 m from it. Valery Sadirin 30 minutes could connect DNA labs Reina in California, while at home in Moscow at a distance of thousands of kilometers from the laboratory. Rhine noted that a key quality of energy, able to create harmony in the brain waves and affect DNA, radiation from the heart: “Although the techniques used by different healers are different, they all require that you focus on the heart.”
Practically, it was obtained the microbiological evidence that our thoughts can actually create physical and chemical changes in the structure of the DNA molecule, to connect or disconnect it, as well as the connection between angry thoughts and cancerous tissue growth.
In addition, in a recent study conducted at Chicago medical University found that about a thousand genes change when a simple change of social status. Were able to determine 987 sensitive to the status of the genes. Among them was responsible for the stress associated with the brain, and 112 genes involved in the immune system. Changes at the gene level were so reproducible that after detailed analysis, scientists were able to solve the inverse problem is to predict the social status of individuals by analysis of her blood.published
Source: www.quantumcristal.com/vlijanie-soznania/