Generic memory of ancestors and DNA (+ Video)
The surprising discovery of Russian scientists explains many of the "paranormal" phenomena ... .Rossiyskie scientists have reprogrammed human DNA using words and frequencies. Genetics finally explained the previously mysterious phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition ... ... ... hilerstvo "supernatural" light .... aura ... and so on.
The discovery was made by Russian scientists who dare to set foot on the territory of the DNA that were not able to explore the Western scholars. Western scientists limited their research 10% of our DNA, that part which is responsible for the construction of proteins. They counted the remaining 90% of the DNA genetic "junk».
A group of Russian scientists, led by biophysicist and molecular biologist Peter Garyaev, on the contrary, decided that such a huge part of the DNA simply can not contain valuable information. To learn the secrets of this unknown continent, they have joined forces linguists and geneticists for an unusual study, designed to test the impact of vibrations and the words in the human DNA.
They found absolutely unexpected thing - the data is stored in our DNA, just as they are stored in computer memory. In addition, it was found that our genetic code uses the rules of grammar and syntax of a way that is very close to human language!
They also found that even the structure of the alkaline pairs of the DNA follow the rules of grammar and syntax. It seems that all our human languages - it's just a verbalization of our DNA
. Changing the DNA of spoken words and phrases
Most amazing discovery of all that made a group of scientists, is that living human DNA can be modified and rebuilt with the help of spoken words and phrases.
The key to change the DNA words and phrases in use the correct frequency. Using modulated radio and light frequencies Russian could affect cell metabolism and even correct genetic defects.
Using the frequency and language, the group received incredible results. For example, they successfully passed information from one set of images of DNA to another. Eventually they were even able to reprogram cells to another genome, without a scalpel, without making a single incision, they transformed frog embryos to salamander embryos.
Russian scientists work provides a scientific explanation of why the suggestion and hypnosis have such a strong impact on people. Our DNA is programmed by nature of the fact to "respond" to the words. Esoteric and spiritual leaders have always known about it. All forms of suggestion and "mental energy" based mostly on this phenomenon.
Russian scientists study also helps explain why these secret methods are not equally successful for all who use them. As a good "communication" with the DNA requires the correct frequency, people with developed internal processes more able to consciously create a "communication" channel DNA.
People with less well-developed consciousness will require any devices (for use of radio frequencies, or light). Scientists believe that with the development of consciousness, people will be able to achieve the results, using only their own words and thoughts.
DNA and intuition: how intuition works and why people will now be able to be able to use it
The Russian scientists also found genetic basis of intuition - or, as it is called - "giperkommunikatsii". Giperkommunikatsiya - a term used to describe the situation when a person suddenly receives information from an external source, not from the base of his or her personal knowledge. In our times, the phenomenon has become more and more rare. Most likely it is because of three main factors that hinder giperkommunikatsii (stress, anxiety, and hyperactivity of the brain) have become extremely common.
For some living things, such as ants, giperkommunikatsiya tightly "woven" into their daily existence. Did you know that when the ant "queen" physically removed from the colony, her "subjects" continue to work and build according to plan? However, if she is killed, all work stops immediately. Obviously, while formic "queen" is alive, it has access to the consciousness of the members of their colony by giperkommunikatsii.
Now that Russian scientists have uncovered a biological giperkommunikatsii motivated, people are likely to be able to restore the lost ability to be able to re-learn how to use it. Scientists have discovered that our DNA can create so-called "magnetized wormholes." These "wormholes" - a miniature version of the bridges, which form almost extinguished the stars (they are called Einstein-Rosen bridges)
. Einstein-Rosen bridges connect the different areas of the universe and allow information to be transmitted outside of space and time. If we could consciously activate and manage these connections, we could use our DNA to transmit and receive information from the data network of the universe. We could also communicate with other members of the network.
The results obtained by Russian scientists and researchers, so revolutionary, that it is impossible to believe in them. At present, we already have some examples where people use certain techniques, at least on some level. For example, those who have succeeded in hilerstve or telepathy.
According to many scientists, is actively interested in the Russian DNA research, the results of these studies reflect the major changes taking place on our Earth, the Sun and the galaxy. These changes affect human DNA and the development of human consciousness in ways that we can fully understand only in the distant future.

The discovery was made by Russian scientists who dare to set foot on the territory of the DNA that were not able to explore the Western scholars. Western scientists limited their research 10% of our DNA, that part which is responsible for the construction of proteins. They counted the remaining 90% of the DNA genetic "junk».
A group of Russian scientists, led by biophysicist and molecular biologist Peter Garyaev, on the contrary, decided that such a huge part of the DNA simply can not contain valuable information. To learn the secrets of this unknown continent, they have joined forces linguists and geneticists for an unusual study, designed to test the impact of vibrations and the words in the human DNA.
They found absolutely unexpected thing - the data is stored in our DNA, just as they are stored in computer memory. In addition, it was found that our genetic code uses the rules of grammar and syntax of a way that is very close to human language!
They also found that even the structure of the alkaline pairs of the DNA follow the rules of grammar and syntax. It seems that all our human languages - it's just a verbalization of our DNA
. Changing the DNA of spoken words and phrases
Most amazing discovery of all that made a group of scientists, is that living human DNA can be modified and rebuilt with the help of spoken words and phrases.
The key to change the DNA words and phrases in use the correct frequency. Using modulated radio and light frequencies Russian could affect cell metabolism and even correct genetic defects.
Using the frequency and language, the group received incredible results. For example, they successfully passed information from one set of images of DNA to another. Eventually they were even able to reprogram cells to another genome, without a scalpel, without making a single incision, they transformed frog embryos to salamander embryos.
Russian scientists work provides a scientific explanation of why the suggestion and hypnosis have such a strong impact on people. Our DNA is programmed by nature of the fact to "respond" to the words. Esoteric and spiritual leaders have always known about it. All forms of suggestion and "mental energy" based mostly on this phenomenon.
Russian scientists study also helps explain why these secret methods are not equally successful for all who use them. As a good "communication" with the DNA requires the correct frequency, people with developed internal processes more able to consciously create a "communication" channel DNA.
People with less well-developed consciousness will require any devices (for use of radio frequencies, or light). Scientists believe that with the development of consciousness, people will be able to achieve the results, using only their own words and thoughts.
DNA and intuition: how intuition works and why people will now be able to be able to use it
The Russian scientists also found genetic basis of intuition - or, as it is called - "giperkommunikatsii". Giperkommunikatsiya - a term used to describe the situation when a person suddenly receives information from an external source, not from the base of his or her personal knowledge. In our times, the phenomenon has become more and more rare. Most likely it is because of three main factors that hinder giperkommunikatsii (stress, anxiety, and hyperactivity of the brain) have become extremely common.
For some living things, such as ants, giperkommunikatsiya tightly "woven" into their daily existence. Did you know that when the ant "queen" physically removed from the colony, her "subjects" continue to work and build according to plan? However, if she is killed, all work stops immediately. Obviously, while formic "queen" is alive, it has access to the consciousness of the members of their colony by giperkommunikatsii.
Now that Russian scientists have uncovered a biological giperkommunikatsii motivated, people are likely to be able to restore the lost ability to be able to re-learn how to use it. Scientists have discovered that our DNA can create so-called "magnetized wormholes." These "wormholes" - a miniature version of the bridges, which form almost extinguished the stars (they are called Einstein-Rosen bridges)
. Einstein-Rosen bridges connect the different areas of the universe and allow information to be transmitted outside of space and time. If we could consciously activate and manage these connections, we could use our DNA to transmit and receive information from the data network of the universe. We could also communicate with other members of the network.
The results obtained by Russian scientists and researchers, so revolutionary, that it is impossible to believe in them. At present, we already have some examples where people use certain techniques, at least on some level. For example, those who have succeeded in hilerstve or telepathy.
According to many scientists, is actively interested in the Russian DNA research, the results of these studies reflect the major changes taking place on our Earth, the Sun and the galaxy. These changes affect human DNA and the development of human consciousness in ways that we can fully understand only in the distant future.