Human emotions change the shape of the DNA molecule
Thirteen million six hundred seventy thousand four hundred eight
Not the people wove the Web of life, they are merely strands in it. And all they do this Web, they are doing themselves. Seattle, Indian chief, 1854
The last few decades researchers in different countries have shown increased interest in the study of the properties of human consciousness and its impact on the environment and the human body. In many developed countries is carried out more experiments, the results of which testify to the rightness of ancient knowledge, preserved until now.
Journal of Advances in 1993 published a report on research conducted in the US army Dr. Cleve Baxter and consisting in the explanation of the influence of feelings on DNA samples placed at a distance. The participant's mouth took a DNA sample. The sample was placed in another room of the same building in a special chamber. She was fitted with sensors that recorded all the changes observed in the material in response to the feelings of a person located at a distance of several hundred meters.
Study participants were shown a compilation video, causing the most intense feelings, from violent military documentaries to Comedy and erotic scenes.
In moments of emotional outbursts in human DNA samples, located at a distance of several hundred meters, reacted strong electromagnetic excitations, as if still remained part of a host organism. After the U.S. army closed this research project K. Baxter with his team continued the same studies at much larger distances.
They started from a distance of 350 miles, and for measuring the time interval between current on the subject of emotional stimulus and response a sample of his DNA used atomic clock in Colorado. It was discovered that there is no temporal interval between separated by hundreds of miles of the emotional stimulus and the electrical excitation of DNA was not. It all happened simultaneously, regardless of distance. The DNA reacted as if they remained a part of the body of the subject. For this reason a colleague of Baxter, Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, said: "there is No place where our body actually starts or ends".
In 1991, the staff of the Institute of HeartMath has developed a special program exploring the impact of feelings on the body. The main attention of researchers was focused on the human heart. The results were published in prestigious journals and are frequently quoted in scientific papers. One of the most important discoveries was the discovery beyond the body's energy field, having the shape of a torus with a diameter of from one half to two and a half meters with the center in the heart.
Another experiment was conducted from 1992 to 1995. A sample of human DNA was placed in a test tube and exposed to a coherent emotional state. Leading researchers Glen rein and Rolin McCarthy reported that coherent emotional state can be created by man "through special techniques to quiet the mind, move it to the heart area and focusing on positive experiences". The experiment involved several people specially trained to this method of concentration.
The results showed that human emotions change the shape of the DNA molecule in the test tube. Participants in the experiment worked on her a combination of "directed intention, unconditional love and specific mental image of the DNA molecule". No physical contact with the natural molecule was not. It turned out that "different feelings have different effects on the DNA molecule, causing it to twist, to spin".
It is considered that the DNA in our body unchanged, and it is quite stable, if not treat it with chemicals or electromagnetic radiation, but this study shows that DNA can change shape under the influence of consciousness and feelings, while distance and time are irrelevant. published
Source: www.quantumcristal.com/skrytoe-edinstvo/
Not the people wove the Web of life, they are merely strands in it. And all they do this Web, they are doing themselves. Seattle, Indian chief, 1854
The last few decades researchers in different countries have shown increased interest in the study of the properties of human consciousness and its impact on the environment and the human body. In many developed countries is carried out more experiments, the results of which testify to the rightness of ancient knowledge, preserved until now.
Journal of Advances in 1993 published a report on research conducted in the US army Dr. Cleve Baxter and consisting in the explanation of the influence of feelings on DNA samples placed at a distance. The participant's mouth took a DNA sample. The sample was placed in another room of the same building in a special chamber. She was fitted with sensors that recorded all the changes observed in the material in response to the feelings of a person located at a distance of several hundred meters.
Study participants were shown a compilation video, causing the most intense feelings, from violent military documentaries to Comedy and erotic scenes.
In moments of emotional outbursts in human DNA samples, located at a distance of several hundred meters, reacted strong electromagnetic excitations, as if still remained part of a host organism. After the U.S. army closed this research project K. Baxter with his team continued the same studies at much larger distances.
They started from a distance of 350 miles, and for measuring the time interval between current on the subject of emotional stimulus and response a sample of his DNA used atomic clock in Colorado. It was discovered that there is no temporal interval between separated by hundreds of miles of the emotional stimulus and the electrical excitation of DNA was not. It all happened simultaneously, regardless of distance. The DNA reacted as if they remained a part of the body of the subject. For this reason a colleague of Baxter, Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, said: "there is No place where our body actually starts or ends".
In 1991, the staff of the Institute of HeartMath has developed a special program exploring the impact of feelings on the body. The main attention of researchers was focused on the human heart. The results were published in prestigious journals and are frequently quoted in scientific papers. One of the most important discoveries was the discovery beyond the body's energy field, having the shape of a torus with a diameter of from one half to two and a half meters with the center in the heart.
Another experiment was conducted from 1992 to 1995. A sample of human DNA was placed in a test tube and exposed to a coherent emotional state. Leading researchers Glen rein and Rolin McCarthy reported that coherent emotional state can be created by man "through special techniques to quiet the mind, move it to the heart area and focusing on positive experiences". The experiment involved several people specially trained to this method of concentration.
The results showed that human emotions change the shape of the DNA molecule in the test tube. Participants in the experiment worked on her a combination of "directed intention, unconditional love and specific mental image of the DNA molecule". No physical contact with the natural molecule was not. It turned out that "different feelings have different effects on the DNA molecule, causing it to twist, to spin".
It is considered that the DNA in our body unchanged, and it is quite stable, if not treat it with chemicals or electromagnetic radiation, but this study shows that DNA can change shape under the influence of consciousness and feelings, while distance and time are irrelevant. published
Source: www.quantumcristal.com/skrytoe-edinstvo/