Is it possible to do ultrasound for pregnant women?
Few of the women ask questions. can I do an ultrasound? during pregnancy. Most people take this procedure for granted: it is convenient, painless, gives immediate, extensive results and is considered safe. However, as with almost any medical procedure, the use of ultrasound carries certain risks, such as incorrect diagnosis and possible negative effects on the fetus.
There is no confirmed official case of harm caused to a pregnant or a child after ultrasound. However, ultrasound is a form of energy that affects the tissues it passes through. It is known that some animals use ultrasound as a weapon: dolphins jam fish, sperm whales – squid, etc. At the same time, embryonic ultrasound gives confidence that the child is growing and developing normally. Editorial Board decided to find out the details of the shaky reputation Ultrasound during pregnancy.
All mothers strive to avoid any intervention in the body during pregnancy and childbirth. But to check if everything is okay with the anatomy of the child, ultrasound diagnosis is the optimal opportunity to get the necessary information. There are a number of advantages that ultrasound gives.
What gives ultrasound during pregnancy
In the process of diagnosis, high-frequency waves pass through the mother's tissues and amniotic fluid, reflecting on the skeleton and internal organs of the child. The sensor reads these waves and displays on the monitor screen. According to some scientists, at this time the fetus accelerates heartbeat, he begins to react violently and move, trying to protect himself from radiation.
It is believed that ultrasound increases the temperature of tissues by 1.8-2.7 degrees Fahrenheit. Experiments have shown that ultrasound, both conventional pulsed and Doppler (a technique that sends a continuous wave of ultrasound), can heat tissue above the maximum permissible temperature, especially in the area of bones when the apparatus is in one place for longer than 2-3 seconds.
The public was worried when the German newspaper Die Zeit published the results of a study by scientists from Yale University. They show a negative effect on the brain cells of the unborn child.
A group of specialists led by venerable neuroscientist Pasco Rakić irradiated pregnant mice with an ultrasound device for 3 days. In newborn mice, brain neurons were found in the wrong place for them - deep in the layers of gray matter. That is, instead of occupying the appropriate place in the cerebral cortex, the neurons simply “lost” and lost some of the chemical characteristics of the “correct” neurons. The result is a complete mutation of cells with deformed DNA, and they will no longer be able to perform their natural function.
Another study showed that in adult mice that were subjected to ultrasound doses, the rate of cell division decreased by 22 percent. Also, in animals, cells in the small intestine died twice as fast. It was found that ultrasound diagnosis causes lung damage and focal bleeding in a number of other mammalian species.
A new study from the University of Washington found a link between autism in boys whose mothers underwent ultrasound in the first trimester and the severity of their illness.
In the 90s of the last century, there was a high risk of miscarriage or premature birth. The trial was conducted on 9,000 pregnant women divided into two groups. One group did not undergo ultrasound at all, and the pregnancy proceeded without complications. Another was ultrasounded at 16-20 weeks, and 16 fetal deaths were found.
In addition, the examination of ultrasound by scientists from China indicates the risk of autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, jaundice, genetic disorders, childhood cancer and allergies. We know that increasing a mother’s body temperature can cause birth defects. And if the temperature rises due to ultrasound, even locally, the child may later suffer from malformations.
Despite the results of laboratory experiments, which showed that ultrasound diagnosis can lead to physical changes in tissues, there is no confirmed link between exposure to ultrasound during pregnancy and deformities in the fetus. The lack of information is due to the fact that research on the effects of ultrasound on humans in Western countries is not encouraged and is actually prohibited because it is considered unethical.
Doctors argue that the data obtained are not enough for ultrasound to be recognized as either completely harmless, or harmful or dangerous procedure. Only one thing has been proven: ultrasound can have a mechanical and thermal effect on various human tissues (including a child). However, in reasonable amounts, the ultrasound procedure does not pose the slightest threat to the fetus and mother, unlike poor nutrition, stress and health problems.
Without special need to get involved in it is definitely not worth it. For this reason, we do not recommend that Fetal ultrasound during pregnancy They were carried out only out of curiosity, to determine the sex of the child and photographs of the fetus for memory. To resort to the procedure is only for medical reasons and under the supervision of qualified medical professionals. Moreover, a pregnant woman should avoid even many familiar things.
Are you against this procedure or do you think it is useful? Be sure to share your opinion in the comments.
There is no confirmed official case of harm caused to a pregnant or a child after ultrasound. However, ultrasound is a form of energy that affects the tissues it passes through. It is known that some animals use ultrasound as a weapon: dolphins jam fish, sperm whales – squid, etc. At the same time, embryonic ultrasound gives confidence that the child is growing and developing normally. Editorial Board decided to find out the details of the shaky reputation Ultrasound during pregnancy.

All mothers strive to avoid any intervention in the body during pregnancy and childbirth. But to check if everything is okay with the anatomy of the child, ultrasound diagnosis is the optimal opportunity to get the necessary information. There are a number of advantages that ultrasound gives.
What gives ultrasound during pregnancy
- Find out the exact date of pregnancy and the date of birth.
- Eliminate the presence of ectopic pregnancy.
- Find out the sex of the child and the number of future children.
- Detect pathologies in the early development of the fetal egg
- Evaluate the growth rate of the fetus.
- Examine the placenta and amniotic fluid levels.
- Diagnose gross deformities and dangerous genetic diseases of the fetus.
- Predict complications.
- Know the fetal previa in the womb.
In the process of diagnosis, high-frequency waves pass through the mother's tissues and amniotic fluid, reflecting on the skeleton and internal organs of the child. The sensor reads these waves and displays on the monitor screen. According to some scientists, at this time the fetus accelerates heartbeat, he begins to react violently and move, trying to protect himself from radiation.
It is believed that ultrasound increases the temperature of tissues by 1.8-2.7 degrees Fahrenheit. Experiments have shown that ultrasound, both conventional pulsed and Doppler (a technique that sends a continuous wave of ultrasound), can heat tissue above the maximum permissible temperature, especially in the area of bones when the apparatus is in one place for longer than 2-3 seconds.
The public was worried when the German newspaper Die Zeit published the results of a study by scientists from Yale University. They show a negative effect on the brain cells of the unborn child.

A group of specialists led by venerable neuroscientist Pasco Rakić irradiated pregnant mice with an ultrasound device for 3 days. In newborn mice, brain neurons were found in the wrong place for them - deep in the layers of gray matter. That is, instead of occupying the appropriate place in the cerebral cortex, the neurons simply “lost” and lost some of the chemical characteristics of the “correct” neurons. The result is a complete mutation of cells with deformed DNA, and they will no longer be able to perform their natural function.
Another study showed that in adult mice that were subjected to ultrasound doses, the rate of cell division decreased by 22 percent. Also, in animals, cells in the small intestine died twice as fast. It was found that ultrasound diagnosis causes lung damage and focal bleeding in a number of other mammalian species.

A new study from the University of Washington found a link between autism in boys whose mothers underwent ultrasound in the first trimester and the severity of their illness.
In the 90s of the last century, there was a high risk of miscarriage or premature birth. The trial was conducted on 9,000 pregnant women divided into two groups. One group did not undergo ultrasound at all, and the pregnancy proceeded without complications. Another was ultrasounded at 16-20 weeks, and 16 fetal deaths were found.

In addition, the examination of ultrasound by scientists from China indicates the risk of autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, jaundice, genetic disorders, childhood cancer and allergies. We know that increasing a mother’s body temperature can cause birth defects. And if the temperature rises due to ultrasound, even locally, the child may later suffer from malformations.

Despite the results of laboratory experiments, which showed that ultrasound diagnosis can lead to physical changes in tissues, there is no confirmed link between exposure to ultrasound during pregnancy and deformities in the fetus. The lack of information is due to the fact that research on the effects of ultrasound on humans in Western countries is not encouraged and is actually prohibited because it is considered unethical.

Doctors argue that the data obtained are not enough for ultrasound to be recognized as either completely harmless, or harmful or dangerous procedure. Only one thing has been proven: ultrasound can have a mechanical and thermal effect on various human tissues (including a child). However, in reasonable amounts, the ultrasound procedure does not pose the slightest threat to the fetus and mother, unlike poor nutrition, stress and health problems.
Without special need to get involved in it is definitely not worth it. For this reason, we do not recommend that Fetal ultrasound during pregnancy They were carried out only out of curiosity, to determine the sex of the child and photographs of the fetus for memory. To resort to the procedure is only for medical reasons and under the supervision of qualified medical professionals. Moreover, a pregnant woman should avoid even many familiar things.
Are you against this procedure or do you think it is useful? Be sure to share your opinion in the comments.