In the Philippines, died the world's largest crocodile

giant saltwater crocodile Lolong, who was called the greatest of captive died in the Philippines, according to CBS. Reptile length of 6, 4 meters and weighing more than a ton surfaced swollen belly-up, and after a few hours veterinarians officially announced the death of Lolonga.

The crocodile was caught in September 2011 in the town of Bunavan. Lolonga suspect in the attack on villagers in August 2011; it is assumed that his account is at least one human sacrifice. In the hunt for the crocodile, which lasted for three weeks, was attended by several dozen chelovek.

Catch the animal, the villagers decided to transfer it to a local zoo in the hope that a giant crocodile increase the inflow of tourists. This is what happened: he immediately became a tourist attraction of international masshtaba.

In 2012 Lolong was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest captive saltwater crocodiles. According to CBS, the death of the animal caused a stir in social networks, and some users Filipino proposed to declare February 10 a national day of mourning for Lolongu.

According to an unnamed representative of the local authorities, three weeks ago, crocodile swallowed a nylon cord, which is why he started chronic diarrhea and swelling of the stomach, says CBS. However, the official cause of death of the animal is still not known.
Source: mirfactov.com/