Stone worm
1.Nazvanie "crocodile" means "stone worm" (by others. Gr. "Krok" - stone, "Dilo" - the worm) .
2. Set the exact age of the crocodile can only sawing bone. It is necessary to count the growth rings, like derevev.
3. Crocodiles can not stick out yazyk.
4. Before the rain alligators emit specific sounds - so-called "singing crocodile," and in the vicinity of the mating season are announced in a loud voice bellowing alligator samtsov.Ochevidtsy compared with distant thunder or explosions that poachers jammed dynamite fishing. When connected to the first alligator other, "heavy pulsating sounds begin to literally shake boloto.
5. Some tribes have a way to hunt for the crocodile: find track promyatuyu crawling crocodile, and stuck in the midst of her knife blade up. Crocodile always creeps back on the same track, and rips your belly on a knife stuck into the ground from the mouth to hvosta.
6. The victim drowns and crocodile hides in podmyta shore. Waiting a few days to dead tissue softer. Since crocodiles can not chew. (some sources indicated that this information is not confirmed)
7. crocodiles have third eyelid - the membrane that covers the eye during a dive under water - so the crocodile to protect the eyes from exposure to water, while not losing the ability videt.
8. The stomach is a crocodile stones - gastroliths - to help grind food and provide a center of gravity. Crocodile Jaw contains 24 sharp teeth that can bite and hold prey, but do not chew. Therefore, they often swallow small rocks to help them crush the contents of the stomach. These stones also act as ballast, helping to plunge into crocodile vodu.Zuby constantly updated throughout the life of the animal. The strength of the compression of the jaws of a crocodile is enormous, but the muscles that open the jaws, so weak that the efforts of one hand is enough to keep it open. Crocodile is able to very precisely control the compression force of the jaws, and can as a snack thigh bones of large animals, and carry their offspring out of the nest to the water. The tail of a crocodile is also not a gift - it blows very strong.
9. On the surface the jaws of a crocodile are many pressure receptors, which allow him to feel the vibration coming from the animals in the water on a large rasstoyanii.
10. crocodiles found cannibalism - devouring smaller individuals krupnymi.
11. All modern crocodiles are adapted to the semi-aquatic lifestyle. Although it is still 3000 years ago in New Caledonia were carried overland krokodily.
12. Young crocodiles still inside the egg at the time of hatching emit croaking sounds.
Sex of crocodiles is determined by the ambient temperature, during which the incubation of eggs. If nests inside temperature does not exceed 31 degrees. C, the hatch only females, ranging from 32 to 33 - there is an equal number of males and females, but if the temperature is higher than 33, 5, then all of the progeny will be male one.
13. The first condom Egyptians invented two thousand years before Christ, and it was made of crocodile gut.
The history of the world's first condom, preserved in excellent condition to this day, lost in the darkness of the times - even archaeologists could not establish the exact date of its creation ... Here it is, from crocodile skin
14. The nostrils and ear openings underwater movable flaps are closed.
The jaws of crocodiles are only capable of grasping acts. Attacking large prey, the crocodile jaws bites and turns, otrvaya portion piece.
15. Sometimes, finding someone else laying eggs or newly hatched young crocodiles, crocodile cruel indifference to devour their own kind.
In the same way, some crocodile mummies after a long opekaniya offspring suddenly eat the whole brood.
16. These reptiles are no lips and mouth can not be closed completely.
During his lifetime, the crocodile can change their teeth 60 to a hundred times. Grounds teeth are hollow inside, in these cavities develop new, replacement teeth.
Even very old and already a toothless crocodile still deadly, his jaw slammed shut with a force of several tons, grinding the bones of the body and the victim.
18. The Crocodile can absolutely do not have a whole god.
19. In the food use white meat more often with crocodile tail. Krokodilyatina tastes like chicken. They say the taste is present distinctive hue korkodilego musk, is not too popular with evropeytsam.
20. These reptiles can jump out of the water on the 2 meter vysotu.
21. Crocodiles are in the language of the salt gland. If they swallow too much salt water, excess salt through them stand out in the surrounding sredu.
22. Sometimes crocodiles are able to climb the derevya.
23. When a crocodile devour someone from the tribe madagkaskarskogo Antanusi, where everyone is happy as children: in fact in spirits live crocodiles leaders plemeni.
24. saltwater crocodile, it happens, swims in the sea 600 kilometers from the coast (there is evidence of 1100 kilometers).
Life expectancy - 50 years. Centenarians live to 100.
25. A powerful tail resemble crocodiles from the shore into the water large zhivotnyh.
26. There are cases where the crocodiles attack small boats, smashed their impact hvosta.
27. The male has a harem of ten to twelve females. If the prey is too large crocodile calls for help their females, they have helped to break production at kuski.
crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), which is found in India, the northern Australian and Fiji. Its length can reach 7 meters, and weight - one ton! Five-meter individual weigh a minimum of half a ton. At the same time the eggs that the female lays in size no more goose.
29. The smallest crocodile - dwarf (Osteolaemus tetraspis), adults barely reach 190 cm in length. He's more land than natatorial.
30 .. The expression "crocodile tears" means ostentatious remorse and repentance. There was this myth from the fact that crocodiles were believed to cry during the savory meat people. In fact, the crocodiles do cry when they eat, but it happens for good biological reasons. Air swallowing crocodile during feeding, specially blended with the contents of the lacrimal gland and released in the form of abundant foam 'tears ».
31 .. Crocodile skin is considered one of the best for the manufacture of various leather products (in general, it's cruel, but unfortunately, this business is). Industrial use only the skin of the abdomen, as has the softness and elasticity. Other places, especially the skin of the limbs and back, this is not suitable - it is a very strong and solid, and often withstand a direct hit by a bullet. In many cultures of the world crocodile skin is a sign of consistency and a high position in society. The handbag of crocodile skin can cost 10-20 thousand dollars and above, because of the large number of crocodiles killed each year by poachers (hands them to pootryvat). In some countries, the hunting of crocodiles in nature is prohibited, and for the skins of crocodiles are grown on special farms.
32. 4. In some cultures, the crocodile was considered a sacred animal in ancient Egypt, for example. Even today, some tribes of New Guinea crocodile is a symbol, a totem, and men are painful procedure mutilation of the skin, after which it is covered with scars, which makes her look like a crocodile. Most interesting is that some tribes of the Australian Aborigines are considered masters of the hunt for crocodiles and other tribes of the same Australian Aborigines believe the hunt for crocodiles svyatotatstvom.
33 .. Aggressiveness crocodiles increases during the breeding season, which is associated with the seasons dozhdey.
34 .. Often you can see crocodiles lying for a long time with open mouth. This is not the expression of aggression, but a simple cooling. The dog in this case sticks out his tongue and open mouth of a crocodile - excess heat and sweat out a breath.

2. Set the exact age of the crocodile can only sawing bone. It is necessary to count the growth rings, like derevev.

3. Crocodiles can not stick out yazyk.

4. Before the rain alligators emit specific sounds - so-called "singing crocodile," and in the vicinity of the mating season are announced in a loud voice bellowing alligator samtsov.Ochevidtsy compared with distant thunder or explosions that poachers jammed dynamite fishing. When connected to the first alligator other, "heavy pulsating sounds begin to literally shake boloto.

5. Some tribes have a way to hunt for the crocodile: find track promyatuyu crawling crocodile, and stuck in the midst of her knife blade up. Crocodile always creeps back on the same track, and rips your belly on a knife stuck into the ground from the mouth to hvosta.

6. The victim drowns and crocodile hides in podmyta shore. Waiting a few days to dead tissue softer. Since crocodiles can not chew. (some sources indicated that this information is not confirmed)

7. crocodiles have third eyelid - the membrane that covers the eye during a dive under water - so the crocodile to protect the eyes from exposure to water, while not losing the ability videt.

8. The stomach is a crocodile stones - gastroliths - to help grind food and provide a center of gravity. Crocodile Jaw contains 24 sharp teeth that can bite and hold prey, but do not chew. Therefore, they often swallow small rocks to help them crush the contents of the stomach. These stones also act as ballast, helping to plunge into crocodile vodu.Zuby constantly updated throughout the life of the animal. The strength of the compression of the jaws of a crocodile is enormous, but the muscles that open the jaws, so weak that the efforts of one hand is enough to keep it open. Crocodile is able to very precisely control the compression force of the jaws, and can as a snack thigh bones of large animals, and carry their offspring out of the nest to the water. The tail of a crocodile is also not a gift - it blows very strong.

9. On the surface the jaws of a crocodile are many pressure receptors, which allow him to feel the vibration coming from the animals in the water on a large rasstoyanii.

10. crocodiles found cannibalism - devouring smaller individuals krupnymi.

11. All modern crocodiles are adapted to the semi-aquatic lifestyle. Although it is still 3000 years ago in New Caledonia were carried overland krokodily.

12. Young crocodiles still inside the egg at the time of hatching emit croaking sounds.
Sex of crocodiles is determined by the ambient temperature, during which the incubation of eggs. If nests inside temperature does not exceed 31 degrees. C, the hatch only females, ranging from 32 to 33 - there is an equal number of males and females, but if the temperature is higher than 33, 5, then all of the progeny will be male one.

13. The first condom Egyptians invented two thousand years before Christ, and it was made of crocodile gut.
The history of the world's first condom, preserved in excellent condition to this day, lost in the darkness of the times - even archaeologists could not establish the exact date of its creation ... Here it is, from crocodile skin

14. The nostrils and ear openings underwater movable flaps are closed.
The jaws of crocodiles are only capable of grasping acts. Attacking large prey, the crocodile jaws bites and turns, otrvaya portion piece.

15. Sometimes, finding someone else laying eggs or newly hatched young crocodiles, crocodile cruel indifference to devour their own kind.
In the same way, some crocodile mummies after a long opekaniya offspring suddenly eat the whole brood.

16. These reptiles are no lips and mouth can not be closed completely.
During his lifetime, the crocodile can change their teeth 60 to a hundred times. Grounds teeth are hollow inside, in these cavities develop new, replacement teeth.

Even very old and already a toothless crocodile still deadly, his jaw slammed shut with a force of several tons, grinding the bones of the body and the victim.

18. The Crocodile can absolutely do not have a whole god.

19. In the food use white meat more often with crocodile tail. Krokodilyatina tastes like chicken. They say the taste is present distinctive hue korkodilego musk, is not too popular with evropeytsam.

20. These reptiles can jump out of the water on the 2 meter vysotu.

21. Crocodiles are in the language of the salt gland. If they swallow too much salt water, excess salt through them stand out in the surrounding sredu.

22. Sometimes crocodiles are able to climb the derevya.

23. When a crocodile devour someone from the tribe madagkaskarskogo Antanusi, where everyone is happy as children: in fact in spirits live crocodiles leaders plemeni.

24. saltwater crocodile, it happens, swims in the sea 600 kilometers from the coast (there is evidence of 1100 kilometers).
Life expectancy - 50 years. Centenarians live to 100.

25. A powerful tail resemble crocodiles from the shore into the water large zhivotnyh.

26. There are cases where the crocodiles attack small boats, smashed their impact hvosta.

27. The male has a harem of ten to twelve females. If the prey is too large crocodile calls for help their females, they have helped to break production at kuski.

crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), which is found in India, the northern Australian and Fiji. Its length can reach 7 meters, and weight - one ton! Five-meter individual weigh a minimum of half a ton. At the same time the eggs that the female lays in size no more goose.

29. The smallest crocodile - dwarf (Osteolaemus tetraspis), adults barely reach 190 cm in length. He's more land than natatorial.

30 .. The expression "crocodile tears" means ostentatious remorse and repentance. There was this myth from the fact that crocodiles were believed to cry during the savory meat people. In fact, the crocodiles do cry when they eat, but it happens for good biological reasons. Air swallowing crocodile during feeding, specially blended with the contents of the lacrimal gland and released in the form of abundant foam 'tears ».

31 .. Crocodile skin is considered one of the best for the manufacture of various leather products (in general, it's cruel, but unfortunately, this business is). Industrial use only the skin of the abdomen, as has the softness and elasticity. Other places, especially the skin of the limbs and back, this is not suitable - it is a very strong and solid, and often withstand a direct hit by a bullet. In many cultures of the world crocodile skin is a sign of consistency and a high position in society. The handbag of crocodile skin can cost 10-20 thousand dollars and above, because of the large number of crocodiles killed each year by poachers (hands them to pootryvat). In some countries, the hunting of crocodiles in nature is prohibited, and for the skins of crocodiles are grown on special farms.

32. 4. In some cultures, the crocodile was considered a sacred animal in ancient Egypt, for example. Even today, some tribes of New Guinea crocodile is a symbol, a totem, and men are painful procedure mutilation of the skin, after which it is covered with scars, which makes her look like a crocodile. Most interesting is that some tribes of the Australian Aborigines are considered masters of the hunt for crocodiles and other tribes of the same Australian Aborigines believe the hunt for crocodiles svyatotatstvom.

33 .. Aggressiveness crocodiles increases during the breeding season, which is associated with the seasons dozhdey.

34 .. Often you can see crocodiles lying for a long time with open mouth. This is not the expression of aggression, but a simple cooling. The dog in this case sticks out his tongue and open mouth of a crocodile - excess heat and sweat out a breath.