10 Scariest parasites that can live in the human body

All have heard about the terrible diseases that are carried by mosquitoes and other parasites, such as malaria, but not everyone knows that it is now within us, they are able to live. Fearfully? Parasites, namely worms and beetles - are living creatures that crawl freely inside the human body. The worst thing that they can live inside of us for years and decades and are not to be felt.
10. Negleriya Foulera

Zombies - is a brainless creatures that feed on the human brain. Naegleria fowleri behaves the same way she also eats the brain and affects the nervous system. Among the symptoms that accompany the presence of this parasite can be called headache, nausea, vomiting, coma and even death. It is very rare parasite in the world known only 1000 cases of infection to them. infection - pools of warm water, so swim cautiously.
9. Onhotserkoz

Onchocerciasis filaria - a worm, worms that cause blindness in humans. To catch them in uncivilized regions high chance. The parasite infects only human cornea, causing river blindness. Immunity person is unable to recognize the parasite, so blindness is inevitable.
8. filaria Bankrofta

This parasite is often referred to as elephant, but not because he is huge, but because of how he is able to externally mutilate the human body. After entering the body, the human filaria behaves like other parasites. A year later, the worm has already become adults and enter the lymphatic system, which controls the outflow of fluid from the body. When an adult worm with "comrades" blocking drainage channels, no liquid wastes generated as a result of the limb becomes like a leg of an elephant.
7. Loa loa

"Loa loa" more like the name of a cocktail on a tropical beach on an exotic island. But in fact it is a parasite that can be transmitted by the bite of insects. Larvae penetrate through the bite of the human body, while living in the area of the bite, causing inflammation and pain. Over time, the worm grows and can penetrate into the eye, even a person will feel like he's moving. The worm can live in the body for up to 17 years.
6. Ovod

Gadfly is able to postpone eggs in the human body. If gadfly chose someone as a victim, he will bear thousands of larvae that hatch from the eggs. The larva to grow, there will be all that will find around, eat the flesh, resulting in a hole formed in the skin, and the person will feel like larva moves under the skin. To remove the parasite eggs or need help the surgeon.
5. Rishta

When a person is swimming or bathing in water bodies with unfiltered water, you may swallow the water flea. These fleas are like polluted lakes and ponds, where they sit and wait for their prey. When they enter the stomach, the gastric juice dissolves the flea but guinea worm, which was within the flea (guinea worm), extends further. A year later, the worm has already reached a length of 60-90 cm. The human body has become for him a little, and he tries to get out of it on the surface. The body starts to burn, there is a desire to plunge into the cold water to get rid of the burning sensation and pain. But this worm right! In the water it releases thousands of larvae of his, and he remains in the body.
4. CANDIRU - fish-vampir

Both parents and the authorities are always reminded of what to write in a river or lake, the pool can not. Now sure no one will do it, reading about CANDIRU. This is a small fish that lives in the Amazon River, which enters the bladder during urination. In the body, it eats flesh and blood, causing extreme pain.
3. Askarida

Ascaris, ringed worm in the human body can grow up to 30 cm in length. You can easily become infected in rural areas. Her living inside is not accompanied by any symptoms until the number of worms is maximized. If this happens, then it will torment headaches, fever, nausea, diarrhea, etc. The roundworm mainly affect children more often than adults because they are less likely to wash their hands.
2. Sarcoptes zuden

Sarcoptes scabiei causes skin itching and red spots. This small parasite digs tunnels in the skin of the host, where it multiplies; It feeds on the blood. Ticks can affect any part of the skin, but are most often found on the back of the hands, interdigital spaces, armpits, crotch.
1. Lentets

Tapeworm - the most terrible parasite, so to speak. Basically, he settles in the human brain lives for 20 years. During this period, there are symptoms that are so common that connect them with the life of the parasite is extremely difficult. After he grows up, then seek to kill its host. Can be infected by a parasite in the use of contaminated water and meat.
: Mirfactov.com
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