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Folk remedy for worms


Uninvited guests

In nature, there are many food chains, parts of which we are. To understand what it is, an obvious example. The grass that ate sunlight and substances hidden in the soil, feed the cow. And the man eats milk and meat cows. It turns the chain. Scientists say that the majority of food chains in nature is exceptionally wise and appropriate. Loss of one link affects all other participants. However, there are on earth, the loss of which of the food chain is unlikely to cause any failures in its other links. At least to regret this link, no one will. We are talking about parasites.
So arranged in nature that every living creature has neighbors, not like himself. If the neighbor lives with you in peace and mutually beneficial, then love him. Biologists call it a saprophyte. And if a neighbor came uninvited guest eats from your table, but still tries to hurt you, a neighbor no one likes. Biologists call it the parasite. There are parasites in plants, animals and of course humans. The most widely represented group of parasites who choose the quality of the environment of the intestines. It is, as a rule, different worms.
Actually, worms is not a monotonous mass odnolikih creatures, they, like people, are different. There are completely harmless, for example rainfall, there are parasitic worms, and strive to penetrate into the human body (or animal) and begin to actively use as a food source, favorable habitat, and reproduction. As a result of this unexpected and very unpleasant cohabitation a person becomes ill.
Currently there are more than 300 parasitic diseases, which result mainly two types of worms are round (nematodes) and flat (cestodes). Kruglyakovsky cause diseases such as ascariasis (roundworms), enterobiasis (pinworms), trichocephalus (whipworm), trichinosis (Trichinella). Flat and imenulistener (cestodosis), cause worms beef tapeworm infection (beef tapeworm, or tapeworm), taeniasis (pork tapeworm), gimenolepidoz (dwarf, or rat tapeworm), difillobotrioz (broad tapeworm), Echinococcus (Echinococcus). There are still worms-flukes, causing opisthorchiasis (Fluke cat and Siberian), fascioliasis (liver Fluke).
These terrible parasites are divided into intestinal and extraintestinal helminths. As the name implies, in the first case, the worms and their larvae live in the gut, and the second outside it: in the muscles, lungs, liver and other organs. The bloodstream they can spread to any area of the human body for a long time and happily settle there.
The most common intestinal helminth diseases are considered: enterobiasis (pinworms) and ascariasis (roundworm). The children often are parasitic round worms — ascarids, pinworms and vlasoglavy, causing trihozefalez.
Of course, nature has provided everything she has prepared the human body to meet uninvited "invaders" by creating against them a few protective barriers. Worms can die when hit in the mouth under the action of special enzymes. If they break through this barrier, they are likely to stop the aggressive acidic environment of the stomach. If it does not become a barrier, they are greeted by the local immunity of the intestine. It is the production of antibodies to foreign antigens, resulting in destroyed the most resistant. When the body is weakened, particularly after a serious illness or a powerful drug therapy, all these natural obstacles, unfortunately, lose their force and at the right time does not help — the worms enter the intestine or other organs and well developed in Mature individuals.

How catch worms? Most often, the infection is so-called oral-fecal route. Usually through feces contaminated soil, failure to observe the ordinary sanitary rules and norms (if you don't wash hands and clean nails after working with the land, to eat dirty vegetables, fruits and berries that were lying on the ground). Children playing with Pets allowing dogs and cats to lick your face, can get worms from them. Not the last role in infected worms play flies and other flying and crawling insects. On their legs and proboscis, they carry the eggs of the worms for food. Infection with worms possible and accidental ingestion of water while swimming in reservoirs.
Sources of worms may become insufficiently cooked meat (especially pork) and fish. For the complete destruction of larvae and eggs of worms they should be subjected to thorough heat treatment. A large number of helminth eggs may
to be untreated well water. Therefore, living in the country or in the village, be sure to use antibacterial filter and boil water. Beware of drinking water from open reservoirs.
It is well known that helminth infection is primarily a children's problem. After all, the children protective barriers of the body has not yet formed, and the level of acidity of the stomach is smaller than adults. In addition, the baby actively explores the world, he certainly wants to try every item on the taste — it pulls in a mouth everything that comes his way. Children often not only sick themselves, but infect the rest of the family. So they need constant adult supervision.

Worm infestation and related diseases In the foreign press in the late 80-ies there were reports that almost everyone is a carrier of parasites — bacteria, viruses, and worms, living at the expense of the owner and which is the true cause of many chronic diseases. The idea of parasitic diseases, including the most difficult, is not new. As you know, parasites can live in humans for years, even decades, adapting to the most adverse conditions for themselves and does not prove itself. Aktiviziruyutsya they then, when their carrier reduced immunity.
The presence in the human body of various parasites can say when he appears weak, he loses weight, and sometimes, on the contrary, gaining weight. He is being tormented by headaches and dizziness, occasionally stomach pain, nausea, constipation or diarrhea.
The result of a parasitic or microbial infestation can be a variety of skin diseases — psoriasis, neurodermatitis, herpes, eczema, common acne and acne, seborrhea, papilloma, cracked heels, peeling and brittle nails, as well as inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, in paranasal sinuses, in the genitals. There is evidence that sometimes the cause of snoring is the presence of parasites in the body.
Antiparasitic therapy has helped many to get rid of diseases from which they were unsuccessfully treated for years. So, if you are concerned about any chronic disease that long-term to respond to the standard treatment, try to get tested for the presence of helminths.

Features of helminth infections In the clinical course of helminthiasis there are two main phases: acute (first 2-3 weeks after infection) and chronic (lasting from several months to many years or even decades). For each species of helminths there is a certain number of parasites, which causes the clinical manifestations.
Manifestations of acute phase in ascariasis observed for 2-3 day in most other helminth infections in 2-3 weeks. And, for example, when filaretos the incubation period is 6-18 months. During this period there is a fever, itchy skin rash, swelling, swollen lymph nodes, pain in muscles and joints. Against this background, often develop catarrhal, pneumonia, pleurisy, abdominal pain, jaundice and dyspepsia.
In the chronic phase when most intestinal helminths parasitizing a single species occurs usually asymptomatic, and only in the presence of worms of large size there are any symptoms. In the chronic phase is mainly dominated by symptoms and syndromes (set of symptoms) that reflects a dysfunction of the organ or system in which a parasite or pathogen under the influence of pathogenic factors.
And yet to helminth infections is characterized by a relatively slow progression of the disease, often with long-term compensation. Over time, the human body is poisoned by the waste products of the worms. The patient increased fatigue, worsening or, on the contrary, increased appetite, headaches. Disrupted the digestive tract: abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, nausea or vomiting. Increased sensitivity to allergens — also the result of the turbulent life of worms. The consequences can be very unpleasant — from skin rashes to asthma. Another negative effect of worms is that they weaken the immune system.
Very often patients complain about the lack (rarely increase) of appetite, belching, salivation. Sometimes General malaise, reduced efficiency, sleep disorder, depressed mood.
As already mentioned, most often there are two kinds of helminth infections — ascariasis and enterobiasis.
In enterobioze ( pinworm it is called) there is intense itching in the anus, worse at night. This is due to the fact that pinworms lay eggs in the skin of the perianal area.
Of pinworms especially children suffer. Night itching in the back passages of the perineum is so strongly expressed, that the child wakes up and cries. As a rule, such children sleep very restlessly, often at night grinding your teeth. The child usually brushes her itchy places, and helminth eggs get under nails, on bedding and linen can be spread around the apartment. This creates the conditions for re-samsarajade of the child and the infection of others. By the way, if the disease is detected at one of the family members, it is necessary to examine all the others.
In children with pinworms deteriorating appetite, vomiting, nausea or salivation, aversion to food, especially in the morning. Most complains about paroxysmal abdominal pain, often in the umbilical region. Unsustainable chair. Changing the mood of the child: he becomes Moody, unstable, complains of fatigue and weakness. Often reduces the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
Ascariasis (roundworm it is called) because of the peculiarities of migration of the parasite in the body can start of paroxysmal coughing. Often a skin rash. Ascariasis when parasitizing a large number of worms may be complicated by intestinal obstruction, obstructive jaundice, pancreatitis.
In severe cases of worm disease develop abnormalities of the nervous system: appear prolonged headaches, dizziness. May experience Intrusive movements, the so-called tics — blinking, shmygina nose, a twitching of the shoulders, etc.
In General, the clinical signs of disease depend on the type of worms, their number and location in the body. Here is a typical manifestation of the other most common worms:
- trihozefalez (vlasoglavy): in cases of intense infestation can be accompanied by haemorrhagic colitis and in children sometimes there is a rectal prolapse;
- hookworm (hookworms — roundworms). Distributed in the tropics and subtropics, we have — in the Krasnodar region. Even at a moderate intensity of infestation naturally develops iron deficiency anemia;
— strongyloidiasis (intestinal price round worm). Distributed in the tropics and subtropics, we — in Ukraine and in the far East. Along with a variety of allergic components and abdominal pain are often observed dysfunction of the biliary tract;
- trematode (a Fluke — flukes). Common in various climate zones. The contamination comes from raw fish and crayfish. Naturally develop chronic holecistoholangit, hepatitis, pancreatitis, possible lesions of various parts of the gastrointestinal tract, there are also neurological disorders;
- shistosomozy (flat worms). Found only in the tropics. A characteristic feature — the appearance of droplets of blood at the end of urination and dysuric disorders. The clinical picture of intestinal schistosomiasis is dominated by the symptoms of colitis, and in periods of exacerbation of the process of hematolite over time develop enlarged liver and spleen signs of portal hypertension.
- filariose (filaria round worms). Strike lymphatic system. Common in the tropics. In varying degrees pronounced allergic syndrome, swollen lymph nodes eye damage.
- lavaline the cestodosis (tissue — for example, Echinococcus). Affect different organs and tissues. They may long be asymptomatic even in the presence of quite large cysts. As a result of compression of the growing bubble in the place of localization the patient has pain. If the tapeworm enters the Central nervous system and may have headaches and fatigue.
- toxocariasis: is expressed by abdominal pain, cough, neurological disorders, lesions of the eyes. Carriers of this kind of worms are dogs.

How to detect helminth eggs If you suspect a worm infestation, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The diagnosis is obvious with the direct detection of worms in the stool. Can be a routine test
of a feces on eggs of helminths, as well as to conduct a study of the blood in the sanitary-epidemiological station or a specialized laboratory. Note: stool not always be indicative. Therefore, it is often necessary to pass several times. There is an observation: during a full moon the activity of some helminths increases and more likely to identify them in the stool.
More objective can be considered a histological examination of feces for the presence of helminths.
How to treat For the treatment of helminthiasis people have long used a variety of traditional ways, sometimes very exotic — spells, dancing with a tambourine at the bedside, dragging it across the fire, luring the worm to milk and other. It seems, rather, to shamanism. But to refuse means of traditional medicinine worth it. A well-known anthelminthic properties of many plants - onions, garlic, pumpkins and pumpkin seeds, walnuts, pomegranate, St. John's wort, sage, tansy, thyme, male fern. However, to identify the species of worms can only be a doctor — gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist or a parasitologist. Besides that the treatment was effective, we must not only destroy the parasites, but also to neutralize the effects of their activities — Allergy, anaemia, biliary dyskinesia, etc.
Modern medicine has sufficient possibilities for treatment of worm infestation at all stages of parasitism of worms. And of course, the earlier treatment is started the better. The Arsenal of tools for the treatment of helminthiasis is quite broad: medicine, herbal medicine, and homeopathic remedies and ozone therapy.
Depending on the selective action on the worms all drugs are divided into groups. Some of them increases peristalsis, thereby achieving the effect of a — worms removed from the intestine and can be identified. Other medications kill the parasites by damaging their cell membranes, disturbing carbohydrate metabolism, inhibiting aerobic respiration, causing paralysis of the muscles and preventing the development of eggs. One of the main requirements in the treatment of helminth infections — the use of laxatives shortly after the anthelminthic drugs. This is necessary in order to paralyzed and dead individuals were removed from the intestines. Usually apply saline laxatives (magnesium sulfate), and laxatives of vegetable origin containing antipicated (Senna, zhostera ions). Castor oil apply helminthiasis impossible!
Criteria of recovery are the negative results of analyses of a feces on eggs of worms obtained after treatment.
Helminthiasis prevention is first and foremost a strict adherence to hygiene. You need to thoroughly wash vegetables, fruits and herbs. Do not eat poorly processed fish and meat (especially pork). Can not drink tap water, especially from open reservoirs.
Children should sleep in separate beds, teach them to wash before bed. If the child discovered the worms, at night put him firmly seated panties and keeping fingernails short
If you live in the country, try to equip latrine, the faeces should be decontaminated. Spend the prophylaxis and treatment of worm infections among your Pets. Protect yourself and your children.
To kill the worm of folk medicine offers many methods of expulsion of worms. But that treatment was more effective, it is advisable to know which kind of parasites live in your body, as different tools operate on them differently. It is necessary to consult a doctor and get tested. It should also be borne in mind that anthelmintic treatment is contraindicated during menstruation, pregnancy, fevers and intestinal diseases.
When pinworms
— Boil in a glass of milk large head of garlic until soft. Milk drain, cool and make him an enema, leaving it on all night. For an adult enema requires a Cup, the child enough 1/4-1/2 Cup. To make such an enema should be within a week.
— 1 tbsp. spoon tansy flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, drain. Enter to enema 1 time per day (hold for 5 minutes). The tool is suitable only for adults.
— 1ch. spoon wormwood pour 2 cups of boiling water. Cool, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals

When Ascaris

— 3 tbsp. spoons of flowers and leaves of tansy pour a glass of boiling water, to insist within hours, strain. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day.
— 1 tablespoon of crushed seed of the Artemisia santonica, mix with honey and eat between meals (better in the day there are very few) and then take a laxative.

When tapeworms

Raw, peeled pumpkin seeds (always with a thin green skin) is in unlimited quantities within 10-14 days.
— On an empty stomach to eat 100 g of raw peeled pumpkin seeds, green skin, and an hour, drink small SIPS a glass of milk, which was cooked head of garlic. After half an hour to drink a strong laxative, and another 1.5-2 hours to do an enema of warm water, which is also pre-cook the head of garlic.
— Mix equal parts of tansy flowers, grass wormwood bitter, chamomile flowers. 2 tablespoons of this mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, then strain. Drinking on an empty stomach a glass in the morning and evening for 3-5 days.
— Grind 3 tbsp. unripe walnuts, pour them a glass of slightly salted boiling water, let stand half an hour, then drain the oil cake. The resulting liquid to drink during the day, taking salt laxative (karlovarska or Glauber's salt). Effective against tapeworms and round worms.

Source: natural-medicine.ru