In the human body, worms do not ceremony! To prevent parasites from getting inside, stick to it.
In the twenty-first century, despite all the progress of mankind, worms continue to be a serious threat. These parasites spoil the life of not only plants and animals, but also humans.
Scientists say that about 30-35% of the entire human population is infected with worms. And there is not a single lucky person who would not become a “habitation” for at least one helminth in his lifetime.
In the human body, worms do not stand on ceremony: they take away nutrients, provoke malfunctions in the work of internal organs, pollute everything around the products of their vital activity. Not surprisingly, prevention It occupies the minds of many luminaries of science and medicine.
Basic worm-prevention We've known since childhood. We understand: returning from the street to the house, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap, stray animals do not pet, hug, kiss. But we may not even know about many rules. Therefore, we will tell you how to protect yourself from parasite infection.
Prevention of worm infection
Every parent knows how difficult it is. prevention. After all, babies are extremely curious and restless creatures.
They are constantly exploring the world, trying to not only feel unfamiliar things, but also put them in their mouths. Therefore, no matter how carefully the loving mother and father watched the child, Protecting it from worms is almost impossible.
As a prophylaxis, the baby is usually given tablets to get rid of worms, but this option, although the most convenient for parents, is dangerous for the child. All such drugs are usually toxic. Famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky Sees the problem not only in parents, but also in the flawed health care system.
Taking anthelmintic drugs with the wording “just in case” is a disastrous measure. If the child does not complain and everything is fine, then you can not take any medications. If there are complaints, you need to take tests, because different drugs save different types of worms. The problem is that it takes more than one turn to pass these tests.”
The best products for the prevention of worms in children
The best prevention of worms Responsibility for cleanliness of your body and properly cooked food. If you are a careless person who ignores the basic rules of hygiene, worms can not pass. But to become a home for this kind of parasite hardly anyone wants, right?
In addition to helminths, there are other parasites, and those that do not have a physical shell. We recently wrote about the energy parasites that surround us.
How do you do worm prevention? Tell me in the comments.
Photo by depositphotos preview.
Scientists say that about 30-35% of the entire human population is infected with worms. And there is not a single lucky person who would not become a “habitation” for at least one helminth in his lifetime.

In the human body, worms do not stand on ceremony: they take away nutrients, provoke malfunctions in the work of internal organs, pollute everything around the products of their vital activity. Not surprisingly, prevention It occupies the minds of many luminaries of science and medicine.

Basic worm-prevention We've known since childhood. We understand: returning from the street to the house, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap, stray animals do not pet, hug, kiss. But we may not even know about many rules. Therefore, we will tell you how to protect yourself from parasite infection.

Prevention of worm infection
- Fruits and vegetables should not just be washed, but scalded with boiling water. Even if you brought them from your own garden.
- Eliminate raw fish and sushi from the diet. It is widely believed that sea fish are less dangerous than river fish. But it's not. Helminth larvae can live in any fish. However, they do not tolerate low temperature. So put the fish in the freezer, and after a couple of days calmly start cooking.
- Avoid seafood that is served raw to the table. Fortunately, they are sold frozen, which almost eliminates the chances of survival of helminth larvae.
- Be careful about poorly fried meat and steaks with blood. And it does not matter whose meat it is: boar, moose or poultry. Follow all the nuances of the cooking process.
- Raw sausages can also be the abode of parasites, because in the process of preparing these products, not all larvae of worms are destroyed. Therefore, keeping sausage in the freezer will be right.
- Eliminate raw fish and meat from the diet. Eat only in a carefully prepared form - boil well, fry or bake.
- Avoid picnics near livestock farms.
Every parent knows how difficult it is. prevention. After all, babies are extremely curious and restless creatures.

They are constantly exploring the world, trying to not only feel unfamiliar things, but also put them in their mouths. Therefore, no matter how carefully the loving mother and father watched the child, Protecting it from worms is almost impossible.
As a prophylaxis, the baby is usually given tablets to get rid of worms, but this option, although the most convenient for parents, is dangerous for the child. All such drugs are usually toxic. Famous pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky Sees the problem not only in parents, but also in the flawed health care system.

Taking anthelmintic drugs with the wording “just in case” is a disastrous measure. If the child does not complain and everything is fine, then you can not take any medications. If there are complaints, you need to take tests, because different drugs save different types of worms. The problem is that it takes more than one turn to pass these tests.”

The best products for the prevention of worms in children
- Pumpkin seeds. The most effective remedy against helminths, which easily removes parasites from the body. It is better to eat seeds in a slightly fried form.
- Garlic. Another effective tool for the prevention of worms. You can eat it both raw and make tincture. You can grind a couple of cloves of garlic, add milk and honey. Such a mixture will not only kill the parasites, but also quickly remove them from the body.
- Walnuts.. Pour a handful of kernels with boiling water and insist for half an hour. An adult is recommended to drink about 25 ml of tincture, children aged 2 years - about 10 ml.

The best prevention of worms Responsibility for cleanliness of your body and properly cooked food. If you are a careless person who ignores the basic rules of hygiene, worms can not pass. But to become a home for this kind of parasite hardly anyone wants, right?
In addition to helminths, there are other parasites, and those that do not have a physical shell. We recently wrote about the energy parasites that surround us.
How do you do worm prevention? Tell me in the comments.
Photo by depositphotos preview.