4 main types of infestation
The prevalence of various helminth infections among some categories of people are incredibly big:
Moreover, the presence of worms in humans, symptoms do not always occur, if there, is masquerading as other diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder and so the Person can be years to be treated not know the true causes of this malaise, and passed one or more courses of antihelminthic purges, recovers.
In our article we will talk about General and specific signs of hookworms in humans.
How do you get worms? As the worms enter the human body?
There are 4 main source of helminth eggs in the body:
1. Geohelminths — through the ground (and then water), which contains the Mature eggs of many helminth that penetrates the ground in the faeces of man or animals, as well as by direct contact with animals and by transferring eggs of flies on the food.
2. Contact— from person to person transmitted such well-known and the most common intestinal worms like pinworms, this is the highest risk of infection.
3. Bioelements— by eating raw, undercooked or poorly cured meat (pork, beef) or fish infected with helminths (sushi, skewers, dried fish, fat-streaked meat, etc.) Some parasites enter the body through the bites of insects.
4. The basic mechanism of any infection is often the feces, that is, worm eggs, people just swallowed along with food, water, at least some helminth infestation occur through the bites of infected insects.
With rare meat and raw fish is clear, but how can you be infected with worms by contact-household through the soil?
Through the soil
After any contact with earth, sand, you should not just wash hands and thoroughly clean the nails, it is better to have close-cropped fingernails, especially children.
Foods that grow in the ground — vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, mushrooms, everything connected with the earth requires a thorough wash under running water and scalding with boiling water.
Pets, primarily dogs and cats, walking on the street, bring home a mass of filth and children playing with them, are at highest risk of infection, the animal can easily infect all types of worms.
Flies are the main carriers of the worms, while in the public toilets, places where lives of agricultural animals, flies and then quietly sit down for food, carrying eggs on their wings and legs.
From person to person
When pinworm infection, others is easy. When the female pinworm crawls out of the night from the intestines, she lays about 5,000 eggs near the anus that causes severe itching, the child itchy combing the place, altamente their hands, fingernails, panties, bed linen. Not washing your hands at once, on all subjects which it touches are still hundreds of eggs, door knobs, clothes, food, toys. Further, the infection process is clear: in the hands of another child or adult, who enjoys these items also are deposited the eggs, and not washing your hands before eating, they fall into the mouth of a healthy person.
Through the water
A huge number of eggs of worms gets into open water to well water. Therefore, those who live in rural areas or in the country, should be to use antibacterial filter and be sure to boil the water, it is also dangerous to ingest water while swimming in open water.
Everyone knows that worms is mainly the problem of children. First because they are most susceptible to helminth infections, as protective barriers in the child's body is not formed sufficiently, the acidity of the stomach is lower than that of an adult. Secondly kids of preschool age, exploring the world, try all surrounding objects not only hands, but also the taste. And parents, with good intentions, can teach your child to strict compliance with the rules of personal hygiene without reminders, only to 3-6 years, which increases the risk of infection (pinworm) is not only the child but all family members.
Also read: Signs of parasites in the body. Check yourself and your loved ones!
17 the spices to expel parasites from Your body
It should be remembered that no worms are unable to be fruitful and multiply in the human body, each species has its own period of time, after which they die, for example, have pinworms it's only a few weeks, the roundworm for about a year. Delayed adults eggs must exit the body, either with the feces or (in the case of pinworms) on the skin near the anus, into the environment, in soil, and only then, Mature outside the human body and getting into it again, they start to become active and to parasitize. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/m.v.oganyan?w=wall-102262971_19203
- among children pinworms,
- among hunter — trichinosis
- the fishermen and fish lovers — difillobotrioz.

Moreover, the presence of worms in humans, symptoms do not always occur, if there, is masquerading as other diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder and so the Person can be years to be treated not know the true causes of this malaise, and passed one or more courses of antihelminthic purges, recovers.
In our article we will talk about General and specific signs of hookworms in humans.
How do you get worms? As the worms enter the human body?
There are 4 main source of helminth eggs in the body:
1. Geohelminths — through the ground (and then water), which contains the Mature eggs of many helminth that penetrates the ground in the faeces of man or animals, as well as by direct contact with animals and by transferring eggs of flies on the food.
2. Contact— from person to person transmitted such well-known and the most common intestinal worms like pinworms, this is the highest risk of infection.
3. Bioelements— by eating raw, undercooked or poorly cured meat (pork, beef) or fish infected with helminths (sushi, skewers, dried fish, fat-streaked meat, etc.) Some parasites enter the body through the bites of insects.
4. The basic mechanism of any infection is often the feces, that is, worm eggs, people just swallowed along with food, water, at least some helminth infestation occur through the bites of infected insects.
With rare meat and raw fish is clear, but how can you be infected with worms by contact-household through the soil?

Through the soil
After any contact with earth, sand, you should not just wash hands and thoroughly clean the nails, it is better to have close-cropped fingernails, especially children.
Foods that grow in the ground — vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, mushrooms, everything connected with the earth requires a thorough wash under running water and scalding with boiling water.
Pets, primarily dogs and cats, walking on the street, bring home a mass of filth and children playing with them, are at highest risk of infection, the animal can easily infect all types of worms.
Flies are the main carriers of the worms, while in the public toilets, places where lives of agricultural animals, flies and then quietly sit down for food, carrying eggs on their wings and legs.
From person to person
When pinworm infection, others is easy. When the female pinworm crawls out of the night from the intestines, she lays about 5,000 eggs near the anus that causes severe itching, the child itchy combing the place, altamente their hands, fingernails, panties, bed linen. Not washing your hands at once, on all subjects which it touches are still hundreds of eggs, door knobs, clothes, food, toys. Further, the infection process is clear: in the hands of another child or adult, who enjoys these items also are deposited the eggs, and not washing your hands before eating, they fall into the mouth of a healthy person.
Through the water
A huge number of eggs of worms gets into open water to well water. Therefore, those who live in rural areas or in the country, should be to use antibacterial filter and be sure to boil the water, it is also dangerous to ingest water while swimming in open water.

Everyone knows that worms is mainly the problem of children. First because they are most susceptible to helminth infections, as protective barriers in the child's body is not formed sufficiently, the acidity of the stomach is lower than that of an adult. Secondly kids of preschool age, exploring the world, try all surrounding objects not only hands, but also the taste. And parents, with good intentions, can teach your child to strict compliance with the rules of personal hygiene without reminders, only to 3-6 years, which increases the risk of infection (pinworm) is not only the child but all family members.
Also read: Signs of parasites in the body. Check yourself and your loved ones!
17 the spices to expel parasites from Your body
It should be remembered that no worms are unable to be fruitful and multiply in the human body, each species has its own period of time, after which they die, for example, have pinworms it's only a few weeks, the roundworm for about a year. Delayed adults eggs must exit the body, either with the feces or (in the case of pinworms) on the skin near the anus, into the environment, in soil, and only then, Mature outside the human body and getting into it again, they start to become active and to parasitize. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/m.v.oganyan?w=wall-102262971_19203