You should not be afraid of this method! If parasites do not give rest, the professor recommends taking cheap food.
Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is widely known as the author of more than 160 books devoted only to natural methods of rejuvenation and healing of the body. For such invaluable knowledge, the professor has a low bow, and our task is to share knowledge. And did you know that Dr. Neumyvakin devoted most of his works to various people? cleansing From slags, stones and even helminths? We'll talk about the latter.
"Site" will tell How to get rid of parasites in the bodyUsing a penny kitchen appliance and a little patience. Neumyvakin himself recommends!
Folk remedies for parasites Cleansing the body with soda The method is far from new, and has been widely used since ancient times. Modern man widely uses the healing properties of baking soda to combat helminths and other evil spirits. By the way, among the folk methods of combating the attack, cleaning the body with soda is in the first place.
No matter how strange this method may seem. control of parasites by NeumyvakinThe mechanism of action of soda is extremely simple: intestinal helminths live in an acidic environment, and easy alkalizing of the body makes it an unsuitable habitat for ubiquitous parasites.
Well, cleansing the intestines with soda consists of three simple steps, strictly observing which you can easily cleanse the body and get rid of the ill-fated parasites.
Stage 1 - Cleansing enema
Stage 2 - Soda enema
Stage 3 - Repeated cleansing enema
Purification with sodium bicarbonate solutions as a prevention of parasitic invasion should be carried out for 7 days 2 times a year. For better results during rectal treatment can be used soda.
Important! Such a therapeutic procedure is contraindicated in children under 15 years of age, pregnant women, people with diseases of the digestive system, suffering from gastric and duodenal ulcers or diabetes.
This method of combating parasites seems surprising, but you should not be afraid to be treated with soda! As practice shows, the miraculous power of ordinary baking soda is not in doubt. Treat hard, eat right, drink plenty of fluids, and then the ill-fated parasites will leave your body in two counts. Bless you!
Don’t forget to share this recipe with your friends.

"Site" will tell How to get rid of parasites in the bodyUsing a penny kitchen appliance and a little patience. Neumyvakin himself recommends!
Folk remedies for parasites Cleansing the body with soda The method is far from new, and has been widely used since ancient times. Modern man widely uses the healing properties of baking soda to combat helminths and other evil spirits. By the way, among the folk methods of combating the attack, cleaning the body with soda is in the first place.

No matter how strange this method may seem. control of parasites by NeumyvakinThe mechanism of action of soda is extremely simple: intestinal helminths live in an acidic environment, and easy alkalizing of the body makes it an unsuitable habitat for ubiquitous parasites.
Well, cleansing the intestines with soda consists of three simple steps, strictly observing which you can easily cleanse the body and get rid of the ill-fated parasites.
Stage 1 - Cleansing enema
- In 800 ml of boiled water cooled to room temperature, solve 1 tbsp. l. salt. Salt is an excellent antiseptic, qualitatively cleans and rinse the intestinal walls.
- During bowel cleansing, it is better to lie on your side or stand in a knee-elbow position.
- To perform the procedure, use an Esmarch mug or an ordinary heating pad. Fill it with a cleansing mixture and inject the tip of the enema into the anus, previously lubricated with Vaseline.
- After the complete introduction of the liquid, remove the tip and do not make sudden movements.
- Lie on your back and breathe deeply, hold the water for at least 10 minutes, preferably for 20, then go to the toilet.

Stage 2 - Soda enema
- 30 g of baking soda solution in 800 ml of boiled water, having previously cooled it to room temperature.
- According to the above scheme, inject the solution into the intestine and hold for up to 30 minutes.

Stage 3 - Repeated cleansing enema
- The final stage of deworming is carried out by analogy with the first, only 1 tsp of lemon juice should be added to the solution in addition to salt. Hold this solution from 10 to 20 minutes without getting up or making sudden movements.

Purification with sodium bicarbonate solutions as a prevention of parasitic invasion should be carried out for 7 days 2 times a year. For better results during rectal treatment can be used soda.
- On the first day of therapy, drink 0.2 tsp. baking soda 3 times a day, having previously dissolved it in a glass of boiled water.
- From the second to the fourth day of treatment, daily increase the amount of soda in the solution by 0.1 tsp. Thus, on the fourth day of therapy, the concentration of soda will be 0.5 tsp.
- From the fourth to the seventh day, use 0.5 tsp. soda 3 times a day, dissolving it in water.

Important! Such a therapeutic procedure is contraindicated in children under 15 years of age, pregnant women, people with diseases of the digestive system, suffering from gastric and duodenal ulcers or diabetes.

This method of combating parasites seems surprising, but you should not be afraid to be treated with soda! As practice shows, the miraculous power of ordinary baking soda is not in doubt. Treat hard, eat right, drink plenty of fluids, and then the ill-fated parasites will leave your body in two counts. Bless you!
Don’t forget to share this recipe with your friends.
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