What everyone needs to know about the small intestine
Little is said about the small intestine, compared to other organs. Mostly because getting to this organ is not so easy. Meanwhile, this system is extremely important for the work of the whole body and often lies in it the cause of various health problems. In fact, it doesn’t take much effort to normalize it. It's important for everyone to know.
The small intestine belongs to one of the most mysterious organs. Why? Because it's very difficult to investigate. Medicine has very few tools to examine the small intestine. This can only be partially done with the help of radiosonde, which, passing through the intestine, takes pictures of what is happening around.
As for the popular gastroscopy (examination using a probe), then it can examine only the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, and 8 m of the small intestine remain outside the frame.
Colonoscopy The study through the rectum covers only 1.5 large intestines.
Therefore, the greatest information about the state of the small intestine is obtained using a "natural device" - "eye, fingers, ears", paying attention to such indicators as bloating, urchins, pain, and emptying. In particular, diarrhea (liquid emptying) indicates problems in this organ, which "did not cope" with the digestion of food and absorption.
Recently, scientists have talked about the fact that the small intestine belongs not only to the digestive system, but also is an active organ of the endocrine system. During medical research, it was proved that many glands of internal secretion are launched from the small intestine, in this it can be compared with the conductor of an orchestra. It contains certain receptor sites, through which irritation affects the endocrine system. Therefore, extremely important hormonal processes of the body also depend on the state of this organ.
The small intestine has a direct effect on the heart, because it is located very close to this organ.
But distant internal systems also reap the consequences of processes that occur in the small intestine. Because it absorbs the vast majority of the substances that came with food. If they are useful and necessary, then everyone is good because they received high-quality nutrition.
If a person eats semi-finished products, products that contain chemical impurities: stabilizers, flavors, dyes, preservatives, stimulants and the like, then through the small intestine they will be delivered to all other organs.Scientific studies show that a person who often consumes these products, a year eats up to 3 kg of “chemistry”.
Due to the fact that the small intestine is very active, it can be envisaged that these 3 kg of debris enter the bloodstream. Therefore, when buying food, you should carefully study the labels on the package regarding the content and amount of chemicals, many of which are indicated by the letter “E” with numbers. True, they are often written in very small print and even in places of bends of packages. And yet, do not take a few minutes to find this important information and get acquainted with it.
Keeping the small intestine in order will help such a simple and easily accessible tool, fiber.In addition, you need to remember that plant fiber is an exchange sorbent, so it will not only cleanse the small intestine, but also give away vitamins and trace elements that it will suck up, “share” with all other organs.
Fiber performs another very important function. Passing through the small intestine, it gently irritates all its parts, thus toning the hormonal system of the body. Other components of food do not have this effect on the small intestine. Because they are digested in the upper parts of the small intestine and reach the bottom in the form of a porridge, which can no longer mechanically irritate its walls (unlike fiber, which in almost unchanged form passes throughout the intestine).
The small intestine is a kind of thermostat, and therefore ideal conditions for the reproduction of bacteria are created in it. Therefore, it is worth 1-2 new bacteria unfamiliar to your immune system to get through the mouth, and in the small intestine they will begin to develop "to the full program", and through the absorption system their toxins will go to walk throughout the body.
Spices and spices will help to raise the protective barrier of the small intestine, and therefore prevent the occurrence of pathological processes. Good "dense" spices: garlic, onion, ginger root, cinnamon bark, dill fruits, coriander, horseradish, parsley, celery, parsnips and the like.
In order to raise the protective barrier, the method of academician Bolotov can be used: After eating, suck a pinch of salt, putting it on the tongue.
Another important condition for preventing putrefactive pathological processes in the small intestine is appetite. Only then in the stomach will be allocated the right amount of juice for subsequent digestion in the intestine. Brine, like spices, also contribute to the appearance of appetite. To do this, you can use a brine of sauerkraut or salted fresh vegetable juice: fresh cabbage is finely minted, salted, crumpled with your hand to release the juice, and eat to awaken your appetite.
You need to pay attention to another important nuance - the use of meat and other protein dishes (fish, eggs), which more than others cause rotting processes in the small intestine. To avoid this, Protein products should be consumed only when the stomach has a sufficient amount of juices for their digestion, and therefore prepare for subsequent processing in the small intestine.
Another piece of advice - from time to time perform parasitic therapy. At least twice a year - in autumn and spring. The small intestine is the most favorite habitat of helminths, because it contains the most food. For this, pumpkin seeds or phytocomplexes can be used.. For example, such a tool is effective:
prepare a mixture of powdered wormwood, tans and cloves (spice), taken in equal parts. This mixture should be taken before each meal, or at the beginning of a meal for 1/4-1/3 coffee spoon, courses of 5 days with intervals of 3-5 days, only 3-4 courses.
The mixture is very bitter. Those who cannot swallow it because of this, you can make "capsules": stretch the pulp of bread (form several small pancakes), pour the powder of the mixture into the center of each pancake, form several balls, swallow them before eating. To soften the bitterness of the mixture, you can add to the three named plants cinnamon and ginger powder (sold as a seasoning), they also have antiparasitic properties, in addition, contribute to the improvement of intestinal microflora.
With this tool, you can get rid of round and tape worms, and even lamblia, with which it is quite difficult to fight. Meanwhile, it should be remembered that helminths are the cause of a huge list of diseases of almost all organs and systems. Because they strongly toxicize the body with waste of their vital activity, suppress normal microflora, as a result of which pathogenic is activated. In addition, they take proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements from a person.
The health of the small intestine also depends on the state of the spine, in particular the zone of its projection - the lower back and the lower thoracic region. If there, as a result of pinching, innervation is disturbed, then impulses from the small intestine may not reach the endocrine glands, in particular the pancreas, the prostate in men, the ovaries in women, from which these organs will suffer.
In the event of unpleasant sensations in the small intestine (pain, bloating), they can be alleviated with the help of heat effect on the area of this bodyAs a result, local blood circulation will improve, the immune system will be activated. For this purpose, a heating pad is placed on the area of the navel, and small children - a piece of cotton, which is fixed with a bandage or scarf. published
Author: Leap Boris, doctor, herbalist
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
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Source: coralclub-rus.ru/stati/2011-03-20-08-54-21.html
The small intestine belongs to one of the most mysterious organs. Why? Because it's very difficult to investigate. Medicine has very few tools to examine the small intestine. This can only be partially done with the help of radiosonde, which, passing through the intestine, takes pictures of what is happening around.
As for the popular gastroscopy (examination using a probe), then it can examine only the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, and 8 m of the small intestine remain outside the frame.
Colonoscopy The study through the rectum covers only 1.5 large intestines.

Therefore, the greatest information about the state of the small intestine is obtained using a "natural device" - "eye, fingers, ears", paying attention to such indicators as bloating, urchins, pain, and emptying. In particular, diarrhea (liquid emptying) indicates problems in this organ, which "did not cope" with the digestion of food and absorption.
Recently, scientists have talked about the fact that the small intestine belongs not only to the digestive system, but also is an active organ of the endocrine system. During medical research, it was proved that many glands of internal secretion are launched from the small intestine, in this it can be compared with the conductor of an orchestra. It contains certain receptor sites, through which irritation affects the endocrine system. Therefore, extremely important hormonal processes of the body also depend on the state of this organ.
The small intestine has a direct effect on the heart, because it is located very close to this organ.
But distant internal systems also reap the consequences of processes that occur in the small intestine. Because it absorbs the vast majority of the substances that came with food. If they are useful and necessary, then everyone is good because they received high-quality nutrition.
If a person eats semi-finished products, products that contain chemical impurities: stabilizers, flavors, dyes, preservatives, stimulants and the like, then through the small intestine they will be delivered to all other organs.Scientific studies show that a person who often consumes these products, a year eats up to 3 kg of “chemistry”.
Due to the fact that the small intestine is very active, it can be envisaged that these 3 kg of debris enter the bloodstream. Therefore, when buying food, you should carefully study the labels on the package regarding the content and amount of chemicals, many of which are indicated by the letter “E” with numbers. True, they are often written in very small print and even in places of bends of packages. And yet, do not take a few minutes to find this important information and get acquainted with it.
Keeping the small intestine in order will help such a simple and easily accessible tool, fiber.In addition, you need to remember that plant fiber is an exchange sorbent, so it will not only cleanse the small intestine, but also give away vitamins and trace elements that it will suck up, “share” with all other organs.
Fiber performs another very important function. Passing through the small intestine, it gently irritates all its parts, thus toning the hormonal system of the body. Other components of food do not have this effect on the small intestine. Because they are digested in the upper parts of the small intestine and reach the bottom in the form of a porridge, which can no longer mechanically irritate its walls (unlike fiber, which in almost unchanged form passes throughout the intestine).
The small intestine is a kind of thermostat, and therefore ideal conditions for the reproduction of bacteria are created in it. Therefore, it is worth 1-2 new bacteria unfamiliar to your immune system to get through the mouth, and in the small intestine they will begin to develop "to the full program", and through the absorption system their toxins will go to walk throughout the body.
Spices and spices will help to raise the protective barrier of the small intestine, and therefore prevent the occurrence of pathological processes. Good "dense" spices: garlic, onion, ginger root, cinnamon bark, dill fruits, coriander, horseradish, parsley, celery, parsnips and the like.
In order to raise the protective barrier, the method of academician Bolotov can be used: After eating, suck a pinch of salt, putting it on the tongue.
Another important condition for preventing putrefactive pathological processes in the small intestine is appetite. Only then in the stomach will be allocated the right amount of juice for subsequent digestion in the intestine. Brine, like spices, also contribute to the appearance of appetite. To do this, you can use a brine of sauerkraut or salted fresh vegetable juice: fresh cabbage is finely minted, salted, crumpled with your hand to release the juice, and eat to awaken your appetite.
You need to pay attention to another important nuance - the use of meat and other protein dishes (fish, eggs), which more than others cause rotting processes in the small intestine. To avoid this, Protein products should be consumed only when the stomach has a sufficient amount of juices for their digestion, and therefore prepare for subsequent processing in the small intestine.
- If you have an appetite first you should eat meat or fish food, because if you throw something else before that, say a salad, it will absorb some of the juices, and they may not be enough for the digestion of proteins, and therefore they will begin to rot.
- But if there is no appetite, it must first be caused, for example, salted salad of fresh cabbage, which will trigger the mechanism of secretion of hydrochloric acid necessary for the digestion of proteins.
Another piece of advice - from time to time perform parasitic therapy. At least twice a year - in autumn and spring. The small intestine is the most favorite habitat of helminths, because it contains the most food. For this, pumpkin seeds or phytocomplexes can be used.. For example, such a tool is effective:
prepare a mixture of powdered wormwood, tans and cloves (spice), taken in equal parts. This mixture should be taken before each meal, or at the beginning of a meal for 1/4-1/3 coffee spoon, courses of 5 days with intervals of 3-5 days, only 3-4 courses.
The mixture is very bitter. Those who cannot swallow it because of this, you can make "capsules": stretch the pulp of bread (form several small pancakes), pour the powder of the mixture into the center of each pancake, form several balls, swallow them before eating. To soften the bitterness of the mixture, you can add to the three named plants cinnamon and ginger powder (sold as a seasoning), they also have antiparasitic properties, in addition, contribute to the improvement of intestinal microflora.
With this tool, you can get rid of round and tape worms, and even lamblia, with which it is quite difficult to fight. Meanwhile, it should be remembered that helminths are the cause of a huge list of diseases of almost all organs and systems. Because they strongly toxicize the body with waste of their vital activity, suppress normal microflora, as a result of which pathogenic is activated. In addition, they take proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements from a person.
The health of the small intestine also depends on the state of the spine, in particular the zone of its projection - the lower back and the lower thoracic region. If there, as a result of pinching, innervation is disturbed, then impulses from the small intestine may not reach the endocrine glands, in particular the pancreas, the prostate in men, the ovaries in women, from which these organs will suffer.
In the event of unpleasant sensations in the small intestine (pain, bloating), they can be alleviated with the help of heat effect on the area of this bodyAs a result, local blood circulation will improve, the immune system will be activated. For this purpose, a heating pad is placed on the area of the navel, and small children - a piece of cotton, which is fixed with a bandage or scarf. published
Author: Leap Boris, doctor, herbalist
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Join us on Facebook, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: coralclub-rus.ru/stati/2011-03-20-08-54-21.html
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