1. By definition biologists, "meat and indigestible product; the chemical reaction of splitting to the final products lasts 6-8 hours. And writing chemical formulas cleavage takes two student Board".
2. Rapidly decaying product.
Weak hydrochloric acid in the stomach can't handle swallowed a piece of meat, and this piece rots.
3. The fermentation product.
A raw piece of meat in the stomach and the intestine begins to ferment, especially in the presence of bread, cooked on the yeast. Ethyl compounds are produced close to the denatured alcohol. As a result, children from an early age develops a dyskinesia of a biliary tract of the liver and gallbladder.
4. The source of the toxins.
Raw, turned into toxins the meat comes in the intestine (because the intestine is very long — up to 6 times longer than the body), and the toxins go to the liver, kidneys, blood, joints and all cells. This phenomenon — an intestinal endointoxication — I. Metchnikoff believed that the main obstacle to achieve human longevity.
5. The source of chemical warfare agents.
If interrupted the process of digestion of meat, for example, the newly-eaten food, a chemical reaction may stop at an intermediate stage, with the result that enter the bloodstream a chemical intermediate substances splitting, such as purine-Wai, uric acid, creatine, creatinine, carnosine, and other nitrogenous compounds. Chemical warfare agents such as sarin, soman, mustard gas, resulting from the digestion of meat.
6. Source of constipation.
The most common cause of constipation is eating high calorie low volume foods without fiber vegetable (sandwiches). This bad habit leads to the fact that the stool in the bowel produced little and the natural urge to evacuate blunted or absent. People get used to it and I think it is in the order of things, often not even aware that they suffer from a hidden form of constipation. Constipation draped the tongue, the breath becomes fetid, the skin assumes an unhealthy smell. People suffer headaches, dizziness, apathy, drowsiness, a sense of heaviness in the lower abdomen and bloating.
With such complaints I always advise patients: "Make 3 enemas of 2 litres, and you will feel good and will sleep". 40 minutes after the procedure in response to hear: "Incredibly, you're right!"
7. The source of fecal stones.
Constipation leads to stagnation, rotting lumps, the colon stretches, deforms, compresses and displaces from their places other abdominal organs, which are immersed in the fecal bag. The function of these organs is disturbed. The result of developing different types of colitis, hemorrhoids and varicose veins; prolonged exposure to any one section of the bowel-polyps.
In my radiology practice, I saved two patients from the surgery and the diagnosis "colon cancer". Not because I was the best expert in this area radiographically, indeed, were all the signs of a tumor, but I knew about the possibility of simulate tumor fecal stone. Spent patients cleansing the body, then the diagnosis was withdrawn, the women felt well. Traced the follow-up period of 8 and 10 years.
8. The source of pathogens in the intestine.
Like all living creatures, beneficial organisms, microbes need a clean environment. Such a favorable situation in the colon is slightly acidic environment and the presence of dietary fiber. In the large intestine is inhabited 400 — 500 species of bacteria needed by the body. They are involved in the digestive process and is made from dietary fiber (cellulose, pectin, lignin, etc.) a number of important vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and other nutrients. The waste products of the germs have a regulating effect on the autonomic nervous system, creating an immune barrier to pathogens. Rotting stool create an alkaline environment, which promotes the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.
9. The source of methane is the rotting animal protein.
Methane destroys the b vitamins, resulting in reduced immunity, prevented the uncontrolled growth of cells and tissues — is a breakthrough in the system of anti-cancer protection.
10. Source helminthes and protozoa: pinworms, ascarids, porcine, bovine tapeworm, Echinococcus, Giardia.
11. Source of viral diseases.
12. Source of tuberculosis.
13. The source of sand urate, urate kidney stones.
14. The source of the diseases of other organs. It is known that a section of the intestine stimulates certain organs: the place of transition of small intestine to large intestine — the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx; the upward bend of the colon — thyroid gland, liver, gallbladder, kidney; the downward fold of the bronchial tubes, spleen and pancreas; the curves of the sigmoid colon — ovary, bladder, genitals. The small intestine is in close energy partnership with the heart and spine.
15. The source of the putrid poison — it is formed in 2 hours after slaughter.
16. Source of information about the killer of the animal — man.
This information carries each cell of the animal.
17. The source of nitrates.
If the sale of meat treated with nitrates and other chemicals (bright red color), we then eat these toxic substances.
18. Source of harmful drugs.
For "feeding the masses" cattle are fed high doses of chemicals; use tranquilizers, hormones, antibiotics and dozens of different drugs.
19. Can be a source of radioactive substances. In ecologically unfavorable areas, the heaviest elements are deposited in the bones and muscles of animals.
20. Source of carcinogens.
Sausages, especially imported ones, have many different fillers and preservatives that can be carcinogenic. Thermal processing of meat products also contributes to the appearance of carcinogens.
Everyone knows the debate between vegetarians and "meat eaters". Vegetarians claim that without animal foods can and should do. "Meat eaters" claim that only meat has all the essential amino acids to the body, including "irreplaceable".
"Essential" amino acids are those not found in plant foods, and believe that the human body cannot synthesize them. Academician Ugolev with employees through a series of experiments proved that when there is an organ in our body, which are produced by the "essential" amino acids. It is the colon. In the colon the microorganisms along with other nutrients, produce and amino acids including "essential".
Adverse effect on the body have meat soups and broths, as the collagen of connective tissue when heated water passes into a glue gluten (gelatin). The consumption of foods containing large amounts of collagen in the form of gelatin has a negative impact on kidney function, joints. Meat birds with smaller amount of connective tissue.
Olga Eliseeva, "the Practice of purification and recovery"