10 home remedies to cleanse the bowel. Arrange a general cleaning of the body!
From how to work your gut and what he is able to, it depends on the health of the whole body! Admit it: your food is far from ideal. Eating foods that are difficult to digest, fraught with bowel blockage. As a result of the fact that the intestines are accumulated until the end of undigested food debris occurs poisoning toxins. The danger of this is not exaggerated. Diseases of the liver, gall bladder, and many skin diseases arise because of unhealthy condition of the intestine.
The 10 home remedies for bowel cleansing is available and safe. It is important to know that by conducting disease prevention, you do not hurt yourself! Think about your health and now drink a glass of water, continuing to read the article.
1. Water
The first and most effective tool that will save you from the toxins accumulated in the intestine. To drink about 12 glasses of water a day - this amount will be enough to forget about constipation and keep the intestines clean. Water deeply moisturize your body and helps all the systems work together seamlessly.
2. Apple Juice
Natural apple juice - a good assistant to your intestines. Start your day with a cup of juice fasting. Half an hour later drink a glass of water. During the day, drink a few glasses of juice between meals. Wellness and pure gut you provided. Spend a clean apple juice 3-4 times a month, that is enough.
3. Lemon juice
Lemon contains vitamin C and antioxidants, but also this wonderful citrus fruit helps to cleanse the bowel. Juice of one lemon dissolve a sufficient amount of water and drink can - for two times. If you're going to drink diluted lemon juice and even during the day, you will feel an incredible surge of energy and vigor.
4. Vegetable juices
For a thorough bowel cleansing use the vegetable juices. For several days, drinking juice from vegetables between meals, preferring the juice of green vegetables. Very useful carrot juice and beet. Vegetable juices will not only help you clean the intestines, but also to strengthen your health.
5. Fiber
Apples, pears, broccoli, beets, bread from wheat flour, oatmeal, almonds - foods rich in fiber. The more fiber you eat, the healthier your body is, and the easier it is self-cleaning. In the days when you clean the intestines with the help of juice, be sure to watch out for, so that in your menu was enough fiber.
6. Yogurt
Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that improve the bowels. Do you want to have a healthy gut - eat yogurt every day! The best time for eating yogurt - evening.
7. Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain zinc beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Adds seeds to cereal, salads - healthy food is also very tasty.
8. Sea salt
Salt water - the best laxative. Stir 1 tbsp. l. salt in a glass of lukewarm water, drink the morning on an empty stomach. To enhance the cleaning effect, do yourself a gentle massage of the abdomen. Repeat this procedure 5-6 times a month - your gut will thank you.
9. Aloe vera
Squeeze the juice of aloe or grind it in a blender. Drink aloe juice in small portions throughout the day, it means gently cleanse the intestines, thus improving its microflora.
10. Ginger
Ginger is added to tea or just use it in powdered form - it will save you from harmful bacteria in the intestine and accelerate metabolic processes in the body.
Watch your health - it is important that all systems of your body to work properly. Then no dangerous diseases are not afraid of you!
via takprosto cc
The 10 home remedies for bowel cleansing is available and safe. It is important to know that by conducting disease prevention, you do not hurt yourself! Think about your health and now drink a glass of water, continuing to read the article.
1. Water
The first and most effective tool that will save you from the toxins accumulated in the intestine. To drink about 12 glasses of water a day - this amount will be enough to forget about constipation and keep the intestines clean. Water deeply moisturize your body and helps all the systems work together seamlessly.

2. Apple Juice
Natural apple juice - a good assistant to your intestines. Start your day with a cup of juice fasting. Half an hour later drink a glass of water. During the day, drink a few glasses of juice between meals. Wellness and pure gut you provided. Spend a clean apple juice 3-4 times a month, that is enough.

3. Lemon juice
Lemon contains vitamin C and antioxidants, but also this wonderful citrus fruit helps to cleanse the bowel. Juice of one lemon dissolve a sufficient amount of water and drink can - for two times. If you're going to drink diluted lemon juice and even during the day, you will feel an incredible surge of energy and vigor.
4. Vegetable juices
For a thorough bowel cleansing use the vegetable juices. For several days, drinking juice from vegetables between meals, preferring the juice of green vegetables. Very useful carrot juice and beet. Vegetable juices will not only help you clean the intestines, but also to strengthen your health.
5. Fiber
Apples, pears, broccoli, beets, bread from wheat flour, oatmeal, almonds - foods rich in fiber. The more fiber you eat, the healthier your body is, and the easier it is self-cleaning. In the days when you clean the intestines with the help of juice, be sure to watch out for, so that in your menu was enough fiber.
6. Yogurt
Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that improve the bowels. Do you want to have a healthy gut - eat yogurt every day! The best time for eating yogurt - evening.

7. Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds contain zinc beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Adds seeds to cereal, salads - healthy food is also very tasty.
8. Sea salt
Salt water - the best laxative. Stir 1 tbsp. l. salt in a glass of lukewarm water, drink the morning on an empty stomach. To enhance the cleaning effect, do yourself a gentle massage of the abdomen. Repeat this procedure 5-6 times a month - your gut will thank you.
9. Aloe vera
Squeeze the juice of aloe or grind it in a blender. Drink aloe juice in small portions throughout the day, it means gently cleanse the intestines, thus improving its microflora.
10. Ginger
Ginger is added to tea or just use it in powdered form - it will save you from harmful bacteria in the intestine and accelerate metabolic processes in the body.
Watch your health - it is important that all systems of your body to work properly. Then no dangerous diseases are not afraid of you!
via takprosto cc
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