A healthy intestine is the foundation of good health! To look younger than your age and have a beautiful...

What is the foundation of our good health? We can say with absolute certainty that this is gut. Our gut health is too important to underestimate.

Many people understand the importance of the heart, brain, liver, kidneys, pancreas. And the importance of proper bowel function is underestimated. Meanwhile, the cause of almost any of our diseases should be sought precisely in the improper operation of the large intestine.


To feel good and look younger than your age, you must take care of the proper functioning of the intestines. Do you want to have a beautiful body and get rid of digestive problems? These simple rules will help you.

How to normalize the intestines
  1. In the morning, getting out of bed, “wash” and “run” the intestines - drink a glass of plain water. After 15 minutes, drink a cup of herbal or green tea. After 10-15 minutes, have a good breakfast.

  2. Never eat without an appetite. (for example, in case of illness). In this case, the vessels of the intestine are spasmed, and the villi are pressed against the walls of the intestine, which means that it is unable to digest food normally. Also, do not eat if you are irritated or very tired. Stress hormones will not fully digest food.
  3. The process of digestion begins in the mouth, and if we swallow food in pieces, there are problems with digestion. This is especially true of fatty and heavy foods. Therefore, if your time for lunch is running out, choose food that will take less time to digest (yogurt, kefir, fruits).

  4. It is not necessary to do cleansing and enemas. They can be replaced with a simple vegetable salad, which, justifying its name, literally sweeps out all the most harmful from the body! Make this salad every night for a week.

  5. It is necessary to get rid of constipation, because if the intestine is not cleaned, the production of toxic substances begins, which enter the blood, and then spread throughout the body. Therefore, try to eat as much fiber as possible and drink at least two liters of quality water a day.
  6. The intestine will not be able to function normally without beneficial microflora. To restore or maintain its balance, you need to eat live dairy products daily. It is advisable to give preference to natural yogurt, and even better - to prepare it at home.
  7. Any intense movements, especially if the muscles of the abdomen and back are involved in them, strengthen the intestinal peristalsis and help it regularly empty. Particular attention should be paid to the slopes, since stagnation in the area of large lumbar muscles leads to stagnation in the intestine.

During the life of the average person, approximately 100 tons of food and 40,000 liters of fluid pass through the intestine. As a result, it accumulates a lot of toxic substances. There are many ways to cleanse the intestines, but not all of them are good.

“The intestine is the body’s drainage system, but if mishandled, it becomes a source of toxins that spread throughout the body.” – Dr. William Hunter

Today, the simplest and most affordable way of “general cleaning” of the intestines and the body as a whole is considered to be cleansing. Since flax seeds are poorly chewed and often not fully absorbed, it is better to use flour from them for purification. Flax flour is better stirred in kefir.

Three-week course of purification with flax flour and kefir For the preparation of flour, dry flax seeds must be grinded in a coffee grinder, or passed through a meat grinder.

  1. First week
    In a glass with kefir (100 grams), add 1 teaspoon of flax flour, stir. Take it on an empty stomach. Breakfast is better to cancel, and eat something light for half a day.

  2. Second week
    The volume of kefir does not change, but the amount of flour should be doubled.
  3. Third week
    The last week should be used drink with the addition of already 3 teaspoons of flour in the same volume of kefir.

In contrast to the first recipe, a drink of kefir and flax seed flour should be consumed during breakfast.

  1. First week
    As in the previous case, the first week involves dissolving a teaspoon of flax flour in 100 grams of kefir. I've been drinking this drink all week.

  2. Second week
    The volume of kefir remains unchanged, and the volume of flax flour increases by 2 times.
  3. Third week
    The volume of kefir should be increased to 150 grams. Accordingly, the amount of flax flour is brought to the volume of 3-4 teaspoons.
  4. Week four
    Treatment at the final stage is carried out according to the scheme of the third week.

It is important to remember the drinking regime during purification and consume at least two liters of clean water per day. A pleasant bonus will be a smooth and imperceptible weight loss.

"Site" He repeatedly addressed the topic of cleansing the intestines. Our regular readers may remember the article with the advice of an experienced naturopath Marva Ohanyan. “Death comes from the intestine,” says Marva Vagharshakovna, and it literally is!

For good bowel function We need a varied and complete diet. An ideal example of a balanced diet can serve as a Mediterranean diet, active supporters of which are many Hollywood stars. Share a link with friends, help them take the first step on the road to health.


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