Cleansing the body according to Ayurveda
Problems with excess weight not begin in our stomachs and in our way of life when habits are contrary to the laws of nature, the body is not able to cope with this excessive load. He urgently needs help!
Panic fear of obesity makes us eat low fat foods and suffer on the slightest fat, the wrinkles, which we can detect. We forget that adipose tissue is an important source of energy for our body. In addition, it is involved in many metabolic processes: regulation of the immune system, the metabolism of sex hormones, lipoproteins, allocates angiotensin-nogen, which affects the level of arterial pressure, etc. With the fear of getting on the scales, remember that the concept of "overweight" and "obesity" — not synonyms. Obesity indicates excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. While the appearance lepszego weight means that the body weight individual exceeds the physiological norm. The causes of obesity is improper diet with a predominance of canned and refined foods, imbalance of power, chaotic regime, leading to deficiency of nutrients needed for successful fat burning. Instead of starving yourself, balance your diet, move more and, of course, cleanse the body from accumulated in it of toxins.
Determine your constitutional type. Each of us can be connected to all three types of Constitution. But, as a rule, only one is leading. Identify your type and begin to cleanse the body of toxins.
The representatives of this type of thin thin-boned body type. They are quick to think, speak, and move, grasp everything on the fly, but quickly forget. Wool dry (often curly) hair, dry thin skin which is easily damaged, thin nails and eyelashes. Wool does not tolerate the cold. It's hard for her to keep warm. This type of irregular in the diet: can eat ten times a day, and maybe starve.
Body build normosthenic. The nature of the explosive, hot. Exposed to inflammatory reactions, has an intense digestion. Hair blonde or redheads, slim. The body has a lot of moles. Pink skin, prone to redness and overheating. Pitt feels bad in hot weather sweats profusely and often feels the heat. Not stand the thirst, but hunger is just torture.
Cap and prone to corpulence. She's big-boned physique, reduced metabolism, it is slow and likes to sleep. Have Cap s thick shiny hair, large eyes, clean, crisp and cool skin, thick eyelashes. Cap e well in any weather and under any conditions, it is the most balanced type. The nature Cap and calm, reserved, its difficult to disrupt.
To avoid emotional eating, learn to relax and to enjoy life. More positive emotions!
When is the best time to purge?
The widespread belief that any and all methods of cleansing the body good and useful to all, often leads to additional toxins (and even to intensive care). How to choose the best course for yourself and your family?
First of all you should clearly understand that the purification method should be selected individually: with regard to the Constitution (see table below), age, season, and, most important, phase of the moon. On the growing moon all living things, including humans, grows, restores, regenerates and builds. Attempts to clean during this period lead to additional contamination of the body or the exhaustion of his forces. This time you need to use to stimulate the immune system, support the weak bodies and harmonization. But on a waning moon our body itself gets rid of accumulated waste, and you just need to help him.
Rid of toxins
Cleaning procedure offered by many medical centers intended for excretion of water soluble waste products (urine, feces, sweat) which in Ayurveda are called small. Toxins in the Ayurvedic Canon denoted by the word AMA, which corresponds to the medical concept of "hydrophobic metabolites of lipid metabolism". It is the metabolic products that remain in the tissues after the removal of the waste. For the body the only way to prevent toxins to poison themselves to bind hydrophobic metabolites with fatty tissue.
The worse the quality of the food and the lower the intensity of the digestion, the more of this muck is formed, transforming the body into the dumping of toxic waste. Hydrophobic metabolites are not dissolved by water, so by using colon hydrotherapy and other cleansing of water treatments to get rid of them is impossible. For removal from the body of AMA in Ayurvedic Canon there is a special program oil purification. We offer homemade version of this cleansing program. To begin to determine your constitutional type (see table). Take the cleansing in strict accordance with the lunar cycles!
Preparations for the purification
The lunar days. Start the preparatory stage cleaning programme on the first day after the full moon. Duration of training 7 days.
External oiling. This procedure makes Amu mobile and brings it to the lumen of the intestine. Includes massage or self-massage, which should be carried out daily after taking a shower. If you belong to the type of Wool you use a choice of olive, sesame or corn oil with a few drops of essential oils of ylang-ylang geranium or rosewood, Page shown massage with oils of sesame, coconut or sunflower, together with essential oils of Jasmine, rose, palmarosa or lavender. KAPE should use sesame, mustard, linseed or rapeseed oil with added essential oils postici, patchouli and bergamot.
Internal oiling. Enter in the diet of 3-5 tsp of olive oil and clarified butter (ghee) — 1 tsp. for which type of Wool to 2 tbsp for Pitta.
It is important to know! Unrefined oils are cold-pressed to retain maximum nutrients. Add them to the diet!
For cooking ghee get butter, put into a saucepan and nagreva on a slow fire to boil.
During the boiling on the surface of the butter will form a foam it is necessary continually to remove. After about 30-40 minutes the foaming stops, the oil acquires a Golden color and becomes transparent. Strain it through several layers of cheesecloth, let cool at room temperature. Keep in the fridge.
Diet. At the stage of preparation to the purification of refuse heavy food: beef, pork, smoked meats, meat broths, spicy and irritating food, coffee and alcohol. Give preference to vegetable-dairy diet.
Eat regularly, eat at least 3 hours before bedtime.
Water. Drink daily at least 1-1. 5 liters of fluid without sugar (filtered water, mineral water, natural juices, compote), but a one-time amount of fluid should not exceed 120-150 ml, i.e. to observe the principle: drink often, but little by little!
The herbal collection. Three times a day during meals, take the following fitosbora. Take rose hips, calendula flowers and chamomile, corn silk and motherwort. Mix the herbs in equal proportions. 1.5 tsp. collection pour 200 ml boiling water and insist within an hour. Take with food three times a day. Herb will prepare the digestive tract for cleansing.
Spend your "spring cleaning"
The lunar days. The duration of the purification step varies depending on which type of Wool it is 5 days, for Pitta — b and Cap o — week. Is performed on the waning moon.
Diet. Abandon heavy solid food. Give preference to milk and milk products, vegetable soups, boiled much cereal porridges (buckwheat, oats), avoid bread you Can eat poultry, fish, soft cheeses, eggs — but not necessarily crushed, for example in a blender. All food should have the consistency of liquid sour cream.
Purification. For constitutive type Vata cleansing is a preparation of psyllium seed flea (isabgol). For others, a more crude dietary fiber with the addition of flax seeds 1 dessert spoon of fibre, drink 200-300 ml of warm water, juice or compote, insist 30 minutes, carefully blend and drink 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, drinking herbal collection. The use of lightweight chopped food dramatically reduces the activity of digestive fire, and an inert mass dietary fiber serves as a pump that pushes in the intestinal lumen of hydrophobic toxins from adipose tissue.
The herbal collection. Take Valerian, lemon balm, chicory, zhostera ions (elderberry), dill, thyme, viola tricolor and fennel. Mix the herbs in equal proportions. 1.5 tsp. collection pour 200 ml boiling water and insist within an hour Take with a meal three times a day. Herbs promote the excretion of stagnant bile and stimulates the intestinal peristalsis and help eliminate toxins.
The Days Of The Moon. The recovery begins with the early rise of the moon (the first or second day of the lunar month) and lasts five days. The main task of this period is to restore the intensity of digestion and motility of the large intestine after carrying out cleaning procedures.
Healing drinks. To re-kindle the digestive fire, 20-30 minutes before meals, drink lemon water with cardamom or ginger, and tea with ginger and cardamom. To drink you can add honey. Introduce solid foods gradually and moderately.
1 day. You can eat cereal, cottage cheese, drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.
Day 2. You can eat boiled or steamed fish, a variety of seasonal greens, bread.
Day 3. Add to your menu egg soft-boiled or steam omelets.
Day 4. Diversify food soft cheeses, stews, boiled or steamed vegetables with rice, pasta (not potato!).
Day 5. Enter in the diet of poultry meat in the form of meatballs or meatballs. Starting from the 6th day you can eat the way I used to But still try to exclude from the diet foods that contribute to the accumulation of toxins (primarily containing chemical additives).
In addition to deep cleansing of the body, this program helps to get rid of two to seven pounds of excess weight and toxic waste!
It is important to know! Products containing chemical additives that contribute to weight gain. Choose natural!
Source: /users/1077
Panic fear of obesity makes us eat low fat foods and suffer on the slightest fat, the wrinkles, which we can detect. We forget that adipose tissue is an important source of energy for our body. In addition, it is involved in many metabolic processes: regulation of the immune system, the metabolism of sex hormones, lipoproteins, allocates angiotensin-nogen, which affects the level of arterial pressure, etc. With the fear of getting on the scales, remember that the concept of "overweight" and "obesity" — not synonyms. Obesity indicates excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health. While the appearance lepszego weight means that the body weight individual exceeds the physiological norm. The causes of obesity is improper diet with a predominance of canned and refined foods, imbalance of power, chaotic regime, leading to deficiency of nutrients needed for successful fat burning. Instead of starving yourself, balance your diet, move more and, of course, cleanse the body from accumulated in it of toxins.

Determine your constitutional type. Each of us can be connected to all three types of Constitution. But, as a rule, only one is leading. Identify your type and begin to cleanse the body of toxins.
The representatives of this type of thin thin-boned body type. They are quick to think, speak, and move, grasp everything on the fly, but quickly forget. Wool dry (often curly) hair, dry thin skin which is easily damaged, thin nails and eyelashes. Wool does not tolerate the cold. It's hard for her to keep warm. This type of irregular in the diet: can eat ten times a day, and maybe starve.
Body build normosthenic. The nature of the explosive, hot. Exposed to inflammatory reactions, has an intense digestion. Hair blonde or redheads, slim. The body has a lot of moles. Pink skin, prone to redness and overheating. Pitt feels bad in hot weather sweats profusely and often feels the heat. Not stand the thirst, but hunger is just torture.
Cap and prone to corpulence. She's big-boned physique, reduced metabolism, it is slow and likes to sleep. Have Cap s thick shiny hair, large eyes, clean, crisp and cool skin, thick eyelashes. Cap e well in any weather and under any conditions, it is the most balanced type. The nature Cap and calm, reserved, its difficult to disrupt.
To avoid emotional eating, learn to relax and to enjoy life. More positive emotions!
When is the best time to purge?
The widespread belief that any and all methods of cleansing the body good and useful to all, often leads to additional toxins (and even to intensive care). How to choose the best course for yourself and your family?
First of all you should clearly understand that the purification method should be selected individually: with regard to the Constitution (see table below), age, season, and, most important, phase of the moon. On the growing moon all living things, including humans, grows, restores, regenerates and builds. Attempts to clean during this period lead to additional contamination of the body or the exhaustion of his forces. This time you need to use to stimulate the immune system, support the weak bodies and harmonization. But on a waning moon our body itself gets rid of accumulated waste, and you just need to help him.
Rid of toxins
Cleaning procedure offered by many medical centers intended for excretion of water soluble waste products (urine, feces, sweat) which in Ayurveda are called small. Toxins in the Ayurvedic Canon denoted by the word AMA, which corresponds to the medical concept of "hydrophobic metabolites of lipid metabolism". It is the metabolic products that remain in the tissues after the removal of the waste. For the body the only way to prevent toxins to poison themselves to bind hydrophobic metabolites with fatty tissue.
The worse the quality of the food and the lower the intensity of the digestion, the more of this muck is formed, transforming the body into the dumping of toxic waste. Hydrophobic metabolites are not dissolved by water, so by using colon hydrotherapy and other cleansing of water treatments to get rid of them is impossible. For removal from the body of AMA in Ayurvedic Canon there is a special program oil purification. We offer homemade version of this cleansing program. To begin to determine your constitutional type (see table). Take the cleansing in strict accordance with the lunar cycles!
Preparations for the purification
The lunar days. Start the preparatory stage cleaning programme on the first day after the full moon. Duration of training 7 days.
External oiling. This procedure makes Amu mobile and brings it to the lumen of the intestine. Includes massage or self-massage, which should be carried out daily after taking a shower. If you belong to the type of Wool you use a choice of olive, sesame or corn oil with a few drops of essential oils of ylang-ylang geranium or rosewood, Page shown massage with oils of sesame, coconut or sunflower, together with essential oils of Jasmine, rose, palmarosa or lavender. KAPE should use sesame, mustard, linseed or rapeseed oil with added essential oils postici, patchouli and bergamot.
Internal oiling. Enter in the diet of 3-5 tsp of olive oil and clarified butter (ghee) — 1 tsp. for which type of Wool to 2 tbsp for Pitta.
It is important to know! Unrefined oils are cold-pressed to retain maximum nutrients. Add them to the diet!
For cooking ghee get butter, put into a saucepan and nagreva on a slow fire to boil.
During the boiling on the surface of the butter will form a foam it is necessary continually to remove. After about 30-40 minutes the foaming stops, the oil acquires a Golden color and becomes transparent. Strain it through several layers of cheesecloth, let cool at room temperature. Keep in the fridge.
Diet. At the stage of preparation to the purification of refuse heavy food: beef, pork, smoked meats, meat broths, spicy and irritating food, coffee and alcohol. Give preference to vegetable-dairy diet.
Eat regularly, eat at least 3 hours before bedtime.
Water. Drink daily at least 1-1. 5 liters of fluid without sugar (filtered water, mineral water, natural juices, compote), but a one-time amount of fluid should not exceed 120-150 ml, i.e. to observe the principle: drink often, but little by little!
The herbal collection. Three times a day during meals, take the following fitosbora. Take rose hips, calendula flowers and chamomile, corn silk and motherwort. Mix the herbs in equal proportions. 1.5 tsp. collection pour 200 ml boiling water and insist within an hour. Take with food three times a day. Herb will prepare the digestive tract for cleansing.
Spend your "spring cleaning"
The lunar days. The duration of the purification step varies depending on which type of Wool it is 5 days, for Pitta — b and Cap o — week. Is performed on the waning moon.
Diet. Abandon heavy solid food. Give preference to milk and milk products, vegetable soups, boiled much cereal porridges (buckwheat, oats), avoid bread you Can eat poultry, fish, soft cheeses, eggs — but not necessarily crushed, for example in a blender. All food should have the consistency of liquid sour cream.
Purification. For constitutive type Vata cleansing is a preparation of psyllium seed flea (isabgol). For others, a more crude dietary fiber with the addition of flax seeds 1 dessert spoon of fibre, drink 200-300 ml of warm water, juice or compote, insist 30 minutes, carefully blend and drink 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals, drinking herbal collection. The use of lightweight chopped food dramatically reduces the activity of digestive fire, and an inert mass dietary fiber serves as a pump that pushes in the intestinal lumen of hydrophobic toxins from adipose tissue.
The herbal collection. Take Valerian, lemon balm, chicory, zhostera ions (elderberry), dill, thyme, viola tricolor and fennel. Mix the herbs in equal proportions. 1.5 tsp. collection pour 200 ml boiling water and insist within an hour Take with a meal three times a day. Herbs promote the excretion of stagnant bile and stimulates the intestinal peristalsis and help eliminate toxins.
The Days Of The Moon. The recovery begins with the early rise of the moon (the first or second day of the lunar month) and lasts five days. The main task of this period is to restore the intensity of digestion and motility of the large intestine after carrying out cleaning procedures.
Healing drinks. To re-kindle the digestive fire, 20-30 minutes before meals, drink lemon water with cardamom or ginger, and tea with ginger and cardamom. To drink you can add honey. Introduce solid foods gradually and moderately.
1 day. You can eat cereal, cottage cheese, drink freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices.
Day 2. You can eat boiled or steamed fish, a variety of seasonal greens, bread.
Day 3. Add to your menu egg soft-boiled or steam omelets.
Day 4. Diversify food soft cheeses, stews, boiled or steamed vegetables with rice, pasta (not potato!).
Day 5. Enter in the diet of poultry meat in the form of meatballs or meatballs. Starting from the 6th day you can eat the way I used to But still try to exclude from the diet foods that contribute to the accumulation of toxins (primarily containing chemical additives).
In addition to deep cleansing of the body, this program helps to get rid of two to seven pounds of excess weight and toxic waste!
It is important to know! Products containing chemical additives that contribute to weight gain. Choose natural!
Source: /users/1077
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