Effective method of cleansing the whole body
Do you want to be a healthy person? Be it!
Cleansing of the whole organism
How often do people think about cleanliness and order in their inner world? I'm talking about our body, our inner universe. The same thing is happening in the world around us: wars between cells and micro-parasites that seek to take over us. Capture and rule, subjugating the human mind, depriving it of memory, infiltrating the DNA, sowing many diseases. As a result, the internal environment of the body is disturbed in the bodies of people: the intestine is overflowing with toxins, poisons (the products of the decay of parasites) and we get what we get.
Intestinal stagnation
The constant intake of toxins with food leads to their accumulation in the intestine, especially the villi of the small intestine. Slags constantly cover the area of the small intestine and do not allow the villi to perform the suction function. Moreover, the accumulated slag is constantly absorbed, which leads to autoimmune reactions from the organs and leads to allergic diseases, rashes on the skin.
Liver and kidney stagnation
With constant accumulation, metabolic products settle in the body in the form of toxins in the liver and kidneys, which leads to a violation of the filtration function: the bile ducts are clogged, bile is poorly excreted; the detoxification function of the liver is disturbed. The filtration function of the kidneys deteriorates, the ducts are clogged with slag. There are states of formation of sand and stones.
Receptacle closure
With a large intake of toxins in the body, they settle in the vessels, narrowing their lumen. This disrupts the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to tissues, especially through the smallest vessels. Also, toxins accumulate in the body at the level of tissues, in the intercellular space (mcp), which significantly limits cells in nutrients. In this state, the cells suffocate in their own “waste”, the vessels are squeezed, the fat cells are crowded, the lymph outflow is disturbed, cellulite occurs and all subsequent stages of external manifestations on the skin: “orange peel”, bumps, pain, etc.
The intercellular space, the lymphatic ducts are clogged due to a violation of the intestinal microflora, to which intestinal bloating, flatulence, dyspepsia are added. The general condition is disturbed: headaches, malaise, deterioration of sleep, irritability, etc.
It is never too late to cleanse and heal yourself at the cellular level. All you need is desire and patience.
There are many methods to cleanse the body, I share one of them.
Step 1 - Intestinal cleaning
To cleanse the large intestine, you can use the following method: mix 2 liters of warm boiled water 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Lemon juice can be replaced with table vinegar or juice of any sour fruit. Adding acid to water helps maintain the acid-base balance in the intestine. So, the resulting solution should be used for cleansing enemas. How to do enemas, I think there is no point in saying. It is best to do cleansing enemas a couple of hours before bedtime. They should be done daily during the first week. The second week of enema should be done every other day. The third week - in two days, the fourth - every three days, on the fifth week, an enema should be done once. The course of cleansing enemas is recommended to be carried out 1-2 times a year, it all depends on the level of slagging of the body.
Soda enemas
The most effective therapeutic result in the formulation of enemas for the treatment of parasites, based on our practice, is achieved by the use of soda enemas. As a therapeutic agent, an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate is used, which is administered rectally using an enema. To do this, 20-30 g (1 tablespoon with top) Drinking soda is dissolved in 800 ml of water when heated and bring the temperature of the solution to t = 38 - 42 ° C. Before introducing the drug into the rectum, the patient is given a cleansing 2-liter enema t = 20-22 ° C in order to cleanse the intestines and create conditions for the unimpeded introduction of the therapeutic solution and better penetration into the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Then a solution of drinking soda is introduced into the rectum using an enema and detained in the intestine for 30 minutes. After emptying the intestine, a cleansing 2-liter enema t = 20 ° - 22 ° C is re-established. The described treatment procedures are performed every other day, for a course of treatment of 8-10 procedures, depending on the degree of invasion.
The effect of expulsion of parasites will be enhanced if before taking anthelmintic drugs for 2-3 days to fast on juices and herbal decoctions. It is very important before that for one to two weeks to follow a vegetarian diet, do not eat fat.
How often should antiparasitic procedures be performed? It is best to do this twice a year. Particular attention should be paid to the consumption of anthelmintic plants on the days of the full moon and new moon, when parasites are activated and begin the process of reproduction. In general, you need to monitor the state of your body and begin treatment as soon as there are feelings of malaise and weakness, which may indicate the activation of pathogenic microflora, viruses and helminths. It should be continued, in fact, throughout life.
Step 2 – Fighting foreign microorganisms They undoubtedly aggravate our diseases, parasitizing in the gastrointestinal tract. For one to two weeks in the morning on an empty stomach without bread, eat a tooth of garlic an hour before breakfast and another two hours after dinner. Garlic is shown to everyone. It is the only product that contains germanium needed to strengthen valves and joints. If after consuming garlic you experience discomfort, then you have a weakened valve system. But garlic should be eaten!
Drug therapy
NEMOZOL (Albendazole) is effective against most intestinal nematodoses, as well as larval (larval forms) cestodoses. Perhaps, today there is not a single antiparasitic drug with such a wide spectrum of action.
Albendazole is absorbed for a long time (9.4 hours). The retention time of the drug in the body is 17.3 hours. In the experiment, the effectiveness of Albendazole was established against most intestinal and tissue nematodes and tissue cestodes. The therapeutic doses of the drug were much lower than the toxic doses. This made it possible to recommend it for practical application. Numerous clinical trials have confirmed the high efficacy and good tolerability of Albendazole.
It should be remembered that before the appointment of Albendazole, as well as any other anthelmintic drug, you should carefully clean the room, wash children's toys, take a shower before bedtime and after sleep and change your underwear. Bed linen is advisable in the days of treatment and several days after taking the drug to iron with a hot iron.
Ascariasis. The effectiveness is 95-100%.
Trichocephalosis. The efficiency is 90%. In rare cases, a second course of treatment is required.
Enterobiosis. - The efficiency is 100%.
Strongyloidosis (intestinal acne). Treating strongyloidosis is a difficult task. With the advent of Albendazole, the situation has changed. The effectiveness of the drug for the treatment of strongiloidosis. Efficiency is 91-100%
Preparation and diet for the appointment of Albendazole is not required. The drug is prescribed in a dose of 10 mg / kg of body weight once for 3 days. After a week, it is recommended to conduct a second cycle of treatment in the same doses.
Ankylostomidosis (curve head). With one-day treatment, the effectiveness is 85%, and when the course is prolonged to 2-3 days, it increases.
It should be remembered that even in the case of a good effect of treatment, complete regression of clinical symptoms may not occur due to the formed persistent structural changes in brain tissue. Practice shows that Albendazole is a highly effective antiparasitic drug of multivalent action. They can treat most existing helminthiases.
It is necessary after treatment with medications, quickly remove the side effects of these drugs, and helminths, dying, decompose and poison the body with toxins. The easiest and most effective way is to take sorbents, for example - Polysorba.
Polysorb MP is taken orally only in the form of an aqueous suspension! To obtain a suspension, the required amount of the drug is thoroughly stirred in 1/2 cup of water. It is recommended to prepare a fresh suspension before each dose of the drug and drink it 1 hour before meals or taking other medications. One teaspoon of Polysorba MP "with top" contains 1 g of the drug, 1 table "with top" 2.5 - 3 g. Polysorb is applied in 1 tablespoon, thoroughly stirred in 1/2 cup, three times a day 1 hour before meals.
Take for 3-5 days. After that, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines and liver, this is achieved by taking castor oil. The use of such a drug as castor oil has long been known as a good laxative. This method of cleansing the intestines and liver does not lead to unpleasant sensations during bowel movements, which distinguishes it from other laxatives, but also does not allow you to plan your working day, since during the day at any time there may be a urge to empty. Oil dose 1 gram per 1 kg weight. published
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption, we change the world together! © Join us on Facebook , VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/topic-66683693_29738799
Cleansing of the whole organism
How often do people think about cleanliness and order in their inner world? I'm talking about our body, our inner universe. The same thing is happening in the world around us: wars between cells and micro-parasites that seek to take over us. Capture and rule, subjugating the human mind, depriving it of memory, infiltrating the DNA, sowing many diseases. As a result, the internal environment of the body is disturbed in the bodies of people: the intestine is overflowing with toxins, poisons (the products of the decay of parasites) and we get what we get.

Intestinal stagnation
The constant intake of toxins with food leads to their accumulation in the intestine, especially the villi of the small intestine. Slags constantly cover the area of the small intestine and do not allow the villi to perform the suction function. Moreover, the accumulated slag is constantly absorbed, which leads to autoimmune reactions from the organs and leads to allergic diseases, rashes on the skin.
Liver and kidney stagnation
With constant accumulation, metabolic products settle in the body in the form of toxins in the liver and kidneys, which leads to a violation of the filtration function: the bile ducts are clogged, bile is poorly excreted; the detoxification function of the liver is disturbed. The filtration function of the kidneys deteriorates, the ducts are clogged with slag. There are states of formation of sand and stones.
Receptacle closure
With a large intake of toxins in the body, they settle in the vessels, narrowing their lumen. This disrupts the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to tissues, especially through the smallest vessels. Also, toxins accumulate in the body at the level of tissues, in the intercellular space (mcp), which significantly limits cells in nutrients. In this state, the cells suffocate in their own “waste”, the vessels are squeezed, the fat cells are crowded, the lymph outflow is disturbed, cellulite occurs and all subsequent stages of external manifestations on the skin: “orange peel”, bumps, pain, etc.
The intercellular space, the lymphatic ducts are clogged due to a violation of the intestinal microflora, to which intestinal bloating, flatulence, dyspepsia are added. The general condition is disturbed: headaches, malaise, deterioration of sleep, irritability, etc.
It is never too late to cleanse and heal yourself at the cellular level. All you need is desire and patience.
There are many methods to cleanse the body, I share one of them.
Step 1 - Intestinal cleaning
To cleanse the large intestine, you can use the following method: mix 2 liters of warm boiled water 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Lemon juice can be replaced with table vinegar or juice of any sour fruit. Adding acid to water helps maintain the acid-base balance in the intestine. So, the resulting solution should be used for cleansing enemas. How to do enemas, I think there is no point in saying. It is best to do cleansing enemas a couple of hours before bedtime. They should be done daily during the first week. The second week of enema should be done every other day. The third week - in two days, the fourth - every three days, on the fifth week, an enema should be done once. The course of cleansing enemas is recommended to be carried out 1-2 times a year, it all depends on the level of slagging of the body.
Soda enemas
The most effective therapeutic result in the formulation of enemas for the treatment of parasites, based on our practice, is achieved by the use of soda enemas. As a therapeutic agent, an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate is used, which is administered rectally using an enema. To do this, 20-30 g (1 tablespoon with top) Drinking soda is dissolved in 800 ml of water when heated and bring the temperature of the solution to t = 38 - 42 ° C. Before introducing the drug into the rectum, the patient is given a cleansing 2-liter enema t = 20-22 ° C in order to cleanse the intestines and create conditions for the unimpeded introduction of the therapeutic solution and better penetration into the lower parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Then a solution of drinking soda is introduced into the rectum using an enema and detained in the intestine for 30 minutes. After emptying the intestine, a cleansing 2-liter enema t = 20 ° - 22 ° C is re-established. The described treatment procedures are performed every other day, for a course of treatment of 8-10 procedures, depending on the degree of invasion.
The effect of expulsion of parasites will be enhanced if before taking anthelmintic drugs for 2-3 days to fast on juices and herbal decoctions. It is very important before that for one to two weeks to follow a vegetarian diet, do not eat fat.
How often should antiparasitic procedures be performed? It is best to do this twice a year. Particular attention should be paid to the consumption of anthelmintic plants on the days of the full moon and new moon, when parasites are activated and begin the process of reproduction. In general, you need to monitor the state of your body and begin treatment as soon as there are feelings of malaise and weakness, which may indicate the activation of pathogenic microflora, viruses and helminths. It should be continued, in fact, throughout life.
Step 2 – Fighting foreign microorganisms They undoubtedly aggravate our diseases, parasitizing in the gastrointestinal tract. For one to two weeks in the morning on an empty stomach without bread, eat a tooth of garlic an hour before breakfast and another two hours after dinner. Garlic is shown to everyone. It is the only product that contains germanium needed to strengthen valves and joints. If after consuming garlic you experience discomfort, then you have a weakened valve system. But garlic should be eaten!
Drug therapy
NEMOZOL (Albendazole) is effective against most intestinal nematodoses, as well as larval (larval forms) cestodoses. Perhaps, today there is not a single antiparasitic drug with such a wide spectrum of action.
Albendazole is absorbed for a long time (9.4 hours). The retention time of the drug in the body is 17.3 hours. In the experiment, the effectiveness of Albendazole was established against most intestinal and tissue nematodes and tissue cestodes. The therapeutic doses of the drug were much lower than the toxic doses. This made it possible to recommend it for practical application. Numerous clinical trials have confirmed the high efficacy and good tolerability of Albendazole.
It should be remembered that before the appointment of Albendazole, as well as any other anthelmintic drug, you should carefully clean the room, wash children's toys, take a shower before bedtime and after sleep and change your underwear. Bed linen is advisable in the days of treatment and several days after taking the drug to iron with a hot iron.
Ascariasis. The effectiveness is 95-100%.
Trichocephalosis. The efficiency is 90%. In rare cases, a second course of treatment is required.
Enterobiosis. - The efficiency is 100%.
Strongyloidosis (intestinal acne). Treating strongyloidosis is a difficult task. With the advent of Albendazole, the situation has changed. The effectiveness of the drug for the treatment of strongiloidosis. Efficiency is 91-100%
Preparation and diet for the appointment of Albendazole is not required. The drug is prescribed in a dose of 10 mg / kg of body weight once for 3 days. After a week, it is recommended to conduct a second cycle of treatment in the same doses.
Ankylostomidosis (curve head). With one-day treatment, the effectiveness is 85%, and when the course is prolonged to 2-3 days, it increases.
It should be remembered that even in the case of a good effect of treatment, complete regression of clinical symptoms may not occur due to the formed persistent structural changes in brain tissue. Practice shows that Albendazole is a highly effective antiparasitic drug of multivalent action. They can treat most existing helminthiases.
It is necessary after treatment with medications, quickly remove the side effects of these drugs, and helminths, dying, decompose and poison the body with toxins. The easiest and most effective way is to take sorbents, for example - Polysorba.
Polysorb MP is taken orally only in the form of an aqueous suspension! To obtain a suspension, the required amount of the drug is thoroughly stirred in 1/2 cup of water. It is recommended to prepare a fresh suspension before each dose of the drug and drink it 1 hour before meals or taking other medications. One teaspoon of Polysorba MP "with top" contains 1 g of the drug, 1 table "with top" 2.5 - 3 g. Polysorb is applied in 1 tablespoon, thoroughly stirred in 1/2 cup, three times a day 1 hour before meals.
Take for 3-5 days. After that, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines and liver, this is achieved by taking castor oil. The use of such a drug as castor oil has long been known as a good laxative. This method of cleansing the intestines and liver does not lead to unpleasant sensations during bowel movements, which distinguishes it from other laxatives, but also does not allow you to plan your working day, since during the day at any time there may be a urge to empty. Oil dose 1 gram per 1 kg weight. published
P.S. And remember, just by changing our consumption, we change the world together! © Join us on Facebook , VKontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: vk.com/topic-66683693_29738799
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